Vminkook Only You

By SoulefulJun

81.3K 2.4K 322

Vminkook Only You Taehyung and Jimin broke up and after someone time Jimin gets with someone new witch is Jun... More

Only You
Short Flim


2.1K 77 23
By SoulefulJun

The day of the party finally came and Jungkook was so excited to see his friend Jin again. He honestly missed their playful arguments.
Jimin however wasn't ready for the day as it was the day where him and Taehyung had to present their projects.

They got to class and Jungkook wished Jimin good luck as he went to the front of the class with Taehyung. Jimin felt slightly bad that he didn't really help on the project though Taehyung didn't mind. Jimins nervousness was on full display for everyone to see, however Taehyung was even more nervous but not for the same reason. But Taehyung also did a much better job at hiding it and even Jimin almost missed it but he figured he was just as tense once he looked down to see Taehyungs nails where bitten all the way down, a nervous tick of his.

They showed their slide show and Taehyung did most of the talking while Jimin just smiled and nodded his head while he kept glancing between the clock that seems to be moving in slow motion and his cute dorky boyfriend that was giving him goo goo eyes the whole time. Jimin chuckled slightly to himself while fiddling with his fingers.

"Good job boys" the teacher said with a Mono tone voice as their slideshow came to an end. Right after the bell rang dismissing the class that was half asleep. "That was really good Jiminssi I'm proud of you" Jungkook smiled while they walked off with each other.  Taehyung just watched as the boys skipped off like it was some cheesy drama.
Today was the day, he'd finally be able to win Jimin back. He should be happy but the fear and nervousness kept flooding back and he stared chewing on his already too short nails now making them bleed.

Taehyung couldn't be at school any longer so he left to go for a walk. "It's ok, Jungkooks no good anyways, he made Jimin sad, and for that he must pay. Plus Jimin would be much happier with me anyways, Jungkook would only hurt him and Jimin deserves better. That's right, better! He Me witch  is better, yeah that's it! Jungkook is bad, he's Bad BAd BAD" Taehyung shouted in his head trying to convince himself that what he was doing was ok. He was practically losing his mind at this point. God he wished it would just be over with already.
He made his way back home and now just sat on the old dusty couch staring at the clock for hours counting down the time.


"Have fun at the dinner party baby I'll see you when you get home I love you so so much never forget that" Jungkook chuckled and hugged the smaller boy not wanting to let go. "I love you too Jiminssi" he said brushing his head on Jimins neck. Jimin giggled then pushed him off. "Get going, you're friends are going to be waiting" "you mean friend" Jungkook responded as he only talked to Jin. "Yeah yeah, now go" Jungkook chuckled and pecked Jimins cheek saying "I love you" once more before heading out.
Jimin stood there a blushing mess before plopping on the couch with popcorn scrolling through Netflix.

It has already been over an hour and Taehyung was still looking at the clock on the wall with a dead stair biting what was left of his bloody fingernails. He finally pulled out his phone checking Jungkooks Instagram post about the dinner part invitation. "8:30" he read then looked up at the clock "8: 32" Right on time..

Jungkook arrived at the restaurant and was greeted by Jin. "Hey Jeon" Jin said wrapping his arm around his shoulder. "Hey Hyung" they walked to the the table and took a seat with the familiar people form the trip. There was kids from all over and an extra face that neither Jin or Jungkook recognized. "You know him?" Jin whispered to Jungkook who just shrugged. They decided just to let it go since neither of them really talked to anyone outside of each other they probably just didn't see him there. The tall sliver haired male then walked over to them looking down at them with a convincing smile. He studied both boys before Jin lead in closer. "Um can we help you?" He asked in a sarcastic tone not wanting to deal with this man. "Oh right excuse me" the unknown man said clearing his throat. "You can just call me RM, it's what everyone dose, you're Jeon Jungkook right? I was meaning to talk to you while we where in America but I guess you left before I could" Both Jungkook and Jin looked each other as they swore they have never seen this guy, but maybe they really did just miss him so they played along pretending that they knew him just as RM predicted. See humans where easy to read and Namjoon (aka RM) could usually predict their actions way ahead of time when given certain circumstances. Not to mention that RM was smart, like unhumanly smart, it's what made him so good at his job, witch was good for him but not so much for others. Jungkook blinked a couple of times before shaking his hand "eh-right, sorry I messed you, what did you need me for?" RM just smiled while speaking "just thought you looked cool and wanted to see about being friends"  Jungkook frowned his eyes brows but saw his expression and believed him. He honestly felt a little prideful and flattered that someone was talking to him first for once. "Oh, of course we can be friends" He said while pulling out a chair for his newly found 'friend'. However Jin was still slightly on the fence by this guy and RM didn't fail to notice. Looks like he would have to break in with Jeons friend before he could move on to the actual Job.

"8:49" Taehyung read. The sound of the clock was clicking through his head while he chewed on the strings of his hoodie as his fingernails were pretty much non existent at this point. They finally stopped bleeding but every time he would put a little presser on them it would start up again. At one point he was just doing for fun to see how much blood he cloud get out. He really was going mad just sitting there waiting. His hair was all over the place sticking out on both ends while his skin was pale with dark circles draping down his eyes do to the loss of sleep. 'Click' the clock ticked again sending a painful echo through Taehyung ear all the way down his body "8:50"  it now read

Both Jin and RM where laughing like crazy while RM made sure to keep the drinks coming getting Jin completely wasted. Jungkook just sat there awkwardly not really knowing what do with his drunk friend. Jin was pretty much out of it this point giving RM his prefect opportunity. "Want a drink Jungkook" RM asked willing to pay. "Ah nah I'm fine, not much of a drinker" "ah one ain't gonna hurt, please it's my treat" Jungkook was 19 so he figured it wouldn't be to bad though he hated alcohol, not just because it's bitter taste but because he knows Jimins comes from a family of alcoholics, and it tore Jimins family up and he hated it with a passion, it made Jungkook hate it too because he knew how much it hurt the already fragile sweet boy.

"It's just one drink Jeon it won't hurt ya, please let me buy one" RM nudged his shoulder. Jungkook looked around the room nervously for help but everyone was occupied with something else and his only friend was laying wasted over the table with drool coming from his mouth as his cheeks where flushed pink. He really really didn't want to but the pressure was to much, he didn't want his new cool friend to think he was lame so he finally agreed. "Great! I promise I'll pick you out a good one" RM winked getting up making his way to the counter while Jusngkook just nervously gulped tugging at his collar.
"One Margarita please" RM ordered.

"8:57" Taehyun read the clock, heart beat slowly getting faster as he waited for the the call.

RM reached into his jacket pocket when no one was looking slipping a few supplements in the drink turning it all sorts of colors. He gently grabbed the drink and stared walking back to the table, boots echoing on the hardwood floor.


"Here you are" RM said placing down the drink sliding it over to the shaking panicked boy.


Jungkook stared at the colorful drink palms sweaty  while his leg jumped up and down. "Is some thing the mater?" RM asked snapping Jungkook back into realty. "What? Oh- no, nothings wrong" he said voice shaky and he didn't even know why. A rush of paranoia soon filled his body and he felt like everybody was staring at him, watching him, waiting for them to take the first drink. RM smirked then slid it a litter closer "then drink, after all I did just spend the last of my money on that" Jungkooks eyes darted back and forth from RMs grin to the colored drink. As I said Jungkook never really drunk alcohol so the color of it never crossed his mind. He slowly picked it up placing it to his lips. His breath fogged the rim of the glass as he closed his eyes. "Jeon, it's not that big of a deal, it's not even full alcohol, it's just wine" "ri-ght" he stuttered once more raising the glass to his lips as the substance slowly made its way to his tongue and down his throat.


Jungkook drank the last of the drink and then placed the glass back down immediately feeling dread and guilt knowing he let Jimin down. RM smirked and patted his back while standing up. "See wasn't so bad now was it? Jungkook just gave a slight nervous chuckle. "Ye- yeah.." "well I better get going, it's getting kinda late" RM said and Jungkook nodded has he walked off, disappearing just as fast as he appeared.

RM got outside and let out a deep breath of air that fogged the crisp night air white. He pulled out his phone and dialed the number he was supposed to call when he finished.

As soon as Taehyung heard his phone ring he answered it right after jumping form the anxiety rushing through his veins. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's done, the job is complete" The call ended and right after Jungkooks eyes widened as he felt his heart suddenly beat fast and hard. His chest tightened up and he was over whelmed with the feeling of pain. His muscles felt really tight and tenses as he could hardly move his body. He looked over and tried calling Jin to help but he couldn't speak and his vision grew blurry and watery with tears before he collapsed to the floor. Now everyones attention was focused on the boy who was laying cold and stiff, whos breath grew rapid and short until it eventually just stopped and everything went cold and dark..

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