The Reapers Resolve (Naruto X...

By HaileyXOXOkiller

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War, something all shinobi might go through. Tough decisions and hardships will have to be faced. Hailey is b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50!! ;)

Chapter 7

384 18 2
By HaileyXOXOkiller

"Do you understand the plan, Hailey?" I nodded, quickly flipping my hood over my vibrant hair. Shikamaru nodded in approval, then stood up straight. "Good, now I am needed elsewhere, do your best. Oh and don't die on us."

"Silly pineapple, it's gonna take more than a couple thousand plant dudes to take me down." I noted with a smile, trying to reassure the black haired man in front of me. In all honesty, I was scared I was going to screw up this entire plan.

My legs and arms are sore, my body isn't far from exhaustion either. I was up all night, only barely fitting in a half hour of sleep. My eyes are dark and sleep deprived, the only thing that is keeping me going is the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I can't thank Kakashi enough for what he did for me. "Take this."

I tossed the weirdly shaped Kunai towards Shikamaru's feet. He raised a brow, but nonetheless listened. "Whats it for?"

"Don't lose it, it might come in handy. Think of it as good luck. Catch ya around dumbass!" I giggled as I slid down the uneven terrain. Even as I made my way around, I couldn't help but smile at the last words that came out of his mouth. "Troublesome women."

"Oh pineapple if only you knew." I jumped to a halt, joining sides with a heavier man. "Listen up Unique skills! Like said before I'm Hailey and this is second in command Mifune."

All chattering seized, and now all of my division had their eyes on me. It was weird, I could lead a small team or take part in large scale fights. But this is different, they are all relying on my will to lead, and keep them alive. I don't even know what everybody's unique skills are, or of they would be useful.

I took a deep breath in, letting all of my muscles relax. Then put my hands on my hips and looked into the crowd.

"Look I know almost everyone here is older than me, probably stronger too. But I hope this sixteen year old girl can lead proudly. My family has taught me to never give up and fight for what you believe in. Don't second guess your choices, and never turn your back on one another. We fight as one, even if the group splits you have somebody to lean on. And vise versa as well. I don't want to lose anybody this time around. But I know full well what war can entail and I know casualties are inevitable. Today and until this cursed war is over we are not separate people we are one!" I smiled towards the end, everyone was silent staring at me. I don't know what I expected to happen, but silence surely wasn't what I had in mine.

"Yah! Go Captain Hailey!"


"Got your back dudette!"

"We fight as one!"

Everyone erupted into cheers, hope radiating off of them. One by one ninja started yelling pleas of hope and courage. My face lit up, something filled my body. It made me feel confident, things might be looking up from here on out.

"Let's do this!" I pumped my fist in the air a new found strength coursing through my veins. The crowd exploded into cheers, I felt that this war might not be so bad after all.

"We'll flank them. Other close and long ranged divisions are already engaged in battle. We are to support in any way possible. Now I don't know any of your abilities, so you all are going to have some liability in this war too. I'll give you a rundown of the situation and you'll decide for yourself what your abilities will be best suited for. Mifune and I will look over each support group and make any necessary changes." I explained thoroughly, making sure not to pass over any important information. I side glanced Mifune, who responded only with a small smile. I took in a deep breath and recollected my posture.

"Good, now we need a group of people that can aid in defense, to keep enemies off our side. They need to be quick, and defend on the spot. You will move in to defend Darui boarding the land of snow and lightning. Then we need heavy hitters to support Gaara's division. If none of your skill fall into either category simply make another group." They all began moving around, talking amongst themselves as they did.

That's when I felt it, an all too familiar smell flooded my nose. A person that should be dead, my light mood dropped almost on spot.

My hands clenched, causing my knuckles to turn white. But I can't help but feel I had smelt the same smell yesterday. No it can't be.

My face twisted into a scowl, my light mood no longer existent.

"Hey Mifune, can you feel that?" I looked to my left, looking the heavier man in the eye. He shrugged his shoulders and raised a brow. "Can't say I can."

"Okie Dokie, probably just my head." I concluded to ease the ninja, but it still rang throughout my body. How can that be, I remember killing him maybe it really is just the nerves.

"Yuki can you hear me?"

"Aw fuck, maybe I am going insane." I said mostly to myself, only to gain a couple stares from those surrounding me.

"No you're not, this is Shikaku Nara you need to get forces down to Kakashi's team. They are facing some trouble." Holy shit I'm not going insane. I looked up from the ground and into the sea of people.

"Alrighty then! Everyone who didn't fill into the others you're with me. Mifune will take the others to your needed areas! Understand, we have back up requests!" They all yelled, signifying that they all understood. I pulled a weirdly shaped Kunai from my pouch and tossed it to Mifune. "Keep it close will ya. It will be vital in a emergency situation."

Now let's hope Kakashi has done his job like a good Sensei.

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