The Eye of the Snake [Draco M...

By Failed_and_Forgotten

9.6K 347 24

[COMPLETED] A Mudblood at first glance, Missy set foot on her journey in hogwarts along with her two best fri... More

oo1: Gnomes Will Take Your Tongue
oo2: Prefect
oo3: Hogwarts Express
oo4: The Slytherin Mudblood
oo5: Something's Up
oo6: Belief of Fear
oo7: Broom Closet Misery
oo8: Flying Books
oo9: A Nightmare in the Closet
o1o: Quidditch Mishaps
o11: Don't Make Me Go To Sleep
o12: Haunting of the Past
o13: Sitting Here Like I Knew I Shouldn't
o14: The Most Cunning Witch of Them All
o15: The Start of a New Story
o16: Bludger to the Side, Fist to the Face
o17: Dumbledore's Army and the Slytherin Prefect
o18: Don't Count the Miles
o19: Pug Faced Parkinson
o2o: Already Falling
o21: Don't Call This Love
o22: Start the Car and take Me Home
o23: The Rafters of St. Peter's School
o24: Melissa Skylar Stephenson
o25: The Iceleve Sisters
o26: Christmas Treasures
o27: Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
o28: Beautiful Torture
o29: Head of Records
o3o: Arms
o31: Blacked Out Files
o33: She Wolf
o34: Horrors of Halloweens Past
o35: Forever and Almost Always
o36: My Mother's Breath
o37: Yellow Eyed Dragon
o38: Odyssey
o39: A Mother's Love
o4o: In The Aftermath
o41: Momma Bear
o42: Tell Me And I'll Kill Her
o43: Sound Resolution
o44: The Catalyst
o45: Until the Bitter End
o46: Fading into the Veil [FINAL]

o32: So Long As You're Mine

89 5 0
By Failed_and_Forgotten

The morning was dull. No snow fell from the Great Hall ceiling, merely grey clouds floated across it allowing for no sunlight. The mood in the Great Hall seemed to match. Not many people were talking; most of the fifth years were stuck in their books and essays. Melissa was sitting with Draco, pushing her cereal back in forth, and humming to herself. The owls flew into the Great Hall, hooting loudly, some shaking snow off their pellets. Circe landed in front of Cassie and she took the Daily Prophet off of her leg before tossing the bird a biscuit. A large black owl landed in front of Draco with a box of sweets from home and a couple letters. Draco opened the box and handed Melissa a cookie that his mother made which Melissa had taken quite a liking to.

“Someone broke into the Ministry,” said Cassie and turned the paper around to show Melissa and Draco. However, Melissa was for too caught up into her cookie to read the article in front of her.

“They’ll find who did it and throw them in Azkaban where they belong.” Draco spat and slid the paper back to Cassie as it passed in front of Melissa’s her eyes widened. CLASSIFIED FILES TAKEN FROM MINISTRY VAULT was the title of the article. Melissa began to choke on the cookie and Draco patted her back lightly.

“I have to go,” she said with her mouth half full, and grabbed her bag before running out of the Great Hall. She ran down the marble staircases, pushing everyone out of her way, and made it down to the dungeons only to see Professor Snape conversing with the headmaster. She quickly hide behind a tapestry as they walked by.

“This is no coincidence, Severus.” Dumbledore said sounding utterly concerned.

“The girl will be fine here.” Snape said firmly.

“If he has discovered who she is,”

“There is no knowledge to suggest that, Headmaster.” Snape said quickly and they continued to walk past her. Melissa peeked out of the tapestry and then quickly ran into the common room. No one was within the walls of the common room and the placed the files on the table before sitting on couch, staring nervously at the folders. She had tried every spell and charm she knew to try and expose what was behind the blackness.

“Melissa!” Draco yelled and she screamed turning around quickly to see him with his arms crossed and beat red face. “You took the files!” he yelled and Melissa ran over to him, covering his mouth with her hands.

“Draco, hush,” she hissed angrily.

“I cannot believe you!” He yelled, pushing her away from him.

“Draco, please just listen,” begged Melissa.

“You stole classified files from the Ministry of Magic!” Draco yelled angrily, shaking with rage.

“I didn’t,”

“Whose files did you steal?” he yelled, demandingly. Melissa looked at the floor in shame, twiddling her fingers.

“Mine,” she said softly and looked up at him. “I only took my files, Draco.” She said with sad eyes. Draco pushed past her and grabbed the files, looking through them quickly, and needing proof of her claims.

“Put them back,” he said, shoving them into her hands.

“No,” she said, shaking her head and looking at him as though he were crazy. “This is all I have to figure out who I am.” She exclaimed.

“Put them back,” he hissed violently. “Or I will.” He threated through gritted teeth. Melissa glared at him, grinding her teeth and clenching her fists tightly.

“Velo,” Melissa yelled and there was a crackle before the house elf appeared beside them. “Take them back, be sure not to be seen,” Melissa said with a kind smile and handed the elf the file.

“Yes mistress,” Velo said and disappeared from the common room.

“Those files were all I had,” said Melissa, shaking her head.

“They were blacked out, Melissa. You had nothing.” Draco said and the words stung more than anything that’d come out of his mouth. Melissa huffed, hurt and angry, and left the common room for the girls dormitory. She grabbed a piece of parchment out of her trunk and quickly scribbled down the name Dracul Gavril Vladimirescu so she wouldn’t forget it. She didn’t know if he was her father or grandmother or maybe even an uncle.

There was a loud thump from outside the girls’ dormitory door and she looked out the door to see the stairs had flattened into a slide. Melissa slid down the stairs to see Draco straightening out his clothes.

“How many times does that have to happen to you before it clicks?” Melissa asked, laughing a little. Draco glared a little and fixed his tie before people could see it out of place.

“It’s time for class.” He said, grabbing both their bags and taking her hand in his. She smiled a little and followed him out of the common room, clenching a piece of parchment with the name Dracul Gavril Vladimirescu on it.

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