Aikatsu Dreams!

By Jarthy9091

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Hana Tachibana was a normal first-year student in middle school until her life changed when she met Japan's t... More

Chapter 1: Entering the World of Idols - Part 1
Chapter 2: Entering the World of Idols - Part 2
Chapter 3: Idol Lessons
Chapter 4: The Shining Shooting Star
Chapter 5: A Chance to Fly
Chapter 6: Under the Spotlight
Chapter 7: A Summer Day Dream
Chapter 8: Miyuki's Cheer
Chapter 9: Top Star Life
Chapter 10: A New Dream Blooms
Chapter 11: The Grand Announcement
Chapter 12: A Dance in the Sky
Chapter 13: Dark Heart
Chapter 15: Aikatsu Beach Party
Chapter 16: Tropical Adventure
Chapter 17: The Test of Truth
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: United Together
Chapter 20: A Gem in the Rough
Chapter 21: The Light of the Rose Quartz!
Chapter 22: Escaping Perfection
Chapter 23: A Skylight at the End of the Tunnel
Chapter 24: Guiding Star
Chapter 25: Academy Princess
Chapter 26: Seeing the Future
Chapter 27: Snow in Summer
Chapter 28: Dreaming of Stars
Chapter 29: A Stressful Show
Chapter 30: The Star-Studded Show
Chapter 31: Lost in Tokyo
Chapter 32: A Finale of Miracles
Chapter 33: Wings of My Own Colour

Chapter 14: Chef Miyuki

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By Jarthy9091

It was a calm and quiet morning at Top Star Academy, the summer sun was brilliantly glowing in the sky, providing a gentle warmth throughout the world. Akira and Tori began strolling through the courtyard outside the dormitory, heading towards the cafeteria building adjacent to them.

"It's such a lovely morning," Tori commented as they walked along the stone pavement, passing by the well-tended gardens. Akira took a deep breath in of the morning air, smiling sweetly.

"Agreed, it such a nice day and it's only just begun." The two idols stopped suddenly, surprised at what was ahead of them. "Is that a line?" Akira pointed out what seemed to be a line of academy students, waiting to get into the cafeteria.

"Um, excuse me?" Tori asked the next student waiting in line. It was a first-year with curly brown hair tied back and a shy demeanour. "Is there something wrong, is everyone waiting to be served?" she asked.

"Yes, apparently the regular chef is stuck in traffic and hasn't been able to make it in yet," the idol explained.

"That's crazy, surely there is another chef or staff member who can serve breakfast," Akira tried suggesting.

"We've already reported the issue to Ms. Yasoku but according to her, the academy chef is the only one with a key to the cafeteria building and the other copy is in the administration building. She said she would try and get her hands on it but that was twenty minutes ago."

"So, everyone is waiting here for her to return, but even if she let us in, who's going to prepare breakfast?" Tori pondered. A collective stomach growl stretched the through the line of idols.

"Morning girls, what's going on?" a bright, cheery voice called out.

"Oh, good morning Hana," Tori said as her friend joined them in the line. "We're just trying to figure out the situation for ourselves." After a brief explanation, Hana came to understand what was occurring.

"No way! But breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A growing girl can't just ignore it," she declared, her stomach now rumbling too. By this time, the line waiting had extended dramatically, and the teachers still had not returned. There were cries of desperation as the students begged for a solution. "That's it, I can't stand by any longer, let's go!" Hana shouted. Grabbing both Akira and Tori by the hands, Hana forced her way past the line, a strong determined expression branded across her face.

"Hana, what are you doing?" Akira asked, confused by her friend's attitude.

"Yeah, it's locked," Tori reiterated. Hana now stood before the cafeteria's large double doors. They were definitely locked tight and the only other way to open them would be to use the key. The line of students was now also interested in what the first-year was planning to do, even the third-year seniors were hoping the young idol would come up with a solution. Hana examined the door's lock and ruffled through her uniform pocket and pulled out a fancy silver key.

"Is that—"

"No way—" Akira and Tori both questioned. Hana inserted the key into the lock, rotating it effortlessly until a loud clicking noise resonated. With a happy smile, Hana pushed the doors wide open and turned around to face everyone, shocked at their wild expressions.

"WHAT?!" all the students screamed.

"You have a key?" Tori asked, surprised at this revelation. Hana smiled as she showed everyone the silver key.

"Well, I shared my rose tea recipe with the chef, and he liked it so much he said I could come and make it anytime I wanted, so he had a copy of the key made for me," Hana explained. Before anyone could question the revelation, Hana addressed the hungry students. "Everyone, please come inside, breakfast will be served shortly!" The line of students rushed inside the airconditioned building, sitting down at the fancy tables. "Ok girls, you're with me," she said, grabbing Akira and Tori and pulling them into the kitchen.

"What are we going to do?" Akira asked.

"We're going to make breakfast," Hana answered with passion. She pulled some spare aprons off a hook and handed them to her friends, helping to tie them tightly. "Ok ready?"

"What should we do?" Tori asked, examining all the shiny kitchen appliances.

"Tori, through that door is the walk-in refrigerator. There should be a crate of fresh fruit, can you grab it for me?" Hana suggested. Tori nodded and followed her instruction.

"What about me?" Akira said.

"You can help me by preparing the eggs for cooking." Hana and Akira grabbed the carton of eggs from the small fridge in the kitchen and began cracking and whisking them into a large bowl.

"I didn't realise you knew how to cook so well," Akira revealed. Hana giggled at her friend's observation.

"Thanks, well back home it was traditionally just me and my grandmother whilst dad was away on business. Grandmother taught me how to cook, and I've loved doing it ever since. I've also come up with a few of my own recipes." As they began pouring the eggs into a pot on the stove, Tori returned with the crate full of fruit.

"Help, it's a little heavy," she stuttered, barely able to hold the box of colourful fruits up to her waist. Akira rushed over and held one of the sides, distributing the weight amongst the two.

"Perfect timing, Tori. Can you and Akira take those oranges and begin juicing them with that machine there? Just follow the instructions," Hana explained as she continued stirring the eggs which were now becoming light and fluffy. Tori and Akira placed the crate on the counter and began following the instructions, slicing the oranges in half and letting the machine juice them. By the time they were finished, they had several jugs of fresh orange juice.

"Wow that looks amazing Tori," Akira commented who had been using the other various fruits to prepare colourful and healthy fruit salads.

"Thanks, but those fruit salads look amazing," Tori marvelled at the fresh and colourful watermelon cubes, mango slices and berry garnishes that Akira had made. "Of course, a model would know how to make food look pretty," Tori laughed. Hana turned around, pouring the pot of fluffy scrambled eggs into a large tray ready to serve.

"Ok, you two go and serve what you've made, I'll work on the next phase." Akira and Tori nodded and began moving out to the main dining hall, serving their creations.

"Attention everybody, the chef still hasn't made it in yet, but we've prepared breakfast in his place, please enjoy these and there will be more to come," Tori announced. The two girls began making their way through the tables, pouring the fresh orange juice and providing the students with the healthy, colourful fruit salads.

"Wow this is so cute."

"This juice is delicious!"

"The fruit is so fresh and delicate." The students praise and cheers resonated throughout the hall and suddenly more students started filing in, amazed at the service being provided by the three first-years. After a moment, Akira and Tori emerged from the kitchen with plates of fluffy scrambled eggs, perfectly cooked bacon, buttered toast and grilled tomatoes. Each student received a generous portion and their faces lit up as the immaculate flavours danced on their tongues.

"Akira, Tori can you help me with this please?" Hana called out. The two girls ran back to the kitchen, ready to help their friend, the master chef, with more dishes.


Meanwhile, back in the dormitories, Miyuki found herself slowly waking up. She rose from the bed, stretching and yawning wildly.

"Morning Aki—" she began but she instantly stopped as soon as she realised her friend was not in her bed. "Huh, she's gone already? What time is it?" Miyuki checked her phone which was resting on top of her end table next to her bed. Her eyes instantly widened as she saw the time and the countless alarm notifications that had been snoozed. "EHH? I SLEPT IN AGAIN!" she squealed. Like a flash of lightning, Miyuki raced into the bathroom to have a quick shower before drying off and getting dressed in record time. "Why didn't they wake me?" she asked herself out loud as she tied her hair into her signature plaited pigtails. Suddenly, as she entered the main living room of the suite, she noticed a note stuck to the coffee table.

'Miyuki. We tried waking you up, but you ignored all our attempts. You seriously need a new alarm tone because the one you have puts you deeper into sleep. Anyways, we've gone to breakfast, we'll hopefully see you there. Akira'

"Hmm, they've already gone to breakfast? I wonder if they're still there?" she asked aloud, her stomach rumbling at the thought of breakfast. Ready to catch up with them and enjoy a delicious meal, Miyuki left the dorms and headed towards the cafeteria. As she walked through the courtyard, she began checking her newsfeed on IdolStar. "Huh?" she stopped in her spot as she examined the posts popping up by some of the idols at the academy she followed.

'What a morning! Thanks for the breakfast Hana, Akira and Tori!'

'When the first-years make breakfast. It's a good day!'

'Can you three make breakfast every morning?'

"What did I miss?" Miyuki asked as she scrolled through the photos of all the students enjoying breakfast being served by her friends. As she walked into the cafeteria she was met with cheerful banter amongst the students as they continued to dine on the delicious meals. Suddenly, Tori and Akira raced out to grab empty plates as Hana weaved through the tables pouring a fresh blend of her rose tea to cleanse everyone's palettes.

"Oh, morning Miyuki," Hana said, taking notice of her friend who was now standing in the doorway, enamoured by the spectacle. "Feel free to go into the kitchen, we saved some leftovers for you."

"Uh, thanks Hana," Miyuki entered into the kitchen to find Tori and Miyuki on the floor, exhausted from all their work. "Are you guys ok?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute," Tori begged, panting heavily as she wiped a tea towel across her forehead. Akira was next to her, seemingly also exhausted.

"We left your meal on the table, help yourself," Akira explained. Miyuki approached the counter they had mentioned, and her eyes sparkled as soon as she saw the spread of food awaiting her. Fresh fruit salad, fluffy scrambled eggs and bacon, a sweet cream parfait and freshly made rose tea.

"Oh wow, you guys really made all this?" Miyuki said as she began shovelling spoonsful into her mouth. "Yummy! This is delicious!"

"Well, Hana did most of the work, we just helped and followed her orders," Tori explained. As Miyuki continued to conquer her meal, Hana re-entered the kitchen, collapsing onto her friends whom were too tired to argue in response.

"It's done, everyone has been fed," she sighed.

"You guys look exhausted, have you eaten yet?" Miyuki asked, now finished her food. Akira shook her head slowly.

"We wanted to feed everyone else first." Suddenly, a loud roar echoed throughout the kitchen.

"Ah, what was that?" Miyuki asked, ducking under the kitchenette for safety.

"Sorry, that's me," Hana wailed, clutching her screaming, starving stomach.

"I know, you guys wait outside, I'll make you something as a thank you for all your hard work," Miyuki suggested.

"Are you sure? You really don't have to," Tori asked, too weak to fully contemplate the possibilities.

"Of course, you guys are my friends, let me do this for you!" As if by a miracle, Hana jumped to her feet full of energy, tears of happiness in her eyes.

"We humbly accept your offer, we are grateful for your act of kindness!" she said bowing.

"No problem! Just call me Chef Miyuki!" she smiled. Hana picked her two friends up and pulled them out to the main cafeteria whilst Miyuki remained in the kitchen. "Now let's see, what should I make? Maybe something sweet or would savoury be better? Eh, I'll do both, how hard could it be?" Miyuki began working on creating a meal for her friends putting all her efforts into its creation. However, instead of following a recipe or even really knowing what some of the machines in the kitchen do, she ended up creating a truly unique dish.

By this time, most of the students had already left the cafeteria and were beginning their official idol activities for the day. Tori began checking her phone and noticed the time, informing her friends.

"Wow, we've been here all morning, classes will start in half an hour."

"That's alright, we had fun though," Akira added.

"And besides, now we're being treated to an amazing meal prepared by our friend," Hana reiterated. She began fantasising about the possible meals Miyuki could prepare and the excitement made her belly rumble more intensely.

"Breakfast is served!" Miyuki's energetic voice called out. She exited the kitchen, carrying a silver tray with dishes hidden under small serving domes. She placed each dish in front of her friends whom were eagerly awaiting their chance to feast. "I hope you like it!" she said. The three idols were ready, if they didn't eat soon, they might resort to their primal urges and began devouring anything available. With cutlery at the ready, they waited eagerly as Miyuki removed the lids from the dishes. "Bon Appétit!"

The girls sat there in disbelief, their mouths agape. Unfortunately, their expressions weren't the result of excitement but rather horror.

"Oh, th-thanks Miyuki. U-um wh-what is it?" Hana asked, trying to make out the strange creation before her.

"What do you mean? It's scrambled eggs and bacon with oatmeal as a side dish," she said with confidence and pride.

"I-I see, it's just, I can't tell which is whi—" Akira tried to say before feeling Hana's elbow jab into her ribs, in a desperate attempt to silence her.

"Well go one, try it!" Miyuki encouraged with a delightful smile.

"S-sure," Hana said. Her hands shook wildly as she dug her fork into the scrambled eggs, at least she was convinced the mass of orange-brown lumps was the eggs. She gulped, slowly raising the fork to her mouth. With a final deep breath, her lips closed over the utensil and she began ingesting the food. Tori and Akira watched in horror as their friend began chewing before finally swallowing the mouthful. Suddenly, Hana's eyes widened, tears began streaming down her face as she struggled to keep her mouth shut.

"Wow, you must have really liked it, you're crying," Miyuki marvelled. Hana began shaking her head wildly trying to convince her friend that the meal was delicious but on the inside her soul and stomach were slowly dying, "Well, I'll leave you guys to eat, I should head to class. I'll see you guys later!" Miyuki took off her apron and left the cafeteria, skipping gleefully to class.

There was a moment of pause as the girls waited until their friend was definitely out of earshot until finally—

"AHHH, WATER! WATER!" Hana roared, her eyes now red from the tears she had been trying to hold back. The idol jumped from her chair and cantered to the kitchen, sticking her mouth under the kitchen faucet and praying her tastebuds were not permanently damaged from this traumatic experience.

"How did this happen?" Tori asked, too scared to even look at the dish any longer.

"Is oatmeal meant to be crunchy and should my eggs be moving?" Akira asked, backing away from the table.

"Hana, are you ok?" Tori called out, noticing her normally cheerful friend had gone eerily silent. The door to the kitchen swung open with a strong force. Hana stood in the door frame, her pink hair covering her eyes, her face pale beyond comparison. She was silent until finally, after trying to take a step, she collapsed onto the kitchen floor.

"Ugh, that was not food," she whined as Tori and Akira rushed to her assistance, they too feeling a strange queasiness befalling them.

"I think we should go see the nurse," Akira said as she and Tori helped Hana up, wrapping her arms around them as they hobbled off.

"Guys?" Hana asked weakly. The girls stopped to listen to their friend's weak wish. "Tell my family, I love them," she begged.


Miyuki was eager to meet her friends after class, as she had exciting news she just had to share.

"Girls!" she called out as she spotted them resting on one of the courtyard benches. Her energetic and happy call sent shivers up their spines, the memory of their trauma returning to them.

"He-hey, Mi-Miyuki," Hana stuttered.

"Guess what? I applied for an audition and I might get a ribbon charm out of it!" she explained.

"That's good," Tori said, the news actually making her forget about the incident. "What kind of audition is it?"

"See for yourself!" Miyuki showed her phone to Tori, whom in turn squealed in response.

'Do you have what it takes to be a Top Chef? Looking for contestants to compete in the new project 'Food Prep: Idol Edition!' All who are interested, please apply!'

"Miyuki, you didn't?" Akira begged upon reading the overview.

"I did! After seeing how much you guys liked my food, I thought that I should give it a shot. I've already been selected to compete for tomorrow's shoot!"

"No," Hana gasped.

"Yes!" Miyuki cheered. "I never would have applied for something like this but after seeing how much everyone loved your food and even getting the chance to cook for you guys; I knew I could do it."

"But Miyuki, you can't—" Hana slapped her hand over Akira's mouth and pulled her aside.

"You can't tell her!" she whispered.

"What? Why?"

"If we tell her that her cooking is terrible then it will crush her,"

"And if we don't, she'll fail her audition and potentially poison someone; the nurse said you were lucky to keep your ability to speak." Hana couldn't ignore Akira's rebuttal, after all she was right. After trying to think of something to say, a lightbulb went off in her brain.

"Miyuki, why don't we help you get in some cooking practice before tomorrow," she suggested.

"Oh, that's ok Hana, but after seeing how well I did today, I don't think I'll need it." Hana began panicking, desperately trying to convince Miyuki.

"Yes, your meals were incred-, amaz-, delic—" she tried to say as many compliments as possible, but her heart could not let her lie and her stomach was not ready to forgive and forget. Finally, she arrived at an appropriate and accurate remark. "Your meals were certainly unique, but don't you think it would be better if you practiced your cooking a little bit more?"

"Why do I need to practice?" she asked bluntly, her normal tone now darker and harsh.

"U-um because, Tori what do you think?" Hana asked quickly shifting the attention off of herself.

"Well, um, maybe if you practiced cooking some different dishes, you would be ready for any challenge." Miyuki paused for a moment before finally speaking.

"Actually, that's a good idea, yeah let's go practice." She began skipping off towards the cafeteria as her friends trailed behind her, the only thought on their mind was would they be able to survive another cooking session?


"Is everyone ok?" Tori asked as she put out the last of the fire. In the corner of the kitchen, Akira and Hana clung to each other whilst Miyuki stood at the kitchen counter, completely in shock.

"Yeah, I'm ok but Miyuki what happened?" Hana desperately asked. "I thought you said you had everything under control."

"I did!" she responded defensively.

"How did you set ice-cream on fire?!?" Akira asked in confusion.

"I don't know, I was scooping into the bowl like you said and then—"

"I know what happened!" she shouted back. Hana turned to face Akira who was clearly getting annoyed by all the mishaps they had encountered since beginning their practice.

"Calm down, we still have time," she whispered.

"No, we don't! This is ridiculous!"

"What is?" Miyuki asked in confusion. Hana sighed before approaching Miyuki, she knew that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep up the act.

"Miyuki, I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner."

"Tell me what?"

"You can't cook." Miyuki went silent before looking at Tori and Akira who shared similar nervous expressions as Hana did.

"What? No, sure since we began, I've made a few clumsy mistakes but this morning you guys liked my meal. Right?" The silence in the kitchen only reassured the answer she didn't want to hear. "Oh, so you didn't like it. You lied to me?"

"No, we didn't mean to, we just didn't want to hurt your feelings," Hana tried to explain. "You were so happy to have made something for us and we couldn't take that away from you, so we pretended to like it. But once you told us you applied for a cooking event, we knew we had to try and help you otherwise we were afraid you would fail and get embarrassed."

"Well, too late," Miyuki muttered as she ran out of the kitchen, tears trickling down her face.

"Wait, come back," Hana called out; but her friend was gone. "Did we do the right thing? Because it feels like we didn't."


That night, Miyuki refused to even speak to the girls, choosing to lock herself in her room. Akira had to sleep on the sofa and Hana and Tori slept on the floor to keep her company; they wanted to be ready to see Miyuki as she left for the audition. As Miyuki woke up, she checked her phone to see the notification that the driver would meet her shortly as well as countless messages from her friends begging for forgiveness.

"I should probably get going," she muttered to herself. She took a quick shower and got dressed before entering the main living room and seeing her friends strewn across the space, still asleep. However, Hana was noticeably absent. "Hmm, she didn't have an audition this morning. Where is she?" Miyuki didn't bother dwelling on the details, she quickly raced off to the cafeteria to get in some breakfast before heading off. As she pulled the door to their dorm closed, Akira and Tori slowly opened their eyes.

"Do you think it'll work?"

"I hope so."

The morning sun hid behind the clouds, casting an eerie dull light onto the academy grounds. Miyuki headed towards the cafeteria, which was seemingly empty as it was still quite early for most of the other students to be up. There was a gentle aroma that was familiar to Miyuki wafting in the air as the entered the building.

"Morning chef, what's cooking?" she asked as she approached the window that peered into the kitchen. Surprisingly, the regular chef wasn't there, instead slaving over the stove was Hana. "Hana?" Miyuki asked in surprise, entering the kitchen to see her friend.

"Oh, good morning Miyuki, breakfast will be ready soon." Miyuki watched as Hana carefully prepared her ingredients and delicately cooked them at each of their stations. It was mesmerising as the young idol commanded the kitchen like a true professional.

"I've never actually seen you cook before," Miyuki stated.

"Do you want to help?"

"Why, so I can mess it up and embarrass myself?" she fought back. Hana lowered her eyes, ashamed of how she handled things.

"I'm sorry we lied, I thought if we told you how we really felt, it would hurt your feelings."

"You guys are my best friends, you should know that you can be honest with me. Keeping it a secret like that hurt me more than the truth ever could."

"I know, it was wrong of us," Hana apologised before returning to the stove.

"What are you making anyways?" Miyuki asked, enamoured by the smell emanating from the pot.

"Curry, more specifically my special 'I'm sorry for lying about how bad your cooking was' curry."

"Is it a regular recipe?"

"I hope I only ever have to make it once," Hana explained. She put her hands into the padded blue mitts and moved the curry off the heat, giving it a final stir and adding some final spices and seasoning. "You know, whenever my dad was away and grandmother was too busy with the store, I would occasionally go and cook. I was horrible when I first started, grandmother scolded me for a week after I ruined her good pan."

"Where are you going with this?" Miyuki asked as Hana began plating the curry with a fresh batch of cooked rice.

"Well, grandmother said that cooking is not just a chore or something you do but rather it's a way of sharing your love. Instead of trying to make something delicious and not knowing what I'm doing, I should go slow and put my heart into it. It might not taste good to begin with but as long as I had fun and cooked with all my love, then it was all worth it. I'm sorry I forgot to do that for you." Finally, Hana pushed the plate of curry towards Miyuki. The rich brown sauce with cubes of perfectly cooked meat begged to be eaten as the white rice created an aesthetic yet balanced opposition. Miyuki took a spoon and gently scooped up a portion, making sure to include every ingredient possible. She placed the spoonful in her mouth and began tearing up.

"Wow, my food really does suck in comparison to this, huh? This is amazing" Hana laughed at this as she ran over to hug her friend. "I'm sorry for how I reacted, I guess I just wanted to be good at something you guys were and got a little sensitive when it wasn't working out. Maybe I should cancel my audition..."

"No, I believe you can do it. As long as you put your whole heart into it, I know you'll win in the end." A message tone separated their thoughts; it was the driver confirming Miyuki's car was ready. "Go, we'll be cheering you on!"

"Thanks, I think I know what I'm going to make!"


On the set of the cooking show, Miyuki was to face off against an idol from another idol school. Even though this idol wasn't competing for a ribbon charm, Miyuki was desperate to win. The idols had thirty minutes to prepare a dish of their choosing using the ingredients available to them. Miyuki knew she had to remember what Hana said and cook with her heart. She began steaming some rice in the provided rice cooker, stirring it every couple of minutes to help reduce stickiness. She then brought a pot to boil and began adding vegetables and sliced meat into the pot before adding a flavour stock and creating an aromatic broth.

"It doesn't smell like Hana's, but this is my take," she said. As the clock began to count down, the other idol worked flawlessly at preparing and plating her chosen dish, multitasking to the best of her ability. Whilst Miyuki, opted for a simpler approach, choosing to give her attention to one station at a time to ensure each ingredient received her love.

Finally, the buzzer went off and the host of the show signalled for the idols to finish.

"That's it, time is up!" he announced. "Now, before our judges taste each of these dishes, our contestants will delight our audience and the viewers at home to a special performance!"

Miyuki's competition dazzled on stage, her mature and feminine aura captivating the audience and once she accepted her praise – it was Miyuki's turn. She stood outside the provided change room as she examined her Aikatsu cards. She prayed that her performance could show the love and energy she had and that she tried putting into her meal.

"Miyuki Jorutta; cheering for you!"

The space transformed into the 'Happy Field Stage' and out of a glittering portal of light, Miyuki appeared in her 'Bright Energy Coord'. She smiled proudly as her neon coloured coord captivated all.

The studio audience as well as the streamers on IdolStar cheered with excitement as the idol was ready to perform. At Top Star Academy, Hana, Tori and Akira sat together, sending their love and wishes in spirit. As she took a deep breath in, Miyuki smiled and began to perform with all the energy she could muster.

'Smile! Smile! Smile!

The world needs you to:

Smile! Smile! Smile!

No frowns today!

Smile! Smile! Smile!

For me, like this:

Smile! Smile! Smile!

I'll make you HAPPY!

As she danced and cheered, Miyuki smiled as her Idol Aura manifested, the yellow glow and glitter around her as well as the multicolored confetti rained down and added to the level of hype and excitement.

Today's a special day,

Wanna know what?

I'm gonna make you smile,

And you will see:

The colours will be brighter,

Your heart will fill with light.

I promise just one smile,

Will change your whole world!

Even if you feel like the world is against you,

A smile will get you through!

I'm sure you know how,

Just one for me now,

Grin from ear to ear and that's how you:

Once Miyuki entered the chorus, she felt herself filling to the brim with energy and couldn't contain her excitement. The stage became surrounded in an explosion of light as she performed her special appeal 'Glowing Cheer'. The colorful and shining pompoms lit up the darkness and before long the stage returned to normal as she continued to sing.

Smile! Smile! Smile!

The world needs you to:

Smile! Smile! Smile!

No frowns today!

Smile! Smile! Smile!

For me, like this:

Smile! Smile! Smile!

I'll make you HAPPY!

Smile! Smile! Smile!

I'll make you laugh

Smile! Smile! Smile!

And now you're good.

Smile! Smile! Smile!

That's all I want

Smile! Smile! Smile!

You make me HAPPY!

La la la,

La la la,

La la la

I'll make you HAPPY!

La la la,

La la la,

La la la,

Your smile makes me HAPPY!

Miyuki struck a final pose as the crowd cheered and the IdolStar viewers flooded the server with comments of praise and support. The ASI began to vanish and Miyuki returned to normal as the cooking competition entered prepared for its climax.

"That was an amazing performance from both of our competitors, but now it is time to find out the results of this competition. Our judges have tried both of dishes and have come to a conclusion. Let's find out who the winner is!"


"I'm sorry you didn't win," Hana said as Miyuki sat down on the dorm sofa.

"It's ok, I did the best I could!" she said in response, her voice still bubbly and full of energy.

"Well I thought you did amazingly, the judges even said that your curry was made with love," Tori added.

"Thank you, although I guess one simple curry isn't enough to beat whatever it was that other idol made," Miyuki laughed.

"I don't even know what it was, or even how to pronounce it," Akira joked. The girls laughed amongst themselves until Miyuki felt her phone ring.

"Huh?" Her eyes widened as she observed a glittering orange ribbon with a copper emblem manifest on the lace circle of the 'Grand Prix' app. "But I lost. I don't understand." Her confusion was then broken as she received a message from the headmaster.

'Miyuki, I am sure you are confused as to why you received a ribbon charm after failing your gig. The producers and judges of the cooking competition were so enamoured by your dedication and passion to creating a meal with all your heart that they would like you to star in an online series where you learn and then teach people how to cook with love. After hearing this, feedback I think it's only fair that you be rewarded for your hard work. Congratulations!'

"Wow, way to go Miyuki! Now we all have one ribbon charm each!" Hana cheered.

"Thanks guys we're getting so close! Let's all do our best!" she cheered.

"Hey Miyuki, there's another part to the headmaster's message," Tori noticed. Miyuki quickly scrolled down and read the last passage aloud.

'PS. Please refrain from setting the kitchen on fire from now on. Honestly, how you managed to allow ice-cream to spontaneously combust is beyond me.'

Miyuki went silent as she finished reading before exploding into a fit of laughter, her friends joining in too. They had repaired and strengthened their bond as well as gotten one step closer to becoming true idols.


Next Chapter Synopsis:

Chapter 15: Aikatsu Beach Party

"It's Claire Kurioshi's birthday and to celebrate she's holding a fun celebration at a private beach resort for all the Top Star Idols. The Summer sun is shining, the idols are excited to have some time to relax and spend time with their esteemed Top Idol. But for Claire, she seems to never stop working..."

PS. Art is owned by me and drawn by ekidoki, if you want to use my art, you need my permission. Thank You

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