Letters to my beloved [Comple...

By benasdasdorvien

182K 18K 2.8K

Arch enemies or secret confidants? ***All regular credits*** More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Too many thoughts!
Chapter 29
Flashback 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
The End

Chapter 32

4.7K 477 67
By benasdasdorvien

Kong's POV

"P' please just come out. Let's talk about it."

I heard a muffled whisper which I can only assume was not a favorable response cause the door remained very tightly shut. So I tried my luck once again and knocked on the bathroom door.

"P' c'mon. You know you can't hide in there forever."

Another muffled response that was impossible for me to actually hear which was immediately followed by a loud crash and a string of curses.

"P'! Are you ok? I'm not leaving until you come out. Just please talk to me."

This was pretty much what the last half hour of our evening had been. Totally not how I was expecting things to turn out.

I had been looking forward to this very day for a while now. Last day of exams, last day of my first year, last day we were senior and junior seemed like the perfect time to start a new relationship. But before then we had a lot to talk about our history. And what better way to do it than as Turtle and Simba, except for the first time, talking face to face.

Well, I had obviously not thought this through cause the events didn't exactly turn out the way I anticipated.

I was staring at P'Arthit with the most uncontrolled excitement as I pushed the box towards him. Watching him like a hawk as he slowly picked it up and ripped the wrapping paper. I could distinctly see the frown on his face as he tentatively opened the box. And I then saw the look of utter shock on his face when he recognized our journal. Keeping all things aside I must say that was probably the best moment of my life.

My smile only going broader when he snapped his head up to stare straight into my eyes while he began stuttering.

"Yo...you...you know?"


"I....you....when....how...but why...wait...wait...wait...do you also know about me...and...and...you?"


And I was still staring all wide eyed as the final pieces of the puzzle fell into place for him. His mouth forming into a thin line as he slowly closed the lid of the box, replacing it back on the table and stood up from his chair. I continued looking at him, now slightly confused at how calm he was suddenly behaving. And before I could even wrap my head around what he was about to do, he practically power walked straight into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

That was over 40 minutes ago now and since then I have been wearing down the floor outside his bathroom trying to coax him to come outside. I mean seriously, how long does the man think he can stay in there? Does he think I am not going to camp outside for as long as I need to? I spent the entire night stuck in his closet remember? And that was just for a silly prank. There was no way I was budging from my spot now that we were finally dealing with things that actually mattered.

I glanced at my watch again as I leaned against the frame of the bathroom door. It had been a good fifteen minutes since either of us had even made a whisper of noise, both testing the other's patience. And if there was one thing we had learnt more than anything through all the big and small pranks we have pulled on each other, is that stubbornness is definitely one of our best qualities.

I was very much in the process of contemplating if unscrewing the hinge on the door was at all a possibility, and if so, exactly how much trouble would I be in with P'Arthit, when suddenly the door swung open catching me completely off guard.

The angle in which my head was cocked making it the perfect height for P'Arthit to walk straight into me, his mouth landing smack against mine.

And both of us instantly froze. Mostly from utter shock. I could feel his moist lips lightly pressed near the corner of my mouth, almost feel his eyelashes fluttering rapidly as he took in our position. The warmth of skin piercing through his thin t-shirt, scorching my palm that had automatically moved to support his back when he had come crashing into me.

Although I am sure it was barely a split second when my brain went into overdrive trying to figure out what to do next, I swear it felt I was arguing with myself for an eternity. And perhaps the answer should have been simpler than I was making it out to be, but in that moment I didn't exactly know what I wanted to do.

Pull back maybe? Or...keep going?

Pull back?

Keep going?

Pull back...

...Keep going

And in that instant I felt P'Arthit making the move to pull back, which naturally meant I decided to keep going. I tightened my arm that was already hanging loosely around his waist, pushing his body further into mine. His hands instantly moving to my shoulders to stabilize himself from the sudden jerk. And while he was partly distracted from my unexpected action, I pushed the fingers from my free hand through his hair, grabbing the back of his head and holding it firmly in place as I increased the pressure against his lips.

Just for half a second he tried resisting. Or atleast that was what he was attempting to do. His hands pushing against my body and yet his mouth giving me very different signals. His lips completely pliant against mine. More than happy to part away as my tongue prodded for entry. His palms making another half-hearted attempt to push away when he felt me teasing his inner walls, his own tongue half playing, half battling against me. My reaction to only pull him in closer, my fingers gripping his hands very firmly against mine. There was no way I was letting him run away from me again.

Turns out convincing him that what we were doing was exponentially more pleasurable than stressing out alone in the bathroom wasn't that hard cause no sooner did my teeth nip at his lower lip did he let out the most erotic moan.

The measly little damn of resistance completely shattering as he began responding to me with unrestrained passion. His hands having very quickly finding their way under my t-shirt, his nails light grazing my back while the both of us began stumbling our way to the very enticing bed.

Sometime along the very short journey we had managed to lose two t-shirts, P'Arthit tumbling onto his back as I climbed over him, my mouth finding it rather hard to decide what part of his skin I wanted to taste first. Biting and licking every exposed inch I could get access too. Grunting a little in frustration anytime he pulled me away from my delicious meal but immediately devolving in pleasurable moans when he fiercely claimed my mouth with his, or his tongue teasingly flicked at my nipple. All throughout his hands urgently massaging my butt cheeks, continuously grinding our dicks together.

At some point during our battle for dominance and a subsequent surrender did I move my shivering hands towards his pants. My fingers impatiently trying to work on his pant button, my eyes fixed at his straining erection, my coveted prize waiting for me to finally free it when a stray thought entered my mind.

"P' do you top or bottom?"

His eyes were scrunched shut, his body reacting involuntarily as I zipped open his pants, my fingers brushing across his now only boxer clad erection.


My hands had already managed to push his pants halfway down his hips when my question finally registered.

"Top or bottom P'?"

"How the fuck would I know. This is my first time even kissing a guy. What about you? Are you..."

"Ummm...not sure. My first time too."



And suddenly the unbridled passion that had consumed us only a few seconds ago was seeping right out from our bodies. My fingers stilled while they gripped those belt loopy things around his pants, my legs straddling his hips as we looked at each other properly for the first time since he had barricaded himself into the bathroom.

"Maybe we should talk about things first."

P'Arthit let us a long sigh and buried his face in his hands as his customary blush rose up his neck towards his cheeks again.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's...talk."

I rolled off and plopped down to lie down next to him. After months and months of our never ending hide and seek we had finally arrived at our moment of truth. It was now or never.

"So, you love me huh?"


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