The Only Direction

By SillyLittleAlexia

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Aria Beliza just moved to London with her best friend Alison Richards. They're here to live, gain experience... More

Chapter One- Aria
Chapter Two- Niall
Chapter Three- Aria
Chapter Four- Niall
Chapter five- Aria
Chapter Six- Niall
Chapter Seven- Aria
Chapter Eight- Niall
Chapter Nine- Aria
Chapter Ten- Niall
Chapter Eleven- Aria/ Niall
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen- Aria
Chapter Fourteen- Niall/ Aria
Chapter Fifteen- Niall/ Aria
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter 22

Chapter Twenty- One

3.9K 78 25
By SillyLittleAlexia


“You guys did what!” Alison shouted. We were now together at my-and Niall’s- apartment and I had just broken some very important news to her.

“Shhh keep it down, he’ll hear you!” I whispered loudly.

“Opps sorry. But oh my goodness, I can’t believe that the two of you-“ she giggled. “That the two of you had sex”.

“Don’t say it like that,” I whined.

“Opps, I’m sorry. I forgot for a moment, we’re in the United Kingdom. Here you don’t have sex, you shag”.


“What? It’s true. So how was it?”

I bit my lip and shrugged, before grinning. “I’m not going to lie. It was actually pretty darn great”.

“That’s great!”

I bit my lip and lowered my head nervously ducking her gaze.

“That’s not the point..”

She gave me a puzzled look. “Then what is? Was there more to the story?” she asked me, confused.

I nervously chewed on a fingernail, a horrid habit that I did in circumstances of stress. I tentatively nodded my head yes.

“Oh my gosh. You’re not?...”

I shrugged my shoulders and bit my lip, willing myself not to cry. I couldn’t possibly be correct in my theory. There was no way.. Was there?

One hour and three at home pregnancy tests later I knew for sure that my theory was indeed correct.

“What happened?” Alison asked when I finally stepped out of the bathroom.

“Fuck my life,” was my only response.


Isn’t she lovely

Isn’t she wonderful

Isn’t she precious

Less than one minute old

I never thought through love we’d be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn’t she lovely made from love

My phone rang and I smiled. I had set the song for Alison.

“Hey babe,” I answered, smiling.

“Hi, ermm. Is Niall there with you?” Alison asked nervously.

“Ughh no. He’s at the gym right now with Zayn I believe. Why?”

She sighed on the other end and said, “talk to Aria please”.

“Hello, Aria?” I said, after a few moments.

“NiallandIslepttogetherandnowI’mpreganantandIdon’tknowwhattodoandIdon’tknowhowtotellhim,” Aria said on the other line, her words coming out in a quick jumble.

“Aria love, I need you to calm down a bit and take a few deep breaths. I can’t understand you when you talk so fast. Can you relax for a moment and take a few deep breaths? Can you do that for me?”

I heard her take a few deep breaths on the other line. After a minute or so I spoke. “Are you feeling a bit calmer now?”

“A bit,” she said.

“Ok. Now please calmly tell Dr. Harry what seems to be the problem”.

“Me.And. Niall. Slept. Together. And. Now. I. Am. Pregnant. And.I. Don’t. Know. How. To. Tell. Him. That. I’m. Knocked. Up,” she said.

“You’re pregnant?”

I heard a small noise on the other end. Was she sobbing?

“Ya. I’m pregnant,” she said, now clearly crying.

“Geesh Aria how’d that happen,” I teased, hoping to lighten the mood a bit.

I heard her giggle a bit on the other end and knew that it had worked.

“Harry, I think you should talk to your mommy and daddy about those things,” she said, still giggling. I heard Alison laughing on the other line.

I chuckled. “I don’t need to learn from my Mum and Dad, I heard you two in the action”. I heard Aria gasp-clearly shocked- when I said this. It made Alison laugh even harder.

“I know you can’t see me right now, Harry. But I’m severely glaring at you”.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure you are. Have you told Niall yet?”


“Are you planning to any time soon?”




“You can’t hide something like that from Niall!”

“Why not? He’ll never find out if you and Ali keep it a damn secret!”

I hear someone else grab the phone.

“See, babe, this is why we called you. She has this insanely irrational idea that she can hide her pregnancy from Niall. You’re on speaker now so say whatever you can to snap her out of this belief”.

“Aria I want you to listen VERY carefully to the next thing I say. Can you please do that for me?”

“Uh huh”.

“Ok. You cannot hide your pregnancy from Niall. One way or another you are going to have to tell him”.

“I already told you, Harry. If all of us don’t say anything-“

Oh my goodness. If I thought this girl was downright stubborn before, I was completely wrong. Pregnant Aria made regular, non-pregnant Aria seem like a completely sane, not at all persistent blessing from above.

“Aria, can you please tell Dr. Harry what are the symptoms of a pregnant woman? All the way from the first month to the last month, please”.

“Morning sickness, enlarged breasts, swollen feet and ankles, increased appetite, nausea and aversions to certain food and scents, cravings, mood swings, the uterus expands essentially making the stomach billow out, the baby kicks after a few months, and ummm during the last month the belly button sticks out like a sore thumb. I think I got everything right”.

“Now tell me Aria, what happens when you’re vomiting every morning because of morning sickness? What happens when your feet and ankles swell up? What happens when you’re eating everything in sight and have insane cravings? What happens when you can’t stand to be around the scents and foods you once adored? What happens when you’re mood swings go crazy and are all over the place. What happens when your stomach grows? What happens when your belly button sticks out? What’s going to happen when the baby kicks you and you’re in pain, and Niall won’t understand why? And most importantly, what happens when you go into labor?”

I heard her sobbing on the other line and instantly felt bad.

“Harry, you should have put that slightly more gently,” Alison said on the other line.

“I’m sorry Aria, I didn’t mean to make you worry. It’s ok, you’ll be fine. Ali and I are going to help you through this”.

“I. Am. So. Fucked,” Aria sobbed.

“Shhh no honey, it will be ok,” Alison said.

“Do you want me to tell Niall for you?” I asked.

“No thank-you. It has to be me. I mean, I’m the girl who screwed up his life,” Aria said.

“You didn’t screw up his life,” Alison and I both said in union.

I heard a sob again from the other line. She was still crying.

“Yes I did. First I caused that issue with the press. That’s probably the only reason he’s with me. And then I go and inhibit his ability to date other girls. Now I go out and get myself good and pregnant with his kid. He’s going to leave me. And it serves me damn right for all the trouble I’ve put him through”.

“Shut-up, he won’t leave you,” Alison said.

“Yes he will. He has a tour starting next week. He won’t want a damn baby to tie him down. I wouldn’t either if I was him”.

“Aria, listen to me very closely. You need to tell Niall. He wouldn’t leave you because 1.) He’s not that kind of man 2.) He would get a good wallop from the boys and I for that and 3.) He loves you. He really does love you. And I think you should tell him”.

I heard her groan on the other end. “Do I really have to?”

“Yes,” Alison and I said in union. She groaned again.

“Fine. Thanks Harry”.

“Sure thing”.




“Aria, guess what I brought!” I yelled loudly in a singsong voice. In my arms I held a bag full of Nando’s take-out for Aria, and several of her favorite movies.

She skipped out of my- now our- bedroom looking stunning as always. She wore her hair tied up in a messy ponytail, gray sweatpants that reached her knee, and a sunny yellow tank-top.

Her face was make-up free but appeared to have a vibrant glow to it. Was she using something different on her face? I wouldn’t know. The only reason I knew was because of the overflowing basket full of skin and hair care products that she kept in the bathroom cabinet.

I set the things down on the living table. I held my arms open for a hug and she ran to me, like how they did it in the movies.

I always wanted to do that.

I embraced her tightly and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She stood on her tippy toes so we were almost at eye level.

“What did you bring?”

“Nandos and movies!”

“Yayyy! You’re the best!”

“You know it, babe,” I said, waggling my eyebrows at her. She giggled.

I let go of Aria and went to tend to our food. I set aside the movies, removed the food containers from the plastic bag, and opened the Styrofoam containers.

“Dinner is served,” I said with a grin.

Aria gagged nauseously. That was odd. She loves Nando’s food nearly as much as I do.

“Is everything alright?” I asked.

She nodded, her face slightly paling.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she said.

I sat down on the sofa and began to eat my food. She sat next to me, grabbed her food, set it back down, and then tore off running down the hall.

What in the world is going on with that little bird?

I put my food down and followed her. I found her in the bathroom, kneeling over, vomiting violently into the toilet. She obviously wasn’t fine.

I held her hair out of her face while she violently vomited.

“Love, I don’t think you’re as fine as you claimed to be,” I said to her. She responded by throwing up again.

When she was finished she got up and rinsed her mouth out on the sink.

“Forget that Nando’s and movies Aria, you need to good to bed. It’s clear that you’re suffering from some sort of stomach bug”.

She nervously bit her lip and looked at the floor, clearly avoiding making eye contact with me.

“I’m not sick”.

“Aria, you are. I just saw you-“

“No. Niall, I’m really not sick”.

“You are, you-“

“I swear, I’m not sick-“

“Aria, listen to me. You are sick. I heard there’s some sort of stomach bug going around. You must have caught it at work, or school or-“

“Niall, I’m pregnant!” she blurted out.

What did she just say?...


“Niall, I’m pregnant!” I said, and instantly regretted it. I should have told him in a nicer way.

“You.. You are?” he said, looking utterly confused.

I nodded my head yes.

“Are you sure?”

“Well unless three at home pregnancy test lied… But I’m pretty sure I am”.

“I can’t believe this”.

“Me neither,” I said.

He brushed a thumb under one of my eyes.

“Shhh babe, don’t cry,” he said softly.

I hadn’t realized I was crying. He should be the one crying now, not me. I’d just basically screwed up his life”.

“I. Screwed. Everything. Up,” I sobbed.

“No, no babe you didn’t screw up anything-“

“Niall, I was stupid enough to get knocked up with your kid. Now it’s going to interfere with concert dates, signings, tours, publicity, fame, etc. You’re fame and basically your entire life is now ruined because of me. I won’t be surprised if you leave m-“

Niall grabbed my face between his hands. “Aria, you are being completely irrational about things. You need to look at the bright side”.

Wait, hold up! Huh? “I’m being irrational..? What Brightside!” I asked in an utter state of confusion.

His face split into a grin. “We’re going to be mommy and daddy!”

Wait… what?

“You’re happy?”

His face clouded with confusion. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Be..because. I’m pregnant with your kid. And we’re so young. And.. and-“

Niall started laughing. Why was he laughing!

“Aria you’re seeing it the wrong way. I love you, and I hope to God you love me. And now we’re having a baby together. I always wanted to be a Da, I don’t care the age. I’m happy about this”.

I smiled. “Really?”

“Really. You’re going to be the most perfect mother, I can already tell. And I’ll be the absolute best father I can be. Do you still have the at home pregnancy tests?”

“No I threw them away. Why?”

He grinned. “I want to make a scrapbook for us. Starting with the positive pregnancy test and ending with a picture of us holding out baby”.

I laughed. “Can we skip the pregnancy test part of the book and just start off with the first ultrasound picture?”

“No,” he said, elongating the ‘O’ sound.

I groaned. “Are we going to tell Simone about this?”

He bit his lip nervously. “Erm.. I’m thinking we could possibly wait a bit. Maybe tell a few more people so there will be more witnesses to the attempted murder..”


“Can you deliver the message to the boys for me? I’m a bit busy at the moment in the America’s doing the X-factor”.

“Sure Simon,” I said.

“Great. I’ll chat with you boys later. See you soon”.

“Bye Uncle Simon”.

Zayn walked into the kitchen. Perry and Danielle had decided to take a girl’s night, leaving me with him.

“What was that about?” he asked.

I grinned. “We’re going to be touring the America’s for six months. We leave for Los Angeles in three days”.


Ohhhhh crap! What's gonna happen? :p

So I am extremely sorry I haven't posted in forever. I've been so busy between work, school, studying, and chores. It's been like what, almost a month? I've missed you guys sosososososososoooooo much! *sigh* Words cannot describe how much I've missed all you little darling readers and fans!

Soooo as I mentioned in a post about a week ago, I have a surprise for you guys. I, Alexia am going to be starting my very own beauty channel on youtube! :D *yayyyy* (psttt, this is the part where you pretend to get super excited although you probably don't actually care. But if you do care, yayyyy :p). I will get the channel up and running BEFORE the end of the month (And yes, I will make this happen). I will also tell you the name of it so you guys can be my first veiwers in the next chapter (which shall be posted the same day as the first video of the channel).

Soooo I hope you guys like this chapter :p As always I adore all of the comments you guys post (and I wouldn't mind a couple votes *wink wink*).

-xoxo Alexia

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