The Unexpected Mate (A LoveSi...

By LittleKittyWasabi

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This is a boy x boy fan fiction. Don't like gay love then move on. This isn't the story for you. ============... More

Full Synopses
Chapter 1) A Bad Feeling
Chapter 2) Ripple
Chapter 3) North
Chapter 4) Mages
Chapter 5) Mate?
Chapter 6) Meeting
Chapter 7) Voice
Chapter 8) A Conversation Through Water
Chapter 9) Confusion
Chapter 10) A Change
Chapter 12) Burning
Chapter 13) A Must
Chapter 14) Win
Chapter 15) Mourning
Extra Chapter) Phun and Noh
Chapter 16) Decision

Chapter 11) A Waterfall

207 17 9
By LittleKittyWasabi

Being exiled from the healer's house wasn't on Per's to-do list for the day. In fact he wanted to be there for his niece. Aid his brother in any way he could. But, sadly, the healer had grabbed him and pulled him out despite his protests. She had stated something about scents. The mage didn't quite understand but figured it was a wolf thing.

So now he was standing in front of a pale blue door looking around aimlessly. The town hadn't fully awakened yet, the sun just barely peeking over the trees. Like Mari, there was a few wolves moving about. Many of them ignored his presence or glared in suspicion. There were a few, however, that smiled at him. One in particular smiled brightly at him. It was the same blonde wolf he had met in the park. She tried to act cute as she waved. Per grimaced and nodded his head at her. When he had met the wolf in the park she attracted him easily but now he didn't feel anything other than discomfort. The mage turned his back on her, eyes scanning around him.

Per sighed as he watched Mari talk to another wolf before scurrying away. He had no plans, no idea what he wanted to do. And on top of that, Per was standing in the clothes he had slept in. No shower and no time to brush his teeth. He felt disgusting and his mouth tasted like poop. He really needed to find someway to get clean.

Luckily for him Ohm and Mick weren't to far away. The two gross love birds were holding hands as they walked down the road. Per grinned and took off after them. The two wolves were in no hurry so he easily caught up. Skidding around them and planting himself in front of them, the two came to a stop.

Ohm's happy smile dropped instantly. "What do you want," he spat with a sneer.

"I've been kicked out," the mage started. His arms swinging out dramatically. "And in this disgusting state," his lips twisted down before grinning and pointing at Ohm, " and you, dear Ohm, being in charge of me, need to," his voice dropped into a serious monotone. "Let me use your shower, borrow some clothes, and give me something to stop my mouth from tasting like poop."

Ohm stared at the mage before saying, " no." He dodged around Per, tugging Mick with him.

The mage blinked a few times as his mind caught up with the wolf's rejection. His head swung around and he raced for the two again. Dancing in front of them, Per slapped his hands together , head bowed, eyes tightly closed. "Please, Ohm. I can't stand this," he begged. He wasn't ashamed. Per felt gross and Ohm was his only method of feeling human again. "I feel so gross to the point I'm about to cry." He peeked an eye open in time to see the wolf swing his eyes upward. Per edged closer to Ohm until he was close enough to grab the Beta's arm. Tugging on it and making sure his breath attacked the Beta's nose he said in a whinny voice, "do you want me to cry? Cause I will. I'll cry just for you, Ohm."

The Beta's face twisted in disgust. He smashed his hand against the mage's face, pushing. Per was resilient and wouldn't budge despite his neck being forced in an awkward position. The two went back and forth like this for several minutes.

"Let go of me you, maggot!"

"Maggot? That hurts. I really will cry now."

A string of giggles filled the air. The two arguing boys froze, slowly turning toward the sound. Mick stood off to the side, arms hugging his stomach as laughter shook his body. Per straighted, letting go of Ohm's arm. The Beta looked sideways at the mage, meeting his own sideways glance before both of them turned to stare at the younger wolf.

After a couple more giggles Mick looked up at the two, face red and a smile on his lips. "Since when," he wheezed, "were the two of you so close?"

"We're not," Per and Ohm denied in unison. They looked at each other, sneered and looked away.

Mick's laughed again walking over to his mate. "Come Ohm," he said patting the Beta on the arm. "Let's help your new friend out."

"I don't even like him!"

"Sure, sure. Come along Per." Mick tugged on Ohm's arm as he walked down the road leading to his mate's home.

"Mick," Ohm whined Per followed behind, a pout tugging at his lips. He was not Ohm's friend...


Ohm lived on the edge of the town closest to the Alpha's house. It was a modest house. Singled floored painted a warm yellow with a white door and borders around the windows. Per had spent a total of ten minutes inside and he already wanted to bolt and never return.

After entering the house Ohm had rushed to his room grabbing clothes and an unused toothbrush before throwing them at Per. The mage was then pushed into the bathroom, the door slamming shut behind him. It only took him a couple minutes to realize how quick he needed to be. Nosie floated through the door. Nosies he'd rather not investigate.

Per shuddered and quickly jumped into the shower. Normally, the mage enjoyed a good hot shower. Letting the steaming water ease any tight muscles and humming to himself as he planned out his day. This time Per didn't want to linger. He scrubbed and hopped out in a matter of minutes. He didn't waste time drying, opting to brush his teeth. The mage threw on his borrowed clothes and bolted for the door. Briefly glancing at the couple cuddled close on a small couch, he saw skin he'd rather wished he hadn't and a hand disappearing in between them. He said his thanks and flew out the door.

Per couldn't really help the shudder that went through him. The air outside was crisp and smelt of wet dirt. Thick clouds swirled above blocking the sun. A gust of wind blew passed, ruffling his borrowed clothes. Per tilted his head toward the sky, eyes closing. The soft breeze brushed against him. It was soothing in a way. Though the connection he had with his friend was stunted, thanks to the damn Fae cuffs, it was nice to have any semblance of the link, even a weak one. The breeze tousled his hair, feeling as if cold fingers thread through his damp strains. He hummed in appreciation. The wind tugged at him until he turned toward its whims. His eyes opened, eyebrows instantly pulling together at the scene in front of him.

The garden was several feet away from him. Inside the short fence separating the vegetation from the rest of the town was three boys. Two of the boys had their backs to him. He couldn't really see what they were doing other than the movements of their arms as they, he assumed, talked. The last boy stood in between the other two, face blank.

Per was surprised to see Win so emotionless. The whole time he's known him, the boy always had some kind of emotion clearly etched into his features, ranging from sadness (the emotion Per hated seeing the most), to pouting (Per finds this one rather cute), to happiness (the boy's beaming smile did things to his heart), but never has he seen him so blank. Per didn't like it.

His instincts took over and Per moved a few steps toward the three boys. Something inside of him questioned why he needed to protect the boy. His confusion from the night before pushed its way to the front of his mind. The mage's feet slowed until he came to a full stop.

He still hadn't came to any sort of conclusion. His mind still battled itself. Half of him wanted to believe in what his brother had said. What he was feeling for Win was special and something he shouldn't ignore. But the other half, still couldn't accept it. Win was a boy and Per had always been attracted to women. So what made this boy so special? Why did he feel something tugging at his heart whenever he saw him.

And why the hell did one of those jackasses just grab Win?

Per's hesitation dropped the second Win's face pinched in pain. The boy tried to rip his arm out of the other's grasp but the grip on him was too strong. Per charged forward, swiftly jumping over the short fence. The three boys didn't notice him until Per grabbed the hand latched onto Win. He ripped it off and twisted it back. The wolf howled in pain. The other unknown boy flinched back before racing at Per. The mage easily tossed the wolf in his hold at the other. Both boys stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Who the hell are you," the one Per had pushed spat. His square chin jutting out in an ugly scowl. The wolf scrambled to his feet, fingers curling into a fist.

Per scoffed, taking a step in front of Win. The boy gaped at the mage, mouth open and eyes wide. "Listen ugly, don't you ever touch m- Win again." He was slightly shocked at almost saying 'my Win' but didn't linger too long on it, he had more important things to worry about. Like kicking that ugly wolf's ass!

The wolf laughed, a childishly high pitched chuckle. "What your puny ass gonna do? Whimper when I bite you?" He cackled. "Who are you any-"

"Mage," the other wolf stated, eyes on Per's wrist. He nodded with his head toward the cuff when the brute turned a questioning look on him.

The ugly wolf snickered as he eyed the silver binding Per. His eyes twitched to meet his, a smile blooming. "So the rumors are true," he scoffed. " A mage without his powers is nothing more than pathetic. What ya gonna do?" He advanced forward in a taunt.

Per watched the wolf, eyes thinning, lips pulling into a sneer. "I don't need my abilities to kick your ass, ugly!"

A growl rumbled from the wolf's chest, lips curling up. Pointy canines gleamed in the sunlight. The wolf lunged at Per. The mage lowered his stance, ready for a fight. He wasn't the best fighter, learning enough hand-to-hand combat for self-defense but it'd be enough. He'll knock that cocky bastard down a peg or two.

There was a flicker to his right as a body rushed in front of him. Per's mouth dropped open as Win's dark hair fluttered. The boy's back was straight, hands held out in front of him. The attacking wolf stumbled to a stop nearly tripping.

"That's enough Vaner," Win barked in a harsh voice. Vaner, that ugly wolf, gaped at Win. "Per is a guest, how dare you raise a hand at him!"

"Bu- He started it," Vaner stuttered. Per couldn't see the face Win had given the other but the wolf flinched back, eyes widening.

"Vaner," the third wolf called to his friend. He grasped his arm, tugging his friend backwards. "Let's go." He briefly gave Win an apologetic look. The two wolves trudged down the path leading to the gate.

"Leno, he talked."

"I know."

"He's never talked before."

Their conversation grew quieter and quieter as the two moved into the town, disappearing from sight.

The remaining wolf turned to Per. A soft smile that crinkled his eyes at the side danced on his lips. The mage's heart clenched. He really was beautiful when he smiled. The boy was cute normally but when he smiled the world shrunk to just him and Per.

The mage cleared his throat and looked away. His hands latching onto his pant legs to prevent any unnecessary touching. "What were you thinking," Per asked, trying to make his shaky voice sound upset. It seemed to have worked. Win's smile dropped into a confused pout, head tilting to the side. Damn it, he's adorable.

"You," the mage's voice cracked, eyes dancing around Win's face, not lingering in one spot. "You could have been hurt."

Win's lips bloomed into a smile again. He couldn't believe it, Per actually came to his defense. He realized the small mate connection he shared with the mage was small and building slowly. Per could very easily ignore it, ignore Win. It was a fear that squeezed his heart. But the mage came to his aid and it made him incredibly happy. He couldn't help the large grin splitting his face.

"I've dealt with bullies all my life and Vaner isn't all that bad. A bit on the simple side, honestly." The wolf shrugged nonchalantly.

"How can smile after saying something like that," Per asked finally meeting Win's eyes, eyebrows pinched.

"Because you came to protect me."

Per's eyes widened, heartbeat quickening. His lips parted as if to say something but quickly closed. He cleared his throat and looked away. A smile wobbled it's way onto his lips. Always, he wanted to say but couldn't bring himself to vocalize it.

"Per, your wound." Win touched Per's arm right below his bandage. He lightly poked at the lose fabric, a worried tug pulling on his lips.

The mage looked down, surprised. He actually forgot all about his wound. Normally he was a baby when it came to pain but this time it had completely slipped his mind. Per gazed back at the wolf in front of him with a small smile. More important things have been happening.

"Let me fix it for you."

The boy pulled on Per's arm, tugging him down the short path toward the garden's exit. He stopped briefly to pick up a basket full of vegetables and herbs. The mage silently grabbed it from the boy, quickly looking away and ignoring Win's quizzical glance. The wolf giggled lightly before leading Per out of the garden and toward the Alpha's house.


The house was empty when the two slipped in. Pang had rushed to the hospital as soon as Mick had appeared. Noh had his weekly music class with the pups. He always looked forward to it, saying it brought back fond memories of when he and Ohm were pups playing in a makeshift band. The Alpha had left early in the morning , a grave expression weighing him down. When Win had asked what was wrong the only thing Phun had said was a letter needed to be sent. Win didn't really understand but wished him luck nonetheless.

He ushered his mate into the kitchen and pushed him onto a stool. Win rushed into next room to a cabinet. He fished out the small box he kept there for medical emergences, such as this.

Once he was back in the kitchen Win set it on the counter next to Per. His finger wavered over the bandages. He glanced at the mage, bottom lip nibbled between his teeth. Per gave him a slight nod before his finger finally tugged at the cloth.

Once the cloth was removed he examined the wound. It was healing nicely. There wasn't any infection. Win grabbed a towel, dabbing the wound softly. After it was dry the boy grabbed the box and pulled out a small container full of slave.

The slave was a simple remedy he had learned when he was younger. Back then he wasn't really allowed to visit the healer. It wouldn't have been good anyways since he had bruises or wounds almost everyday. Win had become rather good at patching himself up early on.

Per watched quietly as Win smoothed the ointment on. The boy's short fingers working deftly. Every few seconds his eyes would flick up to meet the mage's and ever time a tinge of pink would darken his cheeks.

"I was going to look for you after my chores," the wolf spoke up. Finishing off the slave, he moved on to some cotton to wrap around Per's arm.

"Really?" The mage's voice was soft and intimate.

Win's cheeks darkened as his meet Per's eyes. "Mhmm. There's a place I want to show you." He dropped his gaze back onto his work when the mage's stare became too much for his heart. "It's kind of a secret. It's a special place. You'll be the first person I show it too." Win peeked up through his fringe, fingers pausing over the finished wrap. "Will you go with me?" His voice dropped to a soft nervous sound.

Per gave him a wide smile. "Of course."


A mixture of greens and browns parted as the two boys entered the forest closest to the mountain and behind the town. Win, with a bag sung around his shoulder, lead the way with his fingers weaved in between Per's.

Per was having a rough time within the forest. He wasn't like his brother, nature wasn't his friend. Nor was he like Win, who effortlessly glided through. Every few steps he'd stumble over a rock or exposed root. Run into bushes or low hanging branches.

The first few times Per tripped the boy looked back worried but after the fifth time his worry shifted into mirth. His laughter rang clear in the quiet forest. Per's lips tugged down in displeasure. He tsked at the annoying wolf, looking dramatically away and mumbling 'brat' under his breath. Seeing the mage's pouting attitude only caused the wolf to laugh harder.

As they neared their destination a low whoosh filled the quiet air, growing steadily louder as they neared. The deep greens of brush blended into brighter greens, mixing with grays and browns of the stones littering the ground. The thin path broke open.

The mage pushed passed the brush barrier and froze. The view that meet his wide eyes was breathtaking. They had stepped into a clearing pushing right against the base of the mountain surrounding the village. Water rushed off the side of the mountain, bubbling and thundering into a small lake. Surrounding the body of water were boulders and mossy patches. Yellow daisies dotted around, where ever they were able to sprout in between the rocks. They dotted up the mountain and vanished into the thick foliage. The mage edged closer, eyes darting around, trying to take in everything he could. At the bottom of the waterfall, where the spray bellowed against the soft crystal surface of the lake was a rainbow shining brightly.

A light touch to Per's arm brought his attention back the the wolf. Win smiled up at him, eyes shining. "Come on," he said with a nod toward the water. The boy's hand slid down Per's arm to grasp his hand. Tugging the mage behind him.

They stopped at the edge the rock boarder. The top was dry and slightly dusty while the lake lapped at the sides several inches below. Per shuffled closer and knelt down. Hesitating briefly, he dipped his hand into the clear water. The mage marveled at how crystal clean the water was. He could see his hand perfectly, a little distorted but clear.

Behind him the wolf grinned devilishly. Dropping the bag he carried to the side, Win shuffled carefully and quietly until he was right behind the unsuspecting mage. With a growing grin Win pushed Per. The mage yelped as he fell face first into the clear water. He floundered a few seconds before breaking the surface with a loud gasp. Win was doubled over gasping for air from how hard he was laughing. The mage glared at him.

"You," he wheezed. His knees gave out and Win dropped to the ground, body shaking with mirth. "You squealed! Like a frightened child! I can't," Win breathed as another bout of laughter shook him.

Per's eyes shot up in a mighty roll. He glided toward the wolf. "You think that was funny?" Win nodded with a wide grin. "Well, then."

He reached up, a smile forming, and grabbed Win's arm. With a grunt from Per and a squeak from Win, the wolf found himself plunged into the water. The mage laughed as Win sputtered. The wolf whipped the water from his face before turning a scowl on the mage. Per's laughter slowly calmed leaving a wide smile.

"You're right, that was funny!"

In a quick motion Win splashed a large amount of water at Per. The mage yelped before returning the favor. A full blown water battle broke out. Each doing their best to drench the other. Laughter and shouts filled the small clearing. After several minutes Per had enough of the battle. He quickly swam toward to the wolf. Grabbing Win around the waist he twist around and tossed him into the water. Win burst through the surface and charged at the mage. He tried to copy Per but it didn't go as he had planned. Being smaller and slightly weaker than the mage made his effort pointless. All he could do was grab him and push him a bit away. Win glowered.

"Poor little wolf," Per said before grabbing Win and lifting him up and against his chest. "Too weak to exact his revenge." Win's face crumbled into a pout. The mage chuckled twisting the two of them around. His grip on Win slipped slightly and the wolf slid down his front. Tightening his hold the mage jerked the two of them back. Win's forehead clunked against his own.

A curse escaped the wolf, whose eyes were tightly closed. His hand rubbed against his sore forehead, his other gripping Per's shoulder. The wolf didn't notice the mage tensing beneath him. His hand fell to Per's other shoulder, eyes opening. There was one thing Win never noticed before, Per's eyes were beautiful. They were a deep gray that had swirls of silver dancing about. It was like a storm battled within them. He never would have noticed if he wasn't so close.

The two of them were chest to chest. The mage's neck bent slight back as he gazed up at Win, who was mere inches a way. Per's eyes danced across Win's face, taking in as much detail he could. A slow red burned its way onto the wolf's cheeks.

Water droplets slid from Per's hairline to mingle with his eyebrow. Win's eyes followed its path. One of his hands drifted toward the droplet. Gently, his finger splayed across the side of the mage's face as his thumb softly brushed the water away.

Per's breath stuttered as soft fingers smoothed across his brow. The wolf's jade eyes lowered to meet his own. His heartbeat quickened as he watched the jade bleed into a blue. Per was stunned. Win was beyond cute, he was breath taking. The blue took over as his cheeks darkened. The mage's eyes darted to Win's parted lips. His eyes flicked back to the bright blues. His neck straightened as Win's head lowered. Their breaths mingled.

This time, Per didn't flinch away.

Soft lips met chapped lips. It was a brief meeting. A slight lingering. Win pulled back; his eyes still closed. Per's eyes opened and roamed over Win's fully burning cheeks and soft smile. He watched Win's tongue darted out and swiped across his own bottom lip. That was all it took. The mage let out a small groan before slamming his lips against Win's.

The wolf's eyes shot open in shock. He had never been kissed before and only imaged what it would be like. This was defiantly not what he had imaged. But he wasn't complaining. His eyes quickly closed as the mage's tongued glided across his bottom lip. A soft hum rumbled through his chest as Per slid his arms tighter around him. One glided up his back to wrap around his neck and tilt Win's head to the side. Per's other hand tightened around Win's waist, tugging him closer. Per's tongue pressed against against the wolf's lips, asking for entrance. Win gladly opened up; his own hands gliding into the mage's dark locks. He tugged at them when Per's tongue tangled against his own. The mage groaned.

Win didn't know what was going on. All he knew was that he didn't want it to stop. But all good things had to come to an end and his lungs were screaming at him. The two broke apart with a loud smack. They heaved as they stared at each other. After a long moment a large grin broke across Per's face.

"Wow," the mage said allowing Win to slide down the front of his body. "If I had known you'd be that good of a kisser I would have kissed you a lot sooner."

Win's face flared. He quickly looked away and made his way to the rocky shore. Per chuckled and followed behind. He watched the wolf struggle to pull himself up. Reaching out he grabbed Win's waist on either side, flipped him around so he was facing him, and lifted him up. After placing the wolf down Per caged him in by resting his hands on either side and leaned in close to Win with a cheeky smile.

"How can a wolf be so weak," he teased.

Win pouted and crossed his arms. "I'm a runt, if you hadn't noticed." The wolf turned his body away, refusing to look at Per. "Besides," he mumbled, "I'm stronger in my wolf form."

That piqued the mage's curiosity. What would Win look like as a wolf? Would he still be small or would he be massive like the others? Would he still be as cute?

A single eyebrow raised as his head tilted to the side. "Oh? Is that so?" He turned the boy toward him. "Prove it."

Win's eyes widened. "What?"

"Prove it! Show me your wolf."

The boy's mouth dropped open. Per wanted to see his wolf? Win wasn't so sure if that was such a good idea. His wolf wasn't exactly that great. In fact it was tiny and pathetic. A laughable runt. The boy had stopped changing in front of people, only changing when he was within the confines of the forest and only around Pang and Mick. He wasn't really comfortable with anyone else seeing his wolf.

Per watched as an assortment of emotions flashed across Win's face. Concern furrowed his brows. The boy's emotions grew darker with each passing second. "You don't have to, if you don't want to," Per softly said. He wanted the boy to smile not to look so sad and worried like he was now.

Win looked up and gave the mage a small smile. "No, I..." His speech stuttered. "I can, it's just... um... don't laugh. Okay?"

The mage's eyebrows knitted further together. "I wouldn't." He meant it. Per could never laugh at Win.

The wolf nodded before pushing to his feet. Taking a few steps away from the water the boy turned around, facing the forest. He closed his eyes, biting at his bottom lip. Some splashing from behind him told him Per had pulled himself out of the water. Win took a deep breath and turned to face the standing mage. He let the wolf in him take over. His bones cracking and changing.

The mage was speechless. No matter how many times he saw a person shift into a wolf he'd never get use to it. His brain just couldn't wrap around the idea. It looked so painful and yet the wolves did it so effortlessly, so gracefully. And Win was no exception. The boy's body shifted like it was second nature, which it probably was, and soon a wolf was standing in front of him.

Win was an adorable wolf. He was bigger than a regular wolf but smaller than the others Per had seen. His fur was rather fluffy, like a cotton ball. One front leg, one ear, and the part where his tail met his butt were a pale gray while the rest of him was a solid black. Win's eyes shined a bright blue like before. Per took a couple steps forward but halted when the wolf whined. His ears flattened and he lowered to his belly.

Per sat down, crossing his legs. "Win," he called softly. "Come here." The wolf whined again, his eyes nervously watching Per. Per scooted himself a bit closer then held open his arms. "Come on, I'm getting cold."

Another soft whine filled the quiet air surrounding them before Win shuffled toward him. The mage's lips tilted up as the wolf neared. Once Win's head was close enough to his folded legs Per gently slid his hands underneath the wolf's chin and guided it to his lap. The wolf huffed and nosed at Per's stomach. The mage chuckled. His hand slide from under Win's chin to scratch behind his ears. The other hand stroked around Win's furry neck. A soft rumble, almost like a purr, sounded from Win. The wolf buried his head deeper against Per, eyes closing with content.

A finger stroked from the tip of Win's nose to the back of his head. "I don't know if anyone has told you this before Win," Per started. The wolf's eyes blinked open, gazing up at him. "You're pretty cute as a wolf." Win's blue eyes widened with a sharp disbelieving whine. Per's smile grew. "Silky fur that is the fluffiest I have ever seen. It's like a pillow." Per lowered his head and laid it against the wolf's. "Then again," Per said lifting his head with a teasing grin, " your human form is adorable too. Makes me want to squeeze those little cheeks of yours."

Win huffed. He shuffled backwards a couple steps and shifted back. He pouted at Per. His hand instantly went up to cover his cheeks, which were turning a bright red again. Per snorted before confusion clouded his features. The mage stared at him, eyes blinking as they scanned the boy from head to toes and back.

"What," Win asked, voice muffled thanks to his hands.

Per's eyes scanned his body again. "Win, how does that work?" The mage gestured widely with his hand up and down the wolf's body.

"Huh." Win's eyebrows furrowed, hands dropping from his face.

"Your clothes! How do they not rip?"

"Oh!" Win laughed. He walked toward the lip of the lake. Dropping to the ground, he dangled his feet over the edge and pulled his abounded bag into his lap. Per tsked before following suit. He took a seat next to Win and stared at him, waiting for answer.

The wolf looked up at him. "It's Fae magic." Win's hand went to his neck fiddling with a green stone hanging from a leather strap. "When we shift our clothes somehow go into the stone. I don't really understand Fae magic." Win turned back to his bag with a shrug.

"Fae.," he sounded thoughtful. "And how did you come across Fae goods? The cuffs are Fae as well." Per held up his hand, twisting the cuff around his wrist.

Win's eyes zeroed in on the cuff. "Mm, that's right," he responded voice somber and eyes never wavering from the cuff. "Once a year a caravan sets up in large strip of land that isn't owned by any pack. They trade with the packs." His voice trailed off. The wolf reached out taking Per's hand. "Does it hurt?"

Per's eyebrows smashed together as he looked down. His large hand was held in between Win's two smaller ones. One of his thumbs gently stroked up and down Per's palm. His face was contorted with worry. Per's eyes softened as a warmth spread through his body. No one but Shin worried about him like this. It was nice.

"Not physically." Per's tone was soft and slightly chocked up. "Emotionally? A bit. Being cut off from a part of me... isn't a nice feeling." Win gazed up, meeting Per's eyes. "How can I explain it?" His eyes narrowed. "Like, if you're unable to shift. That part... your wolf is cut off. It's still there but you can't feel it."

A sad smile pulled at Win's lips. His hands gripped Per's. "I'll talk to Phun. Maybe I can convince him to take it off? You're harmless after all."

Per tsked before gripping one of Win's hand. "Harmless? I don't know about that." The mage smirked as he pulled Win. The boy yelped. The mage laid back against the ground. He dragged Win with him until the boy rested against his chest. Per chuckled wrapping his arms around the boy's body, pinning Win to himself. "Say that again," he urged with a silky voice.

Win slapped Per's chest, trying to push himself away. The mage wouldn't let him budge; his grip tightening. "Per," the wolf whined. Win tried to push away again with no success. "Per!"

The mage chuckled at the pout taking over Win's face. The wolf glared down at Per as an idea popped into his head. The perfect way to shock the mage. With a smile Win leaned down and placed a kiss against Per's lips. The mage's eyes widened, arms slacking a bit. Win pulled away with a smug grin. When he pushed up the mage's arms fell away easily. The wolf shuffled back on his knees.

"See, harmless." His smile grew wider at the look Per gave him.

A crunch from within the forest had Win freezing. His back straightened, eyes narrowing in the direction of the sound. More crunching. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Win twisted around, crouching down, and blocking Per from whatever was coming. The crouching neared. At first he didn't know what was approaching but as it neared and its smell became more prominent Win knew exactly who was coming. His breathing stuttered and his heart plummeted into his stomach.

It was the one person he never wanted to see again.

The one person he feared more than anything.

The one person that had him falling back into the darkness that was once his childhood.

Out from the trees and bushes stepped a man with deep wrinkles around his lips and a permanent scowl.

"It's been a long time, son."

In an instant Win was back to where he once was, the shame of his family. Unloved and self-loathed. The beatings and beratings. The name calling and tears. It was like he never grew up, never got away. He was that little boy again shivering in the corner, prying his father was in a good mood or at least didn't notice him.

Fear clouded Win, shaking his body.

Tears blurred his eyes.

A broken whisper escaped his lips.

A warm hand grasped his cold fingers, carding in between his finger and squeezing. The warmth they gave spread up his arm and all through his body. With a glance toward his side he saw Per standing next to him, glaring daggers at the intruder.

He wasn't alone. He wasn't that sad and lost little boy anymore. He had a family that did care about him. Most of all, he had a mate.

Win hitched his chin up high and turned a glare onto his father. "You are trespassing. I suggest you leave immediately." He was quite proud with how his voice came out strong and cold.

His father sneered taking a step closer to them. "I was once a part of this pack."

"Not anymore," Win cut him off fiercely. "Leave!"

His father seemed to get a hold of himself. His cold sneer morphed into a fake smile. "Now, now, Win," his father sung in a velvety tone. "It's been years since we've seen each other and this is how you greet me? Didn't you miss me?"

Win's facade was breaking. His heart pounded painfully against his ribs. Lungs barley taking in air. "Not even once," his voice cracked.

The man's smile dropped. "I'm wounded." His hand went to his heart, clutching at the fabric there. "I've missed you dearly, my son. I've come a long way to see you too."

During the whole exchange Per had stayed silent. He watched the man with narrowed eyes. Win's responses to him were violent. Not once had he seen the boy so frightened. Win was putting on a good front, acting strong, but Per knew the boy was close to cracking. The man took another step forward and Win's hand tightened around Per's

The mage pulled Win behind him, blocking him from the intruder. "I think it's time you leave," he calmly ordered.

Win's father laughed. "And who the hell are you?" His eyes racket down Per before a light dawned. "Ah! One of the mages."

Per's head cocked to the side slightly. One of the mages? How would he know?

The man sneered. "You don't look like much. Pathetic really. How low are you going to go Win?" A smile spread his cold features, twisting it. "Not to worry my son, soon enough you will be back to where you ..." He paused tilting his head to the side. A howl, muted from the distance between, could be heard. "Ah, what a shame. I must go for now." He turned to look at the two in front of him, eyes landing on Win. "I'll be seeing you soon, Win." He turned away, shifted, and bolted into the forest.

Per quickly turned to Win. "Are you okay," he asked cupping the boy's cheeks. Win nodded. His own hand coming up and lightly grasping Per's. He pulled them way and dropped on hand, clasping tightly onto the remaining one.

"We have to go. Phun needs to know my father was here."


Thanks for reading <3

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