Red Hot Chili Pepper Imagines!

By MaeveIsChili

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It's all in the title! Comment or inbox me with your idea and the band member of your choice!! I'll do the r... More

Emily and John ❤
Anthony x Reader Part One ❤
Liv and Anthony ❤
Silvia and Hillel ❤
Madeline and John ❤
Kaylee and Anthony ❤
Emily and John.. Again ❤
Kaylee and Anthony...Again ❤
Ariana and Anthony ❤
Gina and Josh ❤
Emily and Chad ❤
Ariana and Josh ❤
Andrea and John ❤
Emily and John Vol. 3 ❤
Toni and John ❤
Emily and John Vol. 4 ❤
Danielle and Flea ❤️
Liv and Anthony..Again!❤️
Nina and John ❤️
Emily and John Vol. 5 ❤️
Meg and John ❤️
Kerri and Dave ❤
Emily and John Vol. 6 ❤

Nina and Flea❤

462 5 5
By MaeveIsChili

Flea spent the early part of his morning on his back patio. His dogs roamed the backyard as he basked in the morning sun. Flea loved time to just soak it all in. The sound of nature brought him peace and it made him count his blessings.

Nina stood by the patio door sipping a cup of tea, and watching Flea. Moments like this was when he was the most attractive to her. What's left of his hair was all ruffled from sleeping, he was still clad in just his sweatpants, and the pure love he has for nature radiated from him.

Nina smiled, strolling back to the kitchen to rummage for food. There was an array of fruit and she decided a fruit salad was perfect to start what looked like a perfect day outside. As she sliced fruit on the cutting board, Flea slid back into the house and the dogs followed in suit.

The dogs made it to Nina first. She smiled down at them, their tails wagging excitedly. Once Flea walked in Nina smiled at him too. "Morning handsome." Nina said.

Flea walks to fill the dogs water bowls. He came over to you and wrapped his arms around her waist. Flea's head came over Nina's shoulder and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Morning beautiful."

"You aren't going to keep painting?" Nina asked. She cut a piece of mango and brought her hand up to feed it to Flea. He graciouslly took and chewed the piece of mango making Nina smile even more.

"I will, just as soon as you get out there to paint with me." Flea said. he brought his hands to Nina's hips so they could sway side to side with his. There wasn't any music playing, but Nina swayed with her husband giggling at how affectionate he was being.

"You know I can't paint Flea." Nina was protesting painting with him, but she knew she was going to give in.

"I'm no Picasso either." Flea pointed out before stepping back. "I promise I'll only make fun of you a little bit."

Nina turned to him with her eyes squinted in false scrutiny. Her expression makes Flea laugh as he strolled into their livingroom. He put a playlist Nina made for him and updates everyday. Hearing the songs blare through the speakers convinced Nina to meet Flea on their back patio.

She washed her hands and placed the bowl of fruit into the refrigerator. Once outside Nina smiled at the view Flea was giving her. He was shirtless and shoeless as usual, but the California sun reigning upon them coupled by the distant ocean waves crashing against the shore made him look like he was a painting himself.

Nina grabbed a few brushes and began to mimick the sky's colors on her canvas. Flea fixed his eyes on Nina and turned his canvas toward her.

Wind blew and time floated away with it. Once the couple finished painting, midday had come and gone. Nina sighed happily. She placed her brushes down. "Finished." She announced.

"Just got to add my signature," Flea paused to write his name in the corner accompanied by a small drawing of a gapped-toothed grin, "done." Flea flashed his own grin before taking a few steps over to his wife.

He wrapped an arm around her waist as he looked at the painting in awe. Nina painted the landscape of their backyard with Flea's silhouette carved out in black paint. Around him were hues of orange and yellow. "It's beautiful." Flea said truthfully. Nina scoffed and shook her head.

"I painted your head and shoulders way too big." Both Nina and Flea laughed lightly.

"I still love it." Flea then walked behind Nina and brought his hands up to cover her eyes. "Don't peek." He said to his wife who only giggled in response.

There were only a few steps between Flea and Nina's canvases, but the couple somehow managed to stumble a little trying to get there. "Flea!" Nina yelped almost landing on her face. Flea tried his best to stifle his laugh only letting out a snort.

"You're right here, just turn and look." As soon as he said those words, Flea dropped his hands from Nina's face. Her eyes refocused and Nina gasped in delight.

"How cute! I'm a mermaid!" She laughed and so did Flea.

"I was going to make myself a merman, but I ran out of space." Flea shrugged. The cartoon look of the piece gave it a sense of uniqueness that could only be the touch of Flea's creativity.

"What's the inspiration behind this piece?" Nina turned to Flea putting on her best interviewer voice.

"Well, that old saying about plenty of fish being in the sea had a lot to do with this. I feel bad for those poor suckers out there still fishing because I've found my favorite fish."

Nina dropped her interviewer act immediately as her eyebrows curled up and her eyes looked at Flea fondly. "If you get any sweeter, I'll vomit." Nina approached Flea and laid herself in his arms.

Flea welcomed her happily and the two just swayed with the wind. Nina listened to Flea's heartbeat as she thought about her incredible he really was. "Let's leave these hear to dry," Nina broke their silence, but not their embrace, "I want to go inside and feed you grapes like a king." She laughed at how cheesy she was being, but Flea didn't protest at all.

The dogs were already inside. Flea cut the music off and propped up on their couch. Nina met him there and placed her legs on his lap while the bowl of fruit lay in hers.

The couple spent the rest of their afternoon cuddled on the couch, sharing fruit as well as kisses. That was until Flea got a call from Anthony asking if he wanted to catch a few waves before sundown. Of course Flea accepted his offer and Nina didn't mind him leaving as it gave her an excuse to pamper herself with a bath and face mask.

Flea had his wet suit hanging halfway off his body before he left the house. Nina stopped him to say goodbye. "Be safe and try not to school Tony too much." Nina joked and Flea laughed. The couple shared one more kiss and exchanged 'I love yous'.

Nina waved out the door to Anthony before smiling at how cute her husband was and closing the door.

((Authors note))
Oh it feels good to right fluff after all the unholyness Ive been up to lol. Thank you guys so much for not letting this book die and thank you Nina for being one of the consistent supporters Ive had and cant express my gratitude enough.

Evelyn youre up next my girl!

Word count: 1,086

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