Alpha Without a Pack...

De Puppies59

409K 20.7K 1.4K

She was born to lead a pack, but she's just starting her journey to freedom and family... Sidney Blake never... Mais

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Short Character bio's
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
The End (sort of)

Chapter 5

6.8K 317 40
De Puppies59


I was leading a party of three onto the Black Fork property since everyone else including Bowen and Colton were busy. Emmett had been available for his prankster ways as was my younger brother Tucker. He might have been six years my junior and one of the lowest ranking in the pack but he still loved to tease me incessantly. "Are you sure the place is this way oh mighty third in command brother of mine?" Tuck linked taunting me as I snapped my jaws at him in warning, Emmett just watched our exchange in amusement. 

Sure enough the cottage came into view and judging by the lack of vehicle and scent in the air, it was clear nobody was home. "Great, time to get to work!" Emmett said as he shifted and walked up onto the porch, bare a** naked. I snarled at him and he was quick to let me take the lead as I too shifted and stepped onto the porch along with the two younger males. "Should we just try the door and see if it's unlocked?" Emmett asked as I made my way to peek inside one of the windows. I caught sight of a black couch with a grey tabby cat perched on it, then suddenly two huge dogs jumped up on the glass. 

I was so startled by their sudden appearance accompanied by their aggressive barks and growls as they attacked the window that I stumbled backwards right off the porch. I wasn't very fond of dogs and knowing two of them were guarding the cottage did not bode well for our previous plans. "Ha, bro your face was priceless!" Tucker called out his amusement at my expense as I regained my footing and gave him a shove as I rejoined him on the porch. "Come on Simon man, they can't be that bad if they haven't eaten the cat." Emmett's encouragement wasn't very encouraging.

 "Well either way, no critter is going to want to set up house in or around this place with the hounds of h*** guarding it." I gritted out. The last time we'd scared off a previous owner with a family of skunks moving in under the porch, that obviously wasn't going to work out this time. "Maybe I can slip inside and see how friendly the mutts are?" Tuck asked, and although my brother was a thorn in my hide I wasn't going to send him into a possible mauling zone. 

"No. We'll draw back for now and inform the others of this new development. We can figure out our next step tonight after dinner, see what other options we can come up with." I stated as I eyed the dog staring me down through the glass window. "Sure and the sudden retreat has nothing to do with your fear of dogs." Tuck scoffed out. "Enough, we're leaving." I ordered out on a growl, pulling rank as they lowered their heads in submission. We were quick to shift and run our way back to the pack house, this was certainly going to put a damper on our plans to run the new owner off. 


I was busy holding a meeting at my company headquarters when I got a text from my beta Colton that Simon had news to report about the Black Fork cottage. Being the business owner of a privately run wilderness gear and outdoor equipment company had it's perks, the money was good and it allowed for me to make fewer appearances outside of meetings. The downside was the meetings like this one, where everyone had different ideas that needed my approval or rejection, when all I wanted was to be back home with the rest of my pack.

 "I believe that's enough for today, if you have any more questions or issues email me and I will get back to you. I've got a family matter to take care of, I leave my secretary Miss Andrews in charge." I stated clearly as I stood and fled the increasingly stuffy room, glad to have the fresh outdoor air greet me once I exited the main building. I headed for the pack house with my car windows down as I puzzled over what Simon had to report about their recon mission today. It was already close to dinner time so everyone would be getting home soon, from wherever they were off to today. As I pulled up to the front of the house I noticed only Gavin's car was missing, strange since he often was one of the first home from the sanctuary. 


It was strange how I was torn from trying to get Sidney to speed it up so I could get home for dinner, and trying to slow things down so I could study her a bit more. "Well, I think that's all taken care of. I'm going to head on home and get some food, guess I'll see you tomorrow." She called as she dusted off her jean covered a**, drawing my gaze there for a moment before I tore my eyes away. I'd found myself even more curious about her after observing her true passion for all the animals, even after her crazy incident with Spartan. 

I nearly had a heart attack when he charged forward to attack her, but instead of being scared to death like any sane person would be, she actually held her ground and admired the beastly mutt. Then she went and ignored my protests and actually sat on the ground in the cage of the growling wild beast himself, she had to be mentally unstable. When she finally exited his cage I had to stop myself from physically shaking some sense into the girl, only to be stunned by the raw and intense passion in her features as she stared at the wolf dogs cage.

 "Yeah, whatever." I grumbled back to her, I just didn't know what to make of this strange human girl as she headed for her car. "Oh and one more thing." She said as she turned back around. The smirk on her face was the first one I'd seen all day and I wasn't sure how it made me feel. "What?" I huffed as I narrowed my eyes back at her. "By the way I love what you've done with your hair, later Streaks!" Her amused tone hit me as she turned back to her car with a wave, and my hand went up to my hair automatically. "Crazy girl." I scoffed under my breath, as I turned my back on her. I caught her low chuckle right before her car door slammed shut and she sped off. 

I was surprised that despite how crazy annoying she'd been I couldn't help the grin on my face as I headed for home myself. I was the last one to arrive as I took my seat at the dinner table where everyone was waiting and we all dug into the food first thing. Once everyone finished eating we headed for the living room to discuss our day, I kept quiet as I listened to what the others had to say. "What news did you have to report today Simon?" Bowen asked to start the discussion off. "Well apparently, the new cottage tenants own a few huge h*** hounds that were more than willing to take us on in a fight it seemed." Simon hated dogs after a past incident he'd had with one in particular, but it didn't surprise me that Sidney would own a few wild canines.

 "So we'll need a new plan of operation to get rid of them." Emmett agreed. "Like what do you have in mind?" Micah voiced eagerly as a few options were thrown around the group. "Or we could let them stay, maybe?" I shrugged out as the room fell silent and all focus landed on me. "Okay who possessed your brain dude, and what have they done with old Gavin?" Asher snorted out. "All I'm saying is she hasn't bothered us much so what's the point of running her off, she seems pretty nice if you ask me." I rushed to defend the crazy interesting girl, until I realized I'd divulged more information than I'd intended.

 "What do you mean by that Gavin?" Colton voiced as his scowl probed at me and I winced at it's intensity. "Well it turns out the new tenant is working at the sanctuary with me." I muttered lowly but they all heard it loud and clear. "So you've got a f***ing crush on her!" Jason laughed out and I growled back at him. "I didn't say that you jerk!" I barked back at him. "Enough both of you! Gavin explain." Bowen ordered out and everyone bowed their heads under his flare of power. "Her name's Sidney Blake, she's 20 years old and completely crazy but she cares about the animals, not to mention she's decent enough to look at." I huffed out as I glared at Jason smirking my way. 

"So she's hot then?" Micah perked up, the possibility of fresh hook up material always caught his attention. "No way dude, my co-workers are off limits." I shook my head at him, only sparking his interest more. "So she is hot!" He grinned in response. "It's not just... Ugh yes she's attractive, but she's also human, and completely freaking insane!" I ranted out as I threw my hands up and sank to the floor in defeat. "How so?" Simon inquired curiously. "She went into Spartan's cage." I puffed slowly as looks of surprise crossed their features, everyone knew Spartan.

 "Willingly? And he didn't maul her to death?" Fletcher gasped out. "What happened Gav?" Asher asked gently. "Well I turn my back for like five seconds to go get more food and suddenly I hear him snarling and when I turn around she's inside his cage and he's charging her. She stood her ground and he actually stopped, and then she went and sat on the floor of his cage like it was nothing!" I say in exasperated wonder as they all listen intently. "He even came up to smell her before he spooked off and she got up to leave without a scratch on her. I just... there's something about her I can't describe, but if you meet her you'll see it for yourself." I sighed out. 

"Geez man you really do have a crush." Jason murmured out. "It's not that I told you. There's just something different about her...." I trailed off slowly. "Well that still doesn't change the fact that it's not safe to have her lodging in our woods, for us, or for her." Colton stated. "I know." I sighed sadly. "We'll continue on with the eviction process, with extra precaution. If she's crazy enough to enter a beasts cage there's no telling what she might do when faced with one or more of us in wolf form." Bowen commanded, we all nodded our agreement. I had a feeling that this eviction project was going to be different then others, and part of me was rooting for the crazy girl to win.


Trespassers. I could smell that wolves had been on my property, on my porch even, and I wasn't happy about it! I checked on my pets glad to see they were all fine although Tyson and Ollie were on high alert with hackles raised as I let them out to use the bathroom. I would not tolerate the disrespect of trespassing wolves on my property, it angered and insulted the alpha in me. I followed the scent on foot with my two dogs trotting alongside me, until I reached my property line. The scent crossed it so after stripping out of my clothes and ordering my pets to stay I shifted and followed the trail. 

I knew the exact moment I crossed into their territory, the scent of the pack nearly overpowered my senses. There were a lot of wolves here, meaning I was living right next door to a large pack that wasn't too worried about crossing boundaries. The thing was boundary lines meant nothing when it came to protecting what belonged to me, and these males needed to keep off my property! I followed the scent back to a huge pack house with a number of cars parked outside, one I recognized as Gavin's. I padded my way silently past their cars onto their porch as I readied myself for a fight or retreat, knowing they would catch my scent soon. 

I could hear their muffled voices through the walls as I sniffed around their front door, keeping on high alert. They wanted to leave their scent all over my front porch, so why not return the favor? I knew the idea was crazy and probably not the best considering how outnumbered I was, but that wasn't going to stop me from proving a point. So without any further thought on the matter I allowed my scent to be well known by rolling it all over their porch, leaving my mark on the doorstep of enemy territory. The moment I heard the dark and dangerous growl from inside I dashed past the cars into the treeline, giving me enough of a head start in case I needed to make a hasty get away. 

Sure enough the front door was ripped open as twelve angry male wolves stormed out on the porch, Gavin was easy to single out with his blue streaked hair. I took note of all of them in a quick glance before focusing my attention on the strongest presence amongst them. A muscular tan male around 6'5 with brown hair and green eyes, he looked to be in his mid twenties if not a little older and he was the obvious alpha male they all followed. "What the h***!?" The one with chocolate colored skin growled out. "Beck chill!" The one that I guessed as the beta ordered out. 

"You want me to chill when some nomad just scent marked our f***ing front porch!?" The Beck guy retorted on a growl, my sentiments exactly. "The scent is like the one we caught near the cottage, but it's way stronger." The male with long black hair uttered out as the alpha started to scan the trees around the house. I stood tall in my place inside the treeline until his green eyes met mine, I saw him tense as he noticed me. I refused to look away from his challenging gaze and noted the others catching sight of me with my peripheral, murmurs spreading through them. 

"What do you want nomad?" The alpha barked out loudly towards me and I tilted my head at him. "I say we rip him apart for trespassing!" The red head growled out, hypocrite. The alpha turned to reprimand him and I was pleased to have won the little staring contest. I sent one final look over them all before settling my gaze on Gavin who was watching me with a frown. I gave one final wag of my tail before I disappeared into the trees, I heard them call out and try to follow me, but I easily lost them thanks to my speed and agility.

I shifted at my property line and changed into my stashed clothes as I praised my pets for staying put. "Alright you two, let's go eat. That should keep those bozos busy for a while." I grinned out as we jogged back to the cottage. I did my best to ignore the boys scent as I headed inside to make food for myself and my fur babies. I would teach our new neighbors to leave my belongings alone, they had no idea who they were up against.

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