The Ghosts of Millennia

By ninjagirlmai

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Half-bloods, hunters, and wizards go east, west and descend, A god's warrior appears when the first meets the... More

A Love-Hate Relationship with Airplanes
The Unspecified Holiday Party on December 18th
Nico Gets All Broody Again
Annabeth Becomes a Chrysanthemum
Starring: the Perrico Bromance
Montana Geography Is Hard
Attack of the Killer Roosters
New York Takes a Trip to Oz
Nico and Thalia Have an Attitude-Off
The Pomegranate Strikes Back
Embarrassed Alabaster: Just Add Water
The Return of the Corn Plant
The Romans Have Very Specific Gods
To Fuck or Not to Fuck a Fish
Dionysus Has Super-Hearing
Nico and Paul Have the Talk (You'll wish it was that one)
Bianca, Stop Maiming Your Brother
Alabaster Tries to Out-Slytherin Slytherin
Hades Finds Out He's a (Demoted) Planet
Cho Chang Ravenclaws the Lord of the Dead
Trivia Time with Nico di Angelo
Persephone Be Done with Hades' Shit
That Awkward Moment When You Almost Call Your Boyfriend a Fascist
Shut Up, Merlin, You Idiot
Everyone Makes Stupid Twelve-Year-Old Decisions
And the Darwin Award Goes To...
Annabeth's Army is Fashionably Late
Alecto Has a Stick Up Her Ass
Bianca the Bathroom Hog
Please Give Them Their Children Back...
The Most Expensive Lyft Ever
Hades Finally Does the Thing
The Flower and Angel
Hades You Sassy MoFo

Nico Tried to Kill Me With a Hammer

465 23 39
By ninjagirlmai


The Underworld crew journeys to the Gates of Dusk. Death Eaters attack King's Cross. Alabaster opens up about his past.


Chapter Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Content Warning: Cursing, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape (mentioned only)
Word Count: 4841

Both my betas are off this month due to finals, so these next two chapters won't be beta read. I'm sorry if there's a downgrade in quality, but I hope I did okay.

And all the characters are owned by J.K. Rowling, or Rick Riordan.

Credits at the end.


After an hour on Daedalus's moving walkway, Percy understood why Hades would forbid his servants from using it. He felt like he was fourteen again, wandering through the Labyrinth. Even though nothing had attacked them, the dark tunnel made him claustrophobic. He could tell all his friends, minus Nico, felt the same way.

"How much further, Nico?" Thalia asked.

"Not positive," he admitted. "I'm not taking us anywhere specific, but I want to find a door as far from Elysium as possible."

"So what you're saying is, we're lost."

"I refuse to answer that question on basic principle."

They reached a dead end. "You were saying?" Thalia muttered.

Nico glared at him. He found a small, glowing Δ on the wall in front of him, and pressed it. The Δ sunk into the wall; a keypad appeared in its place. He punched a code into the keypad, and the wall slid open. " You were saying?" Nico shot back to Thalia.

"Passwords and everything," Blaise mused. "Fancy."

Nico bit his lip to keep from smiling. "He runs a professional business." He got seven blank stares all at once. "Hercules T.V. show? The episode where Medusa gets a job in the Underworld?" Nico rolled his eyes. "Blaise and Hestia get a pass, but the rest of you? How have half-bloods not watched this?"

"I didn't even know there was a T.V. show," Percy told him.

Nico shook his head in mock-sadness. "A million times better than the movie."

Lou cracked a smile. "Does Hades know about that movie? Do you think he'd be insulted he's villain instead of Hera?"

"Yeah, but James Woods was, hands down, the best thing about that clusterfuck," Thalia argued.

"Someone has to show it to him," Will declared. "Neeks, when he captures you, promise me you'll show it to him."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Nico mumbled.

"You've been captured so many times that I'm pretty sure Princess Peach, Lois Lane, and Robin the Boy Wonder are saving you a seat in their dungeon," Will teased.

Nico put one hand to his heart, the other to his forehead, and gasped like a Southern belle. "You wound me, sir!"

"The Mnemosyne really did wipe your memory. You're a cross between the 1930's and a ten-year-old."

"Excuse you, William. I'm fine."

"Maybe don't say that while you still sound like Mario."

Nico pushed Will to the ground, but Will, with lightning reflexes, grabbed Nico's hand. They both landed on their butts, laughing hysterically.

"Wait," Percy said, suppressing his laughter. "You know who he sounds like?" A giggle escaped Percy's lips. "Ezio Auditore da Firenze from Assassin's Creed Two. "

Everyone was roaring now. They remembered Nico making fun of the Italian accents when he tested the games at the holiday party. Nico dived at Percy's feet, and he fell to the ground, too. "I am Nico di Angelo da Venezia. The day I sound like a terroni is the day I die."

"When did you get so violent?" Hestia teased.

"Bianca and I did this all the time," Nico said as he laughed. "She dislocated my shoulder once."

"She what?!" Hestia gasped.

"That sounds nothing like her!" Percy cried.

"It was an accident," Nico said as though it was nothing. "It's not like I didn't do it too." He started giggling. "Once she spilled red cough syrup on my bedspread and gave me a big hug, so I tried to kill her with a hammer."

Percy's sides hurt with how hard he was laughing. He wanted the moment to last forever, but, of course, reality had to return. A stone the size of Percy's head came down the access ramp in front of them, heading straight for Alabaster. He jumped out of the way with a very un-Alabaster-like squeal. Percy guessed the "demon walkway" took a lot out of him.

"Let's see what we're up against now," Percy sighed, uncapping his sword. Thalia and Nico raised their weapons. Will retrieved his bow from the duffel bag. Blaise and Hestia drew their wands.

The eight of them inched up the ramp. The door slammed shut behind them. They reached the surface. Percy recognized his surroundings. He gulped. "Nico, please tell me we aren't in the middle of the Fields of Punishment?"

"I would, but that would be a lie."

"Guys!" Alabaster pointed straight ahead of them. "Mom's Gates of Dusk is nearby, I can sense it. Thalia, Lou, and I have to get back to San Francisco."

"And it's about time we returned to the surface," Hestia said. "Persephone won't help us, and the Artifacts obviously aren't here."

"Any objections?" Will asked. No one said anything. "That's settled, then."

Nico and Alabaster led the way. Percy tried not to look at anything, but he couldn't block out the anguished screams and mad ramblings of the damned. He knew everyone here were horrible people, but he still felt a pang of sympathy. Eternal torment was the harshest punishment a mortal could receive.

They came to a jungle, stretched in both directions for as far as the eye could see. "We'll have to go through," Nico decided.

"Is that such a good idea?" Blaise asked.

"No, but we've got no choice. It'll be fine."

"That's what you said about Persephone."

Nico took a tentative step into the jungle. Percy and the others reluctantly followed.

It was dark, even by Underworld standards. One moment silent, then a terrifying noise would come from every direction, so it was impossible to pinpoint its source. All light was soaked up by the shadows.

All of them were wary, but none more than Alabaster. He jumped at every noise, his eyes darted around, he kept that ball of light in his hand despite how futile it was. "Are you afraid of the dark?" Lou asked him gently.

"I-- I have a bad feeling about this. I think I know whose punishment this is."

As if on cue, Hestia screamed. A ghostly hand covered her mouth, muffling her voice as it dragged her away. "Hestia!" Blaise and Nico shouted in unison. They sprinted towards her with everyone else on their heels. Even in the pitch black, Nico knew the path perfectly. He dove into the darkness and grabbed something. "I got you, Hes," he panted.

A cold, malicious laugh echoed through the forest. A pale figure stepped into Percy's vision. "So we meet again, son of Hades... son of magic..." Riddle said.


"How could Genevieve be an Olympian?" Cho was shaken to the core. Annabeth couldn't blame her; she knew gods often tested mortals, but she'd yet to see such a thing outside of the old myths. Plus, there, they identified themselves at the end of the test to reward or punish the mortal in question. But Cho had no consequences, and no answers either.

"I don't know," Annabeth admitted. "It's uncommon, but not unheard of."

"But... why?"

"I don't know that either. But there's no time to talk right now. The goddess of dark magic, Angelos, is about to attack King's Cross with the last of the Death Eaters. The gods are at war, and Hades wants to capture the Hogwarts Express." She pulled Cho into a hug. "But, it's good to see you again, Cho. I missed you. I'm sorry I never had the chance to say goodbye."

"It's fine, you were on a quest," Cho reassured her.

Annabeth pulled back, a little suspicious. "How did you know? Genevieve cared enough to tell you that?"Fear flashed in Cho's eyes. But, before either of them could say anything, they heard a scream from one of the other platforms. "Angelos." She drew her sword. "You know how to fight?" she asked Cho.

Cho tightened her grip on her wand. "I can hold my own."

They ran into the grand hall. Angelos was nowhere to be seen, but two dozen death eaters in cloaks and masks laughed as helpless mortals dangled in the air by their ankles. Cho pointed her wand at the mortals, and they fell from the sky and scurried away. More death eaters cursed the freed mortals, and they fell to the ground screaming as their bodies contorted in horrific, painful ways.

"We can't fight mortals with our swords," Annbeth muttered. "Where are Ron and Hermione?"

The words barely escaped her mouth before Cho charged at the death eaters. Light poured from her wand, releasing what mortals she could from their jinxes. Death eaters finally took notice of her. One shouted "Avada Kedavra!" forcing Cho to roll out of the way. She returned the spell with one of her own, and the ground in front of the death eater exploded. She ran and dove and waved her wand, somehow holding her own against insurmountable odds.

Annabeth ran towards a crowd of helpless mortals, trapped on the edge of platform eight with three death eaters cackling. "Jump on the tracks, muggles," one of them sneered. "You'll wish for a train when we're done with you..."

She charged at the death eaters. She grabbed one by the shoulders and kicked him in the small of the back. He stumbled and fell over the edge of the platform. He hit the tracks hard, headfirst, and crumpled to the ground. "Who's next?!" Annabeth shouted. "You'll wish for Azkaban when I'm done with you!"

The remaining two death eaters snarled at her. "Crucio!" She dove out of the way just in time. The spell hit the column behind her and dissolved.

If I get them angry, they'll keep their focus on me, and the mortals can escape.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Annabeth shouted. She pulled her Yankee's cap out of her pocket and threw it on, becoming invisible.

"She has a cloak of invisibility!"

Annabeth kicked one of them, but they were too smart to let her knock them onto the tracks like she did before. She got in close, punched one of them, then dove out of the way as they shot a spell in her general direction. She made sure to keep changing her position in case one of the death eaters got wise and caught on to her pattern.

The plan worked. With both death eaters distracted, the mortals ran away from the platform's edge.

Of course, Annabeth's luck finally wore out. After she broke one of the death eater's noses, one of them shouted "Imperius!" and it hit Annabeth square in the chest. "Take off your hat..." a cruel voice coaxed in her head.

This is the spell that controls your free will! They don't know how easily I can resist. If I play along, I'll catch them off-guard.

Annabeth took off her hat. "Give Kara the hat..."

Since one death eater was a boy and the other a girl, it was easy to figure out who Kara was. She walked towards the woman, hat held out to her. Kara wore a smug smile as she held out her hand, waiting for Annabeth to obey. At the last second, Annabeth side-stepped and pushed Kara into her friend. The two toppled like dominos and fell onto the tracks.

Annabeth ran back to the grand hall. Cho was holding their own pretty well. She'd done something to confuse the death eaters, so they ran around like headless chickens. She picked them off one by one with jinx after jinx.

Annabeth was in awe long enough to let her guard down. Someone grabbed her from behind. "Tell your friend to stand down, or we'll kill you all."

Annabeth whimpered... then bit his hand and stomped on his foot at the same time. She made a mad dash to Cho, where she'd be better protected, but thick ropes grabbed her from behind and dragged her back to the death eater. Demigods could resist almost any spell, but rope was still rope. She couldn't phase through it just because some follower of Hecate enchanted it.

She strained for her sword; maybe she could saw the rope away? But it was in its holster, too far from hands now crisscrossed across her chest. She put her personal pride aside--and seeing how pride was her fatal flaw, that was saying something--and bunny-hopped towards Cho. But the death eater could run, and she couldn't. He caught up with her easily.

"Time to die," the death eater told her with an evil sneer. "Keep your head down in the Underworld. Hades won't like that you fought his allies." Annabeth said nothing. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction. He mistook her silence for confusion. "Nevermind all that. You'll meet the gods soon enough."

Annabeth met his eye, glaring at him with the most intense, intelligent, dangerous look she could muster. He hesitated, fearful, only for a second. But a second was all that she needed. Red light hit him, and he fell to the ground. Her ropes unraveled and melted away.

She grinned at Ron and Hermione. "Took you long enough."

"We got here in time to save your sorry ass," Ron retorted.

Annabeth looked around. Cho had finished off the last of the death eaters. They were all on the floor of King's Cross station, dead, stunned, or incapable of moving. Angelos was nowhere to be seen.

"This isn't right," Annabeth said. "It should've been harder."

"Do you think it's a trap?" Hermione asked.

"She's trying to lull us into a false sense of security, get us to lower our guard," Ron said.

Annabeth shook her head. "No. She wanted to see how we fight--get to know her enemy."

The grand hall hissed. The noise got louder and louder until Annabeth had to cover her ears. Winds as strong as Zeus and Poseidon's hurricane enveloped the room, tossing the bodies of the defeated death eaters around like beach balls. The hiss turned to windy, sinister laughter.

"Very wise, daughter of Athena. If only you realized it sooner." Hundreds--maybe thousands--of ghosts appeared, forcing Annabeth and her friends to scrunch together. A beautiful maiden with long, auburn hair and a floor-length blue-gray dress appeared in front of them. "Your friends have captured Melinoe. The ghosts return to Hades, and they are anxious to take revenge on the goddess who betrayed them."

"But ghosts can't touch anything!" Hermione protested.

"Hades has complete control over the dead. My lord has far more power in his pinky finger than your patron ever had. If he wills it so, they may touch the mortal world."

"Annabeth?" Ron asked nervously. "Where's your army?"

Angelos smiled a cruel smile. "Attack, restless spirits, and Hades shall set you free forever."


Riddle lured them to a campsite. There was a tree stump for a table-slash-chair, a small fire pit for light and warmth, and a nest of leaves to act as a bed. It was also the only spot in the jungle that had any light at all. It was still so dim that Percy couldn't see past his nose, but the fact that he could see at all was a minor miracle.

"You see where I spend eternity?" Riddle hissed at Nico and Alabaster. Apparently, they were the only two he found worthy of his time.

"You hid from Hades," Nico reminded him in his scary-child-of-the-Underworld voice. "You created horcruxes. You cheated death twice. You earned Punishment."

"Without Hecate's betrayal, I would have defied your gods forever!"

Alabaster's eyes shone with hatred, but Nico held him back. "If I hadn't done it, Harry Potter would've killed you," Nico said. "No one can escape Thanatos." Something growled in the dark. Riddle flinched. "You fear the unknown, Riddle, the dark and the mysterious. You fear death. You let these fears rule your life. You deserve this prison. A few millennia of torture might finally give you some perspective."

"We are the same, son of death."

"I know. But I overcame my fears. You're doomed to cower with yours forever."

Riddle fixed his eyes on Alabaster. "Tell me then, Nico di Angelo, why do you indulge my brother?"

"You're not my brother!" Alabaster spat. Percy instinctively took a step back. He'd never seen anyone look so ravenous. "You're only a descendant of Hecate! She owes you nothing!"

"And yet, without me, you would not exist. You would be wise to not insult me. If this is what Hades has done to me for my crimes, imagine what he will do to you for yours."

Alabaster screamed. Blinding light burst from his palm and hit Riddle square in the chest. It should've gone right through him, but, somehow, it pushed him to the ground instead. Alabaster watched with pleasure as Riddle cowered between his feet. He mouthed an incantation, a hungry, violent look in his eyes.

This was the former general of Kronos's demigods. He was no stranger to cruelty.

"Al!" Lou shouted. "Stop it! He's trying to get under your skin!"

But Alabaster continued to chant. Riddle was shivering with fear now... or maybe that was Alabaster's curse.

Even Nico looked unsettled--and that took a lot. "This is what you meant during our psychic link. You thought I wanted you to cast dark magic. That's what you swore never to do again." He gingerly touched his friend's arm. "Al... listen to your sister."

Alabaster turned around and saw the tears streaming down Lou's face. The harsh light in his eyes faded away. He lowered his hand and took a step back. Riddle pushed himself off of the ground and ran into the jungle, too terrified to remember the dangers that lie there.

"Mom told me his punishment," Alabaster said with an empty voice. "Every night he's hunted by an unknown enemy. Every night he hides. Every night he dies." He clenched his fist. "Guess I'm just another weapon in the Underworld's arsenal."

He sounds like Nico.

Nico led them through the rest of the forest. The trees thinned after a few minutes, and they were soon on the other side. "We'll rest here," Nico said. They didn't argue. It had been too long since they'd made camp.

No one felt like sleeping. They passed around some food and Lou started a fire. If it weren't for the somber atmosphere, it might've felt like the bonfire back at camp.

"What's your story?" Nico asked Alabaster. The son of Hecate focused on his granola bar. He looked demonic with his face lit up in the orange firelight. "Please, Al. I need to know what that was about. And why does Persephone hate you so much? She said you were Hecate's most egregious break of the ancient laws! What did Riddle mean, about the gods punishing you? They forgave all the demigods who fought for Kronos. Tell me, please. You're one of my best friends, and I know nothing about you."

"I'm not a happy story," Alabaster warned.

"Neither am I."

Alabaster looked helplessly at Lou Ellen. She nodded to him. She was the only one who didn't seem afraid.

"Riddle killed thousands of wizards during his first reign of terror," Alabaster began. "Mom didn't want to see it. Merlin was up in arms--it was the only time their marriage came close to breaking. He told her that if she was so sure Riddle was innocent, she should test him. So, she put herself in the center of a death eater attack, pretending to be a muggle-born witch."

"And she faced Riddle?" Hestia asked.

Alabaster shook his head. "She never got the chance. One of the death eaters saw her... and... raped her. She was in such denial that she didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. She killed him as soon as she came to her senses, but she was already pregnant." Alabaster pushed back tears. "Mom should've put me in an orphanage in the Wizarding World, but she took responsibility for me. Merlin adopted me, and they raised me, taught me magic."

"What about the empousa?" Will asked. "You must've been surrounded by them. I'm surprised you got out alive." Percy thought of Kelli, the world's most terrifying cheerleader. She'd once hypnotized him into falling in love with her to lure him to his death; she would've succeeded if Rachel hadn't snapped him out of it.

"Uhh..." Alabaster turned bright red. "Mom forbid them from speaking to me, and warned me... but, well, I was a middle schooler surrounded by... you know. We had a--few--run-ins..." He fell silent. In different circumstances, embarrassed Alabaster would be funny, but, now, Percy just felt sad.

Alabaster cleared his throat. "Um... anyway, by the time I was ten I'd mastered enough magic to pay my dues. I did tasks for Mom and Merlin. I saw the way Olympus slighted us. I met Luke Castellan when I was twelve. He asked Mom to brew him a powerful poison; in return, she'd get the respect she deserved. Mom entrusted me with the task."

Percy's vision went red. "You were the one who poisoned Thalia's tree?"

"What?!" Thalia cried. "You poisoned me?!"

"Is that what it was for?" Alabaster asked, his voice empty. "I'm sorry." He swallowed hard. "I recruited for the cause. I contacted my siblings stuck in the Hermes cabin. The empousa and I sniffed out other demigods. Kronos rewarded me. I became the general of the demigods. I was so angry about what Olympus did to us that I was blind. One of my sisters betrayed Kronos. She was one of the older and more powerful children of Hecate. Luke ordered me to kill her. I did, proudly, without a second thought."

"Persephone's curse," Nico realized. "Your siblings followed you blindly. And you were forced to kill the sibling who challenged your power."

Alabaster nodded, tears streaming down his face. "I watched them die on the Princess Andromeda. I brought who was left to New York. I slew mortals with dark magic, just like Riddle. I slaughtered children of the gods. When we lost, I urged Mom to keep fighting Olympus. The Council wanted to kill me, but Mom disgraced herself and pled for my life. The gods told her to rejoin them, or they would destroy me. She agreed, and Jupiter sent me into exile." Bitterness returned to his voice. "I couldn't help Mom anymore. I couldn't return to the Wizarding World or Mom's seat of power. Lamia, one of Gaea's allies, chased me around America and-- and killed my friend Claymore."

"You mentioned him when we spoke to your mom," Nico said. "Something about a Mistform?"

"It's powerful magic," Alabaster explained. "Hecate was the mistress of ghosts before Melinoe was born. We have power over them. Mom restored Claymore. He was my only companion."

"Until you let him go so he could be reborn," Nico finished. "I remember."

Alabaster was shaking. "But he gave me one last gift. Mom wanted me to find a way to stop the curse. Claymore realized we could use the Wizarding World. So, Mom brought me home, despite Olympus's ultimatum. And that's when I met you, Nico." Alabaster bit his lip. "I can't forgive Olympus for what they've done to Mom, even if they are better than Kronos. Riddle was right: I'm afraid. What are they going to do to me, who slaughtered their children and went back on their agreement after they offered me mercy? I knew from the moment I saw Lamia--I'm damned. But, after all I've done... I deserve it."

Lou took his hand. "You were a victim of Persephone's curse, Al."

"Yeah," Nico agreed. "Take it from someone who knows. Your mom was your world. You felt indebted to her. Of course you would do what she asked; you were a kid. None of this is your fault."

"I made those decisions," Alabaster protested. "And Hades won't care who's fault it is. You know that."

The fire popped and crackled some more. Percy's apple felt dry in his mouth. He knew Alabaster had done horrible things, but he also knew Nico was right. They'd all done terrible things in the name of family. Could he blame Nico for working with Minos to bring Bianca back? Or Thalia killing demigods on Mount Orphys? Could they blame him for blowing up the Princess Andromeda?

But then he realized what Nico just said, and his thoughts short-circuited.

"Nico? What did you mean, 'take it from someone who knows?' Did... Hades consider... joining Kronos?"

Nico recoiled. "No! Not at all! Even he's not that cruel, and definitely not that stupid."

"Then how were you in the same situation as Alabaster?"

Nico looked at him with disbelief. "I thought that was obvious. Hades took me in, too, when I had no family left. I did tasks for him to repay that debt." Nico scoffed. "Not that it was a debt. Parent taking care of their child, what a favor! And he didn't even do that--he barely looked at me."

"Hold up!" Thalia said. "I knew Hades called on you, but you lived here?"

"I train with the dead," Nico replied. Percy remembered the last time he'd said that, the night after the Battle of the Labyrinth. But it wasn't until now that Percy put two and two together.

"You stayed in the Palace. I thought you were traveling in and out of the Underworld. But when you weren't... you lived with Hades."

"What's the big deal?" Blaise asked, looking around at the others. Every demigod, minus the confused Nico, was pale and silent. "I don't get it. Aren't parents supposed to take care of their kids?"

"Not gods," Will explained. "You grow up in the mortal world. Direct interference is rare. And raising your child... that's against the ancient laws. It's one of the oldest and most severe laws of them all."

"But where else was I supposed to go?" Nico protested. "Olympus cast me aside! It's just like Al and Hecate!"

"Hecate's a titan, Nico," Alabaster told him. "The gods don't keep track of her. She plays by different rules. And she still had to be careful. They passed me off as a minor god so Jupiter wouldn't raise an eyebrow. Hades is an Olympian. It doesn't matter if you had nowhere else to go. If Jupiter got word of it..." The implication hung in the air.

"It barely counts," Nico muttered. "He hated me."

"Nico..." Thalia said gently. "That's a huge law he broke. He could've been seriously, seriously punished."

"It was for his own personal pride," Nico spat. "He wanted me to be the one of the prophecy so he could become king of the gods. He ignored me, he hardly looked at me--"

"He entrusted you with war preparations, had you do important favors for him, recruited warriors to train you, brought you food from the surface world, gave you a place to stay," Percy corrected, a little harsher than he should've. How could Nico not see? "Nico, Hades was distant because he was scared. You were eleven, and a talkative, energetic kid. The less he acknowledged you, the better chance he had that you wouldn't tell anyone."

Nico rolled his eyes. "He would've told me not to say anything."

"Would you go up to your son and say, 'don't tell anyone you're here because the other gods might kill you and throw me into Tartarus.'? I heard what he said to you before the Battle of Manhattan, I know he was using you, at least at first. But it's obvious he wasn't only using you. He was trying to take care of you."

"They wouldn't have thrown him into Tartarus, Percy!"

"Think, Nico! You know how paranoid Hades is--in his mind, is there anything Zeus wouldn't do?"

"He told you he wanted you to be happy," Will agreed. "Neeks... maybe that didn't come out of nowhere."

"But--" Nico froze. "Al... how long have Hades and Persephone known about you?" Alabaster hesitated. "Please, Al, just tell me."

"I stole some things from Persephone's nymphs when I was twelve. She caught me, but I got away. I ran into them a few more times after that, but..."

"Twelve." Nico repeated. "I would've been ten, fresh out of the Lotus, at Westover with Bianca. Persephone said you were Hecate's biggest break of the ancient laws, but they couldn't bring her before the council about it. But Hades could've prosecuted Hecate... he wasn't a hypocrite until he took me in... he could've won everything, gotten rid of her forever... but he chose me instead."

"Nico..." Hestia whispered. She reached out to touch him, but he shrank away.

"No wonder he hates me. He risked everything for me, sacrificed everything for me, and I betrayed him. Now, I'll never get the chance to say I'm sorry."

Percy crawled across their little circle and wrapped him up in a hug. Nico was too distraught to shrink away; he buried his tear-stained face in Percy's shoulder. Then, the son of Hades whispered to himself, low enough that he thought not even Percy could hear:

"Perdonami, Dad..."

Percy didn't have to speak Italian to know that meant, 'Forgive me.'


The title and hammer story is an homage to this youtube video ( . Where my nerdfighters at???

(And yes, my beta commentary joke made it into this chapter and I regret nothing.)

Melody Rose - Author (

Please comment so I know what you think! See you tomorrow!

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