Book 2: Mingkit Forever You a...

By Chibi_Hiromi

52.8K 1.9K 177

Reminder: Please read Book 1 first: This is the book two for Mingkit Only You, ple... More

Chapter 1: Kit's Diary
Chapter 2: Monel's Memories
Chapter 3: Engraved Message
Chapter 4: Real Monel
Chapter 5: The Uninvited Guest
Chapter 6: First Kiss
Chapter 7: His and Your Friends
Chapter 8: Nightmare
Chapter 9: Bestfriends
Chapter 10: Stay With Me
Chapter 11: I Love You
Chapter 12: I Love You Too
Chapter 13: The Dechapanya Family
Chapter 14: Together Again
Chapter 15: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 16: The Mastermind
Chapter 17: 2 days before
Chapter 18: Couple's Resolve
Chapter 19: Trigger
Chapter 20: Change of Plans
Chapter 21: Sacrifice
Chapter 22: Protect
Chapter 23: Friends to Keep
Chapter 24: Forever You and Me


2.9K 116 22
By Chibi_Hiromi

Author's POV

After one month in the hospital, Ming and Kit had successfully recovered and they are already permitted by their personal doctors, Beam and Phana, to go home. On their way home with the twins, they remembered that they didn't get the chance to clean the house after the incident. Ming opened the door and they were surprised by their families and friends. 

Everyone: SURPRISE!

Ming and Kit were surprised and the twins are not since they are the little angels behind the idea. They were the one who reached out to the grandparents on both sides to go home and prepare the rest while they distract their parents. Everybody was happy seeing the family whole again. Ming's parents with Minerva approached them and hugged their only son and was crying in tears of Joy.

Kit: Hi, mom, dad and Minerva, I will bring the twins over there so you guys can have a talk. 

Ming's Mom: I am so glad that you are alive. You are so lucky to have Kit who didn't give up on you and believed that you are indeed alive. 

Ming: Thanks Mom, I am indeed not just lucky but blessed to have him in my life. Dad, I will make up to my absences. 

Ming's Dad: That's nonsense. There's no need to rush since your sister seems to handle everything smoothly. 

Minerva: Don't worry bro, I got you covered so I will let you rest for another year to make up with your family. Once you're ready, you can come back anytime. 

Ming: Thanks sis. You're the best.

Minerva: I know right? 

They all laughed. Ming saw his parents in law and brother in law with Tee, Kit and the twins. He approached them and Kit's mom and daw were about to give him a hug when Ming suddenly knelt down in front of them that made the entire crowd surprised and drawn to his sudden action. Kit knelt down and asked his dear husband.

Kit: Babe, what are you doing? 

Ming: I need to do this, Kitkat. Please let me.

Kit looked in Ming's eyes and he is serious about what he is doing. He went back with the twins and approached his parents. Kit carrying Kim while Kieng carrying Cop. Ming on his knees and lean down until his forehead is touching the floor with his hands upfront. 

Ming: Mom, dad, and Kieng, I am really deeply sorry for making your son and your grandchildren suffer. I will never forgive myself for as long as I live with the hardships and the tears that I have brought to your beloved son. I promise that I will never ever leave them again and I will make Kit the happiest person on this earth if that's the last thing I do. 

Ming was waiting to be hit by Kieng but nothing came. He looked up and saw his parents in law kneeling down in front of him and touched Ming's shoulders. They helped him up and hugged him. 

Kit's Mom: What are you asking for forgiveness for? You didn't do any of this. I know that you would have not left them so do not blame yourself, ok?

Kit's Dad: Yeah, you even protected our son with the cost of your life. We couldn't be thankful enough for saving him. 

Ming hugs them tighter and started crying. Kit and the twins saw Ming crying and approached them and hugged them as well. Everybody in the room joined the group hug and started crying. After a few minutes, they laughed and the room was finally filled with happiness. Phana and the gang approached them and gave them a keycard and a bottle of wine. The couples were confused with the keycard.

Phana: Here.

Kit: What's this P?

Phana: We booked you guys an overnight stay in a 5-star hotel.

Beam: We know how you miss each other and we do not want to delay it any further. 

Ming: But what about the twins?

Wayo: We'll take care of them, right kids?

Kim: Yeah, grandmas and grandpas said that they will also stay with us. 

Cop: So you don't need to worry about us. 

Forth: I'll take you guys there, we don't want anything to happen to you both.

All of them laughed. Kit and Ming thanked their friends and bid goodbye to their parents and in-laws. Everyone knows about the hotel and Kit's mom winked at Phana while looking at the wine. They handed over they keycard and the bottle of wine. Forth drove them to the 5-star hotel which is just 30 minutes away from their house. 

Kit: Thanks P.

Forth: No need to thank me, you guys deserve this. 

Forth bid his goodbye and the couple went straight to the room that was indicated in the keycard. As they open the door, they were surprised by what they have seen, 

They loved their room and looked around it and they found a note on the bed and instructions were written on it. Ming recognized the handwriting and it was Wayo's. 

1. Wear the clothes found in the closet. P.S. Your twins picked the clothes.

2. You have a reservation at this restaurant found at the top of the hotel at 6 pm. Don't be late.

3. Put the wine in the mini fridge in the hotel room so it will be cold when you drink it after your dinner in your room. 

P.S. Your twins planned it all out. They're genius!

The note and the reservation put a smile on their faces. They looked at their watch and it already shows 5 pm. They put on the clothes and took a photo and send it to their friends to show it to their twins. 

They went straight to the top floor. The waiter showed them their table which amazed them both. 

Kit: This is beautiful. 

Ming: Yeah, we really got the best friends and kids we could ever ask for.

Kit: Did our twins really thought everything?

Ming: I believe so. Why are we so lucky?

Kit: Indeed, let's eat?

Ming and Kit enjoyed the dinner as they reminisce the past events and swore that whatever happened to them these past few months will never affect them negatively and that their love for each other and to their family grew even stronger. 

Ming: I will love you forever, my Kitkat.

Kit: I will love you too forever, my MMs. 

Ming and Kit enjoyed their dinner and went back to their hotel room. They took out the wine and started drinking it. They were cuddling on their bed when they felt hotter and decided to use the tub for them to soak in as they finish the wine. They took off their clothes and dipped in the tub. They were blushing when they saw each other's body as if it was their first time. But it is true that it was almost two years that they do not have any physical contact aside from the last deep kiss. Ming pulled in Kit closer to him as he put his arms around Kit's waist and starting making out. Kit was a little bit shy for it was too long. 

Kit: Can we finish the bottle first?

Ming: Sure.

Ming understood since Kit had just a traumatic experience and he fell in love with him all over again for Kit was the strongest man he had ever know. They were cuddling each other and enjoying each other's warmth when they didn't realize that they were able to finish the entire bottle. As time goes by, their body became hotter and hotter when Ming and Kit remembered the last time they felt this hot and it was the time that they conceived the twins. They started making out in the tub. Ming carried Kit and made him sit at the end on the tub as they touch each other's junior. They are letting out their longingness with their every touch. Ming leaned down and put Kit's junior on his mouth and Kit can feel his warm tongue slurping every part of it as he plays with his balls with Ming's free hands. Kit flinched and stretched out his upper body reacting to Ming's every blow. He grabbed Ming's hair and unintentionally pushed his junior in his mouth. Kit cummed in Ming's mouth and swallowed it. They started kissing again.

He pulled Kit back inside the tub as he looked for lube or lotion and he saw a bottle of lube and a note stuck to it 'Use it well.' The note put a smile on Ming's face. Kit was a kissing monster, he kissing, sucking and licking every part of Ming's neck as he leaves kiss marks and marking whats his. Ming carried Kit at the end of the tub as they passionately kiss and play with each other's tongue and exploring each other's mouth without stopping and use their nose to breathe in. It made Kit more excited. 

Kit: Ming, hurry up! Slam your dick inside him.

That comment made Ming growled and his dick got harder with their every kiss in-betweens. He raised Kit's thigh and Kit is not lying on his back at the end of the tub when he felt Ming's warm tongue licking inside him. Kit twitched as if his legs lost its strength for a few seconds and let out a pre-cum. Ming explored his insides using his tongue and it made Kit moan non-stop because of the pleasure he is receiving from his beloved. 

Ming pulled Kit's closer as he put a handful of lube to his hands and he inserted the first finger since they haven't done it for a long time. He wanted to be gentle for he didn't want his beloved Kit to get scared or hurt. He keeps on stroking Kit's insides until he found the sweet spot. Kit moaned aloud that signifies that he found the sweet spot inside and thrust his 2nd finger. He keeps stroking it and hitting the sweet spot and he entered his 3rd finger as Kit's insides are starting to get softer. Kit is begging Ming to fuck him already.

Kit: Ming, I need you now!

Ming: I am entering now my Kitkat.

Ming slowly entering Kit's hole as Kit flinched of his massive tip. Kit pulled Ming's dick that signals Ming to start thrusting it inside. Ming grabbed Kit's butt as he synchronizes Ming's thrust making sure he can suck it all in. Kit can feel him getting deeper and deeper as his moans are getting louder and echoing inside. Ming bit his lip with his every thrust as if he cannot get enough and keep on hitting Kit's sweet spot that causes nonstop pleasure for the two. Ming wanted to see Kit's expression so he wrapped one of his arms to Kit's back and one to his waist and pulled him closer without him pulling out.

Kit and Ming kissing, sucking and exploring each other's mouth as Kit wrapped his arms around Ming's neck and Ming keeps on thrusting harder and deeper inside him. He is getting rough every second and Kit didn't mind his aggressiveness. Ming sat back on the tub and grabbed on Kit's butt and spread his legs so he can get deeper. He started slapping my butt cheeks as Kit moans to every slap and to every thrust. He started talking dirty.

Ming: I know you like it rough my Kitkat. I can feel your hole sucking me inside. Take this and this. 

He is slapping Kit with his every thrust and he can feel his insides getting tighter and tighter Ming's dick is getting bigger and bigger inside him.

Kit: Harder Ming! Ahhh-aaaah!! Harder! 

Ming grabbed Kit's hair and nibbled on his neck. He started playing Kit's nipple and suck the other with his mouth that made Kit flinched with pleasure. Ming grabbed Kit's junior and started stroking it. 

Ming: Shit Kitkat! It feels great inside you. Do you love it?

Kit: Yes! Faster Ming! Fuck me harder!

Kit felt he is losing strength on his legs for they have been doing it for an hour. Ming can feel his pre-cum in his every thrust. Kit can feel him filling up inside him slowly.

Kit: Mingkwan!! I am cumming.

Ming: I am cumming my Kitkat! 

Mingkwan dried himself up by releasing it all his seeds inside Kit with the very last thrusts. Ming pulled out and Kit fell down on his shoulder with cum on his chest. Kit lost its strength on his legs so Ming carried him out of the tub. Kit wrapped his arms around Ming's neck and laid his head on his chest.

Kit: I love you Ming.

Ming: I love you too. 

Ming kisses Kit's forehead when he answered. 


After 10 Years


Kit: Kim and Cop! Are you kids awake? It's your fist day in highschool.

Kim: Yes ma, Cop is coming down.

Kit: Here's your lunch boxes. Have you guys decided what course you're taking in college? You're in 4th-year high school now.

Kim: I am taking up medicine like you, mom.

Cop: I am taking up engineering just like dad.

Ming: Wow! You guys have already decided your future ha. Then you both need to make sure that you grabbed the title Campus Moon, ok?

Cop: I'm not interested in that, dad. I'll let Kim win that. 

Kim: Come on Cop, you suited more than me. You got mom's look cute and petite. Any gender will fall for that.

Ming: Hey! Don't talk about your mom like that. But, it's true.

Cop: But brother, dad was campus moon and you got his looks. Regardless, if we are twins. 

Ming: Hey, why are bullying your dad? Kitkat, defend me, please. 

Kit was so busy taking care of their 9-year-old baby girl who he currently eating her favorite cereals. 

Kit: Baby Tina, do you like the cereals? Do you want more milk?

Baby Tina:  Yes, mommy. Mommy, will you go to school with me today?

Kit: Yes, baby. I will since it's your first day to sing and dance, right? Like we practice last night, are you ready?

Baby Tina: Yes, mommy!

Ming: Kitkat! Don't forget about me! I am being bullied by our twins.

Kit: Well, continue Kim and Cop.

Ming: Kitkat! 

Kit: Now, you know how I feel when you bullied me.

Ming: But that was out of love. Baby T, will you side with me?

Baby Tina: I'm with mommy.

Ming: You guys are mean.

Kit, Kim, Cop and Baby Tina started laughing as Ming keep on pouting. 

=======END of Book 2========

I would like to thank you all for your continuous support and I hope you love this fanfiction and the future fanfiction that I will be writing. If you have time, you can read My Cruel Valentine and I will try my best to update it every week. I will tag this book complete! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😘😘😘

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