The Academy - Book III

By emmyles

372K 13.8K 4.9K

This is the final installment in the Series! *This book features very mature content! If you don't like your... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Don't Kill Me
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Q & A
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine - Side Chapter
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four Part 1
Chapter Fifty Four Part 2
Chapter Fifty Four - Part 3
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six part One
Chapter Fifty Six Part Two
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Author Note
Word Index and Information
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Help Pick a Cover
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five

Chapter Forty Two

4.5K 186 55
By emmyles

Chapter Forty Two
Gold District - High Council Conference Room

Dedicated to finding_lexie
Your comments always make me laugh

Sebastian's eyes widened as he tried to take a shaky breath. Blood oozed from the corner of his pouty pink lips as he stared shocked at Kevin. "You killed me," coughed Sebastian.  He grabbed Kevin's forearm and tried to pull it out of his chest.  "Xara will never forgive you or him," he gasped as his wide and frightened eyes swiveled toward Kaelen.

Kevin started to slowly pull his hand out of Sebastian's chest.  He paused and looked down at Sebastian's hands on his arm and frowned thoughtfully. "Honestly," laughed Kevin as he started to remove his hand again.  "If I'd killed you how are you talking?"

"I don't know," gasped Sebastian.  Sebastian watched as Kevin's bloodied shirt sleeve came out of his chest followed by his fist.  "But I know you've -." Sebastian looked down at his chest and froze.  He touched where Kevin's hand had been moments earlier, "I just watched and felt you smash your hand through my chest."  Sebastian poked at his ruined gray shirt and alabaster skin with a frown, "I should be dead."

"I didn't kill you," frowned Kevin.  Kevin held up his bloody fist, opened his hand and showed him, and the room; a large red, yellow and green emerald cut gem (multi-colored tourmaline*).  "I was wondering why both you and Dion," he waved his bloody hand toward the floor, "have one of these embedded deep in your chest."

Sebastian opened his mouth to respond only to gasp and throw up blood.  His body shook, his pink lips turned blue, his skin quickly turned ashen and blood dripped from his now silver eyes.

"Do something," yelled Acadia as she pointed toward Sebastian.  "He's bleeding to death!"

"I can see that," drawled Kevin.  He looked down at the multi-colored stone in his bloodied hand with a frown. Kevin pointed to Dion who was currently regaining consciousness on the floor, "It would appear that his stone transfers powers from him and transfers it to him," he pointed to Sebastian with a puzzled frown.  

He held the emerald cut stone up to the light and sighed, "At least I know why Sebastian's is bigger and the cut like this."  He gave the stone a forlorn look "It looks like it also regulates the power flow within Sebastian's body so the power doesn't kill him."

"Kevin," snapped Anthony as he pointed at Sebastian, who'd fallen to his knees and was still losing blood.  "Stop examining the damn stone and do something before he hemorrhages on the floor."

Kevin gave the gem a forlorn pout before he turned back to Sebastian.  "I guess you need this more than I need both of them to experiment with."  Kevin gave the stone one more lecherous look before he kneeled and punched his fist into Sebastian's chest.

Sebastian's limp body fell into Kevin's because of the force used while Dion's high pitch scream resounded through the room.  Everyone eyes left Kevin and Sebastian as the loud sound of Dion's body hit the floor with a thump.

"Do you really expect that whining excuse of a man to stand there and let you do that," asked Tyrese amused.  His bright green eyes bored into the unconscious Dion.

"Hush now," giggled Chanel, sixth chair and Tyrese's amused wife, as she playfully slapped his arm. "He can do it while he's unconscious.  His head hit the floor really hard this time."

Monique quelled a giggle as she stared at Dion on the floor.  "You both should be a-ashamed -," she cut herself off as she erupted into a fit of giggles.  "But did you hear that scream?"

"I did," laughed Chanel excitedly.  "It was all like AHH! AHH!"  Chanel bounced in her seat as she mimicked his high pitch scream to the table.  "And then wham!"  Chanel smacked her hands together to reproduce the loud noise Dion's head made when it hit the floor.

"I heard a kid scream like that once when they saw a wild hornet spider nest on Rayia," laughed Wanda hysterically.  "To think a grown man could sound like that."

"I know," gasped Monique as she wiped tears of mirth from her eyes.

Malcolm stared from the laughing chairs to Kevin with a blank expression.  "Please tell me that," he pointed to the still unconscious Dion.  "Is not my nephew."

Kevin looked up and away from Dion with a playful smirk.  "If I were you I'd plan to find an Ah'Tarian woman that wishes to be a paramour -,"

"Or get married," interrupted Acadia with a soft laugh.

"And have another child," ended Kevin as if Acadia hadn't spoken.  "Because that man," chuckled Kevin as he wiped his bloodied hand on a towel handed to him by Anthony.  "Is definitely your nephew Mark."

"Oh gods on high," groaned Malcolm. Malcolm dejectedly reclined into his seat.  "My spare has risen from the grave and turns out to be a full blown sissy man."

"Congratulations," called Lucas with a wave.  "Your spare has returned alive and," Lucas looked at the unconscious man on the floor a smiled hovered over his lips.  "For the most part - well!"

"Shut it," growled Malcolm.  He rose and walked over to stare down at Dion.  "I call foul!  This, this thing cannot be my nephew."  Malcolm waved toward Dion angrily.  "His power level is like 50 or 51!"

"When he regains consciousness I will remove the stone and we'll see what that does," smiled Kevin.  Kevin tossed the bloodied towel in the air and without a sound it started to fade away. Kevin released small sigh full of questions as it finally disappeared. "I believe this shirt is ruined though," pouted Kevin at the dark blood stains.

"Excuse me for bleeding on your shirt," snapped Sebastian as he attempted to rise to his feet.  "But I couldn't stop myself after being punched through the chest TWICE!"

"Don't be such a baby," admonished Anthony as he walked over to Sebastian with a new gray shirt.

Sebastian weakly pulled away from Kevin and snatched the shirt.  "Whatever!  Let him plunge that big ass fist of his through your chest twice!"  Sebastian turned toward the exit, his brown eyes flashed silver as he glared at Kevin.  "Fucking lunatics!"

"Don't be like that," laughed Anthony as he followed behind Sebastian with a chuckle.

"Loon a task," repeated Jacob as if he were testing the word.  He rose slowly and stared at the door, "I need to go ask Sebastian what that means.  Ebony calls me that every once and a while."

Acadia covered her mouth to hide a laugh as her eyes filled with tears of mirth, "She calls you that and you never looked it up?"

"I tried once but I didn't know how to translate it into Ah'Tarian," frowned Jacob.  "Can you tell me what it means," he asked.  His eyes circled the silent table before he frowned, "Do anyone beside my mom, Kaelen and Kevin know what it means.

Malcolm shrugged as he poked Dion with the tip of his polished tan boot. "I believe it means sutekina*," mumbled Malcolm.

"Yeah that right," exclaimed Acadia as she patted Jacob's hand and pulled him back into the seat. "Right Kaelen?"

"That's correct," mumbled Kaelen, not listening, his angry glare still on Dion.

"Kevin," smiled Monique, "I believe you should get the stone from Dion while he's still unconscious. I don't think he can mentally or physically stand the shock of having you do that."

Kevin pouted, "But what fun is that?"

"Just do it," sighed Isaiah as he waved a hand toward Dion. "Do it now so we don't have to hear the gods damn scream again!" Isaiah grabbed his head and shook it as he stared at Joshua, "Could you believe that shįt though?"

"Nope," responded Joshua with a shake of his brown haired head. "I had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't a woman or child screaming like a little bįtch."

"Just wow," sighed Celeste as she watched both man continue to chuckle and make fun of Dion's scream as Anthony and Sebastian left. "I'm fairly sure if he wasn't Malcolm's nephew he'd be over here talking about him too."

Acadia giggled, "You and I both know they'll be talking about it tonight over drinks."

Celeste nodded in agreement with Acadia. "Kevin do you think that removing the stone will give Mar-Dion his power level back?"

Kevin kneeled next to Dion and sent his fist through his chest.  His fingers touched and probed around the stone gently.  He fixed the damage to Dion's chest as he pulled the multi-facet red, yellow and green stone out of his chest.

Kevin wiped the blood from the stone in his other sleeve with a frown. "This one has been in him for decades."

"They tried to siphon his powers to someone else," thought Jacob out loud.

Kevin nodded as he stood up, "That's my guess as well."

"I wonder how many attempts they made," asked Lucas as Kevin placed the stone on the viewer so the council could get a better look.

"I'm going to go with four," responded Kevin.  He pointed to the three colors of the stones.  "Each color embedded in the stone represents a different attempt to improve it and make it function correctly."

Malcolm rose from his position of checking Dion's pulse and shook his head.  "Why isn't he coming too?"

Kevin pursed his lips as he considered the question before he answered, "I thought it best he remains unconscious while his body stabilized."

"Stabilize," asked Chanel and Tyrese in unison.

"Yes," responded Kevin.  "After the stone was removed his power level will go back to what is normal."

"Ah," laughed Monique, "and we wouldn't want any mishaps."

"No we wouldn't," nodded Kevin.

Malcolm sat in his chair with a weary huff, "What about Sebastian?"

Kevin pointed to the stone on the reader, "That stone was only a siphon meant to tap an unending supply of power.   It went and was stored in Sebastian's stone."

"So you're saying," interrupted Malcolm.

"It would take something enormous for Sebastian to deplete the power he was given," responded Kevin.

"Like," asked Acadia, her voice full of curiosity.

"Like him trying to destroy four galaxies at once while fighting a million soldiers."

"Wow," sighed Monique.  Her gaze lit up on the stone.  "So both will have the power of one man?"

"In short yes," nodded Kevin.

Malcolm eyes lit up, "Can I have Sebastian?"

Isaiah gave Malcolm a stale face as he shook his head at him.  "He's not a pet."

"But you gave Lucas Kayla," pouted Malcolm.

"Malcolm," sighed Lucas with a dark smile, "why don't we see if he can be trained before you adopt Sebastian and try to name him your heir."

"Fine," grumbled Malcom as he crossed his arms over his chest.  "Kevin train him."

"But I'm a chair above you," whined Kevin.

Malcolm turned to stare at the chair that separated him and Kaelen.  "Fine I'll let your parents know your here so they can-."

"Fine," snapped Kevin.  "I'll try and train him after I've removed that block."

"How long do you think removing that will take," asked Acadia.

"It's old but reinforced," sighed Kevin as he scratched his head.  "It's crumbling a little on its own as well."  Kevin rolled his eyes when he saw the whole table was waiting on his response.  "Give me five days," he grumbled.

"You have five minutes," smiled Isaiah with a malicious chuckle.  "I think you forget I know exactly how fast you can work."

Kevin smacked his lips and walked over to Dion. He poked him with the tip of his boot befit he whispered, "Wake up and remember."

Dion's eyes opened and he stared blindly up at the ceiling of the council's conference room. His body arched off the floor and his light brown eyes and pupils turned a shimmering fluid silver.  His barely contained power was palpable in the air as he convulsed on the floor.

"This is why I said five days," he mumbled acidly to Isaiah.

Isaiah twisted his lips as he pointed toward the man on the floor, "He's fine.  You just wanted to run test on him and Sebastian."

Kevin looked away avoiding the truth of Isaiah’s words.  He knelt down beside Dion and touched his forehead.  "He remembers," mumbled Kevin as he stood up, "so who wants to be the first to ask him questions?"

Monique and Chanel both raised their hands eager for answers.

"Monique," smirked Kevin as he helped an unsteady Dion to his feet.

"What happen on the Cuisinart," asked Monique urgently.  "Is your mother or father still alive?  Did either of them have something to do with what has happened?"

Dion silver eyes landed on Monique as he shook his head, "I was taken by a gray hooded figure.  I believe it was a woman but I never saw her face."

"Why a woman," asked Acadia puzzled.

Dion shrugged, "Even at 11 I could tell the person was too short to be a man."

"Okay," snapped Monique.  "So it could have been Sasha?"

"No," frowned Dion angrily.  "I watched the woman kill my mom and dad with iron rods through their chest."

"Silver rods," repeated Kaelen.  "Why does it matter that it was iron?"

Kevin waved away Kaelen's question, "I'll tell you about that later."

Kaelen face scrunched up as he leaned toward Jacob.  "Isn't all the windows on your house covered with black iron?"

"Yes," smirked Jacob.  "It's to keep," Jacob paused as his smile widened, "bad people out."

"Uh huh," nodded Kaelen unconvinced.  He sighed and dismissed their conversation at that point to continue listening to Monique as she spoke slowly to Dion.

"- the ship exploded," ended Monique sadly.  "Everyone on it was assumed dead."

Dion nodded slowly, "That's all I remember vividly.  Everything else is in bits and pieces."

"You were placed on ice," nodded Kevin as he pressed buttons on his hand held.  "That would explain a few things."

"On ice," repeated Dion questioningly.

"A statis pod," provided Malcolm coldly.  He glared at Dion, "So you have the skills to use your powers of an 11 year old child."

Dion shrugged, "I guess."

Malcolm rose from his chair and pointed at Dion, "Kevin!  For the love of all the gods in the sky wave a hand and fix that."

Kevin smirked, "That's not something I can fix over night."  Kevin sighed as he looked Dion up and down, "It will take training and practice."  He turned to look at Kaelen.

"No," snapped Kaelen before Kevin could say anything.

"But I hadn't said anything yet," whined Kevin.

"The answer is still no," replied Kaelen stubbornly. "I do not want him anywhere near Xara."

Kevin frowned darkly at Kaelen before he spoke with finality, "You will assist me in training him."

Kaelen crossed his arms over his chest and frowned, "He's not staying at my house."

"No," agreed Kevin.  "He'll stay with his uncle.


*Nice in Japanese

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