fanboy |

بواسطة musicbeatloves

540K 31.1K 7.5K

Arthit would never admit in public that he's a fanboy for the model turned actor, Kongpob. He did not expe... المزيد

01 celebrity.
02 connect.
03 chance.
04 thanks.
05.1 image.
05.2 plunge.
06 fansite
07 line.
let's talk.
08 hit & miss.
09 friends & site
10 fan
11 dodged
12 questioning.
13 out to play.
14 domestic
15.1 attack
15.2 Patch up
16 friendship rules and kisses
17 boy
18 late night visitor
19 charm
let's talk
20 little demon
21 pinkmilk
22 sleepless
23 epiphany
words from the author
24 Hunting
25.1 good night kiss
25.2 model it.
25.3 snapshot
26.1 Hot Mess
26.2 Baby Don't Stop
26.3 After the Heat
27.1 Shennanigans
27.2 Missing You
28.1.1 The List
28.1.2 Sensation
28.2 Fanboy
Fanmeet content suggestions
29.2 Fanmeet
29.3 Fanmeet
SP - Hormones (teaser)
SP - Hormones
29.4 Fanmeet
30 Date Night
30.5 Arcade
31 Beach
32 Together.
33 Explosion
34.1 Radio
34.2 Shame
35 disappointment.
36 - The Choice.
38 year 1.
39 year 2
39 my warmth

29.1 Fanmeet

6.8K 425 122
بواسطة musicbeatloves

He pondered over his clothes for hours before he slept. The funny thing about it was that he only had to choose between 4 items. He didn't have much room in his closet. His wardrobe choices were limited.

Black. Pink. White. Gray. All four were sweaters. It was the most comfortable thing in his closet and any physical traits were easily hidden with it. Even though he had been discovered by Kongpob as his fanboy, he still didn't want to be outed.

An all black ensemble was out of the question. It would have been too obvious to everyone including Kongpob if he attended the fanmeet in that.

Pink felt like an advertisement that he's Pinkcoffee. Gray seemed so dull and the white one seemed so plain.

Arthit decided to stick with a classic white. For the reason? He doesn't know anymore. It was the first thing he saw when he woke up.

He was getting nervous. His palms were sweaty. It was like that fanmeet from Kongpob's previous series all over again. But this time around, he didn't have Maprang to accompany him. It was a solo mission.

Not wanting to stay to stand out like sore thumb outside the venue, he quickly registered himself and showed his electronic invitation at the registration booth.

Being one of the rare males around, he really stood out more so when an ID was provided for him with his website's pink color scheme.

"Friend! The rumors are true, one of the fansite masters is a male!"

"No way!" There's the sound of disbelief and excitement. Among the fandom community, such news would be a big deal. 

The one wearing glasses rolled her eyes at her friend. "I will not lie about this. Look there."

"It's him. PinkCoffee. I saw him register with this name earlier."

Arthit touched the black mask covering his mouth to make sure that they were in place. He was nervous as hell, more so when he heard the two females talking about him after he received his kit that was given to all fansite masters in attendance. He had worn the prepared ID by the fan meet's production team with his website's logo, marking him as Pinkcoffee's fansite master. It was uncomfortable to be acknowledged in the flesh but he had accepted the invitation fully aware that he will be identified as such.

"It's okay, Arthit. Remember. You are not here for them. This is for Kongpob.", he muttered, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

Other than the kit given to all fansite masters, he also received 2 sets of gift bags for all the fans invited; one was from the management and another was from Kongpob himself. The male celebrity had prepared a different set that he personally picked for his fans. For doing such thing, anyone would have fallen in love harder if they hadn't.

The main event hasn't started but Arthit was feeling so much happiness. He couldn't help himself but check out the contents of what he received. 

He was all sparkly-eyed when he saw what Kongpob's company prepared for the fansite masters. He laughed at the first item he saw. It was a headband with a large arrow pointing to one's head when worn and a large letters forming the word PinkCoffee, personalized for each fansite master. The next was very funny. It was a very soft towel with the words, 'Let this be Kongpob's hand wiping your sweat for you'. The last one a high quality photo of Kongpob of which he had taken during a Songkran event. It was a wet and hot day. Arthit was starting to blush when he remembered that moment. He had to lie his ass off from his friends saying that he got sick from something he ate when in fact he was taking pictures of Kongpob all wet and sexy.

(credits in the photo)

Aside for the fact that Kongpob chose that photo, there was also a handwritten message behind the picture.

PinkCoffee I am delighted and honored for supporting me. It must be hard taking this shot. There were so many people that day.

Arthit foung himself nodding while reading.

I don't remember much of that event except that I had a lot of fun because I had spent it with you guys. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful remembrance of it.

The ordeal he suffered that time was worth it seeing this message from his favorite celebrity. He really did get sick from the heat and the time he spent soaked from the endless spray of water. It took a whole 3 days for him to recover.

Extremely satisfied with the kit, he checked out the rest. The gift bag from the management was the usual gift bag one would expect from a fan meet except for a limited edition badge that all participants would be able to receive. The badge is a in a form of Kongpob's initials K and S with a small 4-leaf clover that signified luck. The male celebrity had mentioned it numerous times in his interviews that his fans are his lucky charm and thus the added clover on the badge.

Kongpob's gift bag was different and really personal. It contained things that the male liked. The first thing you will notice is the reusable gift bag. Kongpob had always been in favor of reducing waste and had participated in numerous events related to it. When Arthit looked inside the bag, there's a sample-sized ground coffee, a small notebook filled with little doodles from the celebrity and special dates in the male's life. There's also some snacks from his favorite shops and a Polaroid photo. What's amazing about the gift bag was a letter personally handwritten by Kongpob! 

Hello! My lovely fan. 

From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful that we have crossed paths.

You are my strength when I am tired.

You are my warmth when I am cold and lonely. 

A lot of things can happen in our lives and I may make mistakes that will hurt you. When that time comes, may you forgive me. 

I may not remember your name or your face but I am sure that I would remember the love you gave me as you supported me all this time. 

Thank you and I love you.

~Kongpob Suttiluck

Arthit had his hands over his chest, regretting reading the letter in public. He couldn't fully express his happiness from such words coming from his favorite celebrity. It feels really different now that he had a relationship with Kongpob. The feelings were more intense.  

He breathe in and out a couple of times. Even though they had something going on, he was still Kongpob's fanboy. Fanboying doesn't end. 

Arthit checked the time and there were still some time left before the event starts. He had already entered the venue and began setting up his camera. All fansite masters that were seated in the same row as him were doing the same. It was like their personal duty to take good photos of Kongpob even though the management had informed them that they could chose not to pick up their cameras and just enjoy the event. They all couldn't do it. Arthit felt that it would be a shame not to take a photo of it.

"You're PinkCoffee.", a female voice confidently spoke behind him. Arthit turned around to see a petite female wearing an ID tag 'KongRevolution'. She was smiling with her hand waiting for a handshake. Liking her attitude and the fact that he was wearing a mask, he shook his hand and nodded.  "Nice to meet you KongRevolution. I like your work."

He was flattered that he was recognized by one of the oldest running fansites for Kongpob. He had only been running his website for less than a year and he seldom updates. 

Her smile widened at his acknowledgement. "I like your work too. I've seen you before. It was during Kongpob's last fanmeet for his series, right? The guy at the newspaper dance game?"

Arthit mentally cringed when he remembered that. "Please don't remind me of that moment. It was extremely embarrassing." 

"You shouldn't say that. Everyone loved it. Shipping males are such a trend. Everyone was going wild for it."

"I'm perfectly content with just taking pictures."

KongRevolution snorted at his words. "Somehow I doubt that. We all want to be close to him. We, fansite masters, pretend that we don't want to. Trust me on this.

She gave him a pat on the shoulder. " That's why we should enjoy this event as much as we can. We might not get another opportunity to get closer than this."


While waiting all lights in the venue went out, earning a scream from all the unsuspecting audience. An upbeat rock song played through the speakers. 

A spotlight centered in the middle of the audience seats. No one suspected that Kongpob would be seating among them dressed in all denim.

Song - Struggle Along by Ken Tachaya (SOTUS S OST)

Everyone screams. It was a familiar song with a meaningful song. 

Kon took kon dtaung mee bpunhah
Everyone has problems
Mai chah gor rew dtaung jur gup dtua
They'll have to face sooner or later
Glua mai glua laeo dtae ja glah ja fah fun
To be scared or not, it's up to bravery and perseverance

Arthit was frozen in his place, unable to lift up his camera when he saw Kongpob in his element, performing like a rockstar. 

ฉันและเธอก็เคยเจอมาแล้ว แต่คงไม่แคล้วมีวันถอดใจ
Chun lae tur gor koey jur mah laeo dtae kong mai klaeo mee wun taut jai
You and I once faced it, but there's no escape from discouraging days
Lom gor look keun mai jup meu gun ao wai
If you fall, get up again, take my hand

Kongpob was surrounded by similarly dressed dancers as him.  Arthit acted like a foolish fanboy smiling as he watched. For others who had seen him, he looked like a stoic fan in a trance. He managed to keep his reputation as mysterious.

(*) ใจเรามันก็เป็นแค่เพียงก้อนเนื้อ
Jai rao mun gor bpen kae piang gaun neua
Our hearts are just a chunk of flesh
Yaum mee kaeng yaum mee aun ae
They will be strong, and they will be weak
อย่ายอม อย่าแพ้อย่าปล่อยมือฉัน
Yah yaum yah pae yah bploy meu chun
Don't give up, don't let go of my hand

Kongpob passed by his area and Arthit was singing along, forgetting his identity as a fansite master. A couple of fansite masters chuckled and took a couple shots of him in which will be later dubbed as the fall of PinkCoffee for Kongpob's charms in multiple fansites. 

(**) ยังอยู่ตรงนี้ไม่ไปไหน ไม่มีวันจะทอดทิ้งเธอ
Yung yoo dtrong nee mai bpai nai mai mee wun ja taut ting tur
I'm still right here, I haven't gone anywhere, there will never be a day that I abandon you
ปัญหาใดๆ จะข้ามมันไป ถ้าเรายังเชื่อใจกัน
Bpunhah dai dai ja kahm mun bpai tah rao yung cheua jai gun
Whatever the problem, we'll get over it if we still believe in each other
ถ้ามีฉันก็ต้องมีเธอ เราต้องไปด้วยกันเป็นคู่
Tah mee chun gor dtaung mee tur rao dtaung bpai duay gun bpen koo
If there's me, there must be you, we must go together as a pair
Dtor hai rao dtaung lom lae mun dtaung look klook klahn kae nai
No matter how much we have to fall and struggle through
Chun yung yoo gup tur
I'm still with you

Hai kwahm ruk rao tum lai gumpaeng
Let our love destroy the barriers
Hai nahm tim taeng gor yung mai glua
Let the thorns prick us, but I'm still not scared
Sure mai sure munn yoo tee jai rao tao nun
Sure or not, it's only in our hearts


By the end of the song, everyone had gone crazy. The energy was so high that it was contagious. Everyone was screaming Kongpob's name shouting love confessions for the male. 

Only then did Arthit manage to get hold of himself. He shook his head and held it with his hands, mentally embarrassed for losing his mind. 

His hands finally moved on his own, pressing the shutter button as soon as he saw Kongpob smiling towards the crowd. 

"Hello guys! Thank you for coming to this event. I'm so happy that I really contain those feelings in here." Kongpob acting cute, pointed to his heart. 

"So... here comes another one for you."

One of the dancers removed Kongpob's jacket, leaving him in a tight fitting black shirt as other dancers entered with chairs.  With the familiar tune that sent waves across the country, it gave no time for the fans to recover. 

Arthit officially died and they were only at the beginning of the program. The heat in the room just went up that he was hating his choice of clothes. 

During the portion where was dancing while sitting, everyone screamed when they saw an unknown woman in a red approaching the star of the show and dragging her fingers along his shoulders. Everyone wanted to curse the woman or rather they wanted to be her and Kongpob looked at her. 

It was simply chaos. The music almost drowned from the screams. Arthit tried his best to focus on the camera and not drop it. There were many instances especially when the famous move in the chorus was done.

Fans just went crazy. Arthit could even hear his fellow fansite masters suck their breaths when the male celebrity caressed his own body as the choreography dictated. 

By the end of the song, there were many people among the crowd whose voice went hoarse.

"Still alive?" An MC finally appeared and joked. Everyone laughed breathlessly in reply.

Arthit was happy to say that he's still breathing. His heart was almost beating out of his chest but somehow he survived. He was secretly thankful it wasn't something like that song from EXO, The eve. He was certain that he'll have a heart attack with that.

"To give you guys a break let's have a short game. It's very easy and you'll be very happy with the prize. I won't say what it will be but you won't regret it."

"Right now I need 20 volunteers."

20 fans went up the stage and played the first game. As the MC told earlier it was an easy.

 The first game was 10 questions. Even the audience joined in as there were some questions that were quite tricky. 

Arthit laughed at some of the fans' reactions when they were teased by the MC. From where he sat, Arthit could see Kongpob watching the game. He didn't want to appear onstage that time as to let the fans concentrate on the game not on him, but he couldn't help himself but help a certain fan get the answer correct. It was sweet and all everyone with a camera caught that sweet moment.

The winner was the one Kongpob helped. She introduced herself as  AlexaLola13, preferring to be called by her online identity as she was shy. 

She won a fan package that contained a signed poster and a shirt from a sponsored brand and also a selfie Polaroid in which Kongpob will be taking with her. No one disagree that it was a great prize.

After the first game there was another song and like the first two performances, everyone lost their minds especially when Kongpob appeared in a skirt with a long slit and a corset-like top with black boots.

Jennie's song, solo had Arthit already praying for a peaceful death. He was really going to die at this rate. 


Part 1. It is simply too long to put in one chapter.

Tell me what you think about this update. I'm curious of what you guys think.

And this story is  submitted for Wattys2019. PEACE YOW~


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