My Very Own Barry

By TheAIWriter

39.9K 991 296

What if Barry was wrong, what if there was a version of himself living on Earth 38. How would Kara react when... More

Author's Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 17

999 31 2
By TheAIWriter

Fight Sight (Kara POV)

"Agh!" I screamed in pain as Metallo shot me in the chest with his kryptonite beam. I lost my ability fly now, and I was stuck on the ground forced to feel the agonizing pain of the kryptonite, coursing through every inch of my body. It hurt like hell.

I was about to take another dose of kryptonite when J'onn came flying out of nowhere and tackled Metallo to the air. I was free from him... for now.

"Kara!" I heard my name get yelled, but I was too busy feeling this horrible pain to notice who it was. The person moved in front of my line of sight and I noticed it to Alex.

"Alex?" I say weakly.

I lay on the ground and watch as Alex pulls out an epipen from her pocket. She injected me with it and suddenly I felt the kryptonite leave my body.

"Ugh... What did you hit me with?"

"Something Winn created to remove the kryptonite from your system, but he only had time to make one of these."

"Thanks Alex." I said as I waited for the shot to finish washing out the kryptonite from my system. As soon as I could feel my legs again I got back up on them, "Ugh... I need to stop Metallo."

"Kara you can't keep fighting like this, you're going to get yourself killed." Alex told me trying to push me back down.

"Well I don't have another idea, this is the only thing I can think of."

"Kara... you need to call him." Alex looked me in the eyes.

"No!" I push her away, "No! This is my fight, I need to handle this myself." I was getting tired of everyone questioning my ability to handle myself.

"Kara... Kara. I support you, you know that, but you can't win this one. Not alone."

"I've beaten him before."

"Kara this guy was designed to kill you. The thing that powers him, happens to be your one and most deadly weakness. You can't even get close to him before getting affected by the kryptonite. Kara please, don't fight him. Fight anyone else, but just not him."

I didn't want to listen to her, yes he odds were stacked against me, but that had never stopped me before. Why would it matter now, "I'll handle him."

"I'm not going to stop you, you're too stubborn to listen, but at least don't fight him alone. You don't need to fight anyone alone anymore. You have Barry now, you have your friend."

"And what if he gets hurt! What if he dies! What if I can't protect him." I can feel the tears in my eyes. The thought of losing Barry hurt me more then the kryptonite, "I... I would never be able to forgive myself. Just like how you said Alex... I love him."

"I know, I know Kara, and I won't lie to you and say that that will never happen, because it can... You think that the worst thing that could happen to Barry is that he could lose his life, but I know for a fact that losing you would be even worse for him. The pain you get when you think of losing him, is the same feeling he gets every time he sees you fly out that window. He needs you Kara, just as much as you need him... he loves you Kara."

I took in every word Alex said to me. I couldn't help but think of what she was telling me, was it all true. I felt selfish. Was I giving Barry that same sense of fear every time I took of to fight something, was I making Barry's life hell by having him sit at the D.E.O and watch me risk my life everyday. What do I-, "Agh!"

I was suddenly dragged against the street by a painful green beam. As it stopped and I was able to see Metallo stand over me. I couldn't talk or try to reason with him because he was just a programmed android, all I could do is watch as he charged up another kryptonite beam.

"Winn!" I quickly pressed my coms hoping he was on the other end, "Winn come in!"

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm here!"

"Winn listen carefully. I have a weapon to deal with a threat like this."

"What! What kind of weapon!? Why didn't you take it with you!?"

"I didn't want to use it, but I realize now that I need it. Please Winn."

"I'll get it, just tell me what to do!"

"Ok, listen closely- Agh!" I couldn't finish my instructions because Metallo had finished charging up his power. I was now taking a full forced blast of kryptonite to the chest.

"Kara! Kara!"

I heard Winn's voice come from the other end, I hadn't yet finish giving my instructions.

D.E.O (Winn POV)

"Agh!... Agh!"

That is all I could hear from the other end of Kara's coms. She was screaming from the large amount of poisonous kryptonite she was receiving. She never finished telling me what she wanted to do, I couldn't do anything until she told me, "Kara! Kara! Please tell me what to do, come on Kara just one word! Please!"

"Agh!... Locker... Agh!... 118... Agh!"

"Locker 118? Kara are you saying locker 118?"

"Agh!... Hurry!... Agh!"

I ran out of my chair and headed down stairs to the D.E.O locker room.

D.E.O Locker Room (Winn POV)

"Locker 116... 117... 118! Found it." I entered in my master key and unlocked it. I didn't even know Kara had a locker, she normally just came in here with her super suit and that is it. What can Kara possible be holding in here that can stop Metallo.

As I opened up the locker, I expected there to be a weapon or futuristic gadget, but there wasn't. There was only one thing. A backpack?

I quickly opened that bag and looked inside, "What the hell can be in here that can save-Ohh!"

D.E.O Training Room (Barry POV)

I was practicing my speed punches on the old rusty car that Kara hung up to use as a punching bag. Neither of use can use a regular punching bag because we were both two strong for them, so that is why we use these.

I will admit I was a little frustrated with Kara right now. I should be up there with Winn to make sure she was ok, but I just couldn't. I hated being up there, I don't know how Winn does it, but I just can't. Every time I'm up there it's like I have front row tickets to the 'Kara pummeling show', I know that she always wins in the end, but that doesn't mean she doesn't get hurt doing it. Every time she gets punched, kicked, or blasted; a little bit of me hurts. I just can't watch her do it all alone...


I stopped punching the car and looked at the entrance, at the door was Winn holding a backpack. I didn't hear him at first over the sound of my fists colliding with the metal, but I stopped now.

"Is Kara back!" I found a grin make my way to my face, but it immediately turned back into a frown when I saw Winn's face. He didn't look all to happy.

"She still fight Metallo, he has her pinned down, and she is going to die."

"What are you doing here then! Shouldn't you be helping her!"

"I am!" He tossed me the backpack and I caught it. I recognized it instantly as mine.

"Are... Are you serious?" I quickly opened up the backpack and looked inside. I pulled out the red leather suit and ran my fingers through the lightning bolt emblem.

"Yup. I got ordered from the boss lady herself to get you that!" He told me with a smile. I couldn't believe it, this was it. "Now stop daydreaming and get out there... Flash."

That was the key word I needed to hear. I summoned the speedforce into my body and finally sprinted my way out of the damn D.E.O's training facility. 

Alright that is chapter 17. Hope you guys like it. I was going to ask you guys this last chapter, but what do you guys think of having Linda Park in the story. I gave her a small cameo in the last chapter, and a small dose of what her character would be like if she was to show up for another chapter or two. Obviously her goal is to create tension between her, Barry, and Kara, but if you guys don't want to see a jealous Kara, then I won't put her in at all. Me personally I don't really care, I have a story sorta mapped out in my head and it doesn't include Linda Park, but if you guy honestly want to see that, tell me and I'll move somethings around. Anyway tell me what you guys think and I'll see you guys tomorrow.

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