Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

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Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


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By tokki-maknae

After a few beats of silence, you finally got around to asking Rm with concerns regarding yourself, "Alright, I'm not sure what lead I'm suppose to be following, but do I also provoke them to get my handcuffed ass beaten?"

Turing your head to the side, watching as his head was tilted down as he looked up at the door. A few of strands his bangs broke away from the neat styling he had prior, jutting his chin out a bit in irritation he kept his eyes forward as he spoke, "No, just shut up okay, for once could you just sit there and listen to what I say, when I say it."

"Alright fine, whatever you want, as if I was the one that got us into the mess." You grumbled pointlessly like a child trying to get he last word as you started messing around with your handcuffs.

"Great, here we go again." Rm deadpanned as if the two of you have bickered about this exact situation before a million times. Except neither of you have ever had this conversation before, causing a vein to slightly pop on your forehead at how fast your patience was being tested in one night. Especially since you know for a fact that he was only pissy with you for personal reasons now.

Reaching another fever pitch, you snapped out at him, "Oh yeah, its fucking here we go again!" Hopping slightly with your chair to turn towards him more so you weren't straining your neck, "I am so sick of your above everyone else bullshit routine!"

"Well since we're on the topic of being sick of each other's shit, you are single handedly the biggest headass I've ever met!" Doing a high pitch whinny voice he added, "You're always on about 'Member this, we're a gang that' but you are so one sided! You always expect us to tell you everything but if I ever even think about expecting the same from you, I might as well just fuck off."

"Because it's you! Because you always make me feel like the weak link of the group! Like after everything, I'm still not good enough and I never will be. The only advantage I got over you is being unpredictable." The sudden confession didn't only throw Rm off, but yourself in the process. Using the back rows on your teeth to bite down on your tongue to prevent any further outbursts from yourself.

Thinking regretfully at how you've become too relaxed with yourself, turning your head away painfully as you mentally scolded yourself for becoming loose lipped about how you really feel. It also didn't help that the other two girls watching over you were listening to every word and making minimal eye contact between each other as if they were watching a live soap opera.

"..Is that really how you feel?" Shutting your eyes tightly, you pressed your lips and held your breath. Hoping that if you'd pretended like you didn't hear him then he would drop it. As he always does, but once more your night was not working in your favor.

Feeling a small nudge against your thigh from his knee, he repeated himself, "[Y/n], is that really how you feel?" You would call his tone sincere, but you didn't want to delude or embarrass yourself any further into poor wishful thinking.


"Yes. Yes, that's really how I feel." You sighed out after holding your breath. Irritated as to why he's latched onto this whereas Rm's been dismissive on everything else that's left your mouth.

"I didn't know you felt that way."

Letting out another defeated sigh, you droned back in response, "I wouldn't expect you to, since I'm not exactly do show and tell with my feelings. Just forget it, I don't know why I said that earlier, okay? Can we just go back to hating each other." When nothing but silence began to settle back into the room. You slumped back into your chair, playing with the flimsy handcuffs that were loosely cuffed around your wrists.

A then a very curt throat being cleared rang out, dashing away any chances you had dropping the subject altogether. "Look, I know most of the time were at each others throats."

"Most? Dont you mean like all the time?" You rested your head back as your neck pressed into the top of your wooden chair. Glancing at his perfect posture figure from the side of your eyes.

"Oh please, like you dont purposely try to make everything harder for me." You heard the slight raise in his voice as he cock an eyebrow at you.

Mulling over his words briefly in his head you gave a nonchalant shrug as you told him, "Touché."

Watching his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed thickly, controlling his own tone once more. Rm spoke again with more calmness and reasoning, "Anyways, since you spilled your guts out, I guess its only fair I do to." He said as if he was setting up a verbal trap. After tense eye contact between the two of you, you sat up at his words when you didn't hear any snippy follow up or a 'sike'.

"Wow," The word came out more sassily as you wanted it to since you popped your lips along with it, "You just, have such a way with words you know that." You teased without malice, just caution as you were finding exactly where to stand with this new approach Rm had to be test driving in case it crashed.

"Yeah, so is this the part where you shut up." Just like you, he sneered his words without any hateful intent. Creating somewhat of a easy feeling common ground, as if he was trying to encourage you being honest without consequences or regret to whatever you hesitate on saying further.

"I don't like it when you defy me in front of the others. It's not a matter of degrading my leadership, I could care less about that, but it's a matter of.. can I really be a leader? If some snot nosed brat-"


"If some, I don't know, murderous brat," Eh, I'll take that over snot nosed. "Can ignore me and somehow make better choices than me- you're basically more qualified to lead them than me. If that's the case then what makes me cut out to be the leader they need. I can't even lead myself at most times, how can I ever lead six boys? Now those guys could be in more danger than what we're in, I'm not saying they're incapable of banding together in desperate times. But if and when they need me to lead them I should be there for them."

"Well, six boys plus one murderous brat." He rolled his eyes to your as if to say, Is that suppose to make me feel better or worst? Giving him a lazy side smile, you told him, "I'm here, so is the rest of the gang, and you always don't have to shoulder everything alone. I know you don't always want to go to us for everything, but just try asking me for help once in a while or keeping me in the loop of things. Just having me informed would take a lot off the burden for you."

Shifting your eyes around, you admit hesitantly, "Recently someone told me I held on to my stupid pride too tightly, like I hold myself to a painfully difficult standard that was impossible for me to maintain. Taking what they said seriously, I put my pride aside and asked for help. It's not shameful to do so. Just once in while Rm, take your pride down from its pedestal.

"Also, as much as I hate admitting it, I can't always pin blame on you. And maybe it is partially my fault for the massive work load, we don't anyways see eye to eye, but I shouldn't anyways give you a hard time over everything." Chewing on your bottom lip, you huffed a bit as you reluctantly added, "I'll try not to be as difficult with what you ask, and actually see things through your way before I take over and hijack it. So I all I ask in return is for you to be less prideful, talk to us more, and be a leader, not a dictator. We got a deal?" You bargained to him.

"Does that mean you change your mind about quitting?" Namjoon asked, his tone clearly evident that he was invested in what you were saying. His stone settled eyes giving a small glimmer of interest with the deal you laid out to him.

"Even if I did quit, I'd just go back to the old Ace work. And if that case, I'd rather pick who I want to work with, which also means I'd rather stay with you guys." And because I don't want to be alone again. "I don't think I could quit even if I wanted too, just how the underground traps you. Also I've been playing this hand too long to just quit on it now. Plus, I like seeing my gambles pay off, I'm not the kind of person to walk away from the playing table like that."

Nodding, he told you firmly, "We got a deal then."

Offering you a genuine smile of understanment, you return the small facial gesture. Only for two other voices to suddenly remind you about the somewhat dire situation. Among the whispering you made out the small whisper snippets of 'Sana, would Nayeon get mad if I ship those two together.' 'I hope not, I'm starting to like them too, they're so cute together Dahyun-' Drowning out the very uncomfortable girl talk those two were having, you discreetly leaned over to whisper to Namjoon.

"Okay surprise test run, tell me what to do and I'll try to listen." You looked at him with slight urgency, hoping you guys could figure out a plan B through Z before the two girls zeroed in on your own whispering.

Which was already going horrible at the sight of Namjoon's eyes averting themselves away from you, in what you would nearly dare to call panic. "I.. I screwed up okay, I didn't mean to provoke Nayeon, my pride got in the way, so we can't waltz out of here now." You appreciated the honestly, but in this case, you wished Namjoon could've poker faced a lie. Because the truth actually caused your confidence and chance of probability to falter.

"Well you have to have a plan, you're always one step ahead, think just anything could work as a plan." You tried to encourage him, which worked to no avail.

"Sorry, not this time, I fucked up this one." His words come disappointed in defeat as he confessed his mistake.

Tapping your finger nails against your handcuffs, you looked around the room before leaning back in to whisper, "I have a plan, but we have to work together. I'm going to have a stomach ache okay?"

Locking eyes with you, he firmly nodded in agreement, "Having a stomach ache is your plan- [Y/n]? [Y/n]?!" Namjoon yelled out your name as you suddenly doubled over in your chair. Moaning in pain as you began rubbing your knees together, hard enough for the friction to practically start a fire on your lap. Your shoulders erratically move with every labored gasp you took.

"Hey! Can you guys help her?!" Namjoon yelled out to the girls on guard duty, nearly breaking his handcuffs in attempt to get out of the restraints.

Suddenly thrown off by how things went horribly instantly, you could hear two sets of bootheels clicking as they rushed to you. A hand gently fell upon your shoulder as a girl nudged you fairly roughly, "Hey, what's wrong? Tum tum hurts? Maybe some cramps?" The girl asked, tilting her head in puppy fashion out of concern.

Barely whispering you said extremely airy, causing the girl to move closer and to stand right in front of you. "Hm, what are you saying? C.. Catch?"

"Catch this." Your voice clear as day now as you suddenly throw your handcuffs up in front of her. Causing her to hastily grab your handcuffs as you stood up. Chopping the side of your hand into her neck, with controlled strength and precision you instantly had her dropping to the floor knocked out cold.

"Dahyun!" The other girl called out, as she fumbled to reach for a weapon on herself. Before you could let her try to physically take you on, you hop onto one foot jump spinning backwards to let your other leg snap out. Heel colliding into the girl's jaw effectively knocking her out onto the floor unconscious. Blowing a loose lock of hair out of your face, you spun around to face Namjoon.

Only to be greeted with his jaw nearly hitting the floor, "You could've gotten out of those this entire time?!"

"Of course," You smiled at him as you kneeled down to search one of the girls, stripping her of what had to be taser gun and a spare set of handcuff keys. "Flimsy things might as well be from party city, and if we're still doing honest hours, I'm a tad still butthurt about how you told me I was getting too comfortable."

Walking behind him, you uncuffed him, only to still be greeted with an unnervingly quite Namjoon. Rolling your eyes a bit, you mentally face palm, figuring you just made a horrible reset on all the progress you two were making. "Okay, maybe that wasn't necessary-"

Caught off guard by his chair getting knocked over, you found yourself in a tight embrace as Namjoon had your face buried against his chest.

"Don't scare me like that." Hearing his heart beat rapidly against his chest as his hug became more tight as he exhaled deeply, "I thought you were hurt."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." You told absentmindedly him as his hug didn't show any signs of letting up. Until he suddenly pulled away and took the handcuffs from you. Suddenly acting as if nothing just happened between the two of you.

Which annoyed you a bit since the two of you were cussing each other out literal minutes ago and now doing hugs, internally huffing in hopes that he won't shuffle through emotions around you now. You're only annoyed because you did the same thing when you started coming around to the members. Ignoring yourself, because you didn't want to acknowledge your thoughts to be the truth, you put your attention back onto Namjoon.

"We should cuff them in case they come to faster than you could take them out again."

Pocketing the taser gun, figuring it be useful down the line later on, you hummed in agreement as you made your way to the other girl. Taking the same cuffs she caught from your toss and cuffed her with them instead.

"Let's get going, okay?" Namjoon told you without waiting for an answer, already at the doorway, scouting out the hallway before waving you over. Going right behind him, you watched as he did one more swept up and down before darting out into the white light hallway. Keeping up with him, you also kept a secondary look out as you moved, glancing over your shoulder constantly.

You were only able to get as far as just to the end of the hall before you ran into his back. Seeing a pair of shadows being what caused him to slam on the breaks, you looked around before grabbing his wrist to pull him into a random room that had it's door stuck halfway open. Pulling him down along with you as you both sat under the windows against the wall as the figured walked by. Keeping an eye on the light being let in from the doorway so you could keep tabs on when their shadows passed the room.

"She didn't have the flag Daniel."

"I'll look for myself then, I swear I saw her taking out my guys left and right with the flag stuck on her ass."

"Can't believe you used your gang members as a decoy."

"Whatever Jihyo, don't act like you're above me by gassing people to kidnap."

The rest of the conversation becomes drowned out as their footsteps fade out of earshot for the two of you. As your brain absorbed the words, you shot Namjoon a look the same time he turned to look over at you.

At the same time, you both whsipered, "We have to find the others."

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