Letters to my beloved [Comple...

By benasdasdorvien

182K 18K 2.8K

Arch enemies or secret confidants? ***All regular credits*** More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Too many thoughts!
Chapter 29
Flashback 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
The End

Chapter 33

4.4K 466 52
By benasdasdorvien

Arthit's POV

"So, you love me huh?"

I buried my face in both my hands and groaned out loud as I heard Kong's voice reverberate around me. He was not going to make this easy at all, was he?

"Oh c'mon P', what are you getting shy about now? You were making out with me less than two seconds ago."

Groan number 2 was a lot louder this time around when I felt Kong's fingers slowly pry my hands off my face as he settled cross legged right by my side on the bed, looking more than prepared to have the dreaded conversation.

"Did you already know who I was when we were supposed to meet at Adele's café?"


He tugged at my arm to pull me up and sit up across from him. The grin on his face not at all reflected in my expressions.

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Really? Tell you? Do you want me to read back to you what you wrote about your 'senior'? And just how much you despise him."

"Well yeah, but don't forget you were all out to help me get blood before you figured out we were talking about you. In fact you should be thanking me I didn't take up some of your insane suggestions or you would be sleeping with cockroaches"

"You told me your senior was a homophobe. Do I fucking look like a homophobe to you? One of my best friends has a new lover every freaking week. And another doofus got me suspended cause he couldn't figure his brain out. Would I be in love with a man if I...uh...well...I am not a homophobe ok?"

Without even being entirely conscious we had raised our voices while trying to let out all those months of frustrations.

"I know, I know. But you did a complete 180 after that night at the beach. What was I supposed to think?"

"That I wasn't entirely thrilled about seeing you lying on a bed crushed under the weight of some random bozo when here I was assuming you were about to ...to... "

"I was about to what?"

"Never mind that. Why would you sneak your boyfriend in your room during the freshman trip? Did you seriously think I wasn't going to be mad about that?"

"I didn't sneak him up. He just showed up without even telling me."

"So? Your first reaction was to walk him to your room and begin making out?"


"Really? Cause that was exactly what it looked like."

"It wasn't really like that."

"Then what was it like?"

"That doesn't matter. Can we get back to talking about you and me?"

"We already are."

"No, we are just talking about me. Let's focus on you now. When did you figure out you are in love with me?"

"What? I am not answering that."

"Why not?"

"Cause that is not relevant at all."

"How is it not relevant? I would say that is the most pertinent thing I need to know. How else will I figure out since when you have been trying to woo me? By the way P', whoever has been giving you courting advice totally needs to get fired, cause they were lame as hell."

"You were the one giving me advice dumbo."

"Oh yeah, right. Well now we know that both of us really suck at this. Were you seriously never going to tell me if I hadn't found out on my own?"

"Are you seriously changing your major only because of me?"

"Of course not. Why would you even think that?"

"I don't know, maybe cause that's what you wrote to Turtle. You literally said you couldn't wait to get away from me."

"Well I say a lot of dumb shit. You really shouldn't take all of it so literally. And anyway blaming you for transferring out was just a lazy cop out. You already know my dad made me join Engineering when I wanted to go into Economics. You just helped me kick my butt into realizing I should be studying what I really wanted. Wait, is that why you didn't come to the party today? You actually thought I was blaming you for changing majors? Oh c'mon P' you should know better than that. Have I ever backed away from a fight?"

"Well, no but...why were you hiding that from everyone until now?"

"Cause I didn't want people to talk me out of it. Is that why you went all radio silent after I wrote that I was planning on leaving? Agghhh! P' why could you just not come and talk to me."

By now our voices had almost begin echoing around the room with how loudly we shouting out our words.

"I tried remember? I waited for you for hours. And then you saw me and completely decided you didn't even want to enter the café."

"You shouldn't have brought your friend with you then. I thought you were on a date with her."

"She was there for moral support!"

"What the hell do you need moral support for? It's not like I was going to eat you alive or anything."

"I need moral support right now for God's sake. Can you please stop screaming in my face?"

"No! I won't stop screaming. I am upset right now."

Thankfully, he did stop yelling though. Our voices finally subsiding into a tangible silence. The awkward tension almost palpable around us as we attempted to catch our breaths from our heated exchange. Kong clearly fuming while he stared unwaveringly into my eyes. How exactly did our conversation devolve so fast?

"By the way what were you doing with the Economics book? How did you even find my notes the first time around?"

"Oh I...uh...was putting the book away and the papers fell out."

"Why were you putting the book away?"

"Cause I work at the library."

"What? Since when? How come I had no idea you had a part time job?"

"Well, we haven't really been that great on communication since our fall out. I guess we missed out on a few key details here and there."

He sighed out loud once again. The frustration on his face reaching peak levels as he practically huffed out of bed and marched towards the front door. And just as he swung open the door he turned around and looked at me once again.

"Tomorrow. 10 am."


"I will pick you up tomorrow morning. Don't be late."

"Pick me up for what?"

"For our date ofcourse."


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