Bookshop Encounters (Chris Ke...

By mediagirl94

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Book 1 in the Fantastic Foursome Series *COMPLETED* When Rachel went to work, she expected another dull day o... More

Authors Note #1
Chapter One: Rachel Watts
Chapter Three: Housing Issues
Chapter Four: Fantastic Foursome?
Chapter Five: Twenty Questions
Chapter Six: Secrets!
Chapter Seven: Wake Up
Chapter Eight: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Nine: Amber Alert
Chapter Ten: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Eleven: Lifts and Betrayal
Chapter Twelve: Brighton & Board Games Pt.1
Chapter Thirteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.2
Chapter Fourteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.3
Chapter Fifteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.4
Chapter Sixteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.5
Chapter Seventeen: Meeting Zoella
Chapter Eighteen: Date Night
Chapter Nineteen: Sugg Sunday Special
Chapter Twenty: Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Chapter Twenty One: Bookshop Encounters 2.0
Omegle Boy (Danisnotonfire) Book 2
Social Media!
YouTube Imagines Book
Achievement Hunter Imagines Book

Chapter Two: Bookshop Encounters

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By mediagirl94

Chapter Two: Bookshop Encounters


"Boys looks like we have ourselves another youtuber."

Rachel's head snapped in my direction, her green eyes were piercing as they met mine.

"Last time I watched your videos you were brunette Rachel."

She shrugged her shoulders.

"I've been through a blue, a green, a purple and a brunette phase over the last couple of years. But I'm naturally auburn."

She looked beautiful with her auburn hair, hold up PJ did you really just think that about a girl you hardly know? What was wrong with you?


So this girl had a YouTube channel which PJ watched, I also noticed the way my best friend looked at this girl, this youtuber with admiration and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I could see why he thought that she was attractive; I mean she had a natural beauty and a charm which I hadn't seen in a girl for a while. Hold up Chris lad you can't ever have feelings for this girl because PJ likes her.


When Chris and PJ forced me out of the flat to socialise earlier today, I just assumed it would be another boring day of walking around shops. The fans had taken me by surprise and I'd been forced to exercise. But now as the four of us hid in a bookshop after being saved by a beautiful youtuber I was allowed a breather.

Rachel Watts was a mystery, I hadn't personally heard of her but PJ had and I was thankful that she'd taken us in when we needed help. She had long auburn hair and the greenest eyes I'd ever had the pleasure of coming across.

"How much longer do you guys think you'll need to hide out for? I'm shutting up shop soon."

"We can probably head off now if we go the way we came, I doubt the fans will have looped around in this space of time."

Phil and Rachel were engaged in conversation; Chris looked on unamused while PJ kept sneaking glances over the top of the laptop. Did PJ like this girl? Did I like this girl? Wait this girl had a name, Rachel, Dan get your head in the game.

"We should meet up again Rachel, in different circumstances and all."

Wait; hold up, was Phil seriously asking a girl to meet up with us again? He had more guts and courage than Chris, PJ and even me combined. I saw PJ perk up as he waited for Rachel's response, I was curious to hear that she had to say to Phil's offer.

Rachel shuffled on the spot clearly unnerved by three guys staring intently at her, only Phil wasn't being a creep.


Was Phil being serious? Did he really want to meet up with me again? I didn't know how to react in this type of situation. Four of my all time favourite youtubers wanted to get to know boring old me, what if they didn't like me after a few days? Or maybe Phil was just pitying me.

I felt three sets of eyes burning in the back of my head. Chris, PJ and Dan seemed to be waiting on my answer with baited breath. It was slightly unnerving and creepy.

"Sure, why not Phil."

Phil did a little jump for joy at my answer while the other three had a mixture of shock, excitement, worry and something unreadable written on their faces.

"Here give me your phone."

I giggled at Phil's childness but handed him my phone anyway. He quickly typed something before handing it back to me. I saw that he had added himself to my contacts while also saving my number in his phone.

"Hey no fair Phil, stop hogging Rachel all to yourself."

Chris stepped forward and plucked my phone out of my hand and in return put his in its place.

"Okay Chris is there a reason I have your phone?"

"Yes silly girl, you put your number in mine and I put mine in yours and I meant nothing dirty by that last part it was simply coincidence."

I felt myself blushing at his obvious remark, of course that's Chris meant. I really was a silly girl. I added my number and gave him his phone back. This only left Dan and PJ, maybe they didn't want my number because they didn't want to see me again after today.

"PJ, I think we should do the same. Peer pressure and all that jazz."

Oh god that sounded forced, I knew Dan was socially awkward from his videos but that just made his intentions and emotions unreadable to me. I liked being able to read people so he would be a challenge. PJ simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, why not. It might be good for all of us to have interaction with someone outside of our normal friendship group."

PJ tossed me his phone and I tossed mine back. We quickly exchanged numbers before he handed my phone to Dan. I threw PJ's back and he caught it. Dan then threw me his and we went through the same motions.

I was pleasantly surprised that none of us had dropped our phones at this point because I was usually less coordinated.

"Right chaps now that we've made the lovely acquaintance of Miss Watts. I believe it's time that we sod off so that she can close up the shop."

I shook my head and suppressed a giggle at Chris's posh British accent which was awful on so many levels. The others also looked mortified at their friend.


I didn't know why PJ and Dan were acting distant towards Rachel when I suggested exchanging numbers. I could have sworn that the way they both looked at her that they'd have been happy that I manned up.

Maybe I misread them but Rachel seemed like a nice girl and maybe by adding a girl to our group would eventually break up the hardcore fans who shipped me and Dan.

I wasn't using Rachel as a bluffer but I had a girlfriend and I was scared how fans would react to her. Rachel is a youtuber so I assume that she has dealt with some hate in the past and that she can cope with this. Lily was pretty innocent and I believe that the phandom would eat her alive.

The other guys didn't know about Lily, I was scared of how they'd react. Boys will be boys as the quote goes.

"Come on Phil we're heading off. Say goodbye to Rachel."

Dan snapped me out of my thoughts. Him, Chris and PJ were standing by the door just looking at me. They were smiling like idiots at my daydream state, I felt myself instantly begin to blush. I turned to Rachel who was now back behind the counter.

"Thanks for helping us again Rachel. Hopefully we can meet up soon."

She smiled and nodded.

"It was nice meeting you guys. It defiantly made my day less boring."


The four of us left the bookshop and already I felt like an idiot for the way I acted towards Rachel, she probably assumed that by my silence and unwillingness to contribute that I didn't ever want to see her again. She was wrong; I wanted nothing more than to see those green eyes again. I'd text her later and explain, that's if I didn't chicken out first.


I was saddened to leave the bookshop. Rachel seemed like a really sweet girl who I hoped I got to know better. I was the only one who had seen her videos, so I felt that if anyone in our group had the best chance with her then that person would be me.

I normally wasn't competitive with the guys, especially over a girl but I felt a connection to Rachel that the other guys didn't have.


The four of us were obviously deep in thought by the comfortable silence which had quickly surrounded us on the way back home. Luckily no fans were anywhere to be seen so we wouldn't have to run anymore tonight.

What do you think will happen to Rachel now that she's met the boys?

Who do you ship?

If you have any questions then I'm doing another #AskBeth Q&A video so just ask them in the comments with the hashtag #AskBeth (no subject is off the table)

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