Time Again

By pknelson1

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Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 6: Take a deep breath
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 9: Revelation
Chapter 10: Missing Pieces
Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis
Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 21: Doubt
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning

Chapter 7: True to my heart

114 4 1
By pknelson1

-----while writing this chapter I listened to the song Everything has changed by Taylor Swift. It really describes Adelle's change of heart in this chapter. So maybe if you feel like it try listening to this song while reading! (Also sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors I haven't had time to edit it sorry!!)-----


"He what?!"

Abby and I were sitting in a small cafe off of Main Street drinking what I consider the best hot chocolate in Oregon. I had just told her about Wes asking me out and she wasn't taking the news quietly.

"Shh! I don't want the whole state of Oregon knowing! Let alone the girls at school knowing, I would be dead by morning."

"Sorry. He what?!" She repeated a little more quietly, leaning across the table.

"Wes asked me on a date and I said yes," I replied with deliberate patience.

"I knew it!" Abby was practically bouncing with joy.

"Knew what?" I dreaded the answer.

"You like him!"

"Just because I agreed to go on a date with him doesn't mean I like him," I reasoned.

"Yeah whatever, you like him. The stupid smile on your face tells all." Abby flagged down a waiter so we could get to-go cups.

Do I like him? I certainly had feelings for Wes but it didn't feel like a simple crush. It went deeper than that. And on top of this I started to have more of those weird dream-like visions were I'm doubled over in pain and I feel like I'm flying. But instead of seeing the kelidescope of blue I saw in Abby's car and every night in my dreams, I saw three people; one man, one women, and one boy. And standing over them was a group of men dressed all in black, aiming a gun to their heads. But with these visions I started to feel emotions. Like raw terrible sadness, anger, and grief. The emotions so strong they're staggering. The women gets shot first and the man beside her, who I assume is her husband, goes ballistic. But shortly after he is killed as well, leaving the boy screaming but as they put the gun to the boy's temple I am whisked back to my room where I sit with hot tears making tracks down my cheeks, feeling emotions that are not mine. Then I am missing Wes with renewed longing and I am oddly famished.

I don't understand why this is happening. I'm scared I'm going crazy. But even as I am thinking that, I'm missing Wes. I'm still intensely attracted to him. When I'm with him I don't feel that empty feeling of loss. I feel perfect and whole. Content for the first time in days. But then I'm not with him and the longing and loss comes roaring back and I'm staggered by the pain. I've become an expert at hiding the pain around Abby and my parents but when I'm by myself I become flooded with longing for Wes it's all I can do not to call him. It is absolutely insane!

That is why I agreed to go in that date with Wes. I needed answers. I needed to be rid of that longing and loss. And I knew Wes was the one with answers. I was not going to hide for my feelings for him anymore. I liked him. A lot. And it was time to act on that attraction because I knew he felt it too.

"Adelle!" Abby was snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"What? Oh sorry I guess I kinda spaced out." I flashed a sheepish smile and shrugged on my sweater. It was only the middle of October and it was already chilly enough to require a sweater.

"Yeah you do that a lot lately. What's going on?"

"Sorry I just have a lot on my mind right now." We stepped out into the cold drizzle.

"It's okay, I'm just wondering what is wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. I'm just nervous about AP English." Total lie but Abby didn't need to know that. I unlocked the car and we climbed in. Hurriedly I turned on the heater and began driving as the car warmed up.

"Oh my gosh me too! Ms. Copland is totally insane! I have so much homework!" I let out a breath knowing Abby was distracted for a moment.

I was lost in my own thoughts until Abby said something that caught my attention,

"You know the fall formal is in two weeks, I wonder if Wes will ask you?"

I suddenly wondered that too. I mulled over the thought before answering.

"Yeah me too."

"And you're okay with that? You aren't going to deny the sparks between you two?"

"Nope. I admit now that I really like him." I grinned at Abby, taking my eyes off the road for a second. But a second is all it takes. I looked back at the tree-lined highway to see a deer frozen in the middle.

"Watch out!" Abby screamed.

I jerked the wheel hard to the left, narrowly missing the deer but hitting a patch of black ice. I screamed as the car spun and slammed into the cement guardrail. I remembered watching the deer run away as everything faded to black.

I came too at the noise of screeching metal. I tried lifting my head but my vision swam with black dots and the pain almost put me out again. I slowly put my hand to my forehead and felt my fingers slick over something warm and wet. Wincing I pulled my hand away to find my fingers coated in crimson. What? Then I remembered the dear and the black ice. Spinning out and hitting the guardrail. Then black until now.

More metal groaned.

"Adelle! Adelle, please can you hear me?!"


Wes was here, it was going to be okay.

"Adelle!" His voice was desperate, hysteric almost.

"Wes," I managed to groan. "Help."

"Adelle love, please stay with me! I'm going to open the door, it's loose."

"Hurry," I whispered. Seeing black dots again, I was loosing blood fast.

The door finally opened and Wes knelt on the glass littered asphalt.

"It's going to be okay, I'm here, I have you."

He leaned across me and tried to undo the seat belt. Wes swore in Irish.

"It's jammed. I have to cut you out." Even as Wes spoke he was pulling out a pocket knife and working furiously on the belt. Finally it released me. I slumped forward into Wes's arms, groaning even as the pain is dulled by his touch.

Gingerly Wes lifted me from the car, laying me across his lap and ripping of his jacket he balled it up against my forehead. I whimpered at the pain.

"I know love but your losing too much blood, I need to apply pressure." Tears shone in his eyes as I shivered in his arms.

"Abby. You need to help Abby," I whispered urgently.


"Wes please!" Tears leaked from my eyes.

"Okay." Wes gently laid me on the ground before running to his car, retrieving a blanket then coming back wrapped it around me before helping Abby.

I heard the car moan as Wes opened the passenger door. I was shivering uncontrollably now, fighting to keep my eyes open.

Wes emerged carrying an unconscious Abby. In the distance I heard sirens. Good, an ambulance was on it's way. Wes laid Abby next to me and checked her pulse.

"Her heartbeat isstong but her shoulder is dislocated and there are abrasions all down her arms and across her face. She must have hit her head and is in shock."

"Thank you," I whispered, my eyelids drooping low.

"Adelle stay with me! Stay awake, the ambulance is on its way. They'll help you. But for now you have to keep your eyes open. Listen to my voice!"

"Cold," My voice was barely a whisper.

Wes lifted me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his jacket to my forehead. My face was against the crook of his neck. I breathed in his scent of mint and musk, calmed as I watched the flashing lights of the ambulance grow closer.

I must have blacked out again because when I woke I was being strapped to a gurney.

"Wes!" I whispered, terrified he left.

"I'm here, Shh, I'm here." Wes appeared at my side taking my cold hand in his warm ones.

"Don't leave." I was panicked at the thought.


They where wheeling me to the ambulance now, Wes kept pace, clutching my hand. Soon I was being lifted into the back, Wes's hand ripped from mine.

"Wes!" I tried to yell.

He attempted to climb in next to me but the EMTs pushed him out.

"Immediate family only."

"She needs me!" Wes frantically cried.

"We'll be taking them to Ashland Community Hospital," he said promptly before sitting the door.

"Wes!" I cried, tears leaking into my hair.

"Shh baby, he'll be at the hospital." A sweet looking nurse with a round face leaned over me.

I stared up at the fluorescent lights of the ambulance willing the blackness to swallow me whole. And eventually it did.


I dreamt of blue flashing lights and a family being slaughtered. I dreamt of Wes. I dreamt of us with clasped hands and words exchanged fervently. I slept fretfully. Or at least I think I was sleeping. I couldn't tell. All my dreams contained Wes. He was in every single one.

And that is how it came to me waking up mumbling his name, already missing him and I wasn't even fully conscious.

"Wes," I fought to open my eyes.

"Wes," I feared he wasn't there.

"Wes," I needed him.

"Shh, honey it's okay." A warm hand was placed over mine. I knew it wasn't Wes but my mother.

"Mom?" My eyes fluttered open, struggling to focus. I think it was the pain killers.

"It's okay I'm here, you're safe."

Finally my eyes focused and I was able to see that my mom was sitting at my side holding my hand.

"How long have I been out?" I remembered the deer in the road and hitting the guardrail. I remembered Wes coming to the rescue and holding me. I remembered the pain as his hand slipped from mine.

"Twenty four hours. They brought you in around 8:00 pm, it's Thursday morning."

"Oh," It felt both longer and shorter than only a day. Then a thought hit me. Abby!

"Mom, how is Abby?" I was suddenly alert.

"She's okay. Her shoulder was dislocated and is in a brace now. She also needed stitches on her head but other than that she's okay. She's a couple of rooms down with her parents."

I nodded and slumped back against my pillows.

"Both of you were really lucky. When they brought you in as trauma patients I almost lost it when they told me it was you. That kind of accident could have been fatal. But it's okay now, you're clear to leave in a few hours. But who was that boy that came in after you? He seemed very distraught when we told him he couldn't see you."

My heart started to pound.

"His name is Wes and he was the person who called the ambulance. He was my history partner and he basically saved my life." I cast my eyes down and prayed I wasn't blushing.

"Really? Because he seems more than just a history partner. He hasn't left the hospital since last night."

"What?" Wes was here?

"Yup and he's waiting to see you." My mom got up and crossed over to the door.

"Okay," the word was out of my mouth before I even thought of what I was doing.

Authors Note

Hi! Sorry I took so long to update!! School just started for me and couldn't find time to write! But finally I got chapter 7 done and I am so excited about how it turned out. I know I promised you guys a date with Wes and Adelle but it had to wait. This chapter was really emotional so that is why I choose the song Breathe Me by Sia. I came across it while listening to pandora and I thought it really went with what Adelle was feeling when Wes "saved" her from the car crash and the pain she felt of not being with him. Also I think the song Breathe by Taylor swift also ties into Adelle's feelings. And thank you all soooooo much for 420 reads!!!! It's insane I cannot believe it thank you!!! This book is my dream and it means so much to me to have you guys read it!! So please keep voting and commenting!! All feedback is welcome I want to know what you guys think!! And get ready for some exciting moments between Wes and Adelle!! I can't wait!! And thank you again so much!!!

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