The Eye of the Snake [Draco M...

By Failed_and_Forgotten

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[COMPLETED] A Mudblood at first glance, Missy set foot on her journey in hogwarts along with her two best fri... More

oo1: Gnomes Will Take Your Tongue
oo2: Prefect
oo3: Hogwarts Express
oo4: The Slytherin Mudblood
oo5: Something's Up
oo6: Belief of Fear
oo7: Broom Closet Misery
oo8: Flying Books
oo9: A Nightmare in the Closet
o1o: Quidditch Mishaps
o11: Don't Make Me Go To Sleep
o12: Haunting of the Past
o13: Sitting Here Like I Knew I Shouldn't
o14: The Most Cunning Witch of Them All
o15: The Start of a New Story
o16: Bludger to the Side, Fist to the Face
o17: Dumbledore's Army and the Slytherin Prefect
o18: Don't Count the Miles
o19: Pug Faced Parkinson
o2o: Already Falling
o21: Don't Call This Love
o22: Start the Car and take Me Home
o23: The Rafters of St. Peter's School
o24: Melissa Skylar Stephenson
o25: The Iceleve Sisters
o26: Christmas Treasures
o27: Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
o28: Beautiful Torture
o29: Head of Records
o3o: Arms
o31: Blacked Out Files
o32: So Long As You're Mine
o33: She Wolf
o34: Horrors of Halloweens Past
o35: Forever and Almost Always
o36: My Mother's Breath
o37: Yellow Eyed Dragon
o38: Odyssey
o39: A Mother's Love
o4o: In The Aftermath
o41: Momma Bear
o42: Tell Me And I'll Kill Her
o43: Sound Resolution
o44: The Catalyst
o45: Until the Bitter End

o46: Fading into the Veil [FINAL]

91 3 2
By Failed_and_Forgotten

Andrea cleaned up the white marble counter from dinner, Kevin and Brayden had made pizza for her and then left her with an awful mess to pick up. Sauce splattered all about the white counter; cheese covering the floor as much as it had the pizza and dough stuck to the bottom of the cabinet.

Her husband and son began dressing in the entry room, getting ready for an evening out at the theatre, and ice cream afterward at the request of Brayden. As Andrea put the last of the sauce stained dishes into the sink, she poured herself a cup of coffee and headed to the entry room, but she didn't make it there for her hazel eyes had glanced up at the clock that Melissa had given her for Christmas. Terror and dread filled Andrea as the black and white cup that read, World's Best Mum, she held shattered onto the ground—pieces of clay shooting out everywhere and one cutting her legs—her eyes widening with horror.

The silver hand of the clock that read Melissa had moved from SCHOOL where it normally sat. Kalvin ran out into the family room so see what had happened and froze when he saw the clock as well. His eyes soon matched Andrea's and his hand found her's, squeezing it tightly. Tears of fear began flowing down Andrea's sorrow-stricken face, splashing onto the dark wooden floors as they left her once rosy cheeks.

Their daughter's hand rested firmly on MORTAL PERIL.

                                                                                     * * *

Melissa stepped out into the empty atrium of the Ministry, a small smile growing across her grim face. A time of cheer and jolly filled her mind as she closed her eyes. The atrium inside her head was decorated for New Years, and she was dancing happily with a boy she'd fallen hard for. Harry touched her shoulder and all of the joy was quickly sucked from her, leaving her empty and cold.

They followed Harry past the large gold fountain and the empty security desk, a feeling of foreboding washing over Melissa's body. The empty atrium was a scene only in a horror movie, and Melissa's grip on her wand tightened as they walked into the lift. Melissa pulled Luna close to herself, her breathing slow and study though her heart was racing franticly. The lift made a ruckus as it descended. Melissa had her wand at the ready when they reached the Department of Mysteries, sure they would be met by security guards, though no one was there.

"Something's not right," said Melissa, taking a tight hold of Luna's arm. Harry led the way down the corridor, Luna looking around the department in awe. They followed Harry through a plain black door, only to find a room with doors on every inch of the wall.

"I hope you know what door it is, Potter." Melissa said as Neville shut the door. As soon as she did the walls began to move so they wouldn't know which door they came through. They began opening doors, searching for the one Harry had seen in his dreams. The second door they looked through held a large stone arch way with a tantalizing black veil swaying in it. Melissa could hear whispers and murmurs coming from the veil but tried not to listen.

"I can hear them to," Luna said and Melissa grabbed her arm, pulling her sharply away from the stone archway and shoved her lightly toward the door. Hermione began barking angrily at Harry, but the boy was hardly listening. Melissa took hold of his arm and pulled him away while Hermione reminded him of why they were there. They walked back into the circular room and the wall shifted again. Harry pushed opened the next door and excitement filled his being, having found the room he was looking for. They followed him through the room and into the next doorway. The room was cold with high cathedral ceilings filled with bookshelves that had hundreds of crystal balls rested upon them. Melissa tightened her grip on her wand and took hold of Luna's hand, tightly.

Once they reached the proper aisle harry began searching for Sirius, getting to the spot where the man should be. However, he was not there. Melissa's heart began to pound roughly as she looked around the room cautiously. Ron showed harry an orb with his name around while Melissa looked around the aisles for a sign of life anywhere, after warning Neville if he let go of Luna's hand she's murdered if violently.

Melissa walked over to the two boys and caught a glimpse of the name Vladimirescu.

"Help me up," she said to Harry and he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up so she could see.

                                                                          G.C.S to A.D.V

                                                                      Ariani Vladimirescu

"That's me, that's my birth name," she said as she picked up the small orb and Harry set her down. Harry reached up to grab his own orb, but Hermione quickly warned him against it, however, his fingers wrapped around the ball. Harry and Melissa stared down at the glowing balls; she could not take her eyes off it.

A voice told them to turn around slowly and give them what Harry had and her heart stopped, recognizing the voice as clear as day. Lucius Malfoy. Melissa turned around and his eyes fell on her with a sneer.

"Draco had told us you'd turned into one of them. I didn't think it would come to this." He said slowly, his nostrils flared in disgust. His attention turned back to Harry and Melissa sunk into the background, grabbing Luna and pulling her close. Black figures emerged into the dim light, blocking their way out around all of them. Harry began demanding to know where Sirius was as a woman let out a terrifying shriek of laughter, sending chills through Melissa's body.

"He's not here, Harry," Melissa said, looking up at the boy. "They tricked you." She said with a gulp as though a large lump was stuck in her throat. Grab the smallest one, said the woman Deatheater, removing her hood. Bellatrix Lestrange, Melissa had seen a piece about her in the prophet. Melissa grabbed Ginny's arm and pulled her close to her, as Luna was. She was fairly certain she could get out alive with Luna and Ginny.

"How does my son feel about your betrayal?" Lucius snapped at Melissa, seeing her pull Ginny close.

"Your boss killed my parents. Who's betrayed who has changed." Melissa snapped angrily. There was nothing she could do at that moment. They were out powered, but she reckoned they could out clever them.

"Smash shelves," Hermione whispered back and Melissa took hold of her wand tightly, waiting for the word. Luna looked around at the men surrounding them, not showing much fear but more of curiosity. Once Harry yelled now, spells shot out from all their wands and they took off. However, someone took hold of Melissa as she pushed Luna and Ginny in front of her. Melissa hit the ground hard and was dragged along the floor. She kicked with all her might and her foot finally collided with something. She scrambled to her feet and took off towards where the others had gone. Glowing orbs fell upon her as she ran through the aisles, guarding her face. She caught sight of Neville, Hermione, and Harry and took off after them.

"Melissa," Harry yelled, and waited for her. Once she reached him, he grabbed her arm and began running again. They ran through the door and Harry shut the door behind them. Hermione quickly sealed it as Melissa looked around the room for Luna.

"Where's Luna!?" Melissa yelled, frantically looking around the room.

"They must've gone the wrong way," said Hermione with a look of terror.

"Unseal the door, I need to find her!" Melissa yelled and tried to open the door, though it wouldn't budge.

"No," Harry said and heard the voices of the Death Eaters. He put his hand tightly over Melissa's mouth and listened to what they were saying. Harry pulled Melissa away from the door and back to the room from once they came. The charmed door was blown open and Death Eaters poured into the room as Harry pushed Melissa under a desk and fell beside her, along with Hermione and Neville. The Death Eater stuck his wand under the desk and Melissa quickly shouted, "Incendio," setting the man's robes ablaze. Melissa crawled out from under the desk, alongside Harry, and began dueling the two Death Eaters. A bright red bolt of light hit her in the chest and she was knocked off her feet, over a desk, hitting her head hard on the corner of it.

"Melissa!" Harry yelled and she stammered to her feet, holding her bleeding forehead.

"I'm alright." She breathed and began helping Neville with his current task of jinxing the Deatheater that was now searching for his wand. They ran through another door, trying to get away from the people attempting to murder them, but as Hermione went to seal the door two Death Eaters burst through the door crying, "IMPEDIMENTA!"

All four students were knocked off their feet, flying backwards. Neville rolled over a desk and fell out of site as Melissa was rammed into the corner of a desk. She yelped in pain, her ribs throbbing with pain as she hit the floor. A Death Eater began yelling that he'd found Harry and Hermione quickly shut him up as Harry preformed a full body bind curse on the second Death Eater. Suddenly, a purple streak went across her chest and she feel to the floor, Harry quickly fell to her side and Neville crawled to her but got kicked in the face by the Death Eater. Melissa quickly jumped to her feet, wincing in pain, and stood between the three Gryffindors and the Death Eater. She flicked her wand intently and the man screamed in pain as his body began to break and change into a miniscule bug.

Neville had begun to reassure Harry that Hermione was alive as she turned to face them.

"We need to keep moving." She said coolly, the severity of the situation finally sinking in.

"But Hermione," Harry exclaimed.

"Is alive, and small, Longbottom can carry her. Between me and you, we'll be able to fend off the Death Eaters." She said. They reached the circular room once more and Ron, Ginny, and Luna came bursting through the door. Melissa ran to Luna and looked her over before her hugging her tightly. Ron was acting rather odd, and Ginny's ankle was broken, as if the night couldn't get any worse.

"Harry," Melissa said in fear, looking around at the lot of broken people they had to look after. "This is going to get worse." She said, shaking her head. Luna helped Ginny to her feet, as Harry grabbed Ron—Neville still carrying Hermione. Melissa looked around the room. Suddenly stunners were flying at them from the Death Eaters and Harry quickly ran through a door, everyone following him, and he slammed it shut, sealing it quickly. They were in a large rectangular room in which they'd been in before. The brains were in here, though Melissa didn't quite know if they were just brains. Still, Death Eaters managed to get into the room, and Luna was soon hit, rolling over a desk, and hitting the floor hard, unconscious.

"Luna!" Melissa yelled in fear. Her rage-filled eyes fell on the Death Eater that'd just harmed Luna and she flicked her wand at him, but he defended it off. Ron began yelling, though Melissa ignored it, focused on the Death Eaters. If Weasley was stupid enough to get himself killed, that was his business. Harry took off in the opposite room, and Melissa took off after him.

"Watch them!" she yelled at Neville, who was miraculously still standing. She caught up with Harry, still trying to knock off some of the Death Eaters, but it was useless. They hit something behind them, and turned to see the stone archway.

Lucius Malfoy told Harry to give him the prophecy—Melissa gazing around the room for an escape. A large Death Eater grabbed Neville as he followed them into the room, Bellatrix taking a sudden interest in the boy. Melissa heard the curse leave Bellatrix's mouth and she flinched as Neville began to scream but couldn't look. She stepped in front of Harry, guarding him best she could.

"Pathetic girl," Lucius spat. "Crucio!" Melissa screamed in pain, hitting the ground hard convulsing in agony as tears streamed down her bloodied and bruised face. Bellatrix let out a shrill of cold blooded laughter as Melissa thrived in pain on the cold ground.

"Stop!" Harry yelled and Lucius raised his wand, staring at Harry. Melissa gasped, shaking in pain still at Harry's feet. Though Melissa could barely make out the words, she knew Harry was trying to bargain with the multiple Death Eaters, all of which laughed in his face. Tears ran down her defeated face. As Harry reached out to give Lucius the prophecy, Melissa gathered her last bit of strength and pushed herself to her feet, pushing Harry's arm back. Lucius snarled. Suddenly, in the door above, Tonks, Lupin, Sirius, Moody, and Kingsley ran into the room. Spells and curses began flying through the air. A flash of light went flying towards Harry and Melissa quickly pushed him out of the way before the light collided with her chest, sending her backwards several feet in the air. She hit the ground hard, coughing up some blood as she rolled onto her stomach. Her vision blurred as she saw lights fly above her. Melissa's eyes shut, though her body fought it, her whole body wanted to just fade to nothing. A rough hand went around her arm and pulled her behind a stone chair. Melissa tried to open her eyes, and saw Lupin standing over her, fending off spell after spell. She rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself up—managing to get to her knees, trying to refocus her vision.

"Stay down," Lupin yelled, the words entering her brain but leaving soon after. Neville yelled out, "DUBBLEDORE!"—his mouth was bleeding and he was unable to pronounce much of anything correcting—as she got to her feet, and she turned to see Dumbledore sprinting down the stone seats. Dumbledore easily tackled a couple Death Eaters with different spells, even though they tried to flee. Melissa turned her head to see Sirius still battling Bellatrix, seeming to be winning.

A jet of light hit him in the chest and his eyes widened in shock.

"SIRIUS!" Melissa screamed and ran towards him, dodging the jets of light streaming past her.

Time seemed to slow as Sirius fell backward, Melissa still screaming his name. He fell back into the black veil of the stone archway and disappeared, the veil fluttering as though a light wind had gone by.

Melissa stopped when she reached the arc and fell to her knees; tears streaming down her face were now ones of sorrow. She slowly looked back at Harry, who stared at the veil as though he were waiting for Sirius to walk back through. Harry began to head for the arc but Lupin soon wrapped an arm around him, pulling him back.

"Get up!" Moody demanded, pulling her to her feet and shoving her back to cover. Rage flowed through her seething blood, her face heating was red flooded her face. Melissa gripped her wand tightly before running out, away from Moody, and over to where Kingsley had begun dueling Bellatrix. Flames erupted out of the end of Melissa's black wand, and whipped around Bellatrix as though it was a lasso. Bellatrix out stretched her arms—wand in hand—and the flames dispersed. A jet of light hit Kingsley, a yell pain left his mouth as he fell to the floor. Bellatrix took off, to flee the room, and Melissa took off after her—Harry soon at her side.

Blood was dripping out of the corner of her mouth, and down the side of her head. Bruised ribs made her run slower than normal, but with a surge of anger she'd managed to keep up with Harry—passing Ron, Ginny, Luna, and the still unconscious Hermione.

They made it back to the atrium and Bellatrix shot a spell at them. Harry pulled Melissa to the ground, behind the large fountain. Melissa winced in pain, grabbing her side. Bellatrix began taunting Harry, and he rushed from behind the fountain yelling, "Crucio." Melissa's eyes widened as she heard Bellatrix scream, but it was only for a moment. Bellatrix quickly shot a spell back; the wizard statue of the fountain's head blew off, scratching the wooden floors as it skid across them. Melissa let out a terrified scream, covering her mouth quickly and trying to breathe.

Melissa got to her feet, bending down behind the fountain. With a flick and a swish, the water within the fountain began to stir, as she continued to mutter. She stood up as the water shot out at Bellatrix. The water separated and a bolt of yellow light flew at Melissa and a large gash went across her pounding chest. Another jet of light hit her and she went flying high into the air—screaming—before dropping down into the water, the water left in the fountain splashing around her. The clear sea in the fountain soon was stained with the blood of a bleeding girl. Her body went numb. Harry grabbed her quickly and pulled her out, dodging a curse from Bellatrix which blew the ear off of the goblin statue. Melissa gasped for air as Harry laid her on the ground, coughing up water. Her chest was shaking, her eyes dancing around frantically. Harry touched his forehead, his scar clearly hurting, and Melissa's heart began to race furiously as she sat up, crawling over to him. Harry was still arguing with Harry as a shadow suddenly over took them, his eyes shut. Melissa froze in her place and slowly turned her head to see her nightmare come to life.

A scream left Melissa's mouth, one of utter terror. For a moment, she didn't know if she was awake or fast asleep at Hogwarts. His scarlet slit-pupil eyes fell on her, his snake-like face just as she'd seen it before. The long pale white fingers of the man were wrapped delicately around his wand. When he spoke ice ran through her veins. Nothing could have prepared her for meeting the one thing she feared the most in this world. She'd never been able to put a name to the face until now. The monster that haunted her at night, whose red eyes were forever burnt into the back of her head, was Voldemort.

Bellatrix began pleading and apologizing to him, her eyes couldn't leave the monster standing before her.

As Melissa snapped back into reality, finally coming to terms with the fact that she wasn't dreaming, the killing curse left the evil man's mouth. Melissa quickly flung herself onto Harry, and closed her eyes, expecting never to open them again. However, one of the statues from behind them sprung to life and had jumped between them, taking the curse. Dumbledore's name was spoken and Melissa opened her eyes to see the headmaster at the gates.

The headless statue threw Harry and Melissa away from the fight. The slid into the wall and Melissa finally let go of Harry. She leaned against the wall, feeling as though her body was shutting down even through the powerful duel happening before her and Bellatrix's screams. She slid down the wall, blood slowly pooling around them, and Harry quickly leaned over her with a look of worry washing over his face.

"Melissa," he said as she faded to blackness.

* * *

Note: Yes, this is the last chapter of The Eye of the Snake.  I had originally planned this to have a sequel, or sequels rather as my initial plan for this story were three books which pans out until their seventh year. Unfortunately, I had actually finished this a long loooong time ago and the laptop which held all of the files for this story is now only a mere memory. I have however drafted the first few chapter of the sequel here in wattpad but I don't think I want to publish it as I have no further desire to continue this series. It actually hurts me since this was the very first HP fanfic that I have poured my heart, soul and tears on but I guess fate has other plans for it.

With that said, thank you very much for sticking throughout this story. And I'm also sorry that this is note is quite the read and that it ends your reading like this. I still dearly hope you enjoyed reading book one as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Ciao.


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