Children of the Egyxos Fairy

By tarlizarli

1.1K 29 23

This story follows the children of Cleo named June and Steven, as they discover that all they need to be is t... More

Cleo and Anubi come to realize June's power
June is curious about her parents past
Mother and Daughter are opposites
Steven has made a new friend
What is June doing? Pt. 1
What is June doing? Pt. 2
The side-effects of the staff
Steven and Amanda have a Playdate
A Close Encounter
Stella learns to dance
A discussion between friends
Things change
Meeting the dragons
Training the Egyxos children
Trapped in a Cave
A Challenge Accepted!
Has June been saved?
A Mother and Daughter Day
A bright future awaits!

What has happened to June?

87 1 2
By tarlizarli

Cleo: Really?

Ramses: And it seems as if the pirates have done their damage.

Cleo: No arguments here. So . . . what's the plan?

Unknown: How about coming with me instead?

The group turns the see the pirate leader, Sobek. The reptilian was sight to see and Cleo wasn't prepared for his surprise entrance. In fact, how did he find the group if were hidden from the sight of him and his pirates?

Sobek: I see a newcomer to the world of Egyxos. How long have you been in Egyxos, fairy?

Cleo: Not long enough apparently. I have never seen such an ugly face in all my life. The crocodiles back on earth look way better than you, and that's saying something.

Hyksos, Ramses and Kefer manage to let out a small chuckle, before they get swords held to their necks.

Sobek: To the dungeon with those three, the fairy and princess are mine.

'What is he going to do with me?' Cleo's inner voice spoke

~ ~ ~

June: What's going on out here, Ra?

Ra: Leo got a message from your mother and he has left with your father, along with Horus, Exaton, Seth and Neith.

June: Why can't I go?

Ra: Your mother says you still need training, and who am I to argue with her choices. Your mother is stubborn, I'll tell you that much. I have never met anyone who stuck to their original choice like your mother.

June: Mother, mother, mother. It's always about mother. Why do others always listen to my mother and not me? I'm just as special as she is. I have been training with Apis since I was 6, and he's given me all the training needed to become a warrior. Why can't I go out on missions yet?

Steven: Things aren't always easy, June. If mother had requested you to go out and help, she would said so.

June: How can you stand being here and not doing anything? You're always getting compliments from mother, so why don't I get any?

Steven: I . . . I don't know

June storms out the room in a huff, with Steven and Ra sharing a look of concern toward June and what she may do.

June: If mother doesn't recognise me for who I am now, she'll soon have to recognise me when I do something that she is really against.

Unknown: Just say the word and my power shall be yours to command

June: . . . Fine. Give me the powers of enemies past and take me to the Dark Pyramid.

Unknown: As you wish

~ ~ ~

Cleo: I thought the work would never end.

Stella: It's because all of you helped me to restore my kingdom and with everyone working together, we got the kingdom back on its feet.

Leo: If it wasn't for you Stella, we wouldn't have Sobek and his pirates locked away.

Kefer: Let's hope it's for good this time.

Stella: What can repay you with? For helping my kingdom that is.

No one dared say a word, as they had to think over what Stella had asked of them. That is . . . until Kefer had an idea that may benefit the Golden City and Stella's kingdom.

Kefer: How about an alliance between our two kingdoms? I'm sure my father would like to know of this arrangement if you want to agree.

Stella: I'd love too

Kefer gave Cleo a signal to translate what Stella had said for him.

Cleo: She'd love too, Kefer

Kefer: Thank-you, Stella

Exaton: I think it's time that we head home, I'm tired

Anubi: No arguments here

Cleo: Same

When they arrived home at the Grand Pyramid, Cleo had asked Steven where June was. He told her that she had stormed out of the room after having an argument about something, and she hadn't been back for a while.

~ ~ ~

June, now changed into something else, stormed the Grand Pyramid and attacked her mother. Her mother had just missed the attack, and was shocked to see her mother dodged the attack.

June: Why must you be perfect at everything? Why won't you let me go on missions with you?

Cleo: I'm not perfect at everything, June. You still need training mentally and emotionally. You can't just do physical training and call that enough.

June: So you're calling me unstable!?

Cleo: I'm saying you're not ready for fighting yet. You're a 13 year old child and you can't claim that you're mature, just because of your age . . . Fairy of Egyxos!

June: Just perfect, always the goddess everyone loves so much.

Cleo: I'm not claiming to be anyone, June! Everyone here sees me for who I am, the real me. You have put me onto a pedestal and can't see the real person underneath.

June: I can't hear you! I can't hear you!

Cleo: . . . Healing of the Southern Cross!

June dodged the attack launched by her mother, which left her speechless. June set an attack upon her mother, and the intended target had managed to avoid it with minor scrapes. What June didn't realise when battling with her mother, was that her brother had silently made his way behind her and attacked from behind, knocking her down.

June: What's the problem with you, Steven? I thought you would have understood me.

Steven: I was never on your side, June. I will always be loyal to Ra, and that's final.

Ra: June, you are hereby banished from the Golden City and are never to return.

June: Be like that then. I don't need you! I don't need anyone!

June stormed out of the Pyramid in a fit of rage and on her way to the Dark Pyramid, she conjured some sand fighters and took them with her.

~ ~ ~

Cleo was left in the Grand Pyramid, with a feeling that her heart had been torn into pieces. Cleo didn't like to fight with family, and she knew that this one wasn't going to end well. When June left, her sobbing and wailing started to ring out throughout the whole pyramid. Iside comforted Cleo and she didn't push her away.

Iside: You'll get her back, Cleo. You'll get her back.

Anubi: All of us will

Cleo calmed down at Iside and Anubi's words, though you could still hear faint sobbing coming from the girl. Anubi placed a hand on her shoulder and she hugged him around his mid-section. Anubi helped her to stand up and hug, then Steven joined in the hug with them.

~ ~ ~

After discussing things over with Kay and trying with my kids, we came to an agreement that Cleo, Anubi and Steven will be allowed to stay in the guest bedrooms on the lower levels of our house before they could move in to their new house.

After getting a few of their things organised, Cleo started looking for a job.

Leo: What happened to your internet job?

Cleo: Crash and burned, so I'm looking for alternatives

Leo: Do you want me to get you a job at the museum? The supervisors seem to like me enough.

Cleo: Do you think so? That'd be great.

Leo: Sure thing

~ ~ ~

Through Leo's referral to the higher ups that he works with, he got me a job at the museum as a tour guide. Leo was a security worker at the museum, and often saw him when I was to help assist one of the other tour guides named Joanne. Joanne was a friendly women and took charge when leading people through the tour.

Joanne: Thanks for coming today, everyone. If there are any exhibits here that you found interesting or are fascinated by, please take a look around at your own leisure.

The group dispersed and it was just Joanne and I.

Joanne: Thanks for accompanying me today, Cleo. You seem to know your way around the place. Are you sure that you haven't been here before?

Cleo: Not in years. Last I was here, I had escaped a potential kidnapping.

Joanne: You don't appear to be traumatised by the event, what's the deal with that?

Cleo: It was more of an attacking than anything else. I'm glad that my father had let me take self-defence classes when I was younger.

'It's not a total lie'

Joanne: What's with the bracelet you're wearing? How can it fit that many stones?

Cleo: The bracelet's a family heirloom that my father gave me when I was seventeen, and the stones he gave to me a week later.

Joanne: You seem to know the security guard, Leo, very well. How do you two know each other?

Cleo: We bumped into each other on the street and near an alleyway, about . . . eighteen years ago

Joanne: how old were the both of you?

Cleo: I was seventeen and he was twelve-ish years old

'Why is she so nosy?'

~ ~ ~

I was contemplating the next few steps in my plan, when smoky suggested I attack my mother's home town, which happens to be on earth. I take a look through the spy glass and see that her home town happens to be where she is now.

'Don't try to flee from me, mother. I have some very special plans in mind for you'

Smoky: Let's pay your mother a visit . . . shall we?

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