My Very Own Barry

By TheAIWriter

39.9K 991 296

What if Barry was wrong, what if there was a version of himself living on Earth 38. How would Kara react when... More

Author's Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 3

2K 48 0
By TheAIWriter

D.E.O Medical Room

"Hey Barry calm down. Calm down." I gently placed my hands on his chest and lightly pushed him back down onto the bed. His rapid breathing seemed to have finally died to a normal pace and his eyes where now just focused on me.

"Supergirl?" He said my name, but in a questionable tone, as if unsure, "Did... Did you save me?"

I gave him a small smile as I looked down at him in his bed, "Yeah I did. You were trapped in a pretty bad place, do you remember anything?"

"Um." He took a moment to think, "Yeah. I was kidnapped by this group of people, they called themselves C.A.N.V.A.S, and they did experiments on me. They tortured me and tried to brainwash me, told me I was going to become National City's savior. They made me a freak."

I suddenly noticed a small tear begin to roll down his cheek. I bent over and gave him a hug, trying my best to comfort him. I could feel at first that he hesitated, but it didn't take long before he returned the hug back. We stayed like this for a while, Barry kept crying and I just kept repeating, "Let it out. You're safe now."

After a while Alex grew impatient, "So Barry. How about you explain from the beginning, tell us everything you know. Can you do that?"

"Alex!" I gave her a glare, she always did this. She never took people's feelings into consideration. How could she not see that Barry was in pain right now, "Barry, listen to me. You don't need to explain anything right now. I want you to rest and relax, you don't need to tell us anything until you feel ready. Ok?"

Barry gave me a small smile, "No it's ok. I can do it, but do you think that maybe you can move me to another location first. I hate hospitals."

I understood where he was coming from, I hated hospitals too. I gave him a bright smile back and helped him out of his bed, "Of course. How about I take you back to my place, there is no needles or medical equipment anywhere. Just fluffy pillows, a comfortable couch, and lots of food."

His smile grew even bigger, "You trust me enough to take me back to your home, Supergirl?"

"Of course Barry! I'll always trust you." I ensured him. It didn't take long before I noticed the disapproving face that Alex was giving me. She nudged her head, motioning me to head outside the room with her, "Excuse me Barry. I'll be back in a moment."

"Are you out of your mind?" Was the first thing Alex said to me once we were outside the room, "Why are you so reckless? You don't know anything about him right now."

"He's my best friend Alex. I know a lot about him, almost everything, why are you treating him as if he is some complete stranger?"

"Because he is a complete stranger, who knows what C.A.N.V.A.S did to him. Kara listen me, I know you love to see the good in people all the time, and I love that about you, but you can't be so naive. We don't know what he is cable of.... What I remember from all the many, many, many stories you have told me about your interdimensional boyfriend, is that he is very powerful. You said it yourself, he might be the strongest being you have ever met, so don't take him so lightly. He is already some over power speedster, now imagine if C.A.N.V.A.S had him on their side. What if C.A.N.V.A.S got to him!"

"I told you to stop calling him my boyfriend! He's not as weak minded as you think, he isn't so easily broken Alex! Yes he is amazing and powerful, but that is not what makes him the most strongest I have ever met."

"Oh yeah! Then what makes him so strong!?"

I couldn't take anymore of Alex's judgement any longer, "I don't need to answer to you. I'm taking Barry back to my house and he's not going to tell me anything until he is ready, got it. Now I don't want to see you or any of your D.E.O agents anywhere near him, do you understand."

"Hank isn't going to approve of this, Kara."

"I'll deal with Hank myself!" I took a deep breath and let all my anger and stress out. As I walked in I could see Barry sitting at the foot of the bed staring at me.

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah everything is peachy. Why do you ask?"

"Because I could see you and that other lady shouting at each other through the glass." He said to me while pointing at the giant window.

"Oh?" Damn I felt stupid, "Don't worry about Alex, she is just a little overprotective about... well everything."

"Well she must be pretty brave to get into a screaming match with Supergirl." Barry told me while laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh myself. I was thinking about Barry's behavior, trying to find clues about what happened to him, when I noticed something strange, "Hey Barry, I just realized that you keep calling me Supergirl. Why don't you refer to me by my real name?"

"Well I don't know your secret identity, Supergirl." Oh my goodness, he doesn't even remember me either, "You're looking at me strangely Supergirl. I can't help but feel like you expected me to know your name."

"You should. Do you not remember me Barry?" I asked him to make sure. I couldn't help but begin to develop this tight pain form in my heart.

"Should I?" That was the trigger word. I felt like that tight pain instantly shredded my heart. How? How could he not remember me? He was breaking my heart right now, "How about we go back to my place, do you still have your speed?"

In an instant I saw Barry's face turn into absolute shock, "How... How do you know about my speed? Lillian said that was top secret, that you nor your cousin knew about me."

Oh boy, "Look Barry I know some stuff about you, some personal stuff, because we are best friends. You just forgot, lets head back to my place and I can explain to you what you've forgotten."

That is Chapter 3 everyone. Wow I can't believe my story is already number 15 on the Superflash list. By the way, does anyone know how that works? I don't understand how the rankings works on it. My other story has 750 views while this one only has 34, last I checked, and for some reason this story is higher up then my other one. Does anyone out there know why that is? 

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