Natasha and Draco One shots

By NatashaDOstroph

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Cute one shot chapters of Draco and Natasha More

First Sight
5th Year Dragon's Bride Part 1
Dragon's Bride Part 2 Summer
Sleeping Beauty Part 1
Sleeping Beauty Part 2
Sleeping Beauty part 3
Cold part 1
Cold Part 2
Cold Part 3
Cold Part 4
Christmas Kisses
Blast from the Future Part 1
Blast from the Future part 2
A Witch to Shag Part 1
A Witch To Shag Part 2
A Witch To Shag Part 3
A Witch To Shag Part 4
Truth or Dare Third Year Fall 1992
Three Weeks After Truth Or Dare Fall 1992
Train Sex 7th Year Repeat Year
Valentine's Day 1986 Before Hogwarts
Febuary 14th The Day After 1986
Celebrating 35 Together and 15 Years of Marriage
What? Part 1
What? Part 2
Natasha's Wishes
Draco's Wishes
Valentine's Day 1999 Repeat Year
Scorpius Age 7
February 15th 1999 The Day After
Natasha's Savior
Sexual Advances Part 1
Sexual Advances Part 2
Saved By A Peacock
Draco's Girl Part 1
Draco's Girl Part 2
Draco's Girl Part 3
The Princess And The Dragon Part 1
The Princess and the Dragon Part 2
The Princess and the Dragon Part 3
Hot Kiss Part 1
Hot Kiss Part 2
Hot Kiss Part 3

May 3rd 1998

65 4 0
By NatashaDOstroph

The war is finally over. Harry defeated Voldemort for good. People everywhere were mourning over the loss of classmates and friends who have died. Hogwarts was destroyed due to the blasts the school received in the final battle. Madame Pomfry was tending wounds of everyone who was hurt or injured during the war. Professor Trelenway was letting everyone know who was really gone and has passed on to the afterlife.

The great hall was a mess. It took most of the blasts. It didn't even look like the great hall anymore. Natasha tended Snape's wounds and cuts with Fawkes tears that Fawkes provided for her and gave Snape some potions to help him heal. She levitates Snape over to Madame Pomfry to see if there is anything more that needs to be done.

"Well dear Severus is your Uncle. He needs a blood replenishing potion. Severus suffered so much blood loss. He maybe knocked out for a while cause of the blood loss. I'll levitate him to the hospital wing and treat him immediately. Can you tell me what happened to him dearie?" Madame Pomfry asked Natasha. Natasha sighed and answered her.

"Well Voldemort sliced him across the chest and had his pet Nagnini bite him. I used Fawkes' tears he gave me to heal the open wounds." Natasha told her hearing that from Hermione Poppy nodded and spoke to her.

"Alright dear. I'll personally see to Severus's care. You take the time and take care of yourself for a change. I'll give you daily updates on Severus's welfare. I'll use all kinds of charms to help him heel. You keep a close watch on yourself dearie. Do try to be careful when wondering about the castle. It suffered so much damage." Poppy told her Natasha nodded and saw Madame Pomfry levitate Severus directly to the hospital wing.

As Madame Pomfry left with Severus floating behind her Natasha saw everyone being treated for cuts and wounds. There was one person she didn't see one person she hoped to love. Draco. She wondered what happened to him after he left with his parents. She saw professor McGonagall and spoke to her.

"Professor McGonagall." Natasha said to her McGonagall spoke to her.

"Oh Miss.D'Ostroph I heard what happened to Severus from Miss.Granger. Severus will be alright I heard one of the ghosts tell me that you gave him some of Fawkes tears to heal his wounds." McGonagall told her Natasha nodded and spoke to her.

"Yes ma'am. Poppy took him to the hospital wing to try and revive him with some healing spells. Hopefully he'll wake up soon." Natasha told her sadly McGonagall nodded and spoke to her.

"Severus is in good hands with Poppy dear girl. I trust you want to ask me something." McGonagall said to her Natasha nodded yes in response and spoke to her.

"Yes ma'am. I was wondering if I could go and check up on Draco. I know me an him never got along during our years here and I just want to make sure he's okay." Natasha asked her McGonagall sighed and spoke to her.

"Oh my dear you have such a good and kind heart to check up on him even though he disliked you. You have my permission to go and see him. Seventh years are welcomed back next year cause not much learning happened during this term cause of Voldemort. Make sure you are back by nightfall if not please owl me that you'll be back in the morning." McGonagall told her Natasha nodded and left the castle. Once in Hogsmeade she apparated to Malfoy manor to check up on Draco to see how he was fairing.

She was at the manor. It looked glorious just it had always has. It was spring and the flowers on the hedges were blooming. She heard the cry of peacocks close by. She walked up to the manors door and knocked. Hoping Draco or Lucius would answer the door. The door opened and Natasha saw Lucius Malfoy looking baffled by her being there Natasha spoke to him.

"Good afternoon Mr.Malfoy. How are you sir?" Natasha asked him politely Lucius answered her.

"Good afternoon my dear. I'm afraid I'm a bit snockered at the moment. How can I help you today?" Lucius asked her Natasha answered him.

"I was wondering if Draco was home. I wanted to check up on him even though he and I didn't necessarily get along." Natasha told him Lucius was in shock by this and spoke to her.

"Well come in young lady. Draco's upstairs in his room. I'll take you there. How's Severus?" Lucius asked her Natasha answered him.

"He's in the hospital wing with Madame Pomfry. He got cut by Voldemort and had Nagnini bite him. I gave him some pheonix tears that Fawkes gave me for healing cause they had healing powers. Poppy is using healing charms and giving him a blood replenishing potion. He'll be knocked out for a while and I'm hoping he comes back to me cause I don't know what I'd do without him. He's all the family I have left." Natasha told him Lucius was shocked by this news he spoke to her.

"My dear girl I'm so sorry about that. Severus was my long time friend. I do hope he bounces back and comes back to you cause of how much you mean to him." Lucius told her Natasha smiled and spoke to him.

"Thank you sir. That's very kind of you to say." Natasha told him she came inside the manor and Lucius closed the door behind her. They headed upstairs to Draco's room. Natasha heard voices one being Draco's.

"Mother I seriously doubt anyone is gonna ask about my welfare. I betrayed everyone by coming to the other side. Nobody's ever gonna forgive me cause they don't know what all I've went through." Natasha heard Draco say to his mother. Natasha and Lucius nodded and Lucius walked in Draco's room and spoke to him.

"Son I think you overestimate people. There's actually a young lady here who wants to see you and make sure you are alright. She came all the way here from the school just to see you. Try to be nice to the dear girl." Lucius told him Draco was actually stunned and spoke to his father.

"Father who in there right mind would want to see me? After everything I've done?" Draco asked him Lucius stuck his hand out the door and made a motion for the girl to come inside. Draco saw her. A woman that's he's loved with his icy heart for so long. A woman who every time he heard her laugh or saw her smile made him secretly change his heart. Her kindhearted spirit changed him and made him see the error of his ways. Every time he grabbed her arm so he could get her attention he felt the sparks electrify all throughout his body charging his heart.

He saw her beauty. Even though she had cuts and scraps and scars from the war from the day before she still looked beautiful to him. Draco couldn't believe she was with him in his room with his parents. Natasha caught sight of Draco's appearance. His hair was a mess like it was the day before. He was still in his same dark suit. Obviously he never bothered to change out of his suit. Nor to take a bath for that matter cause the war phased him and put him in a daze. Natasha saw his eyes she saw there was something different about them. She knew they were cold and hateful like they usually were. She saw something in his eyes that she never thought she would ever see. She saw relief. Meaning he knew he was gonna have to try hard to change.

She walked over to him. She saw his face showed sadness her hand reached up and touched his face and caress his cheek softly and gently. Draco shuddered at her touch. He always imagined her touching him imagined her warm welcoming embrace. He also imagined her showering him with her kisses all over his body and teaching him how to love. She wrapped her arms around him hugging him in a warm and welcoming embrace. She was grateful he was alright. He was stunned she actually hugged him. To his surprise he hugged her back. Lucius cleared his throat to break the silence barrier and spoke to her.

"Young lady does professor McGonagall know you are here?" Lucius asked her startling her Natasha stopped hugging Draco turned around and answered him.

"Yes she does Mr.Malfoy. She told me if I was gonna be late coming back to the school I should owl her and let her know I'm arriving the next morning." Natasha told him Lucius nodded Narcissa stood by her husband Lucius spoke to her.

"Young lady I'll have a house elf bring one of our owls some parchment ink and a quill for you to write to her if you're gonna be late going back to the castle. You can stay with Draco as long as you need too." Lucius told her Natasha smiled that Lucius welcomes her to his home Narcissa spoke.

"Uh Lucius about what you told her..." Narcissa began Lucius held his hands up and spoke to his wife.

"Cissy I have something important to tell you in my study. Regarding Severus in case anything should happen to him. I need to discuss it with you right away. Let the children have some time together hmm?" Lucius asked her Narcissa sighed and spoke to him.

"Alright Lucius." Narcissa told him she turned and spoke to Natasha. "My dear if you need anything please ask our house elves if you ever need anything. We will see you children later." Narcissa said to them Natasha and Draco nodded at her and Narcissa and Lucius left for his study. Natasha turned around and hugged Draco tighter than before she was grateful he was alright. At least pysically anyway. Mentally she didn't know. Draco grunted cause she hugged him very tightly and spoke to her.

"Um D'Ostroph I know you're happy to see I'm alright but you're really squeezing me." Draco told her she let up on her strength on him he hugged her back and spoke to her. "D'Ostroph why are you here?" Draco asked her Natasha sighed and answered him.

"I wanted to see you. I was so worried about you." She told him snuggling close to his chest inhaling his magficanit scent. That wonderful smell of pine sandalwood and spearmint toothpaste. She knew he was hers. His scent was her Amortentia they brewed in their sixth year. She'd never use it on him. She'd let the affection come to them naturally Draco was stunned she wanted to see him Draco spoke to her.

"I've made fun of you. I called you a mud uh that word I berated you scoffed at you bullied you. Why would you ever be worried about someone like me who's done stuff like that to you?" Draco asked her Natasha sighed and spoke to him.

"Because I love you Draco Malfoy." Natasha told him stunning the hell out of him.

She loves me? Thank Merlin's long beard! Draco mused he hugged her tighter and he inhaled her scent. Her scent smelled of fresh wild flowers fresh green apples and chocolate. They continued their embrace and Natasha spoke.

"Draco let's take a bath." Natasha told him Draco nodded yes cause he realized he needed one desperately he spoke to her.

"Alright princess. Come with me and we'll go to my bathroom. I have a nice sized tub. It's bigger than the prefects bathtub." Draco told her Natasha nodded she was grateful she had her purse. Cause she always had a pair of pajamas and a spare outfit in her purse along with her wand and makeup and wizard money. Draco lead her to the bathroom. His bathroom was connected to his bedroom. Natasha saw the bathroom was huge. It was all dark just like the rest of the house. Black flooring black cabinets black marble sink black tub hell even the toilet was black.

Natasha got out of her boots and outfit she wore. She put her clothes in an empty compartment in her purse so she knew they needed to be washed. She got out her wand so she could use it to dry herself off with magic. Draco got undressed as well and left his clothes on the floor. He turned on the taps and adjusted the water. He poured in the bubbles and plugged the drain. Natasha sighed and turned around she saw the backside of Draco getting down in the tub. She was feeling nervous but she wanted this.

She got in the tub and joined Draco in the bubble bath. She's at down right next to him in the tub. She felt relaxed in his tub. She felt all of her worries melting away from her shoulders. Draco got his loofah sponge and put on some body wash on it and lathered it and put the loofah on Natasha's body. Natasha gasped at coldness of the body wash on her body. Draco began washing her body in soft slow motions. He washed away the dirt and blood that was shown on her skin and her face. Natasha mmm'd at his soft slow motions he spoke to her.

"Do you really love me D'Ostroph?" Draco asked her Natasha mmm'd and answered him.

"Yes my love. I always have simply because I knew you were different than other pure blood wizards. I fell for you for who you really are not what you have Draco. Why did you call me princess?" Natasha asked him he still washed her and answered her question.

"Well Snape is descended from the Prince family. He's the half blood prince cause his mother was a pure blood witch but his father was a muggle. Since you're his niece you're his family I felt it was a proper pet name for you if I ever won your heart the right way. No potions no charms just the right way honestly. I vowed to myself I'd never call you princess unless you hugged me in a warm and welcoming embrace and told me that you really loved me and you did." Draco explained to her Natasha spoke to him.

"I really do love you Draco Malfoy. With all my heart and soul." Natasha told him wholeheartedly with such emotion in her voice Draco sighed heavily and spoke to her.

"I might be a bit difficult princess to put up with. Are you sure you want to put up with me?" Draco asked her Natasha answered him.

"Yes my love. Oh darling I do love you. Let me teach you how to love. I understand it will be difficult for you but I'll put up with your difficulties as long as you try." Natasha told him Draco couldn't believe his ears. She wants to put up with him and his difficulties he spoke to her.

"I promise princess that I'll try to love for you. Let's wash our hair and climb into bed for a while." Draco suggested Natasha nodded she got her hair wet and she squeezed some shampoo into her hand and lathered it up into her hair. She starting scraping her head with her nails washing her hair so it was nice and clean. Draco did the same to his own hair. He turned on the water and adjusted the temperature he turned on his sprayer and rinsed the shampoo out of his hair he saw Natasha's hair covered with shampoo bubbles and rinsed out her hair. She stood up and he rinsed off the bubbles away from her silky smooth voluptuous and curvaceous body front and back. Draco stood up and did the same to his own body.

The two got out of the tub dripping wet. Draco led her carefully to his bathroom sink without slipping. She got her wand from the edge of the sink and used the drying spell on both of them so their bodies and hair was dry. Natasha put her wand in her purse and got out her hair brush and began brushing her hair so it was tangle free. She got out a hair tie and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She got out her nightgown and Draco's hand stopped hers and he spoke to her.

"No! We've taken a bath together princess we just saw each other in our naked glory. Let's lay in my bed naked we can just snuggle I promise." Draco told her Natasha sighed and put the nightgown back into her purse she grabbed it and slung it over her shoulder she got her boots from the bathroom floor and carried them with her back to Draco's room she laid them by the bed she placed her purse on the nightstand so it was there in case she needed it.

She and Draco climbed into Draco's bed and they laid down next to each other. She couldn't believe how soft and comfortable Draco's bed really is. She saw his snake for the first time. She noticed that his snake was massive and thick not to mention beautiful and obviously powerful if it was inside of her releasing its venom. Hey she had to stick with the snake theme. She cuddled close to Draco and spoke to him.

"Draco. Everyone is welcomed back to Hogwarts for a repeat year next term. Even us seventh years cause not much learning has been learned cause of Voldemort being in power. If you come back you can bunk with me in Uncle Severus's chambers. You won't be so distracted. It would be nice and quiet. It'd be like having our own chambers cause he's hardly ever there cause he's always on patrols trying to find people out of bed or grading papers." Natasha told him Draco nodded and spoke to her.

"That sounds like a good idea princess. I may get picked on myself cause I changed sides at the last minute leaving Hogwarts when the final battle started. There will be a trail for me and my parents this summer hopefully we get pardoned if we name the other people who were in Voldemort's army that are actual death eaters." Draco mentioned Natasha shuddered at the thought of Draco in Azkaban prison surrounded by Dementor's she tried not to think on it. Hours have passed and Natasha spoke to Draco.

"I should write to professor McGonagall letting her know I'm not coming to the castle tonight." Natasha told him she would rather write her now than later. Draco nodded understanding her she got up from the bed and went over to Draco's desk. On the desk there was parchment black ink and an expensive quill and an eagle owl. Natasha wrote to professor McGonagall letting her know she wasn't coming back until morning. She tied the letter to the Owls leg and spoke.

"To Professor McGonagall at Hogwarts please its urgent." Natasha said to it. The owl hooted and flew out the window into the late afternoon sky. Natasha closed the ink well and laid the quill down on Draco's desk and went back over to Draco's bed and snuggled close to him. The sun started to set in its beautiful colors. Pink red purple yellow blue and orange. Natasha loved the sunsets more than sunrises. She found sunsets more romantic than sunrises. Some people believed that if people preferred sunsets then they were considered dreamers. Natasha loved to dream she just hated the bad ones that lead up to the war. Now she knows her dreams will be worse cause of the battle starting the first of May.

The eagle owl that flew off two hours before came back with a letter for Natasha she untied it from the owls leg and read it.

Dear Natasha
Thank you for letting me know you're staying with the Malfoy's. Severus is awake thanks to Poppy's healing spells and revival potions. You can see him in the morning when you first come back. Have a good time at the Malfoy's. I'll see you when you return to Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall

Natasha was grateful her Uncle Severus is awake and was gonna be around for a long long time. Natasha sighed with huge relief and put the letter in her purse and clasped the flap shut. She got up from the bed and Draco spoke to her.

"Whoa whoa where are you going princess?" Draco asked her Natasha answered him.

"I need to use the loo." She told him he nodded and let her get up to use the bathroom. Draco laid back on his bed waiting for his princess to come back from the bathroom. He saw the sky turning into shades of purple blue and black he knew night time was coming. Black was spreading over the horizon and the stars were just coming out. Natasha came out of the bathroom and crawled back into Draco's bed and snuggled close to him again. She saw the sky was just turning black and the night stars are coming out.

Soon the sky was black as black could be and the stars were twinkling their little balls of light in the night sky. Natasha yawned and didn't really eat since the war was over the day before. She lost her appetite she yawned realizing she was finally tired she spoke to Draco.

"Draco." She said softly Draco answered her.

"Mm-hmm." He said he loved hearing his name come out of her mouth she spoke to him.

"Let's go to bed Draco. I'm really tired." She told him Draco spoke to her.

"Alright princess." Draco told her they got up from the bed and pulled back the sheets and comforter. They climbed back into bed and Draco got his wand out and casted a cooling charm over their bodies. He casted one that was 24 hours long. They pulled the sheet back on their bodies. Natasha couldn't believe she was sleeping on silk sheets. She yawned again and rested her head on her pillow and spoke to Draco.

"Good night Draco." She told him tiredly Draco yawned as well and spoke to her.

"Good night princess. Sweet and pleasant dreams princess." He told her. They closed their heavy eyes and let the welcoming of sleep come to them. As the young witch and wizard slept they entered their own dreams.

Meanwhile in Lucius's study after Lucius and Narcissa left Draco and Natasha

Lucius lead Narcissa to his study wanting a private word with her not only regarding Severus but Natasha too. He's kept the secret too long and now the dark lord and most of his followers are dead it's time to reveal his long term secret he's held for seventeen years. He urged Narcissa to sit down because this is one big truth coming out of him and he knows she's gonna act faint and sit down anyway. He sat down in a chair behind his desk in his study and brushed his long hair back from his shoulders Narcissa spoke to him.

"Alight Lucius what's this all about?" Narcissa asked him Lucius cleared his throat and answered her.

"Well my lovely wife it's a good thing you're sitting down. First off Natasha D'Ostroph is not Severus's niece. I hid her from the dark lord so she wouldn't have his horrible mark on her arm and be part of his army. The first time I held her when Severus sent me his Patronus after he brought her home. I realized she was far too sweet and innocent to be apart of what we were apart of. Natasha is actually Severus's daughter Cissy and a half blood witch to boot." Lucius said to her Narcissa gasped and spoke to him.

"Oh heavens Lucius! When Severus realizes what you have done he'll be furious cause you gypped him out of his own daughter calling him daddy or father for seventeen years. Oh my goodness!" Narcissa exclaimed Lucius nodded and spoke to her.

"Cissy it was necessary to hide the girl. Severus didn't know what to do either. So I took a leap of faith as it were. I needed help hiding the girls real blood status so I went to Aberforth Dumbledore. He told me to have the girls maiden name be the same as her mothers and Severus's name not seen on her birth certificate. On the girls eighteenth birthday in two months Cissy she and Severus will know the truth. I know Severus will be angry with me but the young lady up there with Draco would understand why I did what I did." Lucius told her Narcissa sighed and shook her head and spoke to him.

"Well no wonder you told her to stay as long as she wanted too Lucius. You've been protecting the girl as well as Severus." Narcissa told him Lucius nodded and folded his hands up and spoke to her.

"Yes Cissy that's why every time Draco had told me he'd done something awful to the girl I had to scold him for it and made him apologize to her. The girl didn't deserve whatever horrible thing he's done or said to her. Try and be nice to her Cissy she just told me that Severus had been sliced by Voldemort and had Nagnini bite him. She used Pheonix tears that Fawkes provided for her for healing potions cause pheonix tears have healing powers in them. She levitated Severus to the hospital wing to Madame Pomfry who can give him potions and can revive him with some healing spells. The girl is afraid of losing Severus and I can't say I blame her. He's her father who raised her a muggle born who believed she was his niece but his actually his daughter. She needs Severus and Severus needs her weather or not he cares to admit it. I promised Severus long ago if anything ever happened to him I promised him I'd look after her for him if she ever gets together with Draco Cissy I approve of the relationship cause Severus was my friend we were like brothers even though I'm five years older than him. She's such a friendly girl Cissy and she just might teach our Draco how to love like she can. Granted it'll take him some time but I believe the boy can make the effort if he really loves her like he's said over the years." Lucius told her shocking her once more Narcissa gasped and spoke.

"Oh that poor girl! Oh if anything happens to Severus she'd be devastated! Oh I'll try and get along with her Lucius I promise not only for you but for Severus. Oh heavens! Such a kind girl checking up on our Draco's welfare after what happened to Severus." Narcissa told him Lucius nodded and spoke to her.

"I agree Cissy. Her blood status will change on her eighteenth birthday along with her last name. Severus's name will magically appear on her birth certificate I had it arranged that way. I do hope Draco gets his courage and tells the girl he loves her he thinks I don't know but I do I've accidentally eavesdropped on him admitting to himself that he loved the girl I just kept it quiet." Lucius admitted Narcissa nodded and spoke to him.

"Well in the morning before she goes back to the school we will have a big breakfast prepared for her before she leaves. Once summer vacation starts she can visit Draco and us anytime she likes." Narcissa told him Lucius nodded and spoke to her.

"Well Cissy the three of us me you and Draco might have to go on trial next month or in July for our roles in the war. In order for us to be pardoned we'd have to tell the judge all the names of everyone who was in his army. I doubt there's gonna be a trail for Severus since he had one after the first war and Dumbledore excluded him by saying he wanted to spy on the dark lord and find out what he was up too. He might get a trail but if he does he'll know exactly what to say and to take the antidote after they give him the Vertiserum. He too will be pardoned if he gives out the correct information so he can go back to teaching and be with his daughter. If Potter get on the stand then Severus will be pardoned as well as you and Draco. Potter giving me a pardon I'd highly doubt it." Lucius told her Narcissa nodded and spoke.

"Well I think this calls for a glass of red wine." She said to him Lucius nodded Narcissa got out her wand and made two wine glasses appear as well as a red wine bottle. With a spell she uncorked the wine bottle and poured the wine into the two glasses. She made sure both glasses were full and gave Lucius his glass. She took a sip of the red wine and began to relax Lucius drank his until the glass was empty. He was more of a firewhiskey man or he preferred brandy than he did wine. He considered wine to be more of a woman's drinks while firewhiskey brandy and bourbon to be a mans drinks he'd drink champagne for special occasions like weddings anniversaries and birthday parties. Lucius and Narcissa began retiring for the evening Narcissa spoke.

"Binky!" She called out the house elf Binky appeared and spoke.

"Yes ma'am. What can Binky do for you?" Binky asked her Narcissa answered him.

"Binky in the morning we are having a big breakfast. Fried eggs scrambled eggs toast butter freshly squeezed orange juice pancakes of all flavors waffles of all flavors and crispy crunchy bacon. We have a guest in the manor and before she leaves to go back to the school I want to make sure she has a big breakfast." Narcissa told him Binky nodded and spoke to her.

"Of course ma'am no worries Binky will take care of everything. I'll even make sure there's syrup on the table for the waffles and pancakes." Binky told her Narcissa nodded and Binky took off to the kitchens to get everything ready for breakfast the next morning. Lucius and Narcissa got into bed and went straight to sleep.

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