A Perfect World

By KamiyukiAeria

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Please read the A/N in the story for more information. In the not too distant future, a war breaks out in the... More

Author Notes/Forward
Operation Judgment: The Last Chance to Change
Chapter Two - Fate
Chapter Three - Awakening
Deep Recollection
Chapter Four - The Training Program
Chapter Five - Snow Lily
Chapter Six - Anima
Chapter Seven - Realization
Chapter Eight - Theory
Chapter Nine - Answers
Chapter Ten - The Incident
Chapter Eleven - The World
Chapter Twelve - The Balance Affected by All
Operation Hoplite: The First Chance to Change
Encounter: Red Death
Chapter Fourteen - Afterglow
Chapter Fifteen - New Faces
Chapter Sixteen - The Tower
A little more...
Chapter Seventeen - The First Objective
Chapter Eighteen - The Japanese Forward Psychic Unit
Chapter Nineteen - The Search of Perfection
Operation Exploro: The Second Chance to Change

Chapter One - Ring

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By KamiyukiAeria

Ver. 1.02

Monday, September 4th, 2028

Weather: Sunny with a high chance of Rain

The morning was beautiful, and crisp. The sun was shining brightly against the buildings and apartments, casting shadows across the land. Cars were moving throughout the city, delivering or getting to places in the morning. The birds singing their morning songs and tunes to the bustling of the city. Schools started, Businesses running, Buses bustling, grasses getting greener, and so on. Everything is normal for a pretty normal day; it was like a day none ever. 

People talked on their phones, driving or riding the trains to work or school. Young kids running to their school, having fun on their way. The busy city also hid sights of other apartments and residential blocks that dotted the prefectures. Inside one of the many apartment buildings in the city lives a young woman nearing the age of 20.

She moves and rolls around in her bed as she still sleeps in the early morning. She let out a small and quiet sigh as the light shone on her face. She wanted to sleep in, the work she did the day before done a number on her, but her hopes were quickly dashed because of the alarm clock that had been set for 8:00 AM. Sharp. 

She moaned and covered her ears, quickly remembering that today was the day she was supposed drive to a college outside a city named "Aiko". It's really a simple day, but given her fatigue, she didn't want to wake up. However, the alarm kept ringing, so she succumbed to the 'power of the alarm', and sat up in her bed casually smashing the button.

The woman sat up in her bed and yawned, hoping for this day to go smoothly. She brushed her hair from her face, and then rubbed her eyes. Her black hair shone slightly in the morning sun. Her room was cleared out in the previous day to aid in transferring to the College she would now be attending. 

Her belongings were placed into a private storage facility, this way she wouldn't have to worry for a while. Her apartment was to become vacant after she left this morning. She really had no place to go, except for the college dorms, given that she would be staying at the college for free; she didn't have to pay for housing.

The woman stood up from her bed reached down to her shirt. The piece of clothing that she then put on, covered her mostly naked body. Sitting down on the bed again, she stretched and moved her body to relieve her aching muscles. Carefully stretching and massaging to get rid of the slight cramps that started to form. 

Reaching down again, she grabbed her shorts and pulled them on quickly. Standing up her body felt heavy, but it was something she had to do. She doesn't have a job as she quit hers because she was moving to another city, so she can't pay for her apartment, and she'd rather not take the 2 hour trip each day.

She walked to the door that led to a small hallway outside, and proceeded to the restroom. She made it to the restroom after a ten second walk, a walk which she didn't want to do because of what happened yesterday. She went in and closed the door behind her, it closed smoothly as it did the first time she got the place. She looked at her black hair in the mirror, and sighed, it was tangled up again as usual, she liked it long, but she didn't like how you'd have to take care of it.

She wordlessly undressed and walked over to the shower. She pulled out the shower curtain from the wall, which was stored there so that way she didn't have to buy one, and it would be left for the next tenant as it was owned by the company that owns the apartments. She started the shower and set the temperature and waited for it to heat up. It was automatic, so she didn't have to worry about getting burned from getting in a too hot of a shower. After she pulled the last of her garments off, she stepped into the shower, and began to wash up.

After a few minutes, she stepped out of the shower clean and fully awake. She dried herself off and walked out of the restroom and back into her room to put on fresh clothes and fresh perfume. Her favorite scent was of Lilies as it was her favorite flower. Her favorite color as to what her friends thought wasn't Black at all; it was Purple like one of her eyes. 

The color blended with her hair, so she liked to wear clothing that would match. As usual for some of her mornings, she spent time trying to figure out which set of glasses she should wear, this was normal for herself, but given that she needed to leave in a bit, she just settled on her normal black colored ones. She quickly went throughout the apartment, tidying up and grabbing her belongings.

She walked outside of the apartment and turned around to face the door. She quickly jotted something down on the paper. 'Please sell or donate what I couldn't take with me. I have no more use for them, and they would be more useful to someone else.' She left some furniture that wasn't permanent; like her bed which sinks into the floor. The dressers she used were also permanent. Everything else that she sold beforehand left her with some pocket change, so even then it didn't matter whether she sold the rest.

She walked out to her car where everything was now packed up in. It didn't look very big, but her car was a four door sedan, and before she even moved in, she didn't have much stuff with her to begin with. She stood in front of her car and placed her hand on the door's window and waited for it to accept it. Once it did, she opened the door to the rather expensive car. The inside the car was very neat and clean, and there was no sign of and kind of trash anywhere, except for her stuff that she had in the backseat, being her belongings..

She sat down inside and sighed, and then she started up the car, checking that the energy gauge was at least half-full in the meantime. Everything was already to go, everything except her... "Shit..." She said to herself, she panicked as she left her I.D. inside her apartment. She quickly got out of her car and ran into her apartment searching for it. It took her a few minutes, but once she found it, she checked that her name was correct. "Yuki Kami, check." She said to herself, and ran back outside.

Getting back into her car, she closed the door and made sure she could see out of the rear-view window. With all her pre-checks, she started to reverse out of her parking spot and began to leave the large industrial-looking complex. Once she had gotten past all of the other cars in the lot, she finally got onto the road. Her life finally felt like it began, she felt free and felt like a real adult now. Now she could live her life as she wanted too.

In the Afternoon...

The morning sun was bright and a usual color of gold that you'd expect for the almost fall-like weather, the climate of this area of the NEF is akin to the Midwest of the Union. The roadways were surprisingly clear for this time of day; normally it'd be full with many cars and trucks that would line the roadway hoping to get into the lane they needed to be in, backed up for who knows how long. Whoever was driving right now was in for a good clearance to move along.

Yuki sat in her car as she switched to AC on; she was starting to sweat from sitting in the car without it. It was only 78 degrees outside but to her, it was excruciatingly hot. She sighed as she watched the traffic ahead of her, it was slightly backed up, but it wasn't too bad. She knew that the lights would turn in a matter of minutes, but noticing that an ambulance just passed her, this means that this could turn into a problem for her. Sighing, she moved her car to the next lane from where she was, looking behind her to make sure that no one was coming.

Sighing she took a different route from what she should be taking, but given her circumstances, it was necessary that she didn't waste time. She remembered a teacher always telling her that "Time was money", an old saying in her point of view, and perhaps maybe it was like that. Maybe this world was moved by an odd force such as money, or moved by the daily work or people, or moved by something that she couldn't yet comprehend. Perhaps she still was a girl in a mysterious world, or maybe she wasn't the only one that felt like this. She sighed and turned on the radio, she didn't want to think too deeply about such matters. She'd rather concentrate on the road.

"Look listen to me, look around you. The NEF can't protect us for jack. Vote for me, Vorscht Isan!" A voice rang over the radio. Yuki scoffed and changed the channel, Japan being part of the NEF meant that everyone within the NEF could be a leader for a allied country. "Today the Axis terrorist group struck a military base in the northern part of Japan. Everyone in the vicinity are scared for their lives. How long can we sit here while the NEF does nothing?" A news reporter spoke. Yuki chuckled softly, no matter what she changed to, it was always the same. 'Hopefully the next station has something good.' She thought as she switched it, but another channel reporting the same information came on. "How can the Ministration sit still while the Axis destroys our daily lives? Where is the military involvement? Would we have to break from the NEF just to seek solace from the Union? How long can we sit here while they continue to harass Japan?"

Yuki sighed; she's about had enough of the Axis as well as the NEF. 'Maybe it was for good cause that the Axis would take down the NEF. Russia's branch wouldn't do anything, and China only did so much for them. Japan's branch were all rich people, benefiting off of the people.' She thought to herself, changing it to another station which finally was playing music. She sighed, maybe she wanted to be ignorant to the world, and maybe she didn't want to be aggressive. "Better to be neutral than be the aggressor." She said to herself as she turned onto a major access road.

She listened to the music, tapping her finger to the beat. Imagining that it was herself singing the song, imagining she was on stage, singing to her fans, to her lover if she ever had one. She started to sing along to it as well, being drawn into the music, hearing every note for its full meaning, singing every words, regardless broken or meaningful. She raised her voice on the heavy parts, and softened it on the quiet parts. She sang and sang, being herself, being what one of her hopes was, being a singer.

As her car went along, the traffic was getting heavier from the incoming traffic. Indicating that she may have to increase her speed from the Cruising speed of 320 KMH to the speed limit of 400 KMH. The car wasn't hovering, but the road now called "Magna Rails" kept the car on the road, and helped lessen the severity of crashes. However being a new invention by the Russians, only a few select Access Roads were selected a year, making some parts of the country inaccessible for a couple of months. Being part of the NEF meant having some good things, but the ruling classes were the typical of the previous ruling class of Japan. "The same stupid system, same rules, same hereditary crap, same stupid old people that ran it even before the wars." She said to herself.

She sighed, she didn't want to get ahead of herself, all she wanted was to get to the college and that was it. She looked at the dashboard and called up the A.I. "Mikhail, how far out to the college?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the road. "You are 4.8 kilometers outside of the City. Want a shorter route?" The computer asked, bringing up its image to the dashboard. "What's the shortest way?" Yuki asked, wanting to rest her arms for a bit. "It will take you 10 minutes to arrive because of traffic reasons and non-Access Road Areas, would you like to turn on auto-pilot?" The computer asked, turning its image upside-down in question. "Yes, please enable." She said, tapping a couple of buttons on her steering wheel. "I need driver confirmation, please say 'Ok' or say it out loud." The computer said, spinning its image around. "Mikhail, you have full control." She said as she pushed the button, and let go of the steering wheel. "Roger that Yuki, please sit back and relax." The computer said, then its image disappeared and the wheel started to turn by itself.

Yuki went back to tuning the radio again, trying to find a good station, but in this time of day, finding one wasn't an easy task. After a few minutes, she sighed in defeat as she flicked around on her on-board computer, and switched modes from Receiver to Satellite. Looking at the list, she started searching for a station until she found one that interested her. The song that came up was a song she was familiar with, but wasn't what she liked, but being interested in music anyway, she decided that it may help to study music for future endeavors. Maybe music was going to be her saving grace, besides... that...

"Yuki, we will be arriving in 30 seconds, please get your things ready. Thank you for letting me handle your travel problems." The computer said, spinning its image around. Yuki let go of her thoughts, and started to dig through her purse. "Everything's all here..." She said to herself. She looked outside of the windows and saw the campus around her, it was large for one in Japan, considering most areas don't have this kind of space, but it seemed kind of normal. Looking around, she could see some students walking around, talking or going from one place to another, and then she saw a moderately sized parking lot within a close distance, her destination.

The car pulled into to it, and the computer looked for an open parking space. After it drove around for a bit, it settled in one not too far from the entrance. This was going to be her new home for 4 years, and possibly more. This is her chance to prove herself as a member of society. She smiled at the prospect, somehow it felt a little competitive, but it felt like a new beginning for her.

"Thank you for letting me drive, please give a chance to rate my driving ability soon." The computer said while its image bounced around the screen. Yuki yawned and opened her door. The warm wind hit her face and she smiled. While it was nice, she preferred it to be cold instead, cold as the winters that came in the years before. She moved to let her legs hang out of the door and stretched, her body finally being relieved from being cooped up inside for about close to an hour on the road. She got up from her seat and stood up, her hair flowing in the wind, and her dress moving along with it.

She turned around, and bent over to reach inside her car to grab her purse. After procuring it, she stood back up and closed the door. The door slamming shut with a slight 'omph', she walked away from it and turned towards the Registration Building, she smiled as she walked towards her fate.

---Intermission 1---

"How long is each semester?" Yuki asked the man sitting behind the desk while reading the enrollment papers. Carefully going over them so that way she won't be swindled or something like that. And also she read it to make sure she knew the rules and regulations. "The Semester starts next week, Monday. And it continues on until December 17, and then we have a break for Christmas and New Year's, then come back on January 10th." The man said, looking at her while getting the documents ready.

"Are all my classes pre-selected for me based on my entrance exams?" She asked him, wanting to know beforehand, that way she didn't have to make last minute adjustments. "Yes, everything has been decided for you." She licked her finger and turned the page in the handbook. "Well, I'm sold even though I just came today for a check; I think I'll like this place." Putting the papers down, she brushed her hair out of her face and licked her lips and looked at the man in the eyes. "So, is that it?" She crossed her arms, taking a powerful pose. "Yes it is for now, everything has been predetermined, so you can move in immediately." The man replied, while adjusting his glasses. The man clearly sees her determination, which Yuki took note of. "I'll take the offer to move in today." She said, smiling just a tad to send her message that she wasn't playing around.

"Here's your electronic key to the room that you'd be staying in, Miss Yuki. You'll also have a roommate sharing the room with you." The man said, handing her a magnetic card with the number for the dorm. Yuki raised her eyebrow just a tad, interested in this fact. "Who is my roommate?" She asked kindly with some curiosity, although her voice holding slight animosity, remembering her recent tryst with one that one time. "Her name is Aria Elegy, she takes care of the Star Dorm-in which you'll be staying in. She is nice and has a good background, so she was a good match considering your reputation as a mathematician." The registry man said, putting some of the documents into a small manila folder. Yuki frowned just a tad, she did remember hearing someone named Aria around before, but couldn't tell who it was. "Oh well... Might just be another random person as usual." Yuki thought to herself, and looked at the man. "Is everything in order now?" She asked him, making sure everything was complete and perfect. "Yes. You can head over to your dorm, and make yourself at home." The man said.

Yuki got up, shook the man's hand, and left his office. The office building itself was very nice looking with the technology of their day. Everything was somewhat far ahead of her standards. The glass windows were all touch screen, and she could see many people's agenda's or what not on them. Also the floor had signs on it too, a special type of hologram made so that way you can interact with it. Little cleaner bots wandering the surface of the floor, picking any dust or what not that people drop.

She sighed; everything here was too much compared to her High School life. When she left, her school was barely getting new equipment and new windows that support this type of stuff. Now she would learn about it. Everything was moving too fast for her. Now she had to kick herself in high gear when the classes actually did start...

She left the 3 story building, and made her way across the parking lot to her car. She placed her hand against the driver's side door. The door started to scan her hand, and then it accepted her handprint. "Welcome, Yuki. You have exactly 21 points on your license; you also have 20 miles worth of energy left in your battery. Hopefully you have the money to recharge it. Your engine is in great shape, no need to have it fixed. Have a safe driving experience." The car said with its robotic voice. She never paid much attention to what it says, she really has no need to, however she does pay attention to the charge though. It would be disastrous if she didn't pay attention to it, and she doesn't want to shell out 200,000 yen for a solar powered roof.

She got in and started her car, it didn't roar to life as the old junkers do now. But rather it made a soft and quiet purring noise, everything in its engine made driving real smooth. She paid almost 5,000,000 yen for this top of the line car, and her mom wasn't too real about having it, but Yuki had saved enough to pay for half the price by doing odd jobs here and there. She even learned how to fix a lot of things while doing those jobs.


Yuki drove from the registration office to the dorm parking lot. She already went through orientation a few weeks ago, and mostly knew what to expect. The rules were kind of simple, except there was a curfew off campus, but you could pretty much be anywhere at any time as long as you were trying to study or something. One of the staff members said 'everything is supposed to be easy to get the hang of', but as usual, there's something else to it. Yuki had a feeling in her chest about something. Every time she had this feeling, something would happen, not bad, but something in her life would change. With her car parked, she looked around for her purse, seeing it on the next seat over, so she reached over and grabbed it.

"I'm at my new home now. Who do you think I'll meet?" She thought to herself, as she searched through her purse and looked for her phone. She fumbled around and found it at the bottom of her purse. She quickly checked the time, and unfastened her seatbelt. Yuki was a gentle person, so she didn't mind the fact that she'll have a roommate. But given her circumstances, she just hopes it's someone else just as kind. She already had bad experiences with ornery students, and hated those that always disrupted class. Hopefully she didn't have any of those kinds of people here.

She got out of her car, and then closed the door behind her. She had bought the car mainly to get her adopted younger brother Winter and his sister Summer back and forth to their school. Now she has some peace and quiet, given how fourteen-year-old kids can be. She sighed as she looked at her suitcase she brought with her, and grabbed one of its straps. Stepping away from the car as her heels clacked against the ground, she pulled the suitcase out of the car with some amount of force. The suitcase had essentials for her, and mainly what she needed for the first week here. She had a couple of shirts, pants, and skirts for a couple of occasions, and also had her soaps for use in the shower, and the needed stuff for her period when it came around.

She closed the door, and locked her car up, and looked at the dorm building. It was one of 10 used by the facility. This one was called the Star Dorm, and she was supposed to have a roommate by the name of Aria? She thought to herself about who could this Aria person be. "Is she nice? Is she mean? Or is she a little... offset?" She pondered about it while wheeling her luggage to the automatic door in front of the building. The door whooshed open, and she felt the air hit her.

Yuki felt a little warm upon entering the building. She was wearing her Purple blouse and a long skirt, so she looked a little out of place. She looked at the interior of the building, It was nice, it had a glass chandelier, and has a nice foyer area, and she could see that it wasn't large enough for an eating area, which must be somewhere else, but seemed like a good place to chill for a bit. The elevator was in the middle of the room, and it lead to up through the 5 story building. She then looked at the card issued to her. Room E518, which then she remembered the map; it was to the south of her, which was to her right. "E must be the Wing it's in, and 5 must be the floor number, and 18 must be the 18th room on the 5th floor." She thought to herself as she made her way to the elevator and clicked the button and waited for it. She pulled her phone out and brushed her hair from her face to the side. "I should cut my bangs sometime, they're getting long..." She thought as she flipped through her phone. Suddenly something landed on her shoulder.

"Huh?" She turned her head and found a casino card, with a Joker on it. "What could this mean?" She thought as she just flipped it around in her hand. Suddenly the elevator dinged, signaling her to get on. "That's strange; I guess I can't help to attract people." She thought as she walked into the elevator. She let her bag stand by itself and clicked the button for the 5th floor. The elevator was very smooth, and it took no longer than 10 seconds to get to the 5th floor.

Yuki looked out window without noticing that the elevator door opened. She looked out at the expanse of the campus. It's a wonder why she didn't have to pay to get in here. Don't you think it's a little strange? Did you do this? Or was it-" She was snapped out of her thoughts as the door closed on her. She scrambled to it as she didn't notice the door had opened in the first place. It shut and the elevator started downwards, someone obviously called it down so she had to wait. Sighing, she leaned against the window and huffed. Everything might to be an awkward start now. "Don't tell me you planned this". She thought as the floor number counted down until floor 3. She thought of someone saying to her, 'You dun goofed', as the elevator stopped.

As Yuki scrambled for her thoughts, the doors opened to a girl with long flowing hair that was a light pinkish-blonde color. She had beautiful ocean blue eyes, and had two braids on her front part of her hair. She was dressed casually, but wore a black shirt with a black tank top underneath and was wearing a Grey skirt. Her heart fluttered at this sight, and then she slightly blushed. The girl was carrying a bag with something in it, and she looked up at Yuki with an innocent expression. The girl tilted her head at Yuki with a curious look, wondering who this lost woman is.

"Oh...? You must be Yuki. I've been expecting you actually. The people at the Registry building told me you were coming." The girl said her voice sounding almost angelic. She then smiled and opened her mouth to speak again. "My name's Aria as everyone calls me. I know your name Yuki, but not your last name." Aria said. Yuki stood there dumbfounded for a second; looking at the pinkish-blonde girl when finally she processed it in her mind. "Oh. I'm sorry for blanking out. I was thinking about too many things, my name is Yuki Kami." She said holding out her hand to Aria. "Thanks Yuki, you're very well mannered." Aria said already familiarizing with her, shaking her hand.

"We're going to be roommates now, huh?" Aria said. Yuki saw this as a way of Aria saying she was welcome here, and decided to return the kindness with a question. "Yes, I heard that you already have been here for a while at this college-school. Is there anything I should know from you then?" She asked, trying to see if she'll give off any helpful hints or what not. She held her suitcase a little closer, trying to distract herself from revealing her face too much. This girl is having some sort of effect on her mind. "I'll explain some things to you in our room. Also... I can already see that you are flustered from seeing me." Yuki's smile cracked and her heart sank to her stomach from hearing those words. She wanted to stab herself with a pencil for making it so obvious. "Normally, I'm quite shy, but I can see that you are a good person. And also, I like your name Yuki. It fits well with Kami, which is a good name too." Aria said, smiling as she turned to face the door.

"She did this to me? What?" Yuki thought to herself as the person she had just met did something to her. "What was that she just used? I feel... Warm." She thought, feeling a little uneasy. This woman wasn't someone anyone should mess with she thought as she looked at Aria's being. The door opened, and Aria stepped out with a slight hop in her step. "Come on Yuki, stop being an over thinker." Aria shouted to get Yuki's attention, pointing towards the south end of the hallway. "Ah, be right with you." Yuki responded while grabbing her stuff and getting out of the elevator.

She got out of the elevator to see Aria walking down the hallway before she had a chance to exit the elevator. Yuki quickly moved and caught up to Aria, "This is the 5th floor; even though it doesn't look like much, you can still do a lot of things here." Aria said, as they both continued down the hall. The hall wasn't that long, but it felt like forever walking with this Aria girl. Aria seemed to be kind, but also somehow seemed like she was hiding something about her. Yuki peered at the walls and saw various paintings and awards given to previous students that lived the in the dorm. She looked towards the door to Aria's room-or her room too, but someone was waiting there for Aria, the person in question had silver hair and was holding a bag with something in it. "Ah there you are Aria, I was wondering where you were. Can we hang out later or..." The woman said, just as she saw Yuki.

Aria stepped forward with a hop towards them and said. "I'm sorry Yuka, but my roommate just arrived today, and I need to help her get settled in, so maybe later alright?" Aria said, waving her hand. "Oh... Alright then..." Yuka said, but then she looked at Yuki and frowned, then she straightened up her posture and almost yelled into her face: "You... I knew you looked gaddam familiar, you're the one that was announced as the top of the leaderboards back when the 2027 Math Tournament that was being held. You're Yuki Kami aren't you?" Yuka said with a slight growl. "Uh... Yes?" Yuki responded slowly, inside Yuki hoped this girl wasn't going to start a fight right away, she didn't want enemies to be made right away. Yuka looked at Yuki, and stared her in the eyes, and then Yuki felt her suitcase start to move from her hand.

"Hey that's my-" Yuki protested as her suitcase started to float up, but before she could put up her fists, Aria stopped her and opened the door. The suitcase then floated and landed on the floor inside the room. "Your bags are in the room Yuki." Yuka said a little harshly. But her demeanor changed within a split second, "I don't really hate you hee hee~. Although you don't remember me... my name is Yuka Enri, but there is proper time for introductions later. I'll see you later." Yuka said, then she ran down the hallway at full speed. Yuki watched in silence as Yuka made her way to the elevator. Yuka made a lot of noise, and almost causing an accident on her way.

"That's Yuka for you... She once used to be my roommate... Until she was retested by the college... So she was sent down to room E213. She's a handful, but she had a good heart. She isn't normally one that would go back on what she says." Aria motioned for Yuki to go in. "Come on in then Yuki, make yourself at home." She smiled.

Yuki was being a little cautious as she entered the room. Moving along at a somewhat slow pace. The room was lit up with ambient lighting, and had an air freshener going. The room itself wasn't plain, and there was a bookshelf near the door that had a lot of books. The walls were decorated with Christmas lights, and various other types of lighting. There was a nice soft carpet that covered a portion of the smooth wooden floors. There were two beds; one was obviously Aria's, as it had several pillows and a long body pillow. Her bed was decorated with an interesting looking pattern. A kind of pattern that she couldn't quite make out exactly what it is.

The rest of the room was decorated with other little trinkets lining the walls. Aria looked like a collector of sorts; she even had other things that Yuki can't quite put a finger onto tell what it was at all. However the opposite side where Yuki would be sleeping is a little empty and almost dreary looking. Aria's placement of items and her keeping them on her side of the room appears to show Yuki that she does have respect for her roommates, a quality that she very well likes.

"Do you like the room?" Aria asked, looking around and admiring her stuff, however showing a bit of an unhappy expression. "Many people say I'm a little bit of a hoarder though..." Aria said, her voice going a little flat, and poking her pointer fingers together. Yuki saw this as a moment to reassure her new roommate, and also another way to start off on the right foot.

"I think it's nice when someone takes the time and care into doing what they love." Yuki said, smiling at Aria. Aria turned her head to look at Yuki and smiled too. Looks like Yuki has made the right choice. "There, that's a good way to a good start. It seems my kindness has improved." She thought.

"I really like that... Accepting of a person's habits. To be honest, Yuka doesn't like my style, she's a bit of a... Clean person." Aria said, sighing in relief. Yuki looked at Aria and she smiled, "I don't think collecting stuff is a bad thing, although I think it's good that you don't get too carried away." Yuki said as she looked around the room again. She continued to smile, but began to feel a little faint all of a sudden. She then heard the words "Remember me" in her ear. Yuki jumped at hearing that, it wasn't Aria's voice though. She looked around the room with a little bit of caution, hoping that it was her mind just wandering around.

"Is everything alright Yuki?" Aria asked out of concern from noticing her sudden shudder and cautious reaction. "Yeah it's alright... I kind of got cold there for a second." Yuki said, lying to her so that way she wouldn't inquire too much. Aria turned and walked across the room to her bed; she sat on it with a little jump and then said. "Well we're friends now, even though... you know, we just met." Aria smiled and then stood back up, "You might as well bring in some of your belongings, at least before it rains." Yuki sighed, she was totally focused on the blonde that she wasn't paying attention to the weather. Yuki then picked up her suitcase and carried it to her bed, checking her phone to see if the weather report was true. "If you want me to, I can help you bring your stuff in." Aria said, trying to be helpful. "That'd be nice, I'll show you to my car." Yuki said as she walked to the door and motioned Aria to come with her.

They walked quickly to the elevator and took it down to the first floor. Aria being the first one out, ran to the front entrance of the dorm. Yuki followed suit as she tried to keep up with her. "Yuki seems like a nice person, I didn't expect her to be as nice as I thought though." Aria thought as she followed Yuki outside to her car. The sky turning a darker grey as the storm clouds moved in. Aria swore she felt something wet fall on her shoulder just now, maybe it really was going to rain. Aria looked up at the sky and looked at the clouds; she knew what was going to happen. "Uh Yuki, we might want to hurry." Aria said out of concern. "I think we're ok, If it's going to rain, we can just hang out in my car for a bit." Yuki said. Aria thought to herself. "I think somehow this is fate..." Before she could get too caught up in her thoughts, rain started to pour down. "Ah..." She heard Yuki sigh out loud as if it felt good. "Hmm...? What's the matter?" Aria asked curiously. "I like it when it rains. The cold wetness feels nice" Yuki said, smiling and holding her hands out. "Something isn't right... she's hiding something. If she said she gets cold easily, then how can she like the cold?" Aria thought to herself.

Aria started to feel damp as her clothes started to get wet. Aria ushered Yuki into the car to prevent themselves from getting soaked by the rain. Yuki moved around in her seat as Aria moved her seat backwards and stretched. "Isn't the rain beautiful?" Aria said out of her thoughts. She was looking up at the sky, and holding her hands together. Somehow, Yuki wanted to say something. She thought to herself"I'm in the car with another girl, it's not bad, but... Maybe a little weird." She knew if she said something wrong, it would become very awkward, if that was the right way to put it.

"I could show you something more beautiful than the rain." Yuki said after thinking about it. She smiled with confidence that she could do this. "Oh, show me!" Aria responded jumpily. Yuki took the words well, and she started to concentrate, imagining something in her mind. She pictured a beautiful sculpture with many details to it. She pictured a rose along with it as well to add more intricacy. The thought the rose as real and it began to take shape with her own hands, but then she felt really tired, but continued without problem believing it might be herself just tired from the day.

"Is... She is concentrating on using her ability...?" Aria thought to herself as she watched Yuki do something. Then she saw it on the hood of her car, something was forming from within the rain. As it slowly took form, Aria's heart jumped at the sight. It was even more beautiful than anything she had seen in her life, it was made from what looked like glass. Aria sat there in awe, she didn't have any words to say. On the hood was a sculpture of a flower with many different designs, she thought they looked like fractals, beautiful fractals.

"Yuki, is this what you wanted to show me? It's so beautiful-" Aria said as she turned her head to look at Yuki. Her smile turned to worry as she saw her head slumped over to the side. Aria moved over towards her, and slightly poked her. "Yuki?" Aria asked again, this time with a little more concern. She noticed that Yuki's nose had blood coming out of it, a red flag for a rejection. "Yuki wake up!" Aria yelled as she started to shake her body. She then looked at the sculpture, it was kind of her fault for asking her to make something beautiful. Aria quickly reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out her phone and dialed the hotline for the college clinic. She couldn't call anyone else in the city, because they wouldn't know how to help her with something like this. After minute or two of ringing, someone answered her call.

"Orpheus!? Are you there?" Aria pretty much yelled into the phone the moment she heard a click. The person on the line coughed and cleared their throat. "Hello, no Orpheus isn't here, may I ask who is calling." A young voice said, probably another intern that had taken over Orpheus' shift. "My name is Aria, Aria Elegy, I have an emergency." She yelled into the phone, almost panicking. "Ah... Aria... Hmm... I'm sorry, state your emergency, then I'll have someone come over." The voice said. "I'm in a car with a young woman named Yuki Kami, she passed out while using her ability." Aria said, her voice coming out in knots. "I see... You're in the Star Parking Lot... I'll send someone over right now." The man said. "Thank you." Was all Aria could say to the man. She held Yuki's hand while she waited for help to arrive.

It's all too soon...

Chapter 2 – End Recording

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