The Reapers Resolve (Naruto X...

By HaileyXOXOkiller

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War, something all shinobi might go through. Tough decisions and hardships will have to be faced. Hailey is b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50!! ;)

Chapter 24

293 11 4
By HaileyXOXOkiller

"Naruto fight it!" I shouted but stopped when I saw a familiar figure cut away the roots that bound Naruto. I wiped the tear that dripped from my eye and smiled as the old man saved Naruto once again. I followed Tobirama, and I could sense Minato behind me.

"Sorry, it took so long." Lord third said as he carried Naruto, who was back in his normal form. I hugged him and thanked him softly. "You sure have grown Hailey."

"Alright." Tobirama placed a hand on Minato's and Gramp's shoulder. "We're teleporting out of here."

In mere seconds we were gone, I still clang tightly to Gramps. I never made it to his funeral, I could've been there to save him. But like other countless times, I had failed that too.

We regained footing on the ground, I could smell Sasuke was right near us. I looked up from Gramps and saw people on the ground, seemingly drained of life. My medic instincts kicked in as I slid to my knees. I didn't mind the scraping, but I did try and perform sky magic on the body.


Nothing happened.

After all, you can't save a dead person.

"Th-they're gone." I stuttered, looking into the battlefield, seeing countless others who had endured the same fate.

I looked into the sky, the moon gleamed a horrid crimson color, and the tree seemed to have a singular bud. But the bud hasn't sprouted.

I didn't realize I was crying until a steady fall of tears hit my lap. I rose to my feet and looked at the others around me.

Silent tears streamed down my face as my breath became ragged.

"I c-can fix this, I can make all better. I just need to r-reverse the time. Go back to before this happened, I can prevent this. I can't be the reason this happened, I can fix this. I can fix this, I can fix it. Reverse the clock, just like A-atlas taught me. I can make it better," I ranted, my body was shaking, I could fix this right?


"No! I can fix this, I just need to go back, do it over. Right? I can't be the reason, I can fix it."

"Hailey sto-"

"Stop telling me to stop! I can make this better I just need to go back. Goddamnit, why can't I do it? C'mon I am top of what I do I save people and make their lives better. There is s- so many c-corpses, somebody tell me what wrong with me!?"

My body shook violently, I collapsed to my knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Move, why can't I move, I can fix this. I can fix it, I just need to move!" My body contradicting my will, I was failing again. "I can't be a f-failure, Atlas taught me to be better!"


"Stop it, Stop, Stop! Don't tell me this isn't my fault because it all is. I'm an awful person. I failed the leaf, I failed my family, I failed my guild, I failed the council. I've failed everyone important to me! If it wasn't for Gramps, I could've been the reason for Naruto not making it!" I broke down, tears cascading down my cheeks, rolling down my neck.

"I can fix this, I just need time!" I sobbed, crying into my hands.



I looked up from my hands slowly, seeing the two people I did not want to see right now. They both outstretched their hands towards me.

"Why bother, I only seem to make things worse." I sniffled, my tears seizing slightly.

"It's not your fault, as much as you think it is. I'm still here, and I don't plan on going anywhere." Naruto smiled at me.

"Stop blaming yourself, you've never failed anyone. What happened to the strong-willed, competitive, and cocky girl I fell in love with." I did a double take at Uchiha I was considering the words he spoke. Even he had a small smug smirk on his face.

I grasped both of their hands, my tears slowly stopped flowing. I was happy they were my teammates, and I'll have to question Uchiha later. They pulled me to my feet, where I steadied myself. My eyes were undoubtedly puffy, and my cheeks had to be tear stained.

But at this moment I didn't care.

"Thank you, you two." I said softly, only so the two boys next to me could hear.

"Shinobi are done for!" I turned around to see Obito floating in front of the tree. "There's no need to keep going if you don't resist I won't kill you!"

I looked to see that Naruto had tears in his eyes, his smile faded and replaced with a scowl. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Unless you want to be filled with regret, stop and do nothing from here on out!" I saw the remaining people questioning if it was the right thing to do.

It was then I stopped listening to their conversation and listened to something else. I could hear the wind parting. I could make out faint voices in the distant. They had to be a good forty miles out but I could make out I think six people racing towards us through the sky. They're too far away for me to smell them so I don't know if they're a friend or foe. I'll keep this to myself, for now, if they get closed I'll let the others know.

I snapped my head to the right as three familiar people dropped in on us.

"So very unlike you, Sarutobi sensei." Besides the damn snake were Seigetsu and Karin.

I jumped in front of everyone my scythe wielded in front of me. "Stay back!"

"Ah yes, Hailey Yuki. Haven't seen you since you ran away." Orochimaru snickered, but no attempt to fight me.

"Orochimaru you're late, what of the five kage?" Gramps asked as if they were on our side.

"Gramps, why are you being friendly with him?"

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