Callsign: DEKU

By indiancanadian2

307K 6.4K 1.1K

Not everyone is born equal, This is a story of how a qurikless kid is forced into a life he never wanted, wit... More

CH:1 11 years ago
CH 3: Still Falling
CH: 4 Welcome to HAVEN
CH: 6 Ochako's first day
CH 7: First day at work
CH 8: Reunion
CH:11 Awake
CHARACTER skills break down (Deku)
CH 14: let's go
Ch:15 Lunch
CH 16: Just breath
Ch:17 The plan
CH: 18 Aftermath
CH 19: Date
Quick heads up
CH: 20 First Patrol
CH: 22 The briefing
Ch: 23 I-island
Holy shit guys
CH:24 Replacement
CH: 25 Display
CH: 26 night recce
CH: 27 Planning the attack
CH: 28 Operation Castle siege
Ch: 29 Contact front!
Requesting artistic support
CH:31 hand to hand
Ch: 32 Team up
Ch 33: escape
Ch 34: Left behind, but not forgotten
requesting artistic support.
CH:35 survival
CH:36 Backup
Discord server
CH:37 Torpedos away!
Happy Holidays!
CH: 38 Operation Telephone
Ch : 39 Early Christmas
CH: 40 Always make them pay

CH:21 spotlight

3.7K 80 22
By indiancanadian2

Deku and woods were stuck with a crowd of fans and reporters, Deku had his helmet on so he wasn't worried about them knowing is identity, he was cautious scanning the crowd for any threat. Woods was busy giving autographs and taking selfies so Deku decided to inspect the wreckage of the 2 bots. Deku walked up and crouched next to the mangled arms of the machine. He inspected the weapons system. Deku-"This is some serious tech," he thought to himself, he tore out a circuit board with a serial number and some text that said "I ISLAND" Deku knew that that was probably where the bots came from, he also realized that 2 heavily armed killer robots just robbed a bank, and yet police were just arriving at the scene. Any civilian in their right mind would call the police if they saw 2 robots with guns walking around, so why didn't anyone? This meant that the bots were brought to the bank in a vehicle probably a van. To confirm this theory Deku headed to a police officer present. Reporters were flashing their cameras at Deku but he didn't pay any mind to them, they were all asking questions like, who are you? take off your helmet? How old are you? After dealing with reporters he went to the police officer taking statements from civilians. Deku-"Excuse me, officer, if you don't mind me asking when did the call came about the robots in the bank?" Officer-"We just got a call about 2 heroes fighting 2 robots in the middle of the street, we had no idea a bank robbery was in place until we arrived and saw the bank doors blown wide open, I asked the bank teller and she says they were being robbed for 20 mins. No alarm went off in the bank. The alarms were cut" Deku-"Thank you for the info" Deku decided to use his grappel hook and get himself on top of the bank. When he got up there he looked for the electrical panel for the building's security system. He found it but he saw what appeared to be a jammer on the box, with both a serial number and the text "I ISLAND" 

Deku took a picture of it and headed back down to Woods. Woods-"See fans aren't so bad" Deku-"Sir you have lipstick marks on your face" Woods quickly wiped the kiss marks from the fangirls off his face Wood-"Im hungry let's get lunch" they both walked to a nearby restaurant Deku bought a sandwich while Woods bought a tuna wrap. They both sat down and Deku realized that he would have to take off his helmet. Woods realized this and spoke up. Woods-"Let's head to the rooftops the view is way better" A few minutes later and they were on top of a skyscraper enjoying the view. Woods saw the green hair of the boy Woods-"You were pretty young when they took you huh?" Deku-"yea" Woods-"You ever regret some of the things you had to do" Deku then remembered all the missions he did, the brothers and sisters he had to leave behind for the mission, the civilians he couldn't save, he had a lot of regrets. Deku-"all the time" Woods smiled Woods-"Me too" Kamui woods was a hero that did it for other people, sure he like appreciation and fame but deep down he was a hero to protect the people. Woods-"Despite what you see on tv heroes make regretful choices all the time, sometimes that means letting someone die so others can be saved. It takes a lot to keep on going after making those choices." He put his hand on Deku's shoulder, Woods-"You're going to be a good hero kid" Deku smiled back and enjoyed the view even more. 

After there meal the 2 were back on patrol. the rest of the day was pretty relaxed, a little 4-year-old girl who saw Deku fight came up to Deku and asked if he was a robot. Deku laughed and looked around to make sure the coast was clear, he took off his helmet and showed the girl his face Deku-"No miss Im just a normal guy" he said in a heartwarming simile, he still is a cinnamon bun from the anime. Deku then shook the hand of the girl and put his helmet back the girl ran back to her mom "Look mommy a hero shook my hand!" Deku smiled at the sight and went back on patrol with Woods. Woods-"What a softie" Deku just rolled his eyes and walked on. When the day was done Deku and Woods parted ways and Deku took off his gear, had a shower and headed back into the dorms. He called his mom on the way back, telling her about the day's adventure. Deku got back to the dorms and checked his phone. His friends were scattered across the country with different heroes, helping pros on patrols and missions. He even saw Ochako on the news helping float debris off trapped people. He got a call from Woods-"Pack some extra clothes we are going to a different city, im not sure which one as of yet" Deku-"Ok, do you know what I-island is by any chance?" Woods-"You're joking right?" Deku-"No" Woods-"I-island is a man-made island full of advance science and technology, it's a hero's paradise, Why do you ask?" Deku-"those 2 bots we fought had parts from I-island and the jammer used on bank was from I island too, ill send you a picture" Woods-"Get some rest, ill ask some of my contacts about it" Deku hung up his phone and went to bed, then realizing he had a craving for noodles.

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