Of Heart And Home

By AmariannaRose

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book 3 of My Love My Heart My King & My Darling My Love My Life Starting right where we left off Seto, Yugi a... More

😱🙀Fear The Egyptian Gods😰😨
So This Is What Freedom Feels Like!!
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Atem's Competition🥰💐😍💖 Seto's Competitor 😻🌹😘💋
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Living In The Past Looking Forward To The Future
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Back To Their Beginning
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By The Wrongs Of Anubis!
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Duel Till You ☠️⚰️⚱️💀
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Duel Like You Mean It🎴🤺🎴⚔️
Would You Look At That 👀👁️👁️
It's Like Looking At A Mirror Version Of Myself
Like Father Like Son
🧙🏽Magicians And Dragons🐉
Welcome Back Pharaoh
Our Beginning Is At An End A New Beginning Begins

Kisara's Fate

199 2 0
By AmariannaRose

While walking through the village Priest Seto heard a familiar voice shout with a worried tone "Kisara!"  he rushes over to where he heard the sound and saw both Isra and Qetesh stand protectively around a young girl with long white hair wearing battered rags laying on the ground "how dare you! you should all be ashamed of yourselves!"  Priest Seto hears Qetesh scold as he reaches the crowd and his heart skips a beat he watches as Isra helps the young woman up then her eyes lock with his and she says "I want every last one of these idiots locked away long enough to give them time to think on what they've done!.... do what you will to them but Seto.... this woman is our guest!.... set her up in my room and see that she is well taken care of"  Priest Seto says with a bow "yes my Queen!"  he walks over and gently takes the girl from her "guards!"  Priest Seto calls out and the guards that came with him did as Isra ordered the people were in such a shock they didn't think to fight them "Shada.... don't!"  Qetesh warns Shada looks at her and nods he knew she meant not to speak of what his Millennium Key showed him "go home and rest"  Qetesh adds he nods again then walks away "Shada...."  Qetesh says he turns around and looks at her "take care of her as though she were your sister"  Qetesh says "yes my darling!"  Shada replies with a corner smirk Priest Seto turns and looks at him with wide eyes for unlike the priest Shada knew who those words were meant for and that was why he answered in such a way "those words were meant for you you idiot!"  Shada whispers through his teeth as he and Priest Seto continue on their way "what have I done to make you so angry!?!"  Priest Seto thinks sadly to himself as he looks at Shada in surprise trying to hide the fact that he felt heartbroken and sad Priest Seto looks down at the girl who was lying unconscious in his arms and realized that she looked familiar but couldn't place how she looked familiar "so.... you have now "met" Seto's past self"  Yugi hears Isra say with a smile "you can see us!?!"  Yugi asks with a surprised tone "silly Yu!"  Qetesh replies "of course you can!"  Yugi says softly then he let's out a short soft chuckle "the palace gates are protected but Bobasa can help.... can't you big guy!?!"  Qetesh teases the big ball/balloon of a man in a turban reappears beside her "this one is our friend Boba.... treat him extra special!"  Qetesh adds placing her hands on Yugi's shoulders Bobasa looks from her to Yugi to Isra and starts to understand.... he (Yugi) is one of their sons.... Bobasa nods "thank you Boba.... we must go.... we probably look a little strange talking to the air and after what I just did....!"  Isra says "why did you do that!?!"  Yugi asks "consider it a test.... the "old" queen is gone and soon they will have a new queen.... I want to see just how loyal the people truly are.... no harm shall befall them.... think of it as a time out"  Isra replies Yugi smiles Isra kisses his cheek then she and Qetesh walk away with a wave.... "Yugi and friends are here!"  Atem hears Isra say from behind him he turns and sees her walk towards him with a smile "I left them in the care of a friend.... someone I haven't seen since I was a child myself but he is trustworthy.... and a bit eccentric!"  she tells him he chuckles as he wraps his arm around her waist "you will see them again soon"  she says softly "I hope so!"  he replies with whispered tones as she places her head on his shoulder.... Qetesh watches Priest Seto as he walks towards one of the tablet shrines to speak with Aknadin with sadness in her eyes he still doesn't know he's still so lost he doesn't realize that the one person he trusts above all others has betrayed them all and continues to lie to him.... Priest Seto's eyes lock with Qetesh's as he walks out of the shrine and his heart breaks when she looks then walks away from him and heads towards the room they were keeping Kisara in and he follows her.... "I'm sorry Kisara.... I promised to protect you and once again I broke that promise!"  Priest Seto hears Qetesh say softly with sadness in her tone as he walks over to the doorway of Isra's room "you had done so much for Seto when I couldn't do anything! I owe you more than you know for that reason alone!"  Qetesh says "losing his home, his mother, then me.... it's too much!.... it's all too much!!"  Priest Seto walks into the room and sees Qetesh on her knees before the bed with her head in her arm that lays upon it as the white haired girl lays there unmovingly with her eyes closed.... Qetesh feels a hand cup her shoulder and she looks up and sees a familiar face looking down at her with sad eyes "Seto!!"  she whispers with a surprised tone and she quickly stands up and hugs him tightly to her "oh Seto.... I am so sorry!"  she whispers burying her head in his chest and she feels him wrap his arms around her and hug her gently as he buries his head in her hair and she starts to cry....

As Seto allowed Qetesh to cry in his arms Atem and Isra watched as Aknadin's sanctuary started to crumble after getting news from Shimon that a village along the Nile River had been attacked "get my horse!"  Isra orders "my heart! no!!"  Atem says softly with a surprised tone "then come with me!.... our people have been put in enough danger!"  she replies with a smile "oh and have Shada free the prisoners from this morning.... I believe they have learned their lesson by now!"  she adds Shimon bows and goes to do as ordered Atem looks at her oddly "I will explain later but for now....!"  she tells him he nods and follows her as she jumps off the palace balcony onto her horse he lands behind her and reaches for the reigns then coaxes the horse onwards as they chase after Bakura "don't worry he's used to this aren't you Anubis!?!"  Isra says as she pats the white horses side Atem chuckles "what do I call you!?!"  she asks softly he looks at her oddly "when I say your name.... what do you hear!?!"  she asks "my heart!"  he replies with a soft smokey tone into her ear making her body quiver which makes him smile.... "this madness ends here God's of Egypt hear me!"  Atem shouts "not here!.... not in the village!" Isra whispers with a soft low tone but it was too late Atem had already called forth Slifer the Sky Dragon.... Atem feels Isra slide off her horse as they make it to the front gate he hears her order the guards to protect the villagers because "their Pharaoh is being an idiot!" and a smile slides up his lips.... Isra knew that Atem could take care of himself but the villagers are too reliant on him so she put their safety over his.... for now.... "keep him safe my friend"  she whispers within her heart to Slifer as she and the guards do what they can to get the villagers to a safer place away from the battle that was soon to begin.... as he fought Bakura Atem saw a Blue Eyes White Dragon and a familiar Magician all in white that came with the rest of the Magicians that Isra called forth when he fought the great Leviathan helping Slifer save the townspeople Slifer saw the dragon he knew to be his friend Qetesh look up and he understood what she wanted him to do so he flew up grabbed Diabound by the tail with his mouth and flew high into the sky "always ruining my fun!"  Bakura teases with a smirk as the dragon and the Silent Magician follow Slifer up and whenever Diabound disappeared to they used their brightest attack to make him reappear so Slifer knew where to strike making Bakura very angry and he calls for his Diabound to attack Atem instead Isra as the Silent Magician flies down and stands in front of Atem protectively when Atem noticed Priest Seto's Duos fly towards him he grips the Silent Magician's hand and pulls her into his lap and as soon as the Magician lands sideways into his lap she changes into Isra who lays her head in his chest Atem stares at Isra in surprise as Duos attacks Diabound then stands before Atem, Anubis (the horse) and Isra protectively then Atem hears Priest Seto call out as he and many others ride up towards them on their own horses "Pharaoh we shall save thee!"  once Priest Seto and the others reach them Priest Seto looks up and sees a familiar dragon floating next to Slifer and he stares at it in surprise then gets "woken up" by Karim asking "Pharaoh are you alright?"  Karim's eyes widen when he sees who is sitting in Atem's lap fast asleep and says with a soft surprised tone "Isra!?!"  Priest Seto stares at the woman in shock as Bakura rides off and Diabound follows "what a coward!"  Priest Seto says "don't underestimate him"  Priest Seto hears a familiar voice say and he sees Qetesh walk towards him and the others from where the dragon once stood and he stares at her in surprise then in worry when he sees her place her hand on the side of his horse as though she had been drained of all her energy he reaches for her and pulls her up onto his horse and just like Isra had done she lays her head on his chest and falls asleep "captain have your men follow him...."  he was about to have the royal guard evacuate the civilians but he had a feeling the sisters had already done that so he left it at the one order and the captain of the guard went to go do as ordered Priest Seto wanted to take Qetesh home and lay her down in his bed so that she could rest but he had a job to do first so he calls out "now I call upon Duos! track down Bakura!"  Karim calls out "I summon Helimai!"  both Priest Seto and Karim's favored monsters follow Slifer and head off in search of the King of Thieves "careful! it could be near it hides by night"  Atem shouts he feels Isra jump slightly at the sound of his voice and as Diabound goes to attack the three monsters both Isra and Qetesh wake up change once more into their dragon and Magician and fly off to protect Slifer, Helimai and Duos shielding them from harm "Isra!"  Atem shouts with a worried tone as Priest Seto shouts with the same tone "Qetesh!!"  and Atem rides off "I won't let you hurt them!"  Isra growls as she attacks Diabound Priest Seto and Karim follow close behind with the guards that stayed with them to to far behind them....

"Go Slifer! seek and destroy!"  Isra hears Atem call out as he rides up to where Bakura waits for him "no!"  she whispers softly as she turns around and looks down at him as he shouts up to Bakura "let's finish this! right now!"  Isra flies down to where he is as Qetesh stays up in the sky with Slifer, Helimai and Duos she protects the three of them from Diabound's Helical Shockwave but somehow Slifer still gets destroyed "no!.... what have you done!?!"  Qetesh asks in a soft angry tone "Duos! Aura Sword Attack!"  Priest Seto calls out as he thinks softly to himself "I shall protect you my darling!"  Duos stands before Qetesh in her dragon form then throws his sword in the direction of Diabound's attack and even though the sword struck it's target it didn't do what it was meant to do and Qetesh flies around Duos protecting him from what might come for it wasn't Diabound but Illushu his sword had hit.... Atem looks up at Isra who was still floating above him as the Silent Magician as his vision begins to blur and become out of focus "must.... fight on...."  he says in a pained voice "please pharaoh! you are far too weak for this!"  Bakura mocks Isra places her hand in Atem's giving him even more strength "I.... can't give up.... now"  Atem says and he falls off his hearts horse and into Isra's arms Isra gently lays him on the ground as Yugi and his friends rush over to them she takes a few steps back and allows them to crowd around him for it is Yugi that he truly needed to see she changes back into her human self as she walks over to her horse and pats his muzzle with a sleepy smile then climbs up onto his back and watches the reunion of Atem and friends "Yugi is that you?!"  Atem asks with a surprised tone "where is Isra!?!"  he asks looking around frantically then he sees her sitting on Anubis' back with a smile on her face and he sighs with relief then he says to Yugi and the others "you shouldn't be here it's too dangerous"  and he could have sworn he heard Isra chuckle as Yugi says "we've come too far to turn back now Pharaoh you and I are a team remember?"  Yugi takes Atem's hand in his and lifts it to his heart and Atem could feel the fullness of his strength return to him and he squeezes Yugi's hand then stands up and rushes over to Isra's horse that she now sits upon jumps onto his back and shouts "Bakura! your reign of terror ends here and now! you've disgraced the Egyptian Gods and for that you must pay! come forth Winged Dragon of Ra!"  then he whispers into Isra's ear "you will stay here I will not allow you to put yourself in harms way again!"  she nods she could already feel his power plant her right in that spot making her stay where she is so that even if she wanted to she couldn't change or leave in any sort of way Atem had no idea he had such power over her but he was happy that she listened for once for he knew that she would defy his order given the chance Qetesh also flew down and landed next to Priest Seto and changed back into her human self Priest Seto reaches down and pulls her up so that she now sits before him and just like Atem he gave her the order to stay and just like Isra she had no choice but to follow such an order as long as it was made by one they loved with all their heart they had to follow whatever order they gave.... within reason.... they all look up as dark clouds start to form within the sky and light pours through them making Diabound appear before them all "cast thy rage upon this enemy of Egypt!"  Atem orders WDoR as it appears before Diabound Bakura has Diabound attack with Slifer's own Thunderforce Attack Karim and Priest Seto have their own monsters attack and block Diabound's attack so that WDoR is left unscathed "Pharaoh! now's your chance!"  Priest Seto says "great deity of the sun.... I ask thee to transform thyself! now! burn through the shadows! with your fiery rage!"  Atem orders WDoR who changes into it's phoenix form then attacks Diabound destroying him Aayizah rushes over to Bakura as he bursts into flames himself and falls off his horse full of concern she checks on her "new husband" and cries onto his chest as both Qetesh and Isra hide themselves in their hearts chest as Diabound bursts into flames then falls to the ground "he isn't done!"  Priest Seto hears Qetesh whisper into his chest he looks down at her then hugs her to him and whispers "we shall worry about that another day for now let's get you home so that you can rest"  Aayizah hangs onto Bakura's robes as the wind begins to pick up and the Earth around them begins to shake and time starts to reverse itself as Yugi and his friends are blown away in the wind time stops reversing as soon as it comes to the part where Slifer was destroyed but this time since Atem and Priest Seto gave the order for them to stay Qetesh and Isra were not in their dragon or magician form and they could not save their friend "he.... reversed time.... he never did like losing!"  Atem hears Isra say in a sleepy voice as he starts to feel the pain of losing Slifer all over again "this really is a game to him isn't it!?!"  she asks in a low voice "sleep my heart.... everything will be alright.... just sleep!"  Atem whispers softly trying to hide the pain he feels from her even though she knew he was feeling it and he rode their horse up to where Bakura was with Aayizah sitting behind him on his horse and Yugi and his friends rush up to them from behind Bakura just as Bakura has Diabound attack the path underneath Atem, Isra and the horse Anubis crumble making them fall Isra changes into her Blue Eyes White Dragon form and flies off with Atem in one claw and Anubis in the other "drop the puzzle"  Atem hears Isra say into his heart he looks up at her with a confused expression on his face "trust me!.... he won't stop until he gets what he wants and if we want to keep the people safe from his form of destruction.... drop it!"  she tells him he pulls the chain off his neck and does as she orders dropping the puzzle directly into Bakura's hand and she flies off to find a safe place to land as far from Bakura as possible

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