Black Rose {Fred Weasley} ✓

By theweirdchic

4.5M 140K 89.6K

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, kn... More

THANK YOU!!!!!!!


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By theweirdchic

The group arrived to the Ministry of Magic by Thestrals. Of course, it was quite difficult getting half of the group onto the creatures as they are invisible to those who have never seen death, and flying on something that you couldn't actually see did seem to frighten most of the group, especially Ron. Since Aurora absolutely loved Magical Creatures, she knew that they were black, skeleton, bat-winged horses, and even though they looked 'scary' they were in no way a danger to humans or other creatures; they were misunderstood creatures.

"This is it," Harry confirmed as the group took the elevator to the lowest floor. The black tilted walls glistened and the only thing at the end of that corridor was one door, "That's the door I've been seeing."

When the group walked through it, they were met with hundreds of rows of shelves that were cobwebbed, meaning that people didn't come down there very often. Aurora looked around and saw different sized balls on the massive shelves. Each one had a label on with a name scribbled down on it; prophecies. The room was so dark that even all of their wands combined didn't let out enough light to see far down.

"Where is he?" Aurora asked staring right at Harry, who craned his neck to look up at the number of the shelf. He quickly walked away saying out loud the numbers before finally stopping in what felt like the middle of the room.

"Ninety-five," He mumbled, looking around, "He should be here."

"Harry," Neville said, not looking at the spectacled boy but instead looking at one of the prophecies, "It's got your name on it."

Harry ran over and stared at the ball, his eyes landed on Aurora and he shared a worried look with her before he reached his arm out, taking hold of the ball that had his name attached to it. He looked intently at if, as if he could see something in it. Where as, everyone else saw a swishing white shadow.

"Harry!" Ginny yelled.

Harry broke the eye-contact with the ball and both he and Aurora walked over to where the rest of the group had gathered. Aurora looked up and gasped, a few steps away from them stood a Death Eater. It was then when she realised all of this was a trap.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry asked the masked figure.

"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams..." The masked figure spoke, he moved his hand over to his face as he took the mask off, "...and reality."

Aurora clenched her fist around her wand as she saw who the masked man was; Lucius Malfoy. 

"You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see," Lucius explained, causing Aurora to groan but also feel relieved that her father was alright, "Now hand me the prophecy."

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it," Harry said.

A loud cackle came from behind Lucius. Aurora knew exactly who that laugh belonged to as she saw Bellatrix Lestrange coming out of the shadows.

"He knows how to play," She said in an amused tone, "Itty, bitty, baby. Potter."

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Nevile mumbled, his voice shaky. Aurora noticed and placed her hand gently on his arm, trying to keep him calm.

"Neville Longbottom, is it?" Bellatrix asked, "How's mum and dad?"

"Better now that they're about to be avenged!" He lifted his wand up at the same time as Bellatrix did, slipping out of Aurora's grasp and walking forward. Harry luckily managed to stop the boy as Lucius stopped Bellatrix.

"Now, everyone, let's just calm down, shall we?" Lucius said, in a surprisingly calm manner, "All we want, is that prophecy."

"Why did Voldemort need me to come down here and get it?" Harry asked.

"You dare speak his name?" Bellatrix quietly said, before roaring, "You filthy half-blood!

"It's alright, he's just a curious lad, aren't you," Lucius said, "Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really."

Aurora noticed more and more Death Eaters quietly appearing on all sides of the group. She held her wand tightly as she pointed to one on her right hand side.

"Haven't you ever wondered...what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord?" Lucius asked, he and Bellatrix began to close in on the group, "Why he was unable to kill you...when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to give it to me. Then I can show you everything."

"Liar!" Aurora yelled, angering the woman besides Lucius, but he quickly stopped her before she could lunge at the young girl.

"I've waited fourteen years," Harry said calmly, "I guess I can wait a little longer. Now! Stupefy."

"Stupefy," Aurora and everyone else chorused as they pointed their wands at all of the Death Eaters surrounding them, who managed to block off the spell quite easily. They began to run together but got stopped when Lucius appeared in their path, his palm out in the air waiting for Harry to place the prophecy into his hand. 

The group quickly backed away, shooting spells in each direction as Death Eaters flew all around them. Aurora groaned as she tripped over, landing on her knees whilst her wand scattered across the floor. She quickly crawled over to grab it and point it at the Death Eater that was trying to sneak up on her from behind, "Stupefy," the spell hit the masked Death Eater right in the chest and send him flying backwards, giving Aurora time to scramble off the floor and running in between all of the shelves before stopping as she almost collided with the rest of the group.

"Reducto!" Ginny said, pointing her wand at the flying Death Eater that was headed straight at them. Aurora squinted her eyes as the bright light shone as the Death Eater got blown up, but soon she began to panic as each row of prophecies began to fall.

"Shit," She muttered, "Run!'

The group turned around, all trying to out run the falling prophecies which were catching up to them incredibly quickly. They ran in the direction of where they came from, before sighing in relief as they noticed the door not too far from them. The ground rumbled beneath their feet as the shelves fell like dominoes. Before one by one they jumped through the door.

Aurora felt the wind in her face as she began falling, but quickly that came to a stop just before she hit the ground. She - as well as everyone else - hovered above the ground for a second before finally colliding with it. 

"Department of Mysteries," Ron mumbled as everyone began standing up, "They really got that right, haven't they."

Aurora dusted her pants off from any dirt before she looked around the room. It was pretty much empty apart from what looked like an empty archway in the middle. Harry seemed to be extremely interested in it as he began to move closer. 

"Can you tell what the voices are saying?" Harry asked, not looking back at his friends but taking another step towards the archway.

"Voices?" Hermione asked sharing a confused look with Ron and Aurora, "There aren't any voices, Harry."

"Let's get out of here," Aurora told them, feeling worried about the Death Eaters finding them again.

"I hear them too," Luna confessed, she too looked intently at the archway. 

"Harry, it's just an empty archway," Hermione pleaded, "Please, Harry. Aurora's right, we need to get out!"

"Get behind me!" Harry yelled, pointing his wand up at the sound that was coming from where the door.  Aurora pointed her wand up as stood besides the boy, but nothing came. She felt herself getting pulled before finally appearing at the other side of the room, behind gripped firmly by a Death Eater.

"I know that this isn't really the time," She said, her voice strained due to the arm around her neck, "But I told you we needed to leave."

She scanned the room and noticed everyone else apart from Harry was also being held by an Death Eater, as Lucius Malfoy walked over to Harry, chuckling, "Did you actually believe...or were you truly naive enough to think...that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this easy for you, Potter," Lucius said after sharing a smirk with Bellatrix, he turned back to Harry, his palm in the air, "Give me the prophecy now...or watch your friends die."

Harry stood still, his eyes wandered around the room, taking in everyone's face. Aurora silently pleaded him with her eyes and shook her head.

"Don't give it to him, Harry!" Neville called out, he got very quickly shushed by Bellatrix, who tightened her grip around his throat. 

Harry looked down at his hand, more specifically, at the prophecy that rested in his hand. He slowly lifted it up, placing it down into Lucius' hand before moving his own away, looking down at his feet. Lucius grinned widely as he stared at the prophecy in disbelief.

Aurora groaned silently but a smirk appeared on her face when a flash of white light appeared and Sirius Black walked over to Lucius, "Get the hell away from my Godson," he said before swinging his arm back and punching Lucius right in the face, knocking him down; as he rolled, the prophecy fell out of his hand and smashed into little pieces.

More lights appeared and Aurora finally felt the grip that was on her leave. She rubbed her sore neck before walking over to where, Tonks, Remus, Kinglsey and Mad-Eye appeared, grabbing her wand that fell on the floor before straightening herself back up and firing a spell at a Death Eater. 

"Be careful, my dear," Sirius said taking Aurora's face in his hands when the pair crouched down behind the archway, "I can't lose you too."

Aurora nodded her head, "You too, dad," she mumbled before standing up and running over to Tonks, helping her to disarm the Death Eaters.

She smirked as she saw Sirius disarm and send Lucius Malfoy flying backwards from the corner of her eye.

"Avadra Kadavra!" Bellatrix said and everyone stopped.

Aurora finally noticed the white shadows in the archway and a male voice speaking. However, she couldn't make out what it was saying. She turned her head and screamed as she saw her dad being engulfed in the archway. Tears flooded her eyes and dripped down her cheeks as she ran over, trying to grab hold of him before he disappeared but she was too late.

Tonks ran over and grabbed the girl, holding her back from entering the archway herself as she wiggled and screamed in Tonks' arms; trying to get away.

Tonks shared a devastated look with Remus, who was holding Harry back. The pair cared deeply for these kids and it pained to hear their loud screams and cries. Harry managed to break out of Remus' grip, running after Bellatrix Lestrange as she sang, "I killed Sirius Black," over and over again.

Aurora felt her knees buckling underneath her as she fell to the hard ground. Remus appeared at her side, both adults hugging the girl in their arms. She had only just gotten her father back and just like that he was taken away from her. Her throat felt raw from her screams as her eyes were fixated on the archway; which looked blurry to her as the tears wouldn't stop. She didn't care about the bruised fingerprints on her neck. She didn't care about the cuts on her face. She didn't care about the cuts on her knees from hitting the ground. None of those injuries hurt as much as her broken heart.

"Let's get you home," Remus mumbled, Aurora could barely hear him, but she stood up with the help of Tonks and the three of them apparated out of the Ministry. 

AN- I'm sorry!!!

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