You Can't Help Those That Don't Want To See Reason

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Seto was upset that Isra helped Atem/Yugi stand but he shrugged it off for he knew it would happen his heart still hurt from when she told him that he didn't deserve his sister and there was a part of him that even believed it to be true but for now he had a duel to concentrate on which helped hide the pain he feels from the slap to the face Isra had threw at him Atem places Big Shield Gardna on the field in his usual defensive mode remembering when Qetesh told him not to speak Seto keeps his mouth shut and he just draws his next card then places the card he drew facedown on the field then has his Blue Eyes Shining Dragon attack Big Shield Gardna THEN he finally spoke as as he speaks his voice merges with Anubis' "I told you when we started this duel that this time things were going to be different Yugi you may have beaten me in the past but now there's nothing you can do to stop me from having my revenge you're finished"  Atem replies "not yet I'm not"  he draws then activates Pot of Greed then draws two cards and summons Watapon in defense mode then summons Obnoxious Celtic Guardian also in defense mode then it became Seto's turn Seto looks at Isra who he knows is still in someway connected to her sister and decides that it would be a better idea if he didn't mock the man she stood next too or the monsters he played.... especially since they both seem to share a deep impenetrable bond with them.... and draws his next card then says "first, the Card of Demise I played before sends this dragon (Spear Dragon) to the graveyard and I know you know what that means, don't you? now my Blue Eyes Shining Dragon has even more destructive power than ever before"  Isra whispers to Atem "gosh it's like when he had Obelisk all over again! hasn't he learned by know that relying on just one card to see you through doesn't get you anywhere!?"  Atem smirks and replies with a low tone "apparently not"  she smiles then her eyes meet Seto's and she frowns Atem looks at her and asks with a concerned tone "what's wrong!?!"  she replies "I don't think he sees me!"  he asks with a curious tone "what do you mean!?!"  she replies "think about it I spent all those years sharing a body with my sister.... we're IDENTICAL twins the only true difference between us is our hair and eye color even our personalities match a little too well though since she spent so long as a part of me I suppose it makes sense but when he sees me now he sees her which explains why he hasn't mocked you as much as he normally would for he probably thinks about how my sister would react to it YES he made a promise to "play nice" but you're not Yugi and this is a duel so he pretty much as free rein.... as long as he doesn't PHYSICALLY harm anyone which I can't imagine him doing anyway...."  he smiles "what!?! I can't! he has more heart than he lets shine through even you've seen it peek like the suns rays as it hides behind a cloud during a storm he's just spent far too much time in his life trying to be brave and strong and not let anyone knock him down in any way that he doesn't know any other way to be but luckily for the rest of the world he'd rather use his words than his fists to knock it down if he was a "real" bully the world would truly be in danger of those fists and not just because of the power he holds with the name Kaiba"  she says "I know!"  he replies with a smile "nice analogy by the way"  he adds softly she smiles he sees Seto's eyes widen and realizes she just might be right and that the man in white before him realizes that what they were saying was nothing bad about him and that that particular man was only reacting the way he did before because he saw her smile and with how negative his brain is behaving at this very moment allowing his full blown ego to shine brighter than that hidden heart of his "she would never speak illy of you unless you deserve it you should know this"  Atem assures Seto who nods....

"Now please listen to me"  Atem says "all I want to hear from you is your anguished cry of defeat"  Seto and Anubis say together "it's getting worse! soon even Seto won't be himself anymore!"  Isra whispers with a worried tone Atem squeezes her hand gently trying to comfort her he turns his head when he senses Qetesh enter the Pyramid and his eyes become sad she smiles a sad smile and nods at him and he nods in return then watches as she walks over to the edge of the dueling field where her and Isra's chairs seemed to still be "Kaiba, for the last time, I am begging you to stop this people are getting hurt lives are in danger, and this Pyramid of Light you created is the source of it all there's a dark power in our midst, and you can't deny it"  Atem says "oh yes he can!"  Qetesh teasingly whispers Atem hides a smile as he continues "with every life point lost we both become weaker I know you can feel it we must stop before it's too late"  Seto's eyes widen as he begins to realize that what Atem/Yugi is telling him is the reason the woman he loves is not at his side that SHE can feel the dark forces that don't belong to him within him but there is that nagging part of him that just might not belong to him that tells him how ridiculous everything sounds from his thoughts about the reason the woman he loves won't even look at him.... at least in his eyes for she has yet to allow herself to look AWAY from him.... to Atem/Yugi's words "ridiculous I can attack Yugi now with my Shining Dragon and destroy the rest of his life points"  Seto and Anubis think within Seto's mind "no I should stick to my original strategy and defeat Yugi with his very own Egyptian God cards"  Seto himself replies within his mind as this argument goes on Atem looks over at a very worried Qetesh and knows that Seto is having a inner turmoil within himself that he just might not win and it worries him as well "I'm afraid that for you i's already too late, Yugi"  Seto says out loud his eyes widen when he hears Qetesh beg with a soft worried voice  "Seto!"  he turns to her and says softly "I must my darling, I must win!"  she replies "no you mustn't you only THINK you must! you should know by now that the only opinions that truly matter are mine and Mokuba's not the rest of the world they don't matter WE do! your FAMILY does! starting this insane "quest" for a greatness you already have inside you is pointless! you always were and forever shall be mine and Mokuba's hero and the greatest man and duelist in the world but.... if that don't matter to you then by all means continue on this imaginary waste of time quest you put yourself on! let the monster who resides within you take over completely and not only destroy but rule the world like he wishes too! if me and Mokuba end up in chains once again.... at least we'll know who truly put us there!.... do you honestly think you will continue to be our hero after that happens!?!"  he looks at her in shock "he can't see or hear us you know!? only you, the Pharaoh and those who are watching you make a fool of yourself on those large screens of yours that reside outside this Pyramid can but once he gets what he wants from you.... your complete submission as well as body and soul he will! and I know what he will do to us, do you!?! do you even care whether or not he makes us like Yami Marik wanted to make us!?! or WORSE!.... I'm guessing not!"  she says he looks at her sadly and whispers softly with a defeated tone "I must!"  as she says "but don't you worry Maxy will take good care of us"  he growls a dark dangerous "like hell he will!" possessive growl through his teeth "he won't end it you know he won't!"  Atem hears Qetesh whisper into his heart and he nods sadly in agreement for she's right he knows that Seto would never end a duel forfeiting would be worse than losing in his eyes Seto has Shining Blue Eyes White Dragon activate her/his final special ability "no you're playing with forces you cannot possibly understand"  Atem tells him "finish him finish him now"  Anubis orders within Seto's mind with a merge of his own voice and Seto's together as though to make it sound like he's his conscious and he's (Seto) is the one who is actually thinking these things "no I wanted a perfect victory and with this card I can use Yugi's own most powerful monsters against him"  Seto replies within his mind then he says out loud "I use Shining Nova it puts the rage of 1,000 Blue Eyes into a blast so strong, it destroys itself plus anything I choose and the card that will feel the wrath of my Blue Eyes Shining Dragon is the Pyramid of Light"  Anubis who has yet to gain full access to his own voice says into Seto's mind "no I need the Pyramid to destroy the Pharaoh"  Qetesh whispers to herself "why does this feel so familiar!?!"  Isra looks over at her sadly for she and Atem.... who is also worried about her.... were the only ones who can hear her as Seto asks himself within his mind "what am I saying? I must destroy it to gain control of Yugi's God cards"  then he says out loud "you reign as the King of Games is over that title will be mine, as will all three of your Egyptian God cards Blue Eyes Shining Dragon sacrifice yourself and destroy the Pyramid of Light"  BESD's body glows then he/she blows up a supernova of gold appears in the sky then a large blast of lightning flows down from inside it like a tornado-like tidal wave and hit the Pyramid of Light card that was on the field but nothing happens to it Anubis laughs then says "this I cannot allow"  Atem asks "what? the Pyramid of Light wasn't destroyed?"  Isra asks him softly "do you honestly think he'd allow the one thing that gives him power over anything to be destroyed!?"  he looks at her and shakes his head "at least you're smarter than Seto!"  she teases he chuckles....

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