The Four *rewriting

By Tejamlane01

909 47 21

Freya, Willow, Ethan, and Aaron have never met each other. More

Character List
Shit Really Starts to Get Interesting
Happy Birthday To Me
We'll be okay one day
Supernatural Fight Club
Letting Go
What the beans is that?!
Can You Swim?
Just go with it, okay
Light this bitch up

Stand Back

8 0 0
By Tejamlane01


I watched as Ally twirled her hips to the beat of some trap song blasting through the speakers. Her little arms wiggling above her head as she let the music move her. Her words, not mine. She gave me a smile and nodded for me to come over and dance with her. "Absolutely not," I called immediately.

"Come on, don't be such a wet blanket," She groans and jogged over to grab my hands. I allow it with a sigh and let her lift my arms, swaying them to the rhythm. She looked like a little pixie in her goddess costume. She was wearing a long, thin dress that swept at the floor slightly. She pulled her pin straight hair into a complicated updo that exposed her delicate neck. Maybe I was getting a bit drunk, but I couldn't help but feel the urge to bend down and kiss the skin. She looked up through her eyelashes and I felt a surge in the pit of my stomach. Oh, I was definitely getting drunk. I felt my body start to fold and right then she gave me a goofy grin. In that moment, I was reminded who it was.


My sweet, beautiful, silly best friend who deserved way more than my drunken behavior confusing her. I swallowed and played it off by whispering, "I'm not a wet blanket," into her ear. She giggled and gave me a shrug. I laughed and even spinned her around once to please her and prove I wasn't completely lame.

Which, luckily, worked. Her smile was even bigger when she faced me again. "So, are you having fun, WB?" She asked happily.

"A blast," I replied smiling back. Sure it was loud and we were surrounded by drunk idiots, but I was with Ally. She had a way of making every situation entertaining. "Don't call me WB," I added with mock seriousness.

"I knew that you would," She said with contentment, ignoring my statement. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I think I'm gonna go for a walk."

She stills and lets out a loud groan, "You're kidding, right?"

"I just want a beat. I'm starting to really feel all these drinks you've been pumping into me." I gave her a smile, watching her small features bunch together in annoyance.

"Fine. 5 minutes." She pointed at me with a very serious look, but all I could see was the adorable piece of glitter on her nose. She was so far from intimidating it was laughable, but I still nodded my head and gave her a salute.

I turned leaving her dancing with a Kanye look-a-like and made my way into the trails beside the open field. I could hear all the laughter and chaos behind me as I made my way farther from it. The sounds of irresponsible fun echoing in a distance. I took in the vast greenery and admired the beauty of simple, unbothered nature. The towering trees spread into each other, intertwining the branches together.

I felt the cool air brushing my skin and fell into a euphoria. I missed this feeling. Just a still in the air leaving you and your thoughts a chance to steady. I felt as though tonight was a great escape from my dad's continuous cycle of belittling me and destroying any peace I found. I hated that his words got to me the way that they did. I was worried that he was right about my internship. That I truly wasn't good enough for it and that I was just kidding myself here. for me to take control. If I was being honest I didn't know what I wanted or who I could be if it wasn't a writer. Nothing else made sense and I barely had that figured out. I mean, I never had a good example of man to follow. I can't help but be afraid that I'll end up just like him. Lost and angry at the world with no one to talk to but the bottom of a bottle.

My thoughts are cut short by the sound of screams ringing into the air. They slice through the silence suddenly and I felt my body fill with adrenaline. I quickly move towards the sound. Forcing my body past the fear and straight into the danger when a body connected into mine. Her eyes wild as she punches into my chest trying to break free from my arms that naturally wrapped around to catch her. I staggered back from the sudden contact but found my balance quickly. She tries to pulls away from my arms but I hold her steady, pushing her dark locks away from her eyes and staring her into her face, "I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise." I kept my voice hushed as I assured her. She stopped fighting and dropped a little in my arms. Her weight falling into me. I took the time to notice a red head staring back behind us. Her head whipping around frantically as she searched the darkness in fear. "What's going on?" I asked them.

"There's something back there," the girl in my arms murmured softly. She looked up at me and I could see the clear terror in her eyes. She continued stuttering over herself breathlessly, "I've never seen anything like it before. It was going to hurt us and I stopped it. I don't know how but I did. And I have this feeling whatever I did is not gonna last long." She was trembling under my hands and I knew that whatever they  saw had to have been real. You don't get the genuine fear that she had unless there was something truly real and ready to harm you out there.

"What did you do?" I found myself asking. She finally calmed herself down long enough to stand on her own and run a hand through her dark curls. Her body shaking deeply as she backed away.

"That doesn't matter. We need to get everybody out of her while we can." This voice was clear and not at all as dramatic as the other. The red head moved over to us with her hands on her hips. "We don't have a lot of time," She added and turns, running away with a light jog. I found myself mystified by her calm reaction and immediate moves. She wasn't the type to let fear run her obviously and that as an admirable quality.

Grabbing the brunettes hand lightly, I pulled her into action as well, "Come on, she's right." With a nod we both started to run back into the party.  

"Everyone run! NOW," A light voice screams into the crowd. The brunette was dressed like an angel I noticed in the light. Her dress flowing at her thighs as she twisted her petite body to get as much sound out. In that moment I finally recognized her. She was a loud and friendly thing I always saw around campus. Always laughing and filling a room with her waves of positivity. Her outgoing nature making her a popular with everyone in a great way but right now, that version of herself was folded away and covered by a girl completely petrified, "I meant it. Leave!" She yells.

The red head was in front of us grabbing at people and forcing them to listen. After a while she starts to join in yelling for people to go home with me right behind her. Her voice was a lot more steady, but not any less afraid. The crowd slowly starts to listen and disperse in annoyances. Swears being hurled out at us as they all moved towards the edge of the field to there cars and the trails.

As if a switches had flipped, the air sucks from around us when a loud growl echo's into the night. It bounced off my eardrums, pouncing off of every surface. Like a pin drop in the middle of an exam room, the rumble cut through everything fiercely. It sounded as if something had crashed into a glass. The sound so loud it felt like it cut through each of us sharply. My eyes dart around fast, searching for Ally through all the unfamiliar faces. The masses were running now, freaking out about the sound making it a screen of bodies for me to look through to find her.

I was close to a panic attack when I finally found the little pixie fighting her way through the crowd. "Ally," I yelled to get her attention. I saw her black eyes snap up to mine and watched them calm as they met mine. "I'll be right back. Be careful," I called to the girls. Though I had just met them, I was not going to leave them stranded in this mess, "Stay in sight, give me a minute," I said.

The red head nodded and moved closer to The Angel. They were silently keeping themselves linked together as they moved people out. Knowing that helped make me feel better about separating from them but I still felt this nagging feeling to stay by their side. Like a magnetic pull keeping me attached. Despite my first mind, I sprinted to Ally anyway. Dodging the random bodies, I quickly made my way to her. Once near she lunched into me, colliding with a thud, "Thank God," she whispered holding onto me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and dropped my head onto her shoulder.

"We're gonna be okay," I assured her holding her tightly. "There is an animal or something out there but it'll be okay. I promise. We just gotta get outta here," I told her pulling back to look at her.

Ally gasped and shook her head, "No, not yet," She whispered facing me. Tears pooling her eyes like a nearly full cup ready to spill over. I dropped my eyebrows in confusion. Not yet?

"What are you talking about?' I yelled sudden over the screams.

"Ethan, that's not an animal. It's something much worse," She explained with a loud sob suddenly.

"Hey, calm down. I'm here. We're gonna be okay,"

"You just don't understand what's going on." She was reaching unconsolable quickly and I knew I had to get her out and fast.

"You can explain it to me on the way," With that I started to yank her paralyzed body forward. I couldn't read her fear, but felt as it grew to hysteria and panic with every second.

She shook me off angrily, "Stop! I need to think," She stuttered at me in frustration. Her voice high and quivered slightly. She looked at the crowd as they stumbled around each other. Their frantic movements causing mayhem to abruptly spread across the area. The teenagers grabbing onto each other as they ran. I watched as people pushed and fought their way out of the crowd. I couldn't begin to think of a way to get around that. Of course I would need Ally to comply first.

She was running a hand over her glitter stained face, wildly panting heavily. Her eyes refusing to meet mine, "Allisia!" A deep voice yelled over the crowd. She looked up and let out a deep breath. She found whoever had called her way before I had. He was racing in between the mob, ducking the bodies until he was in front of us. There was a silent conversation between them as I watched silently. "This him?" He finally pants pointing towards me. Though asking about me, he made no other move to actually acknowledge my exsistance.

Ally nodded, "Yes," she whispered turning back. I was trying hard to ignore the screaming but there was one I couldn't. It came from behind me. I quickly whipped around and finally saw it. A tall skeletal creature with piercing red eyes darting around us. The monster dashed to the people around us, grabbing at their bodies and devouring them. I watched as he snatched a buff guy dressed as a baseball player and shove his neck into his mouth. He closed his eyes in pleasure as he sucked at his vains.

It was hypnotic in the most frightening way. I wanted so badly to turn my head and stop witnessing this personal attack but I couldn't. I had no power to stop this beast from ripping at his throat and couldn't do anything but gasp for breath when he finally threw the lifeless body into a tree behind him. Ally grabbed my hand and yanked at me. "Ethan, you have to listen to me," she begged behind me.

I whipped around face her. She knew. That's why she was so scared. That's what's been bothering her. She knows something. "Ally, what is going on?" My mind was speeding through every detail of her face. Taking in the small sweat on her brow, the tears threatening to fall from her eyes, and the look of utter guilt. She was still shaking but the presence of the guy beside her was emotionally steading her. Ally looked down to escape my stare. "Tell me," I said simply. I was trying to stay calm but I could feel that slipping away quickly.

She took a breath. "We need to get all these people out of here. The Windego isn't going to stop until it has it's killed everyone in sight," her voice was trembling while she explained so little to me.

"The what?" I asked harshly.

"We need to find my Charge," Blondie reminded her behind me. I had almost forgot he was even there.

Ally let out a groan in frustration, "That is not my responsibility, Gregory." I watched her run a hand on the back of her neck.

"I'm sorry, mine is a lot more high maintenance than yours," He whined loudly. I tried to follow, but didn't understand what they were talking about completely. Then a loud roar cuts my thoughts short and I turn back around.  He stepped forward, "It's time," He stated. I had no time to focus on what Ally hadn't told me or what they wanted because the creature started ripping his way through the crowd at a demonic speed. It's horns piercing into bodies as it moved towards the red head as she pulling people from the ground. She wasn't focusing on the monster and that was going to get her killed.

I didn't think. I judge acted. Ignoring the calls from Ally and Gregory, I raced towards her with every single muscle zoned in on getting to her before the monster. I calmed my breathing as I sprinted past the debris and injured bodies scattered throughout the ground. The girl looked up finally and realized that she was the target of the bloodthirsty monster. Her eyes widened and she fell back into the ground, her body slamming down harshly. She looked so frightened, so confused, and yet so determined at the same time. She wanted to live. I could feel the fight in her and in that moment I pushed even harder.

I didn't even realize it at first. I only saw the monster getting there before me and I refused to allow him to destroy her like the boy before. I wouldn't allow myself to witness something like that ever again. That will turned into a deep burn in my head and forced out a deep push of energy through my body. I finally saw that a big piece of the ground had lifted and threw itself into the beast, throwing him back. He was flung through the sky and landed with a deafening thud on the ground.

I made it to her finally. She was staring at me with disbelief. Her green eyes filled with wonder as she let out a huge puff of air. "Did you just...," Her breathless voice trailed off as she glanced at the beast a few yards away from us. It's body laying bent at an awkward angle. It was put down but for how long is the real worry.

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that was just a temporary fix," I replied reaching my hand out to help her up. She slowly grabbed it unsure of herself, glancing at me in confusion. "Ethan," I said finally, pulling her up.

"Freya," She gave me one last look before turning around and starting to run the other way.

I quickly followed, "Woah, no thank you?" I called after her retreating body. She stopped and turned to me. Her chest rising and falling quickly.

"Thank you," She let her voice ring into the night, the bonfire illuminating her tan skin. Her once shockingly white costume was full of dirt and mud stains. She pushed her hair back and gave me a small nod, "Seriously. I don't know what you did or how you did it, but you saved me. So thanks. But I have to find someone," Her voice was full and I was surprised by how it effects me. It was like I felt a calm wash over me and allow me to focus on what I needed to do.

"Let me help you," I said with conviction. She had a look of uncertainty on her face as her eyes darted around the destruction around us. "Please, Freya. It's not gonna be down for long," I was basically begging her.

She closed her eyes tightly and nodded, "Okay."

I looked back at where I left Ally and Gregory and noticed another girl had joined them. This one dressed in a ever so predictable cat costume. I felt like I knew her from campus as well, but couldn't put a pin on it. She was obviously yelling about something but I couldn't make it out.

"Do you know them," She asked moving towards me.

"Somewhat," I chipped. I didn't want to go to any further detail and, thankfully, she didn't push. "Who are we looking for," I inquired looking around at the area quickly as we started a light jog towards the dwindling number of people.

"My friend. I lost him when I was getting drinks," she explained.

I nodded. Remembering the guy at her side when I first saw her. "And what about the Angel?" I noticed she wasn't with her anymore and found myself increasingly worried.

"Willow. We are meeting by the bonfire in 2 minutes. I needed to get my friend and she wanted to keep getting people out." She said and we continued for a minute in silence looking intensely for her friend. There was still a buzz in the air from the previous attack.

After a while I heard rustling beneath me. Looking down I saw someone on the other side of us on the ground. He was grabbing at his leg groaning. "Shiiiiiiit," he drawls out following it with a string of swears. I quickly squated down and took a look at his leg.

"What happened?" I asked as I saw a long cut on the side of his calf. There was blood trailing down his leg and I could tell this was gonna leave a nasty scar.

"I was running towards my car and saw that thing getting ready to ram his horns into some chick. So, I pushed her out of the way. I landed on a rock or some shit and cut the hell outta myself. She got up and was like 'thanks' and left me here," he grumbled in annoyance. He rested his weight on his elbows and shrugged. "That's what I get, I guess. It's every man for himself. Next time I'm being attacked by some horned freak I'll being sure to keep this very situation in my mind," he gave a dark sarcastic chuckle at his words.

"Can you walk?" Freya asked in annoyance behind me.

The guy broke out into a huge smile and flinging out an arm, "Red!" He called out heartily. She rolled her eyes at his words. "I didn't even see you there."


He mocked like he was putting in deep thought as he tapped a finger to his chin, "You know, I hadn't even tried," his voice oozing in idiotic sataire.

"Clearly, you are content with sitting in the middle of a abandoned field with a murderous animal on the loose like a piece of primed rib. Have fun with that," Freya said throwing his tone right back. She nodded her head for me to follow her as she began to make her say towards dark, shadowy territory.

Right when I start to follow Aaron blurts out, "Wait!" With a sigh we both turn around and stare at him. He looked helpless with his torn spider costume and wide eyes, 'Look I'm not used to asking for help, but this-" he trailed off looking down at the ground. "This is me asking," he finally mumbled into the stillness of night.

Freya sighs and speeds back over to him. With my help, we have him back on his feet. He limps behind us grumbling softly, "So this guy, who is he to you," I asked letting out a cough as I moved beside her.

She gave me a side glance and almost let a smile break through, "My best friend." Her amusement at my uncomfortablity obvious.

"What does he look like?" I tried to sound indifferent as I continued my interrogation.

"Tall, brunette, wearing a doctor costume," she explained looking around. She wasn't really paying me or Spider-Man any attention as we moved around quietly. There was an eerie quiet that had settled and I knew that most, if not all, of the party had cleared out. It was just us and the beast moving through the field. It had disappeared again and I knew this momentary peace wouldn't last. It was coming back and it was going to hit fast. Like a game of cat and mouse, it was thriving in the chase and that was what was most frightening.

"Guys," I heard a light voice yell a few feet away. Willow stood there waving for us to move over. She was beside a group of four, one of them being Ally. I nodded my head and started to move to her. I could hear the low rumble and knew our luck was running out.

The closer we got, the clearer the faces were. The new face was a taller, lean guy with curly, black hair and a deep frown. Though it quickly lifted once he saw the red headed beauty beside me. "Stephen," she gasped and ran into his arms. I could feel her worry evaporate at the sight of him. That feeling of relief simply flowing out of her in waves. I couldn't say I felt the same, sadly. His relation with Ally made me uneasy and knowing that she was hiding things from  me kept me at arms length. I just couldn't allow myself to break down my wall with that feeling of distrust between us.

"I'm so happy you are okay," I heard Stephen say into her hair as he hugs her closer. His arms wrapping around her frame tightly.

"She almost wasn't." My voice broke out of the hold I was attempting to keep it in. I felt all eyes on me and took advantage of it. "You all know what's going on. Don't you?" My question was simple. There was no room for deflection or complicated responses. I didn't need them. I was simply looking for confirmation.

"What do you mean they know?" Willow asked in confusion. Her well kept brows bunching at her forehead. She looked over that the girl in the cat costume, "Jenny?"

Stephen sighed and pushed Freya back softly. Looking past her to me, he nodded, "It came here to kill you," He said simply. There was a detachment in his voice that surprised me. He was mechanical to the point where obviously it was just for show. This effected him deeply. The group was deathly silent waiting for him to continue. "It's a Windego. They are a manifestation of an evil spirit. It's deadly and usually hard to find causing me to believe someone placed him here to get to you before The Alignment." He explained taking off his white jacket.

"I'm sorry, there's a lot of words coming out of your mouth that are simply not making sense. Such as Windego and Alignment." Aaron says in disbelieving sarcasm crossing his arms.

"Simply put, you are all in danger and, if you don't focus, you are dead. We all are." Gregory replied bluntly. He was wearing an empty smile and the uneasiness grew around him as he spoke.

I felt my lungs push all my air out of them. My stomach churning increasingly. I tried to keep my bravery in hand but felt it slipping away. I was grasping for sanity in the mist of all of the crazy but wasn't given such luck. After a quiet beat a quick blur moved past us, throwing Jenny to the side as it moved beyond us. Willow screamed and moved to her in a sprint. The rest of us was almost paralyzed in a mixture of shock and fear as the Windigo turned to come rushing back. He was headed straight towards Jenny. Her small frame laying limply from the impact of her fall. I could make out a slight lift of her chest, letting me know that she was still alive. For how long, however, depends on me.

Right as I tried to force myself to connect with whatever it was that stopped it before, I feel a push through the air and see the Wendigo being thrown back a few yards away from us. The surge causing me to stumble as well. I looked over to see Aaron staring at his hands in amazement. I guess this was his first time. I look over at Stephen, "How do we stop it?" I refused to let my fear leak into my voice. Pushing down every trace and keeping myself calm.

He nods to Ally, signaling her to answer my question. "You have to rip out the heart and then set the body on fire," She explained quickly.

"Someone help me move Jenny," Willow calls at us near tears. Her curls falling in a curtain around her face as she strokes Jenny's hair off her face lovingly. Gregory moves to them without hesitation.

"Listen, each of you have gifts. You've had them all your life. Dormant and waiting to be awakened. You receiving them now means that something has gone wrong, but we have to survive to worry about that." Stephen spoke in rushed words as he moved to lift Willow up from the ground. He looked back and noticed the Wendigos disappearance. He looked at the four of us and said, "You know what to do. It's in your blood. Instinct. So trust yourself and do it."

A loud roar sounded through the silence and we had no choice but to flinch. In that moment, coming face to face with that creature once again I knew I wasn't letting it get away again. No, it was time to fight. "Let's do this," Aaron cracked his knuckles and soon I could feel a stir in the air.

"Do you know what your doing?" Willow asked.

"Not in the slightest." He returned and pushed at the air. There was a ripple and the monster was dragged against the soil, but was able to brace itself this time. It snarled and continue to stalk towards us in a thunderous march.

I reached down into my muscles and felt a deep stretch in my mind. There was a burst of energy, born of fear, that I channeled into my will. I used it to lift a large chunk of earth in a thick sheet. I morphed it into a intertwined web of dirt, roots, and plants. Though strong, I knew the obstacle would only give us a few extra seconds.

Freya was standing still watching it all happen. Gregory carrying a still unconscious Jenny. Ally and Stephen standing in preparation for any surprise that could come their way. Willow fighting back tears as she stared in concentration at the wall I had created. Aaron clenching his fist tightly as he shifts his weight uncomfortably, his leg had to be screaming at him from the strain. All of us waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The wall came crashing down quickly and the creature came towards us again. Its red eyes darting around the group as he picked up a abandoned keg and launched it towards us. It stopped midair and was thrown the other direction. "Aaron, can you focus on something a little smaller?" I asked.

"Like?" He responds in frustration trying to keep his eyes focused on not letting anything the Wendigo launches crash into us. The items flying sloppily across the air. Though he was putting on a brave face, I could tell he was in pain due to applying to much weight on his injured leg.

"Like a heart," Freya's voice cut through the air suddenly. I looked over to her and nodded.

"If you rip it out, it'll stop him," I supplied throwing chunk of soiled rock at the creature as it comes for us.

"I don't know. I'm running on pure luck right now, man," He grumbled as he pushed Willow from a flying piece of branch. She gives a shriek and glares back at him harshly. Her nose scrunching in annoyance in the most unintimidating way. I quickly jumped up and grabbed the branch midair. I was running on panic and pure instinct and, honestly, had no idea what I was doing either. 

"I'm gonna distract and you're gonna focus on putting it down," I said as I pushed energy through my veins. Focusing on my will, I watched as it transferred into the wood. It growed and thinkened under my touch, becoming a deadly sharp weapon in a few short moments.

"But what about the fire?" Willow asked as she balanced herself. "We have to set it's on fire for it to be dead permanently."

"I got it," Freya assured us quickly. She moved up with a determined look plastered on her face, her brows bunched together.

"Let's do this then," I nodded and we lifted onto action.

I ran forward in a sprint, pushing down the chill that covered my skin as I raced into the unknown. It was as if I shut off every trace of who I am- the anger, the anxiety, the fear- and zoned it into one singular goal. Survival. I let the adrenaline in and allowed myself freedom to act.

Far quicker then I would have liked, I was face to face with the monster that wanted nothing more than to end me. It's long, skeletal frame lengthening into it's full intimidating height. I squared my body at the sound of it's sickly growl. I couldn't imagine a face more tortured. There was a hallowness to his eyes. It was like stareing into a foggy glass window. There was just a vast space of thick grey where a soul should be. It wasn't the face of a animal, but it wasn't exactly human. It was something twisted and dark. Something completely demented and there was no saving that. There was only death.

Quickly, I swung my branch into it's side with a powerful blow. I used my whole body as I whipped it through the air. The creature was fast, moving almost in a blurr and grabbing at the branch. Lucky, I was able to dodge the claw of long, boney fingers reaching out at me. It sounded out call and swiped at the air, nearly slicing my skin. Any minute now, I thought as I waited for Aaron to strike.

I spent at least 30 more seconds avoiding every deadly blow the Wendigo sends my way. Breathless and starting to run out of my luck, I almost yell in relief when I feel a rush of air around me. It swirls around me and I feel it slapping at my skin wildly, finally lifting the creature slightly. I watched as it let's out a loud screech and claw into it chest. A rubbery liquid trickling down from the gashes he was causing. With a scream, it collapsed and a dark muscle is ripped from it's chest. The heart chilled, black, and rotted, floating for a moment before dropping into the grass.

"Stand back," I heard Freya yell and she put her fingers on the ground. I ran from the unconscious body immediately and watched a thick line off fire run to the body. Within seconds the fire was lit and uncontrollably wild. The flames lashing around it. I could feel Freya's energy emulating from the smoke and could feel the anger through it. She was going to cause a major forest fire in a second.

"Freya, stop," I called in panic as the flames began to spread.

I heard nothing from her. Her eyes glazed and her body unmoving. It was as if she was in a trance. I could do nothing but watch the disaster take place at this point. Suddenly, a wash of water falls into the fire. Slowly pouring itself into the flames, extinguishing it efficiently. Willow was standing with her arms out and her hands in motion. They twisted in intricate shapes as the controlled the waters movement. I ran back over to Freya and shook her back into reality.

I could feel her come back to us and say her eyes focus once more, "Is it gone?" She asked quietly. I nodded with a smile. All of us came together and I felt a light rope connect us. If I wasn't so hyper aware I might have missed it, but there was no denying the magnified feeling of loyalty and partnership. We had worked as one and actually survived. I would have been crazy to not have the buzz of our shared victory effect me. All of us had a look of sorry as the question of what comes next hit our brains. Where could we go from here?

Almost instantaneously, I saw a huge hole appeare into the emptiness. Surrounded by glowing white orbs, there was a blinking light that surged through the darkness. It shocked us and caused us to quickly cover our eyes. The air heated around use and I couldn't imagine what could possibly be coming next.

After a beat, I reopened my eyes to see a figure step into the grass. His long, suit covered legs glideing closer to us. He was a tanned, greying older man who held a look of pure business. He crossed his arms after snatching off his dark glasses and uttered, "What on Earth have you all been doing?"

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