Draco Malfoy Imagines

By kinniebaki

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Draco Malfoy Imagines.. ⚠️SLOW UPDATES⚠️ Imagines may or may not follow the Harry Potter story line. More

//I like you
//Owl post
//Dark Mark
//cant help falling in love
//Voices pt.2
//Need you
//19 years later
//just like you
//The lost heir
//The lost heir pt.2
//Defense against dark arts
//Potions with Horace Slughorn
//The sorting
//For your own good
//For your own good pt.2
//Night time adventures
//I wish
//I wish pt.2
Heyy! A/N
Another A/n im sorry
//Obliviate pt.2
//Late Nights
//Dance with me
//The Dark Lord's Daughter
//I wish pt.3

//Draco Malfoy

18.4K 310 162
By kinniebaki

It was him. God why was it him. Always him. Walking around like he owns the place with his white blonde hair and devilish smirk and blueish grey eyes. Bloody hell y/n pull yourself together. You hate the guy for gods sake.

"Look at him, trotting and frolicking like a king. It's disgusting" my best friend Hermione point towards the white blonde known as Draco Malfoy. Why was he soo UGGHHH
"Yea look at him" I scoffed trying to sound like I was somewhat as disgusted as her.
Oh no no no noooo
He started walking towards us. This is gonna be bad.
"What are you looking at you filthy mudblood" Draco spat at Hermione pushing his way through both of us. Hermione was used to his constant torment, but I wasn't
"How could you disgrace your house and hang out with such a thing" he yelled to me as he walked away with his equally horrible friends Crabbe and Goyle.
"Don't listen to him y/n he's just a idiot" Hermione comforted me.
She was right he was an idiot.....a beautiful idiot.

I had my books spread out all over the tables in the back corner of the Slytherin common room. I had a potions essay due and I was very very much behind on my work for Snape. I also had to study for my Defense Against the Dark Arts quiz I had coming up. I was basically behind on all my work. I dipped my quill in my ink and dragged it across the parchment paper. The only words I was able to bring onto the paper was a name.....Draco Malfoy... ughh now I ruined a perfectly good piece of parchment. He couldn't stop slipping through my mind. I hated him so much. But do I really?

"Shut up you gits" I heard a familiar voice scream from across the room. I curiously turn to see Malfoy harshly punishing his friends for whatever they might have said to offend him.
He suddenly turned and looked at me. I quickly looked away trying to act like I was never looking at him in the first place. I went back to my essay although with the loud laughing and yelling coming from Malfoy's side of the common room made it impossible to get any work done. I gathered up the courage to pack all my books and walk to the furthest side of the common room away from them.
"Come on love am I bothering you" I heard Draco practically scream from across the common room. Then of course I heard foot steps walking towards me....great.
"Awwww look Pansy she's studying" Draco coed at me like I was a baby.
"Maybe she got put in the wrong house, she's not worthy of Slytherin" Pansy hysterically laughed.
"Do you guys need something" I snapped
"The baby's a little fussy" Pansy hysterically laughed again. Draco annoyingly pushed her away.
"Let's leave the baby to her toddler work" Draco slammed my book shut before walking away. Blaise came and sat aside me.
"What's his deal with me" I asked him. I forcefully pulled my book open again and tried to remember what page I was on.
"Oh come on Y/n isn't it obvious" he laughed
"What's obvious" I snarled
"He likes you"
I started laughing. I probably sounded like Pansy. I was laughing so hard I could feel myself trying to gasp for air.
"Your mental" I said once I finally got a breath.
"I'm not mental y/n it's Draco we're talking about, he expresses his feelings a bit differently than other people would."
Blaise was right though. In a weird way Draco was totally different from any other plain Slytherin student
"I can see him looking at you right now" he said pointing in Draco's direction with his eyes.
I was scared to turn around.
"I don't believe it. If you like someone you don't torment them and make they're life a living hell"
"Again....We're talking about Draco Malfoy since when has he ever done something in a non tormenting way"
Yet again Blaise was right. Maybe Draco did like me.
The real question was...do I like him back?

The common room was nearly empty, it was getting extremely close to bed time. I was till in my corner studying for my Defense Against the Dark Arts quiz. The nice and quiet surroundings made it easy for me to study. I started to hear the sound of a chair being dragged against the floor. I dared not to look back. I heard it getting louder and louder until it stopped next to me. I looked out the corner of my eye.
"Oh dear" I whispered to myself
"What do you need Malfoy" I gave him the fakest smile I could ever produce. He mumbled something quietly and quickly, I could I swore I heard him say You. He just sat there playing with his own fingers.
"Ummm.....Malfoy" I said starting to get annoyed but a little bit concerned.
"Oh uh I'm sorry" he spit out at me. Now I was highly concerned. Since when did Draco ever say sorry to someone.
"Sorry for what just sitting here like a creep, or for making my life miserable" I asked him.
"Everything" He whispered.
Ok he definitely is not okay.
"Are you okay or something, have you been put under a spell" I check him all over, making sure there was a possibility he could be under and spell.
"No y/l/n I'm not under a spell" Draco's  normal attitude came back.
I'm so confused.
"Then why you just apologized to me"
"Can I not apologize to someone"
"Come on be real, you don't do such a thing" I reminded him.
"I want to confess" Draco stood up, making dramatic hand gestures.
He's totally not okay.
"Y/n I only torment you for one reason..." he started but I cut him off
"Because you hate my filthy unworthy Slytherin guts" I finished the sentence for him.
He looked at me in disappointment.
"Uh no......that one reason is" he dramatically cut himself off. Why does everything have to be so dramatic. For gods sake just get on with it.
"I might like you" he nervously said without it being dramatic. He sat back in his chair and looked at me
"I know I've been a real asshole to you and I'm sorry...."
"Why are you apologizing now" I skeptically asked him
"Because I realized that I can't torment the girl I hope will be my future girlfriend"
Now I froze and let his words sink in.
Future girlfriend.....oh my
I stared at him.
"Y/n are you okay" he looked me in the eyes.
My mind screamed at me.
"Are you messing with me" I quickly closed my book and stood up.
"No I'm not" Draco stood up with me.
"No no no I think you are messing with me, so you can tell the whole school how I like you back no actually that I adore you, and I think your the most beautiful idiot in this school" I yelled at him. My eyes widened when I realized everything I had just told him.
"You think I'm the most beautiful idiot in this school" Draco laughed.
"No I was just kidding" Draco stepped closer to me. I tried to walk backwards but the black leather sofa was blocking me from going any farther. Draco lifted his hands to my face and stared at me.
OH GOD Y/N WHAT DID YOU DO! my mind screamed again. I was shaking. I felt like I was about to pass out.
"Stop worrying" Draco whispered in my ear. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and slowly moved his face closer to mine. He kissed me.
His lips connected to mine and I can't believe it but I kissed him back. Why was I enjoying this.
He pulled away from the kiss and placed his lips on my forehead.
"I adore you to Y/n"

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