Operation Exploro: The Second Chance to Change

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Chapter Twenty: The Second Chance to Change

November 5th, 2028

Weather: Unknown

The Time Left to us...

It's just how it was supposed to be...

Weeks have passed. It seemed like years.

We were put into VR training as the next day began. The trainers wasted no time in working on the new potential recruits. Strength training, mental training. VR Training. Day after day, hour after hour, we had trained

Eventually our hours amassed into thousands. Session after session. Covering hundreds of hours in a small span of time within the VR space. Eventually, the months surpassed years. All of it was condensed into a small time scale, all of about 3 years worth of experience supplanted into their minds.

To us, it really did show how much technology they hid. VR, memory implantation, battle plans all planted into their minds. There was no telling the amount of memory they had stored from previous combatants. We could feel their deaths, feel their fear, feel everything about them during those moments.

All it did... was harden us to the reality of battle.

In time, most of my friends turned into someone else. Even I started to lose who I was once...maybe that's why... Maybe that's why War is a horrible, horrible reality.

In time, I started to wonder. If there existed a world without war. Without strife. Without any of the problems we face now...would it be perfect? For once?

2155 Hours... Operation Exploro

"EzBrief. Trust in defense."

"Welcome, Team Omega Six. You have passed all of your training tests and exams with the highest marks. You have been authorized to partake in your very first mission. Your team leader will be Yuki, Sixth Lower Lieutenant."

The screen then switched into showing the layout of the area they would be sent to. "We have reports of Sekai-Axis groups residing in the western Yamagata prefecture. According to our intel, they have begun to make an old college campus as their base." It then zoomed in to show the campus area as it stands.

"The Sekai took over this campus after attacking it earlier this year. Unfortunately, we had no one to send into to remove them from the grounds. We're certain that there could still be leftover hostages, so please keep an eye out." It then showed the missing persons report on those that used to reside there.

"Your team will be alone, as this is a small-scale assault. Should you need support, we will send another team to help you. However, this will reflect poorly on your career. Remember, that you are all getting paid for each incapacitation. We wish you good luck."

As the briefing ended, Yuki looked at the rest of her group. She then looked down at her watch, as the time finally ticked over to 2200 hours, 10 PM JST. "Local time. Twenty-two-hundred-hours. Mission starts. It's time. Let's go." Yuki said in a short manner, her expression was rough, much more than before. Her uniform rustled a little as she stood up from her seat, her boots making almost no noise as she steadied herself. She was dressed in uniform, usual garb and colors, but upon her back was a large see-through shield.

She stood up in the small interior and held onto the bars above them. The low hum of the helicopter sounded through the interior. All of them stood up, before they all donned their own helmets. They all held their respective weapons, although this time they were given more standardized gear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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