Kekipi | j.p |

By MarieNae

33.9K 1.1K 166

EDITING!!!! “Kekipi”, Hawaiian for “The Rebel”. "Your just like Khalil, just he didnt get this far", Kanai sa... More

Kekipi "The Rebel"
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three

chapter thirty

328 25 5
By MarieNae


I slowly crawled my body over to the side of the concrete room, already lost all feeling in my legs. Ray zipped up his pants while smiling at me. For a week, I think, Ray and other guards have raped or abused me even though I'm already pregnant. Once Ray was done getting dressed he walked out. When he closed the door I ran towards the bed and sat on it. I put my legs in my tank top trying to go to sleep because sleep relieves my pain. But the door opened again and I expected it to be Ray. So I peaked threw my now tangled , curly hair, making it seem as if I was sleep.

Jacob walked in slowly shutting the door making little to no sound. He looked at me and sat on the bed in front of me. He stared at the floor as I watched him. He had a gun in his back pocket. "K-Kanai", he said turning towards me. He put his hand up hesitating to touch my bloody scar skin. He touched one of my recent cuts and I jumped.

"Don't touch me", I growled sinister at him covering my deep scar. He pushed my hair back out of my face and lifted my chin gently up to him. I snatched my face away from his hand. "Why did you do this to me?", I asked him.

"I didn't make any of these cuts", He said being Mr. obvious.

"I mean why did you put me in this?", I asked.

"Its a long story I'm going to have to tell you later", He said. I didn't want a story I need a simple understanding reason of why he is a bitch.

"Jacob?", I asked him.

"Yea?", he said

"Can you ask ray if I can be in the same room as the other girls for a while?", I asked

"Uh sure?", he said. "Hey Ray!", he yelled.

"Yea?", Ray asked walking in the room.

"She wants to be with the other girls.", Jacob said. Ray scrunched his face up and I grabbed Jacobs gun and shot Ray in the shoulder. He fell to the ground and Jacob turned towards me. I weakly walked over to Ray and punched him unconscious. I turned back to Jacob preparing to give orders.

"Your gonna let me use this and your going to pretend as if your taking me back to your room", I demanded pointing the gun at him. He nodded quickly and grabbed my arm as I hid the gun between me and him.

He pushed me out of the room and looked at the boys. "Imma take her to my room", he whispered to one of the guards. One guard began laughing at Jacob. I don't know why, and I don't care.

I pulled Jacobs gun out and shot the one that laughed. Jacob elbowed the other in the neck. I shot the other guard and got up. "I didn't need your help", I said taking the hair band off of his wrist and putting my hair into a tight bun. I walked away from him and walked down the hallway shooting the guy at the desk once he saw us.

"You don't need me to help you get out?", he asked.

"No", I said walking away from him as he followed me.

"Why wont you let me help you?", he asked walking behind me.

"Leave me alone!", I said

"Let me help you", he whined still following me. I turned my body towards him.

"Leave me the fuck alone!", I screamed.

"Not until you let me help", he said pulling my body against his. I pushed him away from me. Does he really think I still have feelings?

"Leave me alone, I hate you with all the hate I have in me! Your the one person I hate the most in the world right now! Just take your ass somewhere else! You know what since I'm already yelling at you, you wanna know how I feel about you turning on me? Hmm?", I began tearing up, walking towards him. "I've never trusted someone more than you, and you just fucking turn on me! Who the fuck turns on their girlfriend?!", I pushed him.

"After you pointed your gun at me, I thought you guys were kidding then you shot me and the look in your face, instantly had me thinking, was this all a set up? Do you really love me or was it all a plan? And your probably pissed off about me getting pregnant, not one but twice! I THOUGHT I killed my sister over you!", I wiped my tears. "I just wish I never met you, and now I feel like shit for saying this to you! But I just want to kill you like you tried to kill me.", I said holding my gun up to him. My arm began shaking ,badly. "But I cant", I said walking away from him, wiping my tears as I walked up to the desk. I pressed the button to their cell and the door opened.

I looked in the cabinets and drawers looking for weapons. I found 4 other guns, why would they put guns in a drawer, especially 4? Dumb asses... I went to their door and slid the guns across the floor. They looked at the guns confused then they looked up at me, smiling. "Lets go kick some ass", I said with a straight face.

Almost done with this book, Action finna start happening!!!

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