Why Didn't You Tell Me?! [edi...

By danasprincess

53.5K 880 128

What happens when your best friend's ex boyfriend is the boy you've loved your whole life? Sure she dated him... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four*
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7*
Chapter 8*
Chapter 9*
Chapter 10*
Chapter 11*
Chapter 12*
Chapter 13*
Chapter 14*
Chapter 15*
Chapter 16*
Chapter 17*
Chapter 18*
Chapter 19*
Chapter 20*
Chapter 21*
Chapter 22*
Chapter 23*
Note || Divider
[ One ]


303 12 1
By danasprincess

Chapter Eight


May 26, 2018

I started to play with the tattered end of my bandage. Will said he was just going home for a bit to shower and maybe take a nap. I'm so-grateful-that he found me that night. I was almost...gone four days ago.

"Hey," I turned my head towards the door.

I smiled, "hey."

"You're awake."

"I am." I couldn't stop smiling the entire time Joni was in my room. She sat next to me and held up a teddy bear up to her face and brought it to life with "convincing" voice acting and shaking him side to side.

"Hey Kathlin. I'm Mr. Beary! You look very bootiful today. Joni loves you! Cuddle me!" We both exchange smiles, though I haven't really stopped. She handed me Mr. Beary and he had the cutest green bow tie and the softest brown fur. I hugged him and say him next to me.

"Lame. I know." Joni has been visiting me everyday since I've been in this hospital. She always had something for me. Like, she brought me food a couple of days ago and my sketchbook a yesterday. Now I have Mr. Beary.

"It's not lame. I think it's quite cute. Thank you Joni," I leaned over to give her a hug, "But guess what!"

"Your unicorn gang business is taking off? You promised me I'd get a unicorn..."

"What? Oh, no no. That is still very much in the works still. But they said I could go home today!"

"Yay! Can I take you home?"

"Uh... You wil have to ask the big brother about that."

"Fine..." She pulled out her phone and started texting, then tucked the phone away in her pocket. "Have you ate anything yet?"


"Well, are you hungry?"

"I have a craving for some hot chocolate and some breakfast... Yes."

"A craving? Maybe you're pregnant. OH MY GOD, KATHLIN. Who's the father? Why you no safer with sex?! But the baby would be hella cute with you as the mom..."

"I'm not pregnant! I'm still a virgin yo."

"I can't say the same about me..." She gave me a smile and bit her lip. It started to click what she said and my eyes widen.

"Joni! With who? Who deflowered you?!"

"Deflowered?" She laughed at me, "We'll talk about that later but how about for now I take you to that little shop on Rose Avenue?'

"The one with lemon muffins!?"

"Yas boo yas. Get changed and I'll take you," she ruffled my hair and I just shook my hair even more afterwards.

"Did Will say it was alright?"

"Yeah, he's cool with it."

"Otay." I threw my blanket aside and held the back of my gown so I wouldn't flash Joni my underwear.

As I was getting dressed, I found a slip of paper in my skinny jeans. It read 'Smile sis, I loooveee you <3' and I smiled. I will smile my bum off today because I'm in a great mood.

"I'm readay Jon-ay!"

"Okayyy," I grabbed my jacket and Mr. Beary and we were on our way. Joni and I linked arms and we laughed and smile on our way through the halls and out the hospital.

When we got to the shop, I bought a lemon muffin, waffles, and hot chocolate for me and Joni. Even though it's spring and warm as heck.

"Hey, so I was thinking. Maybe I could take you somewhere today."

"I just got out of the hospital, hun...So sure. Where to?"

"I dunno...atattooparlor." She sipped her hot cocoa and turned her gaze away from me. She smiled at me shortly after, "yes! A tattoo parlor! Kathlin we should get tattoos together." I laughed for a moment.

"You're kidding, right?" I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms. All she did was bite her lip as she smiled. "Oh god, you're not kidding." I leaned in towards her and brought my voice to a whisper, "Do you know that my parents will kill me if they found out I got a tattoo?!" I whispered yell.

"I'm sure William will stick up for ya and it's not like a whole back piece or anything. Just...a small phrase on your ribcage or something."

"What phrase?"

"Well, I've been thinking about 'It's me and you against the world' and maybe a puzzle piece that would fit together... I don't know."

"That sounds like a splendid idea Watson! Allow me to finish up my beverage and we can be on our way."

"Watson, you know I hate it when you impersonate me."

"I am Holmes. Sherlock Holmes. This is a delightful beverage! I must get another! Go start the car, Watson." She sighed and went to go start the car and I went to buy another cup of cocoa and met her out there.

So many thoughts ran through my mind as she drove over to the tattoo place. Will it hurt? What if it doesn't come out right? I'm nervous and my palms got all sweaty.

When we got in, we were asked what we wanted then we were taken back to a room. He grabbed some paper and wrote down our phrase in a few different fonts and we decided on the fancy curly font. I was the first to go and I don't know why... I mean, this was her idea! She should go first!

"If you could just lift up your shirt." He traced his initial script on some paper and the piece of the puzzle and put it on my right ribcage and dabbed some water on it. Pretty cold water if I might add.

"So um... What's your name? I didn't catch it earlier." I asked as he moved gathering his tools and placing them on the table next to me.

"It's Randy."

"Oh cool. I'm Kate," I saw that Joni was recording this on her phone and I gave her the finger. Well, the thumb isn't normally classified as a finger but...

Son of a barrel! It stings! Damn. My face contorted and I squeezed the headrest since my arm had to be out of the way for Randy to tattoo me. Though after a few seconds I kind of gotten used to it. I watched as the needle etched itself into my skin, leaving behind fancy letters.

Randy and I made great conversation, even as Joni was getting her tattoo done. I stood next to the table where he placed all his stuff, almost behind him, and watched him do what he does.

We both looked in the mirror and Joni took a picture of our tattoos. We did the paying and all that jazz. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

"Have a nice day Kate." He waved as I was just at the door. I didn't mean to smile, honestly.

"Thanks Randy. You too."

"Oh wait...," he ran out from behind the counter and to me. I looked back and saw Joni was just pressed up the car window just watching me. "It's mandatory for us to get the customer's number for uh...a checkup and anything...you know?"

"Oh really?" I say with a smirk, "Well if there's anything. I will call YOU." He smiled and ran his hand through his black, anime-like hair.

"Alright. Let me just..." he ran to the counter and I can hear him whispering 'c'mon!' to the other guy who worked here. He came back and gave me a slip of paper with his number on it. "Here."

"Cool," I studied the piece of paper, "Well, I guess I'll see you around..."

"You better."


"Bye." I subconsciously fixed my hair and smiled. I tried my best to make a smooth exit and I think it worked. I mean he watched as I walked away. I've been told that was a good sign.

I sat in the car and Joni just stared at me. "What?" I laughed simultaneously.

"We came for tattoos, not a new boyfriend for Kathlin."

"Boyfriend? Pft... No..."

"C'mon, he's cute. You should so date him."

I scoffed and stared out the window, "just take me home. I'm tired and I wanna see Will." She drove me home and I took a tiny nap. I'm not going to lie to you but I dreamt of Randy. Only to have it abruptly end as Joni yelled in my ear and pushed me out of the car, with a smile. I said my goodbye then went in.

As I was a few feet of my room, I took my shirt off. I couldn't wait to slip in my pjs and just sleep!

"You actually got one!"

"WILL! I'M FLIPPING CHANGING!" I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around my torso.






"I WON'T AND I'M GONNA STOP YELLING NOW BECAUSE my throat is starting to hurt... ow"

"Ugh. Put on a shirt, will ya?"

"Alright. Love you bro."

"Whatever." He walked out and I scrambled to close the door behind him.


But i started high school and I love it. I just haven't found the time to do anything because i need to do other things and new things come up and it's just exhausting.

But how have you guys been doing? :)

I missed you a lot. Omg. I haven't been on wattpad for awhile. I still need to work on my own stories x) (which you should go checkout ;))

But anyway. How's school going for you? I hope it's going well ^~^

I'm actually happy so far. It's such a drastic change from last year so yes.

I have my plan for this story, i just need to write out the chapters and post. So bear with me. It's going to pick up soon...maybe... X) I'm sorry if its boring now but i missed chu guys!

Long note but yes.

Stay frantastic!

~masked4 xoxo

{check out my story on my page called Let Me Dream and add it to yo Libraries x) }

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