The Reapers Resolve (Naruto X...

By HaileyXOXOkiller

18.6K 683 50

War, something all shinobi might go through. Tough decisions and hardships will have to be faced. Hailey is b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50!! ;)

Chapter 15

361 20 1
By HaileyXOXOkiller

My fave chapter by far!

I felt the wind resistance as I fell. The wind blew my hair back, my mind racing.

Think Hailey think, use your brain to think of something. I don't have enough magic to be able to contradict the velocity and acceleration I was having.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as arms snaked around my waist and grabbed my legs. I squeezed my eyes shut, awaiting the impact that never came.

"Dummy." I opened my eyes to be met with Sasuke's Sharingan ones. "Looks like I fell for you... again."

I saw him try to stifle a chuckle, but it was no use as I felt it vibrate through his chest which I was pressed up against. "You could of gotten hurt Hailey."

"Since when did you start caring again." I snarkily replied. I awaited for his usual response of nothingness however he spoke in a low, soft voice. "Hailey."

I looked up at him, his eyes looking into mine as Aoda brought us back to Naruto. "Yea?"

"When this thing is over, how about we start fresh." I thought about his request, running it through my mind. A small smile spread across my paler face. "I'd... I'd like that, Sasuke Uchiha."

I stood from his grasp, hesitantly that is. Atlas roared above, she came flying back over to us. I still used an arm around Sasuke's neck for support.

"Hailey Dear are you alright!" Atlas asked, her voice laced with concern, however among that I saw a small smirk play on her dragon features.

"Fine mother." I patronized in a sarcastic manner.

We all watched as the ten tails was still screaming as the flames covered more and more of its body. I used my free hand to cover one ear, while I pressed the other against Sasuke's shoulder.

Suddenly the ten tails stopped, stopped screaming and flailing and laid there. "Did we kill it?"

Before Naruto's question could be answered the body started collapsing in on itself and was shrinking down in size, the clones also collapsing. Something in my gut told me this isn't right, something was happening.

"I think we're just getting started," I said lowly, only Naruto and Sasuke could hear me in the midst of chaos.

The beast kept decreasing until it took on the shape of a male, a blue stone looking male with a small horn protruding from its head. He bared one Sharingan, and rinnegan, and half of his body looked to be in a slightly crippled manner.

We all moved back, falling into foot with Minato.

"That must be the ten tails jinchuriki." Naruto concluded, never taking his eyes off of the man. I realized he had weird markings but was too far to see what they were.

"He looks even creepier than before." Naruto shuddered, staring at the thing in front of us. "Way to state the obvious buddy."


"Naruto, how do you know he's the jinchuriki?" Sasuke asked, looking over at Naruto.

"I've become friends with the tailed beasts. They gave me some of their chakra earlier, so it's obvious to me. I could sense the chakra getting sucked into Obito. Plus I've seen Nagato do that Six Paths Rebirth jutsu before. But the signs he was weaving are completely different. Anyway, he was performing the jutsu to become a jinchuriki all this time." Naruto explained, I slapped him lightly with my free hand and sent him a smirk. Sasuke just nodded and took in the information.

"Way to use your big boy words Naruto." I boasted with a smile, I can still feel magic draining within me, I had since dropped my dragon force and was now dealing with enchanting everyone. My comment caused Minato to snicker, only for Naruto to shake his head disapprovingly.

Hashirama sent a barrage of gates slamming down onto the so-called Obito person. I looked up at the dragon above me, a sad smile played on my face as I watched the only motherly figure I had left. I mean she's dead and I just used memory to make her a soul.

"Hey Atlas, I gotta send you back, keeping you here is depleting my magic quickly on top of the enchantments." Sasuke sent me a weary look, asking if I was okay in his own way.

"You sure, my enchantments will fall onto you. Do you have enough magic to withstand that?" Atlas asked, her voice was laced with concern once again. I shrugged slightly then looked to everyone around me. "I have to keep it up, everyone needs it."

"Alright then, I expect that you won't visit me anytime soon." Atlas snickered at her sad attempt at a joke. "No promises."

She shattered into fragments, singular fragments of memory. She may not be the real deal, but it sure as hell felt like she was.

"Aoba go up." Sasuke commanded the snake we stood on. Aoba placed us on Gamakichi along with Naruto and Minato. Seconds later the snake was nonexistent.

My gaze went back to the gates, we all stood in horror as we saw that cracks were starting to form. I shot my good arm into the air, my eyes swirling brown. "Earth Dragon Secret Art: Structural Reinforcement!"

I tried to add support to the gates that were starting to break. Beads of sweat rolled down my face as I tried to keep the jutsu continuous, taking the full brunt of the attack. My grip around Sasuke tightened as I tried to stay standing. Sasuke wrapped his arm around my waist, making sure I stayed standing tall while I exerted more magic into the jutsu.

I felt two hands touch my back, I looked briefly to see Minato and Naruto pushing chakra into me.

"I don't know if it's the same as your magic, but it should give you at least a little more strength," Naruto said with a smile, Minato nodding along with him.

"No it's not the same, but I can try and regulate the chakra into my veins, using it as I would magic." I explained my eyes glued to the gates I was supporting.

I winced as more pressure began to build up in the gates. I contained it to the best of my abilities, compressing the pressure as much as possible.

"The force is strong, the moment I let up the gates break."

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