Mythical love

By etricswart

17.8K 713 109

A werewolf named Beca goes to a secret mythical school, expecting it to be a normal year. Suddenly she experi... More

Barden's Academy
Friends and foes
First day
The rivalry begins
Taco Bell
The fair
Buddy system and chores
Casa da Delinquents
Playing Cupid
The "date"
Wing women
Karaoke night
Party time
What friends are for
We're in this together
The end?

Are we friends now?

629 27 3
By etricswart

The birds were chirping outside and the sun was shining.

Beca however was still asleep on the couch and she didn't want to wake up. She was having a dream of a certain redhead.

It was just the two of them alone in the dark. They were leaning in, lips almost touching. But a bright light appeared and pulled Chloe away.

"No! Don't go, don't leave me!" she yelled.

"Beca," she heard a voice, "Beca wake up."

Beca's eyes flew open to reveal the mysterious voice. Emily was kneeling down next to the couch looking at Beca with concern.

"Hey," Emily spoke softly. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," Beca let out with a sigh of relief. "Just a bad dream. Don't worry," she reassured her sister.

"You want to talk about it?" the younger brunette asked sweetly.

Beca turned her head and shrugged, "Not really. You know I don't communicate my feelings well."

"Can't blame a sister for trying though," Emily stated and Beca just smiled and shook her head.

But then something came to mind. "Emily?" Beca asked and looked at her sister. "Two things," she said holding up two fingers, "One, what's with the sweet wake up call. And two, what are you doing here?"

Emily cracked a smile at her sister. "Well one, I figured after yesterday you didn't need our violent wake up and two I came to check on you."

"Awwee, that's so sweet," Beca cooed with her hands clutching her heart. "But seriously, get out," she said jokingly while turning away from the younger girl.

"Fine," Emily replied with a smirk standing up and taking a plate that was on the coffee table behind her. "Then I guess I'll just take my pancakes with me."

Beca immediately snapped her head around and saw Emily starting to walk off with the dish. "No no no wait wait WAIT!" she yelled.

Emily turned around smiling while holding the plate in one hand. "Yes?" she mockingly asked with a smirk, "Is there something you need?"

Beca gave a pouty face and stretched out her arms like a little kid wanting to be picked up. "Pancakes," she pouted.

"Hmm. No," Emily said sternly.

"Oh come on Em," Beca complained.

"Fine, but only if you say please and you apologise to me," the taller brunette said while taking a step forward.

"Ok I like it, but I'm not that desperate," Beca scoffed a laugh.

Without saying anything Emily put the plate down on the far end of the table and sat down next to it. She then took out a fork and put in the air.

The two siblings stared each other down before Beca spoke. "You wouldn't dare," she said squinting her eyes.

Emily stabbed the stack of pancakes and wripped out a piece and held it to her mouth. As the fork went closer to her mouth, Beca's eyes started to widen.

"Ok! Fine!" the older werewolf shouted as the pancake was on the brink of entering Emily's mouth.

The younger girl looked at her sister expectantly. "Uuggh," Beca groaned, "I'm sorry I tried to chase you away and please may I have the pancakes."

"But off course," laughed the tall girl as she placed the fork with a piece of pancake back on the plate and pushed the dish until it was within Beca's reach.

"Thank you," the older sibling said with a mouth full of food.

"You're welcome, but I've got to go. We've got to get to class," Emily replied slinging her bag over her shoulders.

"I'll see you later!" called the girl to her sister as she walked out the door earning a 'bye' from Beca.

After she exited the door she was met with Stacie.

"So how is she?" the taller girl asked.

"Her usual grumpy self, until I give her food off course," Emily giggled as she and Stacie walked off towards Vampire Venue to get the two vampires.


"Where are they?" Chloe nervously paced around. "Did they forget? Or did they just say all that to trick us? Or what if they all got eaten by a unicorn!?"

As soon as Chloe said her last sentence Aubrey had burst into a fit of laughter, nearly falling of their porch bench as she did so.

"What's so funny?" Chloe asked with furrowed eyebrows at her friend who was now regaining herself from her laughter.

Aubrey whipped away a tear from eyes and looked at her friend. "You are so funny when you worry. I mean come on. Eaten by a unicorn?" she asked still giggling a little.

"Now that you mention it, it is pretty stupid hu?" Chloe started to giggle along.

The two laughed along for a while until Chloe stopped and looked towards the hill between them and Werewolf Estates.

Aubrey sensed what her friend was thinking and walked over to her. "Don't worry Chlo. I know they won't forget about you. It's actually the thing I despise at this point," she told her friend with a joking smile.

Chloe smiled back at her with a raised eyebrow, "How so?"

"Well because now that you are obviously going to be friends with them, I'll have to see them everyday now." Chloe shook her head at her friend's comment until she heard someone calling her name.

"Hey Chloe! Aubrey! Over here!" They both turned and saw Emily waving at them from the road.

Chloe quickly picked up her stuff and walked over to the two girls with a smile. "Hey Emily. Hi Stacie," she greeted the two.

"Hey. So you guys ready to go?" Emily asked them as Aubrey joined Chloe.

"Sure," was all the blonde said before she met Stacie's eyes. Stacie met her eyes as well and they just looked at each other.

Stacie was the first to look away as she noticed Chloe and Emily were already walking away chatting. Stacie just sighed and looked towards the blonde, keeping up her 'I don't like you face'.

"Alright listen. We don't have to like each other, but let's try to get along for our friends' sake ok?" Aubrey said holding out her hand as a signal for truce.

Stacie looked at for a while and shook it indicating that she agreed.

They soon caught up with the other two girls, who were still oblivious to the fact that they almost left them behind.

Neither of them would ever admit it, but they were feeling a tad relieved that they made a truce.


When the four girls reached the academy they saw their friends near Dimbel's square.

All of a sudden Chloe stopped dead in her tracks. Emily glanced back at her worryingly while Stacie put a hand on her shoulder. "You ok?" Stacie asked the vampire.

Chloe shook her head relentlessly, her red locks being thrown from side to side. "What if they don't like me? What if they want to chase me away? What if they hate you guys for bringing us with you?" the redhead started panicking.

Stacie and Emily glanced over to Aubrey asking her if she knew how to handle this.

Aubrey nodded and took Chloe's face in her hands to look her dead in the eyes. "Chloe, listen to me. They are not going to hate. In fact they are going to love you, Im sure of it,"

"But-" Chloe tried and was immediately cut off.

"No buts. Now go over there and be yourself and show them that they want to have you as a friend," Aubrey sternly commanded and shoved her friend towards Emily.

Aubrey sighed heavily and looked towards the ground, arms crossed and shaking her head. "Sorry about that, she really wants to make a good impression and she panics quite easily."

"That's fine," Stacie commented and Aubrey raised an eyebrow.

"I have a best friend who keeps everything bottled inside and hidden from everyone and her sister who can change from shy to happy to sad in two milliseconds," Stacie kept on walking while she explained.

"I guess we have to try to be the normal one's hu?" Stacie chuckled slightly and nodded.

Meanwhile Emily had Chloe's arm linked with her own as she walked towards the group of friends.

"Hi everyone," they all stopped talking and looked at Emily with confused and awaiting expressions.

Chloe started shifting around nervously while smiling and giving an awkward wave. "Guys this Chloe. Chloe this is everyone. We can cover all the names and stuff at lunch when we have more time."

"Hello. It's really nice to meet all of you," the redhead stuck out her hand to Flo. Nobody moved and Chloe started getting anxious.

"In my country we don't greet like that. We greet like this," Flo instantly picked Chloe up in a hug and shook her from side to side.

"Wow! It's really really nice to meet you," Chloe wheezed as she was being crushed by the surprisingly strong wizard.

After Flo put her down the rest of the group started to greet and welcome her.

"Wait wait wait!" Amy's voiced cut through as she walked towards Emily. "What's with the arm linking. I thought I was your BTFUTWEOZTOF?"

"My what?" Emily was totally confused at this point.

Amy sighed out from disbelief as if this should have been obvious. "Your best truest forever until the world ends or zombies take over friend."

Emily couldn't even remember what she said, but saw that it was important, "Oh I misheard you. And Chloe is just a new friend. You are totally my........that."

"Fhew. What a relief," Amy wiped her forehead before turning to Chloe. "Welcome to cool kids Red!" Amy threw her hands in the air and cheered.

"Who's that?" everyone think they heard Lilly ask, but luckily she pointed towards Stacie and Aubrey talking to some dark haired boy. It seemed as if he was really getting along quite well with the two girls.

"Um the blonde is Aubrey,but I'm not sure about the guy," Emily spoke with curiosity.

Soon the three came over to the rest.

"Hey guys," Stacie greeted everyone. "So you all know now, thanks to Emily, this is Aubrey," the blonde gave a slight nod. "And this is Nilrem."

"Pleased to meet you," the young boy said with a bow.

When the bell went off everyone went off to their classes. Since it was Friday everyone had their human world subjects, thus the reason the students were now in different classes.

Chloe went of to her literature class with Jessica. As they entered and took their seats they both noticed than Nilrem was in this class as well.

There was something about him. Chloe didn't know what, but she didn't like the feeling she had by being around him.

She'll have to keep her eye on that one.


When lunch came around everyone gathered at the big table in the middle.

Chloe and Jessica were the last to arrive and saw all of their friends laughing at Bumper. He had put a carrot on his head and pretended to be a unicorn.

"Really?" Chloe asked Jessica who was already laughing from the sight of the giant with a carrot stuck to his head.

"What? He does things like this all the time. Plus you should see Amy doing her mermaid impression."

Chloe and Jessica had really hit it off and were together in most classes.

As they took their seats Cynthia Rose looked around. "Ok I know I'm probably gonna sound like a bitch by forgetting, but where's B?"

"It's not just you. I've completely forgot that she's in this group too. I mean she's always so quiet," Benji spoke up as everyone started to look for the midget.

"Oh right yeah. We forgot to tell you, she's at home. There was a little accident yesterday," Stacie cleared up and instantly got all their attention.

"Oh no is she ok?" Jesse asked

"What happened?" Ashley flew right over the table and everyone huddled together to listen what had happened.

"Come to think of it. Emily you never really told us what happened and how Beca ended up like that," Aubrey said, just as curious as everybody else.

"Ok well you see we were running through the forest and we neared the river. Beca was in front of me when I saw you two on the cliff," Emily pointed to the two vampires.

"And then what?" everyone looked at Bumper because he sounded like an impatient little kid.

"Anyway. I turned my attention forward and saw that Beca and I were nearing that big tree. All of a sudden out of nowhere it was like Beca got yanked to the side," Emily continued and that's when Chloe had a realisation.

"That must've been the yelp we heard," she looked at Aubrey.

Emily nodded indicating she was correct. "When I shifted back and went over to Beca; she had crawled towards the tree and that silver spike was inbedded in her leg."

Ashley and Jessica both clasped hands around their mouths in shock while the others' jaws dropped.

"And that's when I ran to find you two," Emily finished and looked at Aubrey and Chloe.

There was a small moment of silence until Jesse spoke out.

"You all know what we have to...... no need to do right?" he asked the others with a huge grin on his face.

Amy rubbed her hands together with a devious smile and an evil look in her eyes, "Thought you'd never ask."

Everyone gave their biggest smiles except for Emily who was still oblivious to what they were talking about. Her eyes widened as she finally realised what they meant and looked at Stacie.

"She's going to kill us isn't she?" she asked the taller the green-eyed brunette who simply smiled and nodded in reply.


Beca was bored out of her mind.

She had been able to watch some tv, but she got bored with that too.

"Uuuggghhh! This sucks!" she exclaimed to herself. She glanced over at the clock and it was now 3:45 in the afternoon.

Just when Beca was about try and stand up to go do something; the front door swung open and Emily tried to hold the door closed. Beca shot a questioning look to her sister until she started to hear cheering outside becoming louder.

"I'm so sorry," was all Emily could say until the door shot open and she was flung right across the room.

"What's up Shawshank!" Amy was currently holding two bottles of Vodka in her hands as she entered.

"Wait-," Beca couldn't even finish her sentence before the rest of the group started to file in, each with a drink or drinks in their hands.

Stacie strolled in and told everyone where everything went.

"Stacie what's going on!?" Stacie turned her head towards her couched friend.

"Well we told everyone why you weren't in class and they wanted to come see how you were doing," Stacie replied while she was setting up the stereo.

"Wait. Where's Emily?" the tall brunette questioned Beca looking around.

"Over here," groaned said girl from behind the couch where she had landed.

"Get up girl. It's time to PARTY!" Donald yelled and pressed play on the stereo. The house was filled with music and everyone, except for Beca, was dancing.

As the party went on Beca just drank, as she wasn't able to dance. The teens were all partying and having fun, even Aubrey was letting a loose.

Chloe plopped down next to the brunette on the couch. "So. You like your surprise?"

"Are you kidding! I love it!" Beca exclaimed, clearly drunk. "But I really wanna go daaaance," she whined.

"No," the redhead firmly stated.

"No?" Beca asked in disbelief, "This is my house and I can do what I want."

Chloe rolled her eyes as she was going to have to convince the drunk brunette that dancing was a bad idea. "Fine, but only if you can tell me how many fingers I'm holding up."

"Umm," Beca squinted her eyes which didn't even help in the slightest. "Two- enty triangle," she laughed.

Chloe was trying her best to keep her own laughter inside, but failed miserably. After calming down she looked at a still giggling Beca, "Beca ; how many drinks have you had?"

"Umm, two-enty triangle," the brunette responded, but without laughing this time trying to seem serious.

Chloe sighed, "Beca, how old are you?"

She wasn't surprised when the werewolf replied with the same answer again. "So why can't I go dancing!?" Beca whined again.

"Well firstly because you counted wrong. Secondly; the answer you have me doesn't exist and thirdly; I was holding up your hand and you were counting your own fingers." As the brunette looked down she saw that Chloe was holding her hand up to her.

"Hu, well what do you know. I really am drunk!" the werewolf roared from laughter.

"Yes you are," Chloe giggled.

Beca looked at Chloe for a while. "What? Is there something on my face?"
Chloe asked while checking herself on her phone.

"No. You're just a fun friend to hang out with," Beca said and took another swig of her beer. "You are all my best fucking friends!" the brunette cheered, earning a bunch of cheers in response.

"Wait. We're friends? Me and Aubrey are your friends?" the redhead was surprised to hear it coming from the shorter girl's mouth.

Beca made a face as if she was deep I thought, "Hmmm, let me check." Beca turned back around and yelled at the dancing teens again, "Hey guys, are Aubrey and Chloe our friends!?"

"Yeah!" all of them cheered. But what the funny thing was, was that Aubrey was one of them.

"Well looks like you are," Beca shrugged and downed the rest of her drink.

It wasn't long before Beca had passed out on the couch. The party had died down and everybody had passed out somewhere.

Chloe was the only one close to being sober but still at least tipsy.

After she had turned down the stereo she went to sit in the couch next to Beca. The next thing she knew Beca had pulled the redhead on top of her and was holding on to her tightly.

Snoring originating from the brunette was a clear indication that she was asleep. Chloe tried to get out of the position she was in, only for Beca to tighten the hold.

Realising there was no escape Chloe smiled and relaxed onto the werewolf.

That night was special to the vampire. It was the night that all of these strangers had accepted her into their group.

Chloe closed her eyes and smiled as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

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