Don't Forget About Me (Lovely...

By sit-in-sil3nce

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"We let go Alena. We got tired and stopped trying and I regret it every day. We don't have to deal with that... More

Chapter One - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Two - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Three - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Four - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Five - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Six - Tyler's P.O.V
Chapter Seven - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Eight - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Nine - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Ten - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Eleven - Tyler's P.O.V
Chapter Twelve - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Thirteen - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Fourteen - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Fifteen - Tyler's P.O.V
Chapter Sixteen - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Seventeen - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Eighteen - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Nineteen - Tyler's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty One - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Two - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Three - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Four - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Five - Tyler's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Six - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Eight - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Twenty Nine - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Thirty - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Thirty One - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Thirty Two - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Thirty Three - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Thirty Four - Alena's P.O.V
Chapter Thirty Five - Tyler's P.O.V
Chapter Thirty Six - Alena's P.O.V

Chapter Twenty Seven - Alena's P.O.V

62 5 0
By sit-in-sil3nce

Chapter Twenty Seven - Alena's P.O.V

By the time we arrived, it was a little after two o'clock Pacific Daylight Time. This gave us plenty of time to check into our hotel, get settled into our rooms, and clean up for a night on the town.

The weather was outstanding. It was so comfortable and even though it certainly wasn't as warm as California can get, it felt warm in comparison to Ohio.

"I still can't believe we're in LA" Liz gleamed, her smile glowing. Even though she had been making her way in Boston since graduating, LA was much more her vibe. This was where she belonged.

We walked the streets and took in the views as we made our way to the restaurant. Some random place we found on Yelp, but it seemed good enough for a first dinner.

As we ate, I began to appreciate how fortunate I was that I could spend this time with my fiancé and my best friends.Conversation flowed naturally, and everyone laughed and enjoyed the company of one another. At no point did I stop to think to myself, "I wish this was just a couple's trip" or "I wish this was just a girls trip." We were better all together, and that's exactly how it was supposed to be.

Still, things felt strange. Not with the group dynamic, but with my own internal one. I suppose I couldn't just expect everything to snap into place and everything to be good just because our plane had landed in LA, but I certainly thought my happy-streak would continue. Thanksgiving and the days following had been practically joyous, so why now do I feel this pit in my stomach again? I thought these thoughts had gone away...

"Earth to Alena! Dessert or no?" Jessica laughed from across the table, and as I returned to reality I noticed our waitress standing over us with a smile, waiting for our decision.

"Um, I'm all set thank you!" I cracked a smile, quietly laughing in hopes to ease the tension that was closing in on me.

"Okay, I'll be back with your check" the waitress smiled, lightly clapping her hands together before walking off.

"Are you okay?" Derrick's hand graced over my thigh and he whispered to me, grabbing my attention. His dark eyes were sincere and worried, which only made me panic a little bit more.

"Yes, sorry, just got a little lost in my thoughts. Everything is okay" I smiled, reassuring him but also myself. I began making a conscious effort to stay focused on them and their discussion rather than staying absorbed in myself, but I was focusing so hard that I almost distracted myself even more. How come I couldn't just be present? We had been waiting for this day and now I can't even enjoy it. This realization only made me more frustrated with myself.

Quickly, the waitress dropped our check on the table, muttering "take your time." Derrick slipped his card in and handed it back to her with ease before she could even pivot on her toes to walk off, and before we could even think about arguing with him over the bill.

The rest of the night was sort of a haze. We explored until it got too late, (for us this was around 9:30... maybe we are getting old), and then made our way back to the hotel. After unlocking the door to our room, I felt a rush, as if I was returning to my body and normal consciousness.

We had said goodnight to Jess and Liz, as they were staying in a room across the hall, and closed the door to our own. For the first time, I walked around and really took in the beauty of where we were staying. Of course, I was glad that my girls were here, but I was a little glad that Derrick and I would be staying by ourselves.

We needed the time. Not that things haven't been good with us; he treats me better than I could ever ask him to and even with all of this shit going on I know that I love him. I suppose I just needed the time for my sake, to realign my head and my heart.

After changing into pajamas, we each stood at the vanity brushing our teeth, laughing at the reflection of the other. He was so handsome, and his face was starting to grow a little scruffy for the winter. I loved how mature and rugged it made him look.

Yet for a split second the face I saw in his side of the mirror was not his. There was dark short hair a cleanly shaven face; soft cheeks with a child-like grin and dark eyes that made my stomach turn.

I quickly turned on the faucet and rinsed my mouth, snapping myself out of this sort of trip. As I straightened up, Derrick swooped in from the left of me and swept me off my feet, carrying me over to the bed as I erupted in laughter. So much for the beautiful bed, I thought to myself as we rolled around in the flying pillows and now disheveled blankets.

He grabbed both of my wrists, pinning me down and holding them up by my head. Slowly, he came down towards me, kissing first my forehead, then my nose, lips, neck, and only stopped and released his grip so he could strip me of my shirt and throw it across the room.

"Baby, it's only the first night... are you sure we don't want to save the fun? We still have the whole trip" I laughed.

"Oh shush, you have already kept me waiting cause we "couldn't do anything with my parents in the house," as if they don't know that we fuck. We live together, it isn't news sweetie." He mocked my voice, or at least tried to. "Now that I've got you alone, in this beautiful room and this beautiful place with the doors locked, you are all mine." His smirk grew across his face, and it was contagious.

"I guess I simply can't argue with that," I said as I ran my hands through his hair, pulling him close and kissing his soft lips. Rather quickly, he traveled back down my neck and went to my chest. He lingered there, leaving soft kisses and sucking. I couldn't help but moan, but for whatever reason, it wasn't out of pleasure this time.

"Baby, stop, I'm sorry" he sat up and I slid myself up and out from under him so I could do the same.

"What's wrong? Please don't be sorry" his voice was clearly concerned.

"It just hurts, more than usual... like not a good kind of pain." My face wrinkled up as I looked down at my body in confusion. Usually, Derrick is very gentle, even when he may be trying not to be. I've never felt this way before.

"I'm sorry baby, you know I wouldn't try to hurt you intentionally... well, unless you asked me to, you know." He stammered, "I didn't think I was being much rougher than usual."

"I didn't think so," my eyes traveled back to his, "maybe I'm just a little more sensitive right now. Not to kill the mood but I am supposed to get my period soon, so it could just be cramps and discomfort from that coming up." Not that I usually experience either of those things leading up to my period, but I wasn't about to tell him that and worry him.

"Well, is there anything I can do to help?" Derrick's hand brushed over my leg, rubbing large circles over my thigh in an effort to comfort me.

"I guess it's just not my night. What can I do for you baby?" I grinned, trying to take the attention off of me.

"Are you sure honey? We can stop if you aren't feeling it." He was still certainly concerned; I assume mostly cause he didn't want to make me uncomfortable, emotionally or physically.

"I'm good, please, tonight's your night. You deserve it." 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: A shorter chapter but hope you guys still enjoy!! Lots to come...

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