She Wolf [EXO]{Editing}

By ohsehun1004

198K 6.9K 1.6K

Seon is living a normal life until her mother goes missing and you wake up with strange dreams about 12 boys... More

Chapter 1+2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4~
Chapter 5~
Chapter 6~
Chapter 7~
Chapter 8~
Chapter 9~ part 1
Chapter 9 ~(part 2)
Chapted 10~
Chapter 11~
Chapter 12~
Chapter 13~
Chapter 14~
Chapter 15~
Chapter 16~
Chapter 17~
Chapter 18~
Chapter 19~
Chapter 20~
Chapter 21~
Chapter 22~
Chapter 23~
*Final Chapter* goodbye~

26~ unexpected vistors.

4.7K 167 33
By ohsehun1004

I'm so so so sorry for the late update. I was so caught up with my other fanfics I totally forgot about this one. forgive me!!!!!


We left the café and walked to the beach. Somehow Suho managed to fit sunblock, swimming suits, water and chips in one small bag.

"Let's go change and play in the water!!!" Chen shouted.

I grabbed my swimsuit he gave me and walked to the restroom. When I got my clothes off I looked at the swimsuit.

It was a white two piece swimsuit. I guess Chen raided my closet this morning. I put my sandals on was about to leave the stall.

"You know that quite girl no one talks to"? a girl said.


"She heard Lay Oppa talking about coming here. They should be on the beach or something. We should come everyday."

Stupid girl always follow the boys. Can we ever have a break.

I exited the stall and looked at the girls. Great, they actually look pretty which means the boys won't care if they obsess over them.

Before they could recognize me I left. I'm not going to warn the boys because they're going to be bummed out.

They were by the water waiting for me. I smiled and skipped towards them. Sehun, Kai and Luhan had awkward body language.

When I got closer they stiffened up and faked a smile. Kris laughed at them and slung his hand across my shoulder.

"Stop staring guys. She doesn't like you. She likes me" he said.

Sehun and them scoffed and ran to the water with the rest of the boys. Kris threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the water.

I looked behind me and saw the two girls staring at us and the boys.

Oh crap.

"Kris we have stalkers form school" I whispered in his ear.

"Figures. Let's just ignore them"

We made it to the water and he threw me in. I screamed and he laughed. Kris is the closest thing I have to a brother.

"Kris oppa"? I girly voice squealed.

Kris turned around and saw to really pretty girls with push up swimsuit tops. Their cleavage was showing more then it needed to be.

"Can I help you"? he asked.

He was lying because he knew they were fans of his from school. They looked around and saw me.

"Who's that"? they asked.

"Does it matter" he told them

They sized me up then went over to kris and stood really close so their boobs were touching him.

Suho and the boys came over. Luhan grabbed my hand and moved me closer to him. What's up with him?

"Luhan Oppa!" one of them yelled.

"We're trying to have a vacation without interruptions, so can you please leave us alone" I told them.

Luhan was going to say the same thing, but I didn't want him to be hated so I said it. He looked at me with a guilty face.

"Who said you can tell us what to do. Also get away from Luhan. He might catch your pitifulness. Luhan come get lunch with us and then you don't have to see her" she scoffed.

"Please leave" Luhan butted in.

"What"?! they shouted.

"He said please leave. We don't want to ask again" Sehun growled.

The took a step back then walked away. Their butts jiggled really weirdly. Probably from Botox.

We played for an hour then Suho called us in for lunch. He ordered us subway sandwiches. Mine was on an Italian bread with roast beef, cheddar cheese, lettuce, mayo and was toasted.

(My favorite)

After eating we walked to the bath house. I was last in because I was looking at a butterfly.

They went inside without me and I just walked into the hallway. I felt someone watching me and I turned around.

No one.

But there was someone there because I could smell them. Them as in two. Two as in girls. Girls as in the ones that talked to the boys.

I smirked and went into my room. Sehun was on his laptop watching 'The Heirs'

He saw me and smiled. I purposely left the door open so the girls could see. Sehun scooted over so I could watch with him.

After about two minute I noticed the girls moved closer. Sehun noticed too. He smirked because I sent him a thought of mine.

We had a plan......


It's been 10 minutes and the plans all set up. The girls can see us now but we can't see them. We can smell and sense them though.

"Wanna get some snacks from the vending machine"? he asked.

"Sure Oppa" I smiled.

We could sense a change in moods from the girls. Suspicious to mad. He got up and grabbed my hand.

I left the room with Sehun and we saw two girls buying drinks by the snack machine. Obvious much.

"What do you want from the machine" he asked.

"You know what I like" I told him out loud.

On the inside I told him some sour cream and onion Pringles. He smiled and pushed D3. The girls scoffed without turning around and went back to picking a drink.

I ate my Pringles while he got cookies. He offered me a cookie and I tried to give him my Pringles but he refused.

When I put it in my mouth he reached over and bit the part that wasn't in my mouth. My eyes rounded and the girls behind me pulled my hair back.

"Let her go!" Sehun and some other person yelled.

"Oppa she sexually harassed you though. She bit your Pringles while it was in your mouth." the girl whined.

While they talked I looked to where the voice came from and saw Luhan. He walked over to me and the girls then pulled me away from their grip.

They were shocked me then got all sweet and slutty again.

"Oppa's come to our rooms tonight. We can have so much fun" she giggled.

"No thanks. We don't associate with mean and gross girls" he growled.

They stood there frozen in place and luhan grabbed my hand and walked back to my room. Sehun walked the girls to the manager and told him about the assault they gave me.

Once Luhan and I got into my room and closed the door and~

embraced me...........


Again I'm sorry for the super late update. Hope this one was good.

Fact~~~ Chanyeol's leaving roommate :(

Not edited.....


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