Fetish / 5sos OT4 ✔️

By high_priest

237K 7K 6.6K

"What, is it some kind of competition now?" Calum unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. "See wh... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Character Ask
Character Answers! (finally)


3.8K 105 90
By high_priest

The room was dark, but not dark enough to trick eyes into believing it were still nighttime as the sun shone through cracks in thick black curtains.

"God, my head..." Michael groaned, a hand moving to push against his forehead in a grunt of regret. "Did I get hit by a fuckin' truck?" 

He heaved his body to sit up, back pressing against grey pillows as he tried to read the time from his clock on the wall. Failing, he grumbled incoherently and glanced to the warm body he could feel laid in bed beside him.

"Of course." Michael groaned, ruffling a hand through his hair as he cursed himself for being so foolish.

Luke lay next to him, blond hair splayed on the pillow and hands in front of his face; his body was curled slightly, close to Michael's as warmth radiated between them. One look to the young male and Michael was remembering the odd piece from last night.
He certainly remembered putting his dick in that freakish drug-addict, and even though he regretted bringing Luke home he couldn't get himself to regret taking the chance since he had it.

Luke was a slow and touchy type of man. He had rolled on the bed back and forth with Michael's body colliding with his own without daring to let their lips detach for too long. The air had grown hot and thick, sweat glistening on bodies that moved against each other for hours as the night grew old around them. 
He remembers smoothing his hands along Luke's soft skin, feeling the blond's nails dig deep into his back and drag down ever so excruciatingly slowly.

It felt like someone had amped the bass up and slowed their song down, and all he could think was that he'd definitely do it all over again if he had the chance.

"You liked it." Luke mumbled, eyes still closed but it was fairly obvious he'd been awake for a short while.

"Shut up." Michael huffed, trailing off as he let his gaze travel across Luke's exposed neck and shoulders. They were riddled in deep purple and red marks, and he knew he'd done that. His hand gripped the edge of the blankets, pulling them back from Luke purely so he could see what else he had done in his utterly dazed state.

"Oh wow..."

Luke shivered. "Put the covers back, asshole." He let his eyes flutter open, watching Michael's own gaze study over his body. "Fuckin' hell, do you mind?"

"No." Michael was fairly certain he'd never given so many hickies to a single person in one night before in his life. "Did I seriously do all that?"

Luke sighed and closed his eyes again. "Yes."

"How the fuck...?"

"We were at it for hours, Michael. You had plenty of time." Luke then grumbled under his breath before saying "Now can you put the covers back on? You can stare when I get up."

"Shit." Michael respectfully draped the warm blankets back onto the cold blond. "I can only remember bits and pieces."

"That's the point." Luke replied.

"I hope you know last night meant nothing." Michael said.

"Don't you ever shut up?" Luke turned around, rolling so his back was facing the biker. "Fuck sake."

Michael shifted his way out of bed, standing to his feet with a slight wobble. "Jesus, my fucking head is killing me."

"Must be your huge ego." Luke muttered to himself, finally making his way out of Michael's bed by sitting up and swinging his legs over the side; back to the older man.


"Nothing." Luke stood up, wincing at the slight ache he felt throughout his body but still making his way to his clothes. It wasn't anything he wasn't used to before.

"Leaving?" Michael nonchalantly asked.

"Well you're gonna want to leave soon too." Luke said, shuffling his jeans back on; unable to find wherever the fuck Michael had tossed his underwear last night.

"I am?"

"It's predictable. You've had your good fuck, now you're gonna go and grovel at Ashton's feet."

"Bullshit I am." Michael spat, angered.

"Alright, be honest." Luke looked him in the eyes. "Are you going to go and see Ashton today?"

Michael hesitated but crossed his arms anyway. "Yeah, not that it's your fucking business."

"There you have it." Luke buttoned up his jeans and headed for the bedroom door. "You're going to beg for your baby back."

"Low-key hope he fucking dumps your ass." He opened the door and walked out. "Maybe then I can swoop in on him."

"Don't you fucking touch him!" Michael shouted, receiving a slam of his front door in response that made his grab his head and wince. "Good god! That asshole!"



While Michael awoke with a man he claimed his enemy, Ashton was waking up with a man he could only describe as a toxic addiction.

He could feel a gentle touch to his head, fingers combing through his hair soft and slow as though coaxing him awake amongst messy blankets and sheets that had become tangled through with the two bodies that lay beneath them.

Eyes opening, he was met with a tender glow of golden sun through his bedroom; peeking through thin curtains and illuminating the figure of the tanned man laying beside him. He shifting slightly, feeling his surroundings properly as a hand touched the chest of the man he recognised; having been laying on him for the past hour and a half without knowing.

"You're finally up." Calum calmly spoke, fingers twirling a strand of Ashton's hair through them as the hazel eyed male peered up at him. "Which means I can finally go pee." He chuckled and Ashton manoeuvred off of him.

"You could have pushed me off." Ashton said, sitting up whilst Calum got out of the messy bed.

"That felt a bit too cruel." Calum said. "I couldn't disturb such a princess while they slept."

Ashton blushed and looked away with a huff; making his way out of bed. "Shut up and go piss." 

He could hear Calum chuckle as he disappeared, leaving Ashton to lazily wander to his drawers and grab out a plain grey hoodie. He threw it on, tugging it down properly so it rest just above his knees; he tried to ignore the fact that he knew it had been Michael's. 

Making his way through his home, he entered the kitchen and began making himself a cup of coffee; not concerned about Calum should the brunet decide to take a nosey around his house. He had nothing to hide, and since he sold drugs to the man he certainly didn't have to hide his stash from the guy either.

"Ah fuck!" Ashton dropped the kettle when he went to pour it, having been surprised by the sound of his dryer being switched on. Hot water splashed across the kitchen surface and pooled onto the floor. 

With a groan of dismay, he grabbed a heap of paper-towels and started cleaning it up; tossing the used towels in the bin before refilling the kettle again and boiling it; having to tip a new spoon of coffee into his rinsed out cup again too.

A few minutes later and he sitting at his kitchen table with a plain coffee in front of him when Calum came back dressed in his black briefs he had worn yesterday, hand washed and just dried using Ashton's drier.

"What happened?" He asked, switching the kettle back on again.

"Third door has the mugs." Ashton said and Calum took out a black cup; tipping some coffee powder into it. "And I dropped the kettle, is all."

Calum made a small grunt-noise to acknowledge he had heard Ashton, and waited for the kettle to boil before pouring it into the cup. He grabbed the milk from the fridge, taking notice that there was barely anything inside the refrigerator.

"You need to get some food." He commented, beginning to pour milk into his drink.

"Usually I go and buy what I want to eat." Ashton answered. "I just make multiple trips."

"It's easier to go all at once." Calum suggested, putting the milk back. 

"Yeah well, I don't have much of a life anyway." Ashton said, taking a sip of his coffee only to pause when he heard the sound of a highly recognisable motorbike come roaring down his street.

"Expecting company?" Calum hummed, casually drinking from his cup as the bike eased into Ashton's drive-way at around ten in the morning.

Ashton got up from his chair, leaving his drink behind as he went to go and answer his door. "Not exactly, no."

Calum watched from the kitchen doorway while Ashton opened the wooden door and left the screen door shut between him and his new guest. 

Michael knocked on the door and Ashton kept a stern tone as he responded to it. "What do you want?"

"Can we talk?" Michael asked, hiding his hope behind dull words.

"About what?"

"About the shit that happened." Michael pushed, hands cracking his knuckles under thick leather gloves that matched his leather jacket and black attire. Dressed like always, and yet Ashton couldn't help but be drawn to it. 

"Look, now's not a good time." Ashton said.

"Bullshit, Ash. Come on." Michael grabbed the door handle, knowing Ashton barely ever locked the screen door rather than the wooden main door. 

"No!" Ashton grabbed the handle too, stopping Michael momentarily. "Now's really not a good time. Can you come back later? I'm busy."

"It's not gonna take that long, jeez." Michael cracked the handle down and Ashton winced; tearing his hand away and stepping back in retaliation. "I just wanna fucking talk to you."

He opened the door, eyes on Ashton as he stepped inside. "It's not that big of a deal, just a quick talk."

"Mike, please--" Ashton desperately tried again, eyes clenching shut momentarily when he saw Michael's gaze land on something not too far behind Ashton. The man's entire demeanour darkened into anger Ashton had never seen before.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Michael growled, and Ashton opened his eyes with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Mike, I-"

"You're fucking him? HIM?! Out of everyone you could choose you decided to go with the fucking pimp?"

"It's not what it looks like-" Ashton tried, taking a step closer to Michael who stepped back and snarled viciously at him.

 "Oh fucking really? 'Cause it looks like you've got a half naked Calum Hood standing in your house while you're covered in fucking hickey marks!" Michael grabbed Ashton's thigh and dug his nails in temporarily before tearing his touch away. "They're on your goddamn legs! Explain that to me!"

"You're one to talk, Michael." Calum smoothly countered, his coffee left behind in the kitchen as he moved closer to the two males. 

"Excuse me?!"

"You've been fucking with hookers for the past week." Calum wrapped an arm around Ashton's waist, utterly amused by the look of pure jealous rage he received from Michael for doing it. "Getting every single one of your pleasures served for by my men and women."

"That's none of your damn business."

"Then me fucking your ex here is none of your business either." Calum was completely calm, lips grazing over Ashton's neck as a sadistic smirk touched his expression. "Oh, but wait... He's not really your ex is he?" He sucked a reddening mark onto the dip of Ashton's jaw, eliciting a surprised low groan from the pliant male. "He was never really yours, now was he?"

"Stop touching him." Michael growled.

"Ohh, look at what I can do to your poor boy here." Calum smoothed a hand over the front of the man's chest, lowering it further down Ashton's body. "It's a shame you don't want him anymore, isn't it?"

"Get your hands off him." Michael's hands curled to fists, his usual anger hitting him in full force as he watched Calum touch Ashton like the man was nothing but a toy. 

"Or what?" Calum slipped his hand underneath Ashton's hoodie, sliding between his legs, and the man gasped with wide eyes; his back pressed to Calum's chest.

"F-Fuck." Ashton breathed out, hands grasping Calum's wrist but not making a move to take the brunet's touch away. 

"What will you do, Michael? Will you hit me? I'm sure that'll make you look like a real hero." Calum's confidence shot up the moment Ashton's arms lifted up to wrap around his neck and bring him in for a kiss.

"Fuck you, Michael." Ashton hissed, letting Calum go again and glaring at the biker in front of him even while Calum's hands wandered his body carelessly; lips kissing at his neck. "You tossed me away like I meant fucking nothing to you!"

"That's not true!" Michael argued, trying his hardest not to focus on the way Calum toyed with what was his. "I was hurt-!"

"And I wasn't? You left because you thought I was fucking with some blond bitch!" Ashton bit his lip, feeling Calum's hand glide seamlessly over his inner thigh. "Fuck..." With a shaky breath he kept his composure. "I wasn't fucking him, not that it matters either way because we weren't even official."

Ashton grit his teeth, and hissed. "You fucked with whoever you wanted!"

"I didn't fuck with people you rivalled!"

"I don't have goddamn rivals!" Ashton erupted.

"That's because you barely even leave your own damn home!" Michael slipped out.

"I know I'm just a used up drug-dealer, Michael." Ashton felt his heart ache with pain at the man's words, agony echoing alongside insults Luke had already shot at him previously. "...But at least I thought I had a friend."

He bit his lip and looked away, arms wrapping around himself as he willed his damn eyes not to let those painful tears free. "Apparently not... You were just another guy wanting a quick fuck."

"No, Ash-" Michael felt instant regret at what he had said. "We are friends, you mean more to me than that-"

Calum took his hands away from Ashton's body, stepping in front of the hurt man. "He doesn't want you anymore. You had your chance and you screwed it over for a taste of a cheap meal."

"Stay the fuck out of this." Michael snarled, his eyes glistening with rage as the urge for violence rumbled inside of him like a thunderous need. "You either back the fuck down or I'll kick your ass right now."

"I'd like to see you really try." Calum smirked, cocky.

Michael raised his fist, snarling when the brunet blocked his punch to what should have been the face. Calum grabbed his wrist, fast reflexes having come from years of dealing with violent criminals, and tugged him close enough that he could see the tiny flecks of brown that bordered Michael's pupils among the green.

"Give up, Michael." Calum darkly said. "You'll never win him over like this."

Michael tried ripping his arm free only to snarl when Calum refused to let him go. "Get off me-"

"Do you really want Ashton back?" Calum asked, voice laden with hidden intentions.

"Of course I fucking do."

Calum hummed and leaned forward, whispering into the alert man's ear; hot breath grazing his neck and causing goosebumps to riddle his soft skin. "I can tell you what he needs."

Michael hesitated, momentarily frozen in Calum's grasp as their bodies became so close just the slightest sway would have them touching. "What?"

Ashton watched them with skepticism, narrowed eyes glaring them down and ears trying to listen to what they were saying.

"He's an easy thing to crack." Calum let Michael's wrist go and the man immediately lowered his arm; his body jolting slightly when he felt Calum's hand touch his side. "How badly do you want him?"

"You have no idea." Michael said, eyes wide with confusion and slight concern. What was happening? He could barely keep up with this calm yet chaotic man.

Calum pulled back, their eyes meeting as a dark expression caressed his already evil-tainted features.
"Can you prove it to me?"

"Why do I have to prove anything to you?" Michael remarked, glowering at him.

"Because you can't touch him while I'm around." Calum simply stated. "You just tried."

Michael swallowed thickly, debating whether or not to agree to what Calum was suggesting--then again, he wasn't really sure what Calum was insinuating if he were completely honest. He just knew it couldn't possibly be good.

Calum rose an eyebrow, flashing Michael a sly smirk. "Think about it, Michael. And get back to me." He turned on his heels, heading back to the kitchen to offer a tense moment of privacy between the two.
But not before he leaned down and kissed Ashton with so much force that the man almost fell backwards; grabbing Calum's shoulders to keep himself standing.

Ashton gasped loudly for air the moment Calum pulled away and walked off, a hand over his heart as he let his body calm down from the sudden cluster of fever. "Holy shit." He muttered.

"Ash... I really was your friend." Michael tried to ease the situation as soon as Calum left, hating the idea of going to the damned brunet in order to repair his relationship with Ashton. 

"Save it." Ashton snapped, heartbroken. "I'm sick of being lied to. If you just wanted to use me you could've fucking said so."

"But I didn't-"

"Oh shut up!" Ashton scowled. "You fucking used me! You used me and you know how I know that?"

Michael sighed helplessly. "How do you know?"

"Because I'm a used up whore who everyone just fucks for the hell of it!-"

"That's not true-!"

"Wanna know what I'm good at? Making drugs and getting fucked like a slut. Yep, that's it! That's my goddamn life and you know it! You just pretended you didn't and that fucking hurts!"

"But you're not used up, and you're not a whore." Michael felt awful. Had he made Ashton feel this way? "Babe, please believe me."

"It hurts because you made me feel normal." Ashton admitted, and Michael swore if Ashton cried that would be the absolute end of him. "You made me feel loveable... Like I wasn't just some criminal freak."

"You are loveable, Ash-"

"It was foolish of me to actually believe you." Ashton scorned himself. "I should've known you're just like everyone else."

Michael despised everything he could feel, every ounce of hatred and anger that melted into pooling hot streams of despair and guilt inside of his body; he loathed it all.

"Maybe I should thank you for showing me the truth." Ashton chuckled humourlessly. "Made me finally figure out how fuckin' disposable I am, so yeah. Thanks for that, asshole."

"Why are you calling yourself these things? You're better than this-"

"Am I? Am I really?" Ashton scoffed. "Get the fuck out of my house, Clifford. Calum's right. I don't fucking want you. I never want to see you again."



Michael had no choice now, he would have to walk head first into the devil's den and sell his soul to the demonic being inside the dark walls of Hell; surrounded by hookers and neon lights and engulfed in heavy bass music, he would give his soul to save what he had destroyed.

Even though he hadn't destroyed it on his own.


Thought I would offer up another update because I'm nice sometimes🐌💙

So what did we think of that?😏
Should Calum even be getting involved?🤔 And damn, Michael and Luke sure did have a fun time together *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

~Peace out!✌️

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