Tom Hiddleston imagines

Par lostalienboy

226K 4.1K 682

I'm shit at descriptions soooo Small imagines/stories with our beloved Tom Hiddleston and the characters he h... Plus

Tom - I wont
Loki - His prisoner
Tom - dance with me
Tom/Loki - meeting the god himself
Tom - night terrors
Loki - his true form
Tom - private messages
Loki - is this love?
Tom - cheating?
Loki - coming back
Tom - more than strangers
Adam - Not bad... For a zombie
Tom - Why me?
Tom - Small surprises
Tom - small surprises part 2
Loki - You are beautiful
Tom - Teasing war
Loki - Broken pieces
Loki - broken pieces part 2
Loki - your "normal" life
Loki - The cold grip of pain
Tom - your normal life
A/N: I'm sorry
Loki - the cold grip of pain part 2
Loki - a secret affair
Loki - A secret affair part 2
Tom - Reunited
Loki - Coming out FTM
Loki - Small conversations you've had
Tom - Water fight

Loki - I belong to no one, except you

3.7K 46 7
Par lostalienboy

// this text is rather long, a little over 4000 words, just so you're warned //

Finally. Only 2 hours until closing time and you'd be able to get back to your beloved bed. The thought alone made you sigh, but you still had one costumer back. He had booked a rather long appointment and you couldn't quite remember which piece he had requested. You had at least 10 laying ready on your desk, so you'd have to start looking before he came. You rose from your seat and started looking, finally finding the tattoo the man had requested last time he was there. Your colleague had just given it to you since he didn't want to tattoo the man. He didn't like him, so of course it had been passed onto you. You huffed to yourself as you got everything ready. Found a new needle, put some tissues out, filled your water bottle, etc. As you waited for the unknown male to show up, your mind wandered a bit. It was weekend in only two days, and before then you'd have to find someone who'd be able to keep you company. You hated being alone for so long, and besides, who said no to some affection and a fun night out? Definitely not you. A few years ago, you would've said no without a seconds' hesitation and "saved yourself" for the right boy. Now, your virginity was gone long ago, and you partied every weekend. All because of Stark. That man really had his ways with women, and he was well aware of it.
The memory sends a cold shiver down your spine and you get goosebumps. Maybe you should find a hoodie, it was getting a little cold, but still, tattoing with long sleeves was just a bother. Your low-cut tops were more practical.

The sound of a door slamming pulled you out from your thoughts and you looked to the door, your mouth dropping to the floor. The male was gorgeous. Long, wavy black hair that hung to his shoulders and framed his pale face, making his green eyes and sharp cheekbones pop. He was tall and slender, but you could see he was hiding some muscles under the white t shirt. You tried not to drool at the sight, and luckily you pulled yourself together when he looked at you. "I'm sorry I'm late, the bloody traffic was horrible." Oh god, that accent. His voice was so smooth and deep, you felt like your knees were getting weak under you. If you were lucky, you'd found your weekend company.

"Welcome sir, may I take your coat?" He didn't even answer, simply handing you the coat that he had been carrying on his arm as he walked to the room in the back. He had definitely been there before. "If you'll just take a seat I will- oh god..." Your jaw definitely dropped all the way to the basement this time. His shirt was gone, and he was already in the chair, clearly waiting for you. "I'm sorry, I didn't seem to catch your name miss." "Oh, it's y/n, a pleasure to meet you sir." You already knew his name, it was written in the schedule. "This is the piece you wanted, right?" You held up a drawing of the nine realms, it was some simple lineart but it was really beautiful. You'd have to get something similar next time you got paid. "Yes, that's it." He spoke as he laid down and rolled onto his back, placing his arms under his head and rested his chin upon them. "Down the spine, no colors." He spoke as if he was giving you orders. Wait... was he giving you orders? You definitely wouldn't mind if he did that in the- No, you had to stay focused, you had to stay professional. "Yes sir." And you swore you could see his mouth curl into a smirk as those words had left your lips.

You were almost done with the tattoo, 15 minutes until you'd have to close and thank Odin for that. It was impossible for you to focus when a god-like man was laying beneath you. His back muscles were impressive, his arms were stronger than Thor himself and his ass... Jesus, you really needed to go to church with the thoughts you were having. The thought alone made you laugh out loud and Loki was probably wondering why, but he didn't ask. Of course, there was no way you were going to tell him even if he did. "Aaaand... we're done." You spoke and smiled, fixing the last few things up and putting some wrapping over it. "How much will it be then?" Damn, not even a thank you? He really was a cold one. "230 sir, it only took an hour and it was a small piece so it's not too much." You smiled at him, first not properly noticing the big piece on his left arm. A full sleeve, covered with Norse symbol, a tree and something that could look like the same pattern as the one on Thors armor on the shoulder. Interesting. He probably liked Norse mythology then, well, of course he did, he was a part of it after all. "Here you go." He paid in cash, and he didn't even need any change. That was new, but not bad. "This might seem a little odd, but are you doing anything on-""I'll stop you right there miss y/n. I am not interested in going out with you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have things to do and places to be."

With those words he left the tattoo shop, leaving you there with bright red cheeks and blank eyes. Did he really just reject you that blankly? Rude. Simply rude.

When the weekend came you had ended up taking some extra shifts instead of finding a hot date. You had almost hit Tony up again just to get some action, but 1. He lived with Loki and 2. You knew you just wanted to see the raven again. You missed his eyes... okay, also his ass.
"Y/n?" Your boss called, and you went to the back room, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?" "Someone has made an appointment for today with you. Two piercings and a sleeve." "A sleeve? Do you know how fucking long that takes when I haven't had anything to prepare myself?" "Just do your job kiddo." You rolled your eyes and smiled at her before going back to the piercing room. If you weren't doing tattoos, you were in there when you weren't on the toilet. The person who came must really have a love for pain when they wanted needles stuck into them x3. You couldn't help but laugh to yourself at the thought. You had often had masochists in the store that were actually enjoying the pain from the needles and it was kinda creepy. Especially when they started moaning. You preferred the sadists, they were often pretty blank about it. Your mind soon went blank when the man from a few days ago was standing in the door. "Y-you're the one who ordered piercings and a sleeve?" "I am kitten." He smirked, and your eyes widened. Fucking kinky asshole. You never thought you should say this, but you were going to enjoy stabbing this guy.

"Which piercings do you want then?" "Tongue and bridge." You almost chocked on the air. Those were both in his face. You were almost positive he was doing this to you on purpose. Asshole. "Yes sir, any specific jewelry you want?" "Surprise me." Oh, he was in a much better mood today. Of course, that only made it funnier for you. For his tongue, you chose a golden piece with a red stone and the bridge, just a standard in gold. "Open your mouth and stick your tongue out." You ordered, and he immediately did as told. You were tempted to tell him he was a good boy, but it was probably a bad idea. You put gloves on and rinsed it thoroughly before getting a pen, marking where the needle should go in. as you were finished with that, you grabbed a clamp and put it on his tongue, holding securely onto it so he wouldn't be able to pull his tongue in. a lot of clients did that, and it was the worst. "Deep breath in..." You quickly shoved the needle through his tongue and replaced the hollow needle with the golden jewelry. "And out." You quickly secured the top of it before carefully wiping the little amount of blood off. It was only one or two drops so nothing to be worried about. "There we go with the first one. Ow, your tongue will swell up, so if you have trouble talking for a few days that is completely normal. Talk as little as possible, rinse it twice a day plus every time you've eaten. Try not to bite the jewelry, it will be an expensive trip to the dentist if you do." You smile at him and wink as you start cleaning the bridge at his nose. Not many people wanted those, so you were surprised he did. "This one will hurt, so remember to take deep breaths and stay still." You mumbled as you grabbed a new pair of gloves and a marker, marking the spots and a line to know where to pierce before grabbing a new needle and a clamp. "I'm going to need you to lay down for this one, otherwise I can't reach properly." He once again did as told, and laid down, making it possible for you to put the clamp at the marked spots. "Deep breath..." You counted to three and pushed the needle through his skin, once again quickly replacing it with the jewelry. You cleaned up, explained how to take care of it and gave him something to rinse it with before going to the backroom. Time for his sleeve.

He had let you decide the motive this time, and you had the perfect idea for him. Some snakes, symbols, and plants. You knew exactly what to do and you had it all ready. You've dreamed about making this thing for weeks. "May I ask about the meaning behind your tattoos?" You raised an eyebrow as he spoke. He had just had a needle shown through his tongue, but he spoke as if he didn't have a single care in the world. Gods. "There aren't any specific meanings behind them, I just found them pretty so I got them." You shrugged your shoulders while the male pulled his shirt off, and you failed at keeping your eyes to yourself. Who could blame you though, he was hot and it was clear he didn't mind it. "Like what you see kitten?" Told you. "No, not at all, I prefer guys who aren't hot at all." "Guess I have no chance then." You laughed at his response and you could feel your boss' eyes on you. She knew you had a thing for the guy since you had talked a bit about him, but still.

"How come he's so nice to you? Last time I made his sleeve he was a total jackass." Dave whispered to you, and all you did was roll your eyes. Dave wasn't good with the guys, so you usually let him about the women. He was good with them, he always made them feel relaxed and laugh, even when the needle was killing them with pain. You two were different. You were good with most costumers, most of the time. When adults came in with their kids to get their ears pierced they often ranted about your tattoos. It was tiring, but you still loved your job. You lived of stabbing people and inking them, it was heaven! Okay, that made you sound like a sadist but what the hell, you probably were. After all, you did enjoy stabbing Loki earlier.

"Let's see how it looks." You took the sheet of thin paper, placing it on Loki's arm and carefully dabbed the places with air bubbles down, until was laying smoothly over his muscles. The piece went all the way from his shoulder to around the middle of his hand, so you were really excited. You had designed it yourself too, which only made you even more impatient. You couldn't wait to start inking!
When you knew the temporary ink from the paper had stained his skin you started pulling the paper off, leaving the purple lines on his pale skin. This was going to be great, and you had no doubt in mind that he was going to love it.

The day went by faster than expected. The two of you spent a lot of time chatting, and you still wondered how he could speak that easily with metal in his mouth. You had found out both of you loved classical music, both of you wanted to dye your hair someday, and you both had a love for animals. He seemed to be taking a liking in you and you were pleased with it. He had asked you a lot of questions, and the same way around. You asked a lot about his other piercings, and he had apparently made most of the jewelry himself, which explained why it looked so beautiful and exotic. It looked like all his piercings were made entirely of green opal stones, and especially his industrial was beautiful when the light hit it just right.
Sadly, the session was coming to an end and as you laid a final hand on the snakehead on Loki's hand, you couldn't help but notice he had really nice hands. If he put some rings on them you'd call him daddy on the spot.

"That's it for today then." You exclaimed as you went through the same procedure as last time, cleaning and wrapping him up. "How's the piece on your back doing by the way?" "It's healing nicely. Did you expect anything else from a God?" His comment made you shake your head as you went up to see how much he owed. Sleeves were pretty expensive, but he probably already knew that. "2000 dollars. Let me guess, cash again?" He winked at you, signaling you were right, and your cheeks became a nice shade of pink. He handed you the cash and once again you were surprised where he got them from. "Pardon me, but, how do you earn so much money?" "I work for Stark, he pays me well. Now, before I leave I would like to make another appointment." "Already?" This guy was either really in love with pain, or... "Loki, are you making appointments just to see me?" You couldn't hide the humor in your voice. You were mocking him a little, but how could you not? If that was actually his reason, he might as well spend his money on inviting you on a date instead. "I'd prefer not to touch something my boss has already claimed as his. Now, if you have a time on Monday I'd-" "Wait, wait, wait!" Something his boss had claimed?! You did not belong to Tony, hell you didn't belong to anyone but yourself, and you were a fool for thinking about getting more than a one-night stand from this guy. "Dave!" You called, your co-worker appearing almost immediately. "Do I have any more appointments for today?" He looked confused but shook his head no and you immediately took the cash and put it into the small box you guys had it in. "Get Loki an appointment with Alexis, I'm going home early, I have a date." You mumbled. Loki and Dave would be a bad combi, so you set him up with your boss instead. She could handle all assholes, including him, and if not then they were free to leave.
The raven stood there with a frown on his face that was even darker than his hair as you put your flannel on and left with your bag over your shoulder.

When you arrived home in your small apartment you sat down on your couch, staring at your blank tv for a few minutes before taking your flannel off and throwing it into an unknown corner of the living room. You were frustrated. Mad even. How dared he say you were Tony's? He was a friend with benefits, now only a stranger to you. You groaned in madness as you pulled your shirt and pants off, leaving you in a lace bra and a pair of boxer shorts. You went to your mirror and looked for a blank spot on your body, with space for a new tattoo. Your thigh. Your left thigh was still pretty blank, and now you knew exactly what to get there. You called the tattoo shop and asked Dave to make it for you tomorrow, if not today. Luckily, he was willing to do it after closing time and you were beyond thrilled. Your lips curled into a smile as you hung up and stared at the blank spot on your thigh, it was just waiting for the needles and the pain. Excitement flew through your veins as you started to make some food. The shop would be closing in a few hours, and you needed to get some food first, or you'd pass out.
You hated when people did that. When they came in and refused to eat before getting a tattoo or piercing. Most of them would pass out barely halfway through and then you'd have to take care of them. So bothersome.

As the sun rose Monday morning you groaned at the sound of the alarm as you looked to your side and smacked it off the table. You were not a morning person. "Didn't I tell you to be out before I woke up?" You muttered at the sleeping figure beside you, only getting a snore in response. "Out I said, I have to go to work and there's no way I'm letting you stay." You smacked the male, and unlike you he was a morning person. He didn't even complain you had hit him. "Yeah, easy little lady, I was hoping for another round." "In my nightmares." You growled and got up, going over to your wardrobe to get dressed. You picked out some shorts from Walmart and a lowcut top. Your usual style. You stretched your sore body and looked into the mirror, once again smiling at the tattoo on your thigh. It was the Norse symbol for Loki, the snakes with his name written in runes below. I was a masterpiece, and you loved Dave for doing such a great job.
"Dude, out, seriously." You hissed, wanting him out of your bed, and out of your apartment. You had brought him home from a bar last night after he was totally hammered. He wasn't a total stranger of course, he was an old friend who simply needed a favor. No more. You hadn't even kissed him, you had only let him stay. "Come on baby, you gave me a favor, so I owe you." His voice was deep and hoarse. Men's morning voices were hot in general, but you wanted to hear how Loki would sound when he woke up. The guys hands snuck around you, one resting over your belly button piercing and the other was dangerously close to your chest. "Let me pay you back sugar, come on." He was purring like a kitten now, and you turned around in less than a second and slapped him across the face. "Leave or I'll call the police you creep." Your voice dripped with more venom than a snakes'. He looked like he was about to throw a fit but managed to keep a hold of himself and left. You could feel this day was going to be very great.

The sun was shining, so at least the weather was on your side. Your cheeks were warm thanks to the high temperature and the rays from the sunlight. When you arrived to work it was clear that the good weather affected everyone. Both Dave and Alexis were in good moods. You checked the schedule and you had a few appointments today, but only piercings. You were off on Sundays and Mondays you only did piercings. You and Alexis were the most requested tattoo artists by the men, Dave was requested by most of the females. You weren't surprised. He was good with them and he was an attractive guy, not your type though. You preferred guys like Loki, especially the long hair. You shook your head at the thought and went to the piercing room, waiting for your first appointment. They should be here in just a few minutes. You went out just to check the name, and you swore your heart jumped into your throat when you read it. Loki fucking Odinson. Jesus Christ, the guy was persistent. He was going to get started on his tattoo right after too. It was official, the guy was in love with pain.
"Hello there, kitten. I believe I have an appointment with you now?" when you looked up your eyes were staring directly into his green orbs. Dear god he had beautiful eyes. No, stop that. "You know the routine, so please go and take a seat." You spoke and lead him to the small room. There wasn't much space for a guy as tall as him, but it was fine for you. Most of the people who wanted to get pierced were girls, but there were some guys too now and them. Most of the males came to the shop down the street since it was cheaper, sadly most of them ended up with infected scars because the place had bad hygiene. It was a wonder they hadn't shut down yet. "So, what're you getting done today then?" You were genuinely curious. His ears were already full of piercings, and now his tongue and bridge were too. "You decide kitten, surprise me." Jesus Christ, this guy... "If you decide I'm going to give you two in your dick, so you better decide right now." For a split second he looked almost scared of you, like he was ready to run. Who wouldn't though, you had just threatened to poke a needle through his dick after all, the ultimate pain for most masochists. "The eyebrow then, I brought my own jewelry this time." He had planned everything. The tall male pulled a small bag out of his pocket, containing a piercing just as beautiful as the others, but it wasn't green. It was the same color as your eyes, and you knew he noticed how red your cheeks were getting. You ripped it out of his hand and started the routine, being done in only two minutes. Not your fastest, but it was Loki. The man was distracting as hell itself. "There we go." You handed him a mirror and he seemed pleased with the result, though you swore he was looking more at you than his reflection. "It's lovely, but you know what would look even better? Your lips against mine." His sad attempt on being flirty made you laugh for a few seconds, which you could see was confusing him. "Oh darling, haven't you caught up yet? I'm still fucking pissed at you." You hissed the last part and you weren't holding back. "I do not belong to any-fucking-body, so don't you dare to ever say that to my face again, or anyone else for that matter."

Loki was obviously shocked at your outburst, but somehow it had now become his turn to laugh at you. For what, you didn't know. "You talk back... I like that. Also, don't think I haven't noticed the little masterpiece on your thigh. It's rather obvious." Was he mocking you? You swore he was mocking you. "You say you don't belong to anyone, but from the fact that you have my mark on you I believe that means you're mine now. Not that I mind it." He was fucking smirking. The idiot found it funny. "I'm not one to play games Loki. You have three choices, a one-night stand, something serious or nothing at all." You mumbled as you cleaned up and made ready for the next appointment. It was one of your friends who had told you she wanted to get her nipples pierced, and you were praying she knew what she was going into. Those things were the true bitches of the piercing world. "I chose the second option then, it sounds like the most fun." Your eyes shot up and once again you were staring into those green orbs. Was he trying to hypnotize you? Because if he did, it was working.

The two of you stood there for a few seconds before you lost your patience and pulled him down by the collar of his shirt, letting your lips collide in a heated kiss. You even got to feel his tongue piercing against your lips, and it made you shiver with delight. "Y/n, are you in he- well, hello there." Loki pulled away when he heard the strange voice, even though you wished to continue a little longer. "It's just Sarah." You mumbled, and the god laughed at your pouty face. "Love, you have costumers and I have a tattoo appointment that started ten minutes ago. I can't stay in here forever." You stuck your tongue out at him and he was quick to lick it, before removing himself from your embrace. "You better be outside that door when I get off work." "Of course, kitten. I'll be waiting."

You smiled as he disappeared into the other room. You knew he was going to be there for a few hours, Dave had told you he was going to get his leg and collarbones done. The guy almost had as many tattoos as you now, he just needed the legs and chest. "Well then y/n, I think you have something to tell me." Sarah spoke, reminding you she was still there. "Yes, how stupid you are for getting those piercings and interrupting us, but in short... I guess you could say he has claimed me. I'm his. That's all I have to say."

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