The Reapers Resolve (Naruto X...

By HaileyXOXOkiller

18.6K 683 50

War, something all shinobi might go through. Tough decisions and hardships will have to be faced. Hailey is b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50!! ;)

Chapter 25

313 10 0
By HaileyXOXOkiller

"Chill out Hailey, Orochimaru is on the good side now!" Seigetus said it's been a while since I've heard his voice.

"I had them healed," Orochimaru spoke, I assume he was talking about the kage. They are the people I sense coming towards us. "So long as they don't chicken out they should be coming."

"They're coming." I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest. Puffing out air like a child, I didn't like that Orochimaru was good now, wait! hold the phone I thought he was fucking dead. Isn't that what Sasuke said?

"Sorry I'm late, Jugo, Sasuke." Suigetsi waved to the two boys. But Seigetsu didn't stop there he kept talking, "The tree is huge now that I see it up close. I wonder how long it will take to get it cut down."

"Who cares about that?!" Karin shouted, trying her best not to punch Seigetsu in the face. "What's important is...."

She stopped a weird smile was on her facial features as she looked at Sasuke. That was until Suigetsiu finished her sentence, "To heal the allied forces right?"

"Yeah yeah, that!" She covered up her thoughts. Now I was stumped what was she thinking about?

I stopped moving as something entered my mind. "What the fuck!"

"Everyone calm down I am relaying a message, it's I Hashirama!" The first Hokage announced in my head. It's like Warren's telepathy.

"Listen to me carefully!" Hashirama explained the situation and how they're fifteen minutes until the flower blooms and cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi on everyone.

According to Hashirama, we have to either cut down the tree or take down the castor before the time restraint. The trees roots began to move once again, one huge root moved over a crowd of people.

I lunged forwards, scythe ready to cut. I could feel the presence of Sasuke next to me as well. H was shrouded in his Susanoo. Together we were able to cut down one of the roots.

"Naruto are you done?" I looked over my shoulder to see Sasuke calling out to a worked up Naruto. I hit the ground, a small crater formed where I landed.

I could feel something coming through my mind. I could feel Naruto's feelings. His chakra cloak was coming back, he was passionate about doing this. Everybody could feel what he was thinking, and to me it brought hope. Humans are allowed to feel emotions, even if they are at convenient times.

"I can't let everything we've done to this point be meaningless," Naruto shouted as he was once again inside the ninetails like creature. I stabbed the handle of my scythe into the ground, the earth below me raised me up so I was level with the two males chakra cloak and Susanoo.

"I agree." I smiled at the blonde-haired shinobi, who recently has done much to impress me. I quickly scanned the battlefield for Tomi. Being in the dragon force heightened my sensing abilities greatly. I could pinpoint him a few miles away from where I was standing. He was unconscious still, I think that because he doesn't have any chakra that the tree thought he was normal.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, then I noticed the smirks that the Naruto and Sasuke held. I also noticed that Jugo was also in the Susanoo cloak.

"We've got fourteen minutes to take this sucker down, what do you say Sasuke? Naruto?" I put on a smug smirk, matching their determined ones. I can't help but think that this was partly my fault still. So I have to make up for my mistakes.

"You realize sage chakra is the only thing that works on him." Naruto asked the two of us, his eyes staring daggers into Obito. Jugo's curse mark spread throughout Sasuke's Susanoo, and I only smirked.

"Magic rules dumbass!" I shouted with a smirk, and Sasuke just hn'd in response. I could feel nature chakra coming from Jugo leaving me to believe his mark is sage based.



"Get em'!"

The three of us shouted as we lunged towards a taken back Obito. I leaped from my pillar, creating new ones as I ran. No way in hell was I following behind these two.

"What's the point! There is no future to fight for!" Obito shouted as we drew closer, his hands scrambled to use the black matter.

I threw a kunai into the tree behind Obito and quickly flashed to it. Using the momentum from pushing off the tree, I raised my scythe over my head. Quickly I infused it with water magic, increasing the sharpness of the object.

Naruto and Sasuke's cloaks went for the front attack. Our hits collided at the same time, his matter stopped my scythe from connecting as he flew up into the sky.

"Two can play at that game," I spoke, a pair of golden dragon-like wings sprouted from my back. The three of us chased him, attacking wherever an opening appeared.

"Hailey! Sasuke!" I looked to my right to see Naruto creating a bijuu bomb, I immediately understood what we needed to do.

"I'll keep in sync with you!" Sasuke shouted as his Susanoo pulled back on its bow and arrow.

"I'll send it blasting!" I confirmed and puffed out my cheeks. All of our attacks were sent flying forwards connecting at the perfect time. Obito was quick, he sent a shield of matter towards us. The black stuff took the full brunt of the attack.

Naruto and Sasuke landed on the ground, I stayed floating slightly above them as we waited to see if we had done any damage.

"You better be prepared," To our demise, he stood unscathed in the matter that formed like a crescent moon around him. I could feel it now, the Kage had arrived, the shift in the people's mood made it obvious.

One thing all these people have in common is that they are willing to fight for their future.

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