The Sun Will Shine ➸ LOKI

By _angeltipz

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❝ I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again. ❞ [loki odinson fic] [avengers infinity war fix] ➣... More



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By _angeltipz

As the last Asgardians got in the ship, the two royals and their friends slowly went down the ramp to bid farewell to the Wakandans. Shuri flashed a small smile at the prince who was a few steps behind his brother, she was clearly saddened by their departure, it's not like everyday she gets to socialize with someone in the same status as her, they're a hidden country and it came with a price. Loki felt her emotions, it was strong and although he's not the sympathetic type he just had this urge to comfort her.

"You are free to call me if you are in need of help or company, Princess Shuri."

The Wakandan princess' eyes shot up at the now smirking god of chaos, she was surprised at the sudden voice in her head yet she found it amusing, she loved her tricks. Shuri started to smile and was about to answer verbally but remembered that she just had to reply through her thoughts which was a lot easier as to not bother her brother and the King of Asgard.

"Wow, you continue to amaze me prince!"

Loki chuckled to himself and simply shrugged before standing tall, he placed his hands behind his back before nodding.

"When we meet again I might be persuaded to show you more of my abilities, for now let's keep it suspenseful."

Shuri smiled and gave a small nod "I agree, you could be of use to prank my brother."

"Aye, we think the same, I'll keep these kimoyo beads you have given and we can use this as a means of communication."

"But it can't handle outer space, not that far at least."

The prince only spared a smirk "There's nothing magic can't handle."

A muscular arm was suddenly placed around his shoulders and was immediately pulled beside his brother before he could even reply. He groaned as he tried to escape his brother's grip, he could throw him off but that would be too dramatic.

Thor flashed a bright smile at his fellow King and little brother who was glaring daggers at him "Loki and I thank you for your help, I'm not speaking as a king but a friend, fighting a war with you has been an honor, friend T'Challa."

The black panther nodded and crossed his arms in an X which is their traditional sign that Loki himself grew quite fond of "Do not mention it Thor, Wakanda is always welcome to you and your brother, we are avengers after all, are we not?"

Thor chuckled as he glanced at his brother "Aye, we are, aren't we brother?"

"Whatever you want Thor." The trickster quipped as he rolled his eyes, his brother was clearly stating the obvious.

T'Challa chuckled along and finally gave the two royals a hug, Wanda was talking with Okoye and they finally hugged it out too, they slowly bid their farewell as they walked towards the new ship.

"I'll wait for your call Prince Loki!" Shuri shouted before they could step inside fully

The young god let out a small laugh before facing the teenager who was waving her arms with a wide smile.

"I know you will."

And with that they slowly hovered in the air with Valkyrie piloting it, she nodded at the Wakandans who were waving their hands and soon they were nowhere in sight. Their first stop was New York so they could drop off Loki and Wanda.

Thor sat in the small throne facing the large window, he smiled as the sun shone brightly, Loki was talking to Valkyrie about something before she was finally dismissed.

"Looks like you didn't lie after all." The king said as his brother slowly approached him with his arms crossed, he raised his eyebrow but realized what he was trying to imply

He looked out the window and saw the bright sun right in front of them, it made him smile and shudder inside, it's finally happening, maybe he isn't worthy of the title god of lies anymore, he clearly doesn't lie as much as before even when he means to, it made him quite proud.

"I find your lack of belief wounding." Loki replied as he feigned being offended

Thor could only chuckle as his brother stood beside him with his arms crossed, he remembered how he used to be taller than him, when most of Asgard was actually questioning his height for a male yet here he was, standing at the same height as him, he grew too fast, they both did. He would remember the times when he could place him in a simple headlock and just pat his head but now it seemed a bit weird, he missed what they used to do, deep inside he just wants to be the prince they used to be.

Loki on the other hand was busy thinking of a way to rebuild Asgard, to just bring everything back, he was broken inside and he knew it, he wanted Asgard back, his home, jotun or not he was and always will be asgardian, although he was still ashamed to face the people after all the crimes he has committed, he wants to gain their trust and for that to happen, Asgard needs to return.

"How far are you willing to go for Asgard to come back?" The god of mischief suddenly asked

Thor glanced at him "To whatever extent."

Loki nodded to himself, of course, his brother would do anything. An idea immediately popped in his head but it sounded like him taking over New York once more or worse, the sound of the idea was not that horrible but mostly scary, not everyone trusts him and doing what he was thinking about would only strengthen that belief.

He thought about gathering the infinity stones and using it to do what Thanos was about to do with a different purpose, snap back those all of Asgard, those that were lost in ragnarok and everything they had witnessed, it would be better if Thor used it, both of them actually, it would cause less damage. Asgard can't lose its king, he'd take it all in the moment it feels destructive to spare his brother, getting the stones was no problem, he has the space stone that would help him to find the others and lead him there, he's also a skywalker that meant he could walk through worlds, he'd easily teleport there, retrieve it and place it back.

The prince glanced at his brother who was still staring at nothing and sighed, it was his brother's approval that would take some time, he would probably ask him if he was mad to which he'll reply that he is. For now it will remain as an idea, perhaps when he comes back from Vanaheim then he'll voice it out, if not then a few hundred years of finding a new home might not hurt.

"Very well." Loki replied as he released a deep breath "I shall tell you when I think of something."

Thor smiled and placed a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder "Thank you."

"What am I to do at Stark's?" The young god suddenly questioned "Surely you don't expect me to die out of boredom."

The thunderer sighed before giving off a simple shrug "Since you are an avenger I think you will help with some of the missions, nothing you can't handle. Lady Wanda may also be inclined to show you around."

Loki rolled his eyes at the lame answers but knew he had to deal with it, back in Asgard he could do everything and pull pranks on everyone, he never got bored unless he needed to fix some of Thor's mess. He was aware that his brother is trying to lessen his activities and use of magic at the moment, he know he cares but it was choking him, yet he can't bring himself to tell that to Thor.

"I will try to talk to some of the people." The god of mischief said before pointing to the place where the citizens of Asgard are

Thor nodded "That may be a good idea, do you know the whereabouts of Lady Wanda?"

It peaked the younger god's attention, why would his brother look for Wanda? not that it mattered but still, why? He tilted his head to the storage room that made his brother look at it and nod

"I will talk to her for a while." His brother added before giving him a pat on the shoulder and walking out

It was weird but he let it slide, why does he care who looks for Wanda anyways? it's not like she owns her. He sighed before walking towards the large hall where everyone on Asgard is staying.

Valkyrie, Sif and some of the left einharjars were giving off bread to everyone and tending to their needs, these were the very same people that never really got mad at his pranks, some shamed him for using magic but soon respected him when he made them realize that being different is not wrong, people who protected him since he was little, people who disagreed with his father's punishment on him when he attacked Midgard and almost destroyed Jotunheim, forgave and accepted him after knowing he was an adopted jotun baby, even when his identity was revealed after impersonating Odin.

They're Asgard, he knows deep inside that no matter how much he wants to hate everyone who doubted and hurt him, he just can't, and he knows he'll always come back to them, asgardian blood or not. Though he gotta admit he did good even though he was watching a play dedicated to himself and eating grapes. He strengthened Asgard's alliance with Vanaheim and Alfheim, increased its wealth, advanced its technology in both medical and in general. It actually made the people love Odin (Him) more, yet they still do even after Thor revealed who he was.

He immediately caught the ball going straight for his face with ease before seeing a boy running towards him "I believe this belongs to you little one?"

The asgardian boy nodded before Loki handed it off to him "Jörn! I told you to be careful!"

His mother who looked like a millennia older than the god himself came running towards his son, she placed her arms around him before giving the god before her an apologetic smile "Forgive me my prince, it will not happen again."

"It's fine, children deserves to be children, to play." He replied with a nod as they turned away in a bow

The child immediately ran off of her mother's grip the moment they had their back to the prince, the woman was about to walk off when his tongue betrayed him

"Hold on." The young god blurted out that caused the woman to turn around in an instance

She smiled and held her hands together "Is there anything I can do my prince?"

"What is your name?" He asked

She lowered her head with a smile "Gara Flörnsdottir, my liege."

"Tell me, Lady Gara." The god of chaos started as he placed his hands behind his back and slowly walked closer to the woman in front of him "Why does Asgard accept me? even when I have done monstrous things?"

Gara's posture straightened as she heard the question, she stood tall although the god is literally towering over her, she gave a small smile and tilted her head;

"You are our prince, always is and always will be. You have done bad things but in the end you always think about what is good for us, you lie, you destroy, but you also protect. At such a young age you taught us not to settle down for the typical asgardian standards, you taught us to be something more, you have done best in giving strategy and even fixing King Thor's mistakes and recklessness. Even when your disguise as Odin was revealed and you knew of our anger and have received our criticism, you did not hesitate to save us and come, it is because you love Asgard, Prince Loki, and for that Asgard will continue to return it so."

He was stunned by her answer, he has never told himself that he loved Asgard yet he does. He saw what he did as little and normal things but now it seemed big and impactful, he never expected for everyone to appreciate it whenever children would run up to him and encourage them to be different, that they'll appreciate it when he fixes Thor's mistake and fetch him from the cavern after drinking so much, that they actually see his efforts to make Asgard the best it could be.

He gave a gentle smile "I will try to continue so, Thank you."

"No, my prince." She replied then spared a glance at her son who was playing "Thank you, for saving Asgard."

The woman bowed one more time before walking away, well now his guilt has been washed away. He sighed before making his way for a spare room but not before a certain goddess of war bumped into him causing the bread to fall from her hands, she sighed annoyingly before helping her gather it once more, as the warrior looked up her face instantly went blank yet filled with irritation.

"You're welcome." The god sarcastically addressed since it looked like Sif wasn't planning to.

He was about to continue his way to the spare room when he was suddenly pushed into it and against the wall with a raging Sif's arm at his throat, she closed the door to prevent any disturbances as she stared into the god's green orbs.

Loki knew Sif could only hold her anger for such little time, she practically loathed him and wished him dead but he was surprised it took this long for her to come at him, maybe because Thor wasn't around this time. He always knew she had a temper that could rival the Hulk's but what can he say, she's a full blooded asgardian. He didn't fight her even though her right fist was inches from his face, he could use his power and just throw her off with a flick of his wrist or a blink but where would the fun be? Also the god was dying to know why the woman was doing what she is right now.

"Ah," Loki started as a smirk started to spread on his face, his arms in surrender but slowly going down, he doesn't fear Sif anyhow "The goddess of war shows her true self, I didn't expect you would last that long."

"You shut up!" She shouted as she pressed on him harder but it caused a snarl from the prince "You spin your web of lies once again! You may have fooled everyone but not me silvertongue, I have stood by and watched as they treat you like some hero and savior when all you are is a fake prince of Asgard and a real prince of lies!"

A sudden chill and force knocked back the goddess from her feet and on the floor, Loki towered above her as he fixed himself, his inside boiling with anger and he was so close to actually killing the woman but he's not Thor, and he knew better on how to hold his own temper.

"And it is I you accuse of being jealous." The god of mischief scoffed, he watched as the warrior scampered to her feet with her tightening fist "Watch your temper, Sif. It becomes of you."

"You dare?!" She shouted at the god as she punched the steel wall beside her, he was sure Asgard would hear that "I have tolerated you since I have seen you again for Thor's sake! But hearing children and people of Asgard praising your name as if it's not of a monster is what disgusts and angers me!"

Monster, of course. He was sure he could feel every inch of his seidr boiling in his body, a simple touch would blow the warrior off with a serious concussion if she's lucky. Loki breathed deeply and calmly, best way to make your enemy suffer is to prove them wrong, yet he too was in some kind of dilemma so he thought of Thor, surely he wouldn't like the idea of his own brother and bitch of a friend killing each other. Loki is a prince after all, it would take an army of Thanos before he stoops down to her level.

"And why is that?" The god asked as he leaned on the wall calmly with his arms crossed, oh this felt like him, he did indulge in mocking people, especially Sif. "Ah, because you wish it was you. Always so reckless and all about brawn, you might want to use that little thing in your head."

She was turning red in anger and he was sure that if he was his old self then he would've ran off but not anymore "Oh wait, you might want to check if you have one first, silly me. Though calling it little was more of a compliment, right?"

The goddess was clearly glowing with anger and he was sure she'll turn into the Hulk anytime soon, it wasn't his fault, she brought this upon her.

"That's why Thor picked Jane, she had what you didn't and can do what you can't." He snarled in her face as she walked closer to the face of the devil herself

"She has a brain and can actually think."

And hell broke loose, Sif let out a shout as she tackled the prince, the impact was so powerful they went through the steel wall and in the hall where all of Asgard drew back as the two asgardians fought. Loki managed to get up as Sif tried to land punch after punch but everyone knew he was faster and it only made him laugh to see the goddess in such rage just by his simple words,

"You know nothing you frost giant monster!" She shouted as she tried to get ahold of him, to even land a punch but she was so blinded by her rage she can't even have coordination with herself "You have done nothing but destroy and you do so just by being here!"

Now all of Asgard was gathering and it wasn't soon before Thor came swarming through the crowd along with Valkyrie, Bruce and Wanda at his side, they eyed the raging warrior and the calm prince. Sif clenched her fist in anger but before Thor could tell her to back off he was already too late,

"If there's one thing Thanos did right, it was to put an end to you, and the thing I hated most about what he did is that it wasn't permanent!"

It looked like it didn't matter to him but deep inside it hurt, he knew how Sif hated him but never to the point that she wanted him to die, there were still times he thought of her as a friend and to hear something like this from her just broke him inside, though he didn't expect any less from her, she is a war goddess.

The god of mischief kept his composure and calm facade as he let Sif come after him with her fist ready to embarrass herself and make her fall to the ground but that was immediately overruled by a surge of red power knocking her off her feet, his jaw dropped as he saw Wanda walking over to him her face filled with Fury, she didn't look at him but kept her stare directly at the warrior on the floor.

"Sif, how could you?" Thor questioned in disbelief, the pain in his tone and eyes as if he was betrayed

To say Wanda was pissed would be an understatement as she walked closer to the warrior slowly getting on her feet

"I thought you deserved respect, that you were some matured goddess who fought to save lives but guess what, you are nothing of the sort, you just prove how even the divine can be affected by jealousy, but I'm quite sure no divine would stoop so low." The sorceress hissed as Sif slowly looked at her

The sudden echo of Wanda's slap then rang inside the ship and everyone just stood with their mouth ajar, even Loki's.

She slowly walked closer to see her eye to eye as Sif just held onto her burning cheek,

"And I assure you that I will be the one to tear every fabric of your being if you ever so touch a hair on Loki or even speak his name, because if anyone's a monster here then it's you, Lady Sif."

The god of mischief's eyes widened as he witnessed the sorceress' fury, he didn't know where the sudden surge of protection came from but he was sure he would do the same but with more fear instilled.

Sif opened her mouth to say something but was stopped by the way everyone was looking at her, everyone was either whispering or looking at her like she was a monster, tears were building up in her eyes but she wouldn't let it drop, she clenched her fists tightly before glancing over at Thor who was looking at her disappointingly, this wasn't supposed to happen.

"Thor listen to me, this is n- "

"No Sif." Thor instantly said as he stepped forward from his friends "For centuries I have stood by and protected you, I have believed you when you accused my brother of lying and forgave you even after knowing it was you who lied, you were my friend."

Sif slowly drew back as she heard those words come out of Thor's mouth, it absolutely stunned her, never in her life had she thought that she would hear this, especially from him.

"But wishing death upon my brother is beyond the line." Thunder literally roared outside as raindrops started echoing outside the ship "He is a prince and what you said can lead to execution, banishment or thousands of years in the dungeon, I am not speaking only as your king but also as his brother. I do not like our numbers dwindling especially now so you are free to stay but never go near my brother or show your face to me ever again, if you need something pass it through Valkyrie."

"Thor ple- "

"It is King Thor to you." The god of thunder hissed "Only my family and friends can call me that, and you are not one of them."

Sif couldn't stop the tears from falling as she watched her best friend walk away along with Valkyrie and Bruce, Loki and Wanda went to the other side as she was left to her own. Everyone started to go back to minding their own business as the goddess crumbled to her knees.

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