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By _Erika_Kim_

2M 64.2K 28.5K

Book 1 "I had enough of you. Please leave me alone. Just kill me already Jungkook". Y/n said as she tried to... More

Intro || Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Haili Author
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter- 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter - 35
Chapter - 36
Chapter - 37
Chapter - 38
Chapter - 39
Chapter - 40
Chapter - 41
Chapter - 42
Chapter - 43
Chapter - 44
Chapter - 45
Chapter - 46
Chapter - 47
Chapter - 48
Epilogue - 1
Epilogue - 2
New Book

Chapter - 4

69K 2.1K 1.3K
By _Erika_Kim_

He never loved me, so why should I love him!?

He never cared for me, so why should I care!?

He wanted revenge, so do I!.

He left me when I needed him, now it's my time!.

You will regret every little thing Jeon Jungkook!

Hey, look who's here!?

Our baby bunny!.

Your POV:

After Jungkook dropped me off, he turned around his car and went back to do his work. Smilingly I went inside the club. There was so much noise in the club. And so many people! Gosh!! I couldn't able to go inside at first but somehow managed to enter.

Looking here and there, I soon spotted Taehyung, he was talking with someone on the phone. So I happily walked towards him and tapped on his shoulder. " Annyeong Taetae!" My voice seemed so exciting.

He turned around and was about to say something to me but stopped in the middle. Suddenly he dropped his phone on the ground which he was holding against his ear. The phone made a cracking sound. Subconsciously, I screamed a little, "OMO TAEHYUNG!!!"

I immediately knelt down and picked up the phone. Standing up I checked the phone if it was working. Thank god! It was still okay but the screen broke a little. I looked back at Taehyung." God taeh-" but got stuck when I caught him staring at me. His eyes were glued on me. His mouth was on 'O' shape. He didn't even blink once.

I felt my cheeks burning. So not wanting to get anymore embarrassment, I called his name multiple times to escape the awkward situation. "Tae-Taehyung! Hey, to Earth Tae!"

He just replied to me with a "Hmm!". He was still not blinking. Just kept on staring at me.

"Ugh, Taehyung stop staring at me and take your phone." I said and handed him his phone. Then I squeezed his chubby cute cheeks roughly.

"a-aaa-apooo!!!" He groaned in pain.

"This is what you get when you don't listen to me." I laughed at him. But his words made me blush more."But you are looking so beautiful. I couldn't hear anything."

I looked at him with widened eyes. He was already staring at me and then he reached his fingers towards me and, pinched my cheeks softly.

Chuckling he said, "You are looking extremely beautiful, sweetheart. I wish I could marry you. Alas! I can't." He smiled at me sweetly. And that smile...any girl can die on that little smile. 

Suddenly he grabbed me by my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. I looked at him confused. "Let's go! Yoongi hyung is waiting for us there." He winked at me and pulled me together with him. 

Then we walked upstairs together. But My cheeks were burning like hell. I was blushing so hard. 


We were having fun at the party very much. Everyone was there, I was with my girl group. 

Suddenly Yoongi and Taehyung appeared in front of me. They both were smiling at me and looking at each other while smirking. I got a bit confused. "Guys! What happened!?" I asked a little bit scared because whenever Taehyung and Yoongi are creeping up, they're surely planning something.

"Well, dear my love y/n!". Yoongi said kneeling Down on his knees while his hands were holding a bouquet of roses. "I love you! I love you a lot sweetie. You mean a lot to me. You don't even know, if today you weren't here, I wouldn't have found the love of my life. I wouldn't have reached this point of success." YoonGi said with his gummy smile on his face.

"And to me my beautiful soulmate!". Taehyung also uttered kneeling down and holding a lot of boxes with chocolates and my favorite TATA plushie. "You are with me since our childhood. When I first saw you, you were such a brave and naughty girl. Yes, you are too noisy and loud. You are so naive at the same time. I've never seen you hurting anyone but always doing good deeds. Sometimes I seat and think is it so hard to agree that you are the sunshine of our life. And do you know..."

Taehyung looked at Yoongi and they both smiled at each other. Suddenly they both held my hands and said together, "We are really grateful to have you by our side like this. Our heart beats for you before then for others. We both spell 'Love' at first when we utter your name. Just remember we love you and will always love you no matter what. Happy Birthday to you our beloved beautiful princess."

Tears started to stream down from my cheeks. I couldn't hold it anymore. I forgot my own birthday. And they remembered it just for me. I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment and burst out crying.

"heyyyy!!! Y/nnniee please don't cry!"

They both quickly hugged me. I hugged them tightly and cried my heart out. I kept crying not caring about the people around us. I felt Taehyung caressing my hair gently and Yoongi patting my back.

"y/n!! Princess don't cry. Please my heart is aching seeing you weeping like a mess."

"Love! Why are you even crying!? Stop you are going to ruin your makeup. We are here for you." Stroking my hair taehyung said.

After a while, I stopped crying, and then we broke the hug. I looked at them with so much love and emotion. I gathered myself and said, "Do you both know how much you guys mean to me!? Do you guys know how much I love you!? Do you know if you both weren't here today, I would've died a long ago!? Do you know if you both weren't here today how much I would've suffered and given up on my hopes!?"

Standing up I held their hands tightly and looked down at their hands. Then with a sad smile, I said, "thanks a lot for everything, every single thing. I forgot my own birthday. But you guys remembered it. Thank you so so much. You both are so precious to me. If someone asks me whom I love, care about the most then I'll spell both of your names at first then others. You guys are my family and my everything."

I looked at their face with my teary eyes and a smile appeared on my lips," I love you guys a lot, more than my own life." Then I pulled them into a tight hug. After a while, we broke the hug. And Everyone wished me a happy birthday. Soon We cut the cake and then all went back to enjoy the party.

Author POV:

Though everyone was enjoying the party and celebrating y/n's birthday. There was someone who was frustrated and sad at the same time. 

Little did y/n knew that someone was there looking at her with aggrieved eyes. But she just shrugged it off.

On the other hand, Jungkook went to Yami's house and explained to her that there was a party for a client he needed to attend. Without any hesitation and any further questions, Yami agreed and told him to go and enjoy it. At first, Jungkook felt something was weird about Yami's behavior but he ignored it. And went back to the party spot, at the club.

And Yami!? After Jungkook left her place she immediately called her actual fiance Albert to come to her house and spend time with her. Yes, Yami's fiancee Albert knows about Jungkook and y/n. Yami explained to Albert that she's doing those only for Jungkook's money and revenge on y/n. When she would think everything was done just like how she was planned, she would dump Jungkook taking his all money, and ruin him. Albert agreed with it because he also had greed for money. But did he knew what else she was doing behind his back too!?

Soon Jungkook reached the club. The loud music could be heard from downstairs. He rapidly walked upstairs and was about to go inside the party hall, but he heard everyone yelling 'happy Birthday y/n'. He stopped at the spot and stood there frozen. While his eyes went wider. 

Jungkook POV:

When I heard those words coming out of the party spot, I stood there frozen. My legs went numb. My heart was beating rapidly." To-today is y/n's bi-birthday!?" I asked myself. I said as I walloped on my forehead with my palms.

"yes, today is y/n's Birthday!"

I heard a familiar voice from behind which caused me to flinch. I turned back and saw," Ohh noona Eun Hye!?" Nodding her head, she came towards me, and Pat my shoulder. 

"Perhaps you forgot her birthday!?" I looked down at my shoes and hesitated to agree.

"you don't have to say anything. Well, who would've remembered his wife's birthday if he only wants revenge other than some support and love from his own wife, Right!? " 

I looked at her in shock and sweat was all over me. "Well don't worry we all know about your reason to marry y/n. She didn't say anything much. But hey, why are you standing outside won't you come in." Noona asked me. 

I looked down and nodded my head. She held me by my arms and pulled me inside. I was still looking at the floor thinking about what would I do if I saw her.

"Hey, guys look who's here!? Y/n!?" As soon as I heard her name I looked up and saw her bright face.....went sad once she faced me. 

"I guess you are not happy to see me." I thought


OMO OMO OMO OMOOOOOOO ARMYYYYYYYY did you saw the second teaser of the boy with Luv. Omg omg. I was writing the new chapter and the notifications popped up. I can't wait for the comeback anymore. Just 1 day to go goshhhhhh.... hope you like this chapter.

Do not forget to VOTE, Comment and SHARE also FOLLOW ME for more updates. Thanks.

Gifts for you:

Are you ready for their comeback!?

Don't die!? I know his sexy come hot come bunny. ❤️

To Be Continued

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