Piece Of Art (Devan Key x Rea...

By co1eywo1ey

32.6K 792 874

I decided since I didn't finish my other one, I can do a short book with maybe.. 30 or more parts?? I will tr... More

Art Class
Tomorrow pt 1
Tomorrow pt 2
Movie Night
Bullies(haters back off) pt 1
Bullies pt 2
Bullies pt 3!!
The REAL confession(cliffhanger)
The REAL confession pt 2
Girlfriend tag/q&a
Second-first date ❤️
Meeting your parents pt 1
A/n (rant)
About that rant
Meeting your parents pt 2
I'm so late..(please read)
You what?
A/N important (about my schedule)
Idek, he's cute
Picture perfect
PLEASE read!!!|| a/n
Short story || Devan's reaction to you turning into a boy
Important, please read || A/N
Picture perfect pt 2
Late shoutouts!! 😬
Read this if you want to me to follow you or give you a shoutout. (Instructions)
Random lil' update

Alone time

983 22 75
By co1eywo1ey

(Up above is one of the most awkward pictures I've ever taken of myself 😂)

I thought this book should 'get somewhere' if you know what I mean? 😂 now that they know they love each other I was thinking they could at least get a little closer. So.. yeah! Enjoy!
Oh, quick spoiler, they may not have known each other for very long, but they don't just get a little closer.

⚠️mature themes(smut) and swearing⚠️

Word count: 3494 (sorry if you read this hoping there were more words 😂 Idk how I didn't see that)


Devan's POV(a.. week later?)

I run around the house waiting for y/n to come home with our take out. Why am I so excited? Oh, well, I'm planning on giving y/n the best weekend she'll ever have! It'll just be the two of us, and we'll do romantic things. We'll also have so much fun! She has no idea what she's coming home to.

The door creaks open as I'm buying something online. Y/n's home!
I run to the door and greet her with a kiss. "Welcome home babe."

"Why are you so energetic? And, I've only been gone for about 20 minutes!" She laughs and walks towards the counter. "I got us Chinese."

"Yum, thanks." I jog to the counter and sit beside y/n. She passes me my lunch and I dig in immediately.

"What are you planning?" She asks suspiciously. She's on to me! Perfect. Wait, no.

"I'm not planning anything." I keep stuffing rice in my face.

"Are you feeling alright then?" She touches my forehead gently and I blush. Why does y/n have to be so nice? Aghhh, I can't handle the cuteness!

"I'm fine!" I let out a squeak. Y/n takes her hand off my forehead and laughs. She starts eating her food as I sit there blushing.

"At least I know you're just malfunctioning. This is normal in the Key household." Y/n says with a mouth full of food.

"Wow, you've been living here so long you've found us out! Take cover!" I jump off my chair and run behind the counter.

"I'll get ya!" Y/n tackles me and we both lay there laughing. "Now let me eat my lunch you chicken nugget."

"Awe!" If I keep acting like this she might forget about my plan.

~time skip~

We're both done our lunch and I've gone back to buying stuff online for our weekend. So far I've gotten a ton of rose petals, like the confession video. And I have a reservation for tomorrow night at the fanciest restaurant I could find. If y/n doesn't like this we may have just gone broke. And it wasn't worth it. If she loves it like I know she will, I've spent this money wisely!

Your POV

I'm sitting on the couch watching f/s while also watching Devan. He's been using his phone for most of the time that I've been home. It's honestly starting to get on my nerves. He usually doesn't ignore me, that must mean he really is up to something.
I need a plan to get him off his phone so he can hang out with me instead! Now that we're dating I constantly want his affection. And attention.

I crawl across the couch to him and poke his cheek. He jumps and backs up to the other side.

"W-what are you doing? I'm busy right now y/n. Sorry." Devan looks at me guiltily.

"What are you so busy with? You can't possibly be busy enough to not hang out with me! Your girlfriend!" I whine and hope he puts his phone down.

"I wasn't planning on telling you yet but, what I'm doing is for you y/n. No more details. I'm not spoiling." He winks at me and looks back at his phone.

"Really? How sweet! I think..."

"You'll love it! Just wait." Devan smiles. "You might even love it more than you love me!"

"But is that possible?" I smile and feel my cheeks heat up.

"Maybe. Now, I'll just need a few more minutes. Or hours." Devan whispers the last part just quiet enough for me to hear him only a tiny bit.

"Okay.." I go back to my original spot on the couch and keep watching f/s.

I wonder what Devan is planning. It's got to be special if he's spending so much time on it. Where did I find him? Actually, how did I find him? I guess I'm just really lucky to love art. And to live in the same area as him and Collins.

Devan's POV

I finish buying everything for our date about an hour after y/n asked when I'll finish. She's gone to my room. Since I'm finally finished, I can tell her about the morning tomorrow. We actually have to wake up for my very special breakfast. Devan style!

I walk to my room quickly and open the door. Y/n is laying on my bed using her laptop. She seems to be enjoying whatever she's doing because she doesn't notice me.

"Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe—," I annoy her until she closes her laptop, jumps off the bed over to me and kisses my lips to shut me up.

"What?" We break apart.

"I'm done planning that thing for you. Or more specifically, our date." I smirk and she smiles at me excitedly.

"What are we doing?!" Y/n asks eagerly.

"You'll see tomorrow morning. That's just the beginning." I kiss her cheek and start walking out the door to make my plans mysterious. Which didn't work.

"Wait!" Y/n stops me from walking out the door. That was my moment!


"What's for dinner?" She asks.

"It's 3:00!"

~time skip to tomorrow morning~

I wake up at 8:00 am and get out of bed quietly, trying not to disturb y/n. She's sleeping so peacefully, it'd be rude to wake her. I haven't even set up our morning yet. All the food for breakfast is bought. Now I just need to cook it before she wakes up. I've decided to make a Devan special. Which are heart shaped, butterscotch waffles with whipped cream and raspberries on top.

I run to the kitchen and start cooking the waffles. Not long later, y/n comes out to the kitchen yawning.

"Good morning love." I say as I notice her walk in.

"Morning Devan. What are you cooking?" She asks curiously. "It smells delicious."

"I'm making a Devan special for the beginning of our date. Butterscotch waffles with caramel and raspberries. Oh and don't forget the whipped cream." I continue making our breakfast as she walks over and sits at the counter.

"Wow." She leans over the counter to watch me cook. "So what else are we doing today?"

"I can't tell you everything, but after breakfast put something nice on and we'll walk around the park. How does that sound?"

"Sounds fun. If you don't mind, could I take a shower after breakfast?"

"Of course. I'm almost done." I finish making the waffles and place them on the counter in front of y/n. She grabs her phone out of nowhere and takes a picture of the Devan special.

Y/n takes her first bite and her eyes immediately brighten up. "Can we have this everyday?" She says muffled by the food in her mouth.

"It's too unhealthy for every morning, but I can make it occasionally if you'd like." I laugh and take a bite of mine.

"Sounds good! I love you!" She starts eating the waffles again.

Your POV
~finished waffles~

I kiss Devan on the cheek once our plates are in the sink and run to the bathroom for a quick shower. Today is going to be really fun! A walk in the park sounds romantic the way Devan describes it. I can't wait much longer! If I take a quick shower I won't have to wait much longer!

I turn the shower on and start taking my clothes off. Once I'm naked(😂😉) I step in the shower and start using the shower how showers are supposed to be used...? (I wasn't sure how to write that sentence lmao)

~toom skoop~

My shower is finished and I'm getting a dress on in Devan's room. It's a pretty white sundress covered in f/c flowers. (Sorry if you hate colourful things. Because SAME) When it's on I walk over to the mirror and look at the dress on me. I sigh and try not to feel depressed or anxious as I walk out to the kitchen to greet Devan again.

He's sitting on the stool wearing a tuxedo shirt and black shorts. When did he even change though?! How long was I in the shower for?

"Hi. I'm ready." I get his attention. Devan smiles and looks me up and down.

"Beautiful..." He says under his breath. I blush and cross my arms over my chest.

"Come on Devan." I tilt my head.

"Okay love. Let's go to the park!" He jumps up, grabs my hand and pulls me out the door.

"Ahh! Devan!" I laugh as we run to the park.

He let's go of my hand when we get there and says, "You're it."

"Are you a child?!" I laugh even more.

Devan runs away from me as I chase him around the park. He's pretty fast compared to me. At first I thought I would never catch him, but then I did. I tag him and run away.
He sprints after me and I try my best to sprint away from him. Luckily I chose to wear vans instead of heels today.

Devan finally catches up to me, grabs my waist, picks me up and spins in a circle with me in his arms. We laugh as he puts me down and turns my face towards his. We kiss passionately while still giggling a little from before. Then he picks a pretty flower and puts it behind my ear.

"This is really fun Devan. What else did you plan today? This is perfect, I don't know why we'd need anything else!" I exclaim happily. I've never been on such a fun date before. My love life wasn't the best to be completely honest.

"Well, I guess I can tell you the next part." Devan smiles.

"Ooh, yes!" I wait patiently for him to tell me.

"I've gotten us a reservation at that restaurant you've always been wanting to go to."

"No.. you didn't! That's like the most expensive restaurant in America!"

"And we're going tonight!"

"I love you!" I hug him as hard as I can. "Now I need nice clothes for tonight!" I panic.

"I think that tight black dress you own is pretty fancy." Devan winks.

"How do you even know about that?!" I feel my face go red.

"I've been looking through your stuff..." He admits. My face turns into a tomato and I hold in a laugh. "Let's go get popsicles and we can shop a bit before dinner."

"Sounds good."

~time skip to at the restaurant~

Devan ended up persuading me to wear the tight black dress. I feel a little bit uncomfortable with people staring at me, but other than that I'm just excited to eat. Devan is wearing a black tuxedo with a black bow tie.

The restaurant is fancy as hell. Every table has a beautiful golden chandelier above it. The floor is black wood, and the walls are marble with golden patterns. Not to mention the chairs are probably the most comfortable chairs I've been seen at a restaurant. And they're still slaying. (When chairs beat your girl at dressing up)

Devan and I wait to be seated. A hostess walks over and asks, "do you have a reservation?"

"Yes. It's under the name Key." Devan answers.

"Okay... follow me please."

We follow the hostess to a table beside a window in a separate room from everyone else. There's a large cushioned bench that Devan and I both sit on beside each other.

"Here are some menus and your waitress will be here in a few minutes." She walks out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Devan! This is so nice! Our own room too?! How could you afford that?!" I get really excited all of a sudden.

"Well, if you want the truth. YouTube and selling art." Devan smiles.

Before I could say anything else the waitress walks in and asks if we'd like any drinks. I look at Devan and give him a face that says, "price limit?" He shakes his head slightly and I smile.

"We'll have a bottle of wine please." I ask politely.

"Red or white?" The waitress asks.

"White please."

"Okay. I'll be right back with the wine." The waitress walks out of the room and shuts the door.

"So, honest opinions on our date so far?" Devan asks.

"It's been lovely. I'd give it over 9000."

"Would you yeet it?" Devan's chuckles.

"I'll yeet you if you keep doubting your plans." I laugh.

We start looking through the menu and decide on what we're having.

The waitress comes back with our wine and two glasses. She places them gently on the table and gets a pad of paper and a pen out.

"Are you ready to order?" She asks.

"Yes. I'll have the steak please." Devan asks.

"I'll have f/f/f (favourite fancy food) please."

"Alright." She grabs our menus and heads out to get our meals.

Devan and I open the wine and poor it into each glass.

"To this awesome date!" I say loudly.

"To this awesome date." Devan repeats and we clink our glasses.

I take a sip of the wine. It's definitely wine. That's for sure.

~time skip because I'm LAZYYYY~

The waitress places our food on the table and exits the room.

"This looks so good!" I drool.

"Should we take pictures?" Devan asks and opens his phone camera.

"Of course. Selfie first!" Devan holds his phone out facing us. We both smile and take the selfie. Then we decide to take another one where we're kissing. Devan takes the photo and then we take photos of the food and post everything on Instagram.

"Let's eat." Devan puts his phone away.

Devan's POV
~time skip to after dinner, at home~

Now, my favourite part of the date. I make sure y/n is occupied with her beloved anime for a few minutes as I set up the last part.

I run to our room and scatter rose petals around. Along with candles on the bedside tables. Then I dim the lights. She's going to love this. It's going to be hard to explain what it's for though. That's where body language comes in handy.

"Y/n! Come to my room please!"

"Okay!" I hear her footsteps come down the hallway as I stand in front of the bed in my tux holding some roses.

She opens the door slowly and looks around the room. Then at me.

"D-Devan..." she blushes.

"Here you go my love." I pass her the roses. She takes them and stares at them for a few seconds. Then she places them on the bedside table far enough away from a candle.

Your POV

I look at Devan as he walks towards me and places his hands on my waist.

"Y/n." He says in a low voice.

"Would you like to um.. yknow, tonight?" He loses his sexy vibe and asks the question awkwardly. I laugh and look up at him.

"Yes. Y-Yes I would." I answer and my face turns red.

A/n: if you don't like smut or anything like that then you will probably want to skip this. I'll put this emoji, (⚠️) when it's done. Just look out for that when you scroll through this part.

Devan pushes me up against the wall and kisses me passionately. He lifts my left leg up and puts my knee on his side right above his hip, while holding my thigh.

"D-Devan?" I say softly.

"Yes?" He looks into my eyes.

"Can we move off the wall?" I ask awkwardly and he let's go of my leg.

He suddenly picks me up, puts my legs around his waist and carries me over to the bed. He puts me down gently on top of some of the flower petals and starts kissing my neck. I feel him sucking on it and leaving love bites.

I let out a quiet moan and cover my mouth with my hand.

"That was so cute. I want to hear it again." Devan takes my hand off of my mouth and pins it on the bed above my head with his hand.

I try my best to kick of my vans without stopping Devan from kissing me.

He pulls down one of the straps of my dress and starts kissing my collarbone, down to just above my breast. (This is so awkward to write. I'll probably skip the actual fucking part 😂)

"Wait, Devan. I'll make this easier for you." I sit up and take a deep breath before pulling my dress off over my head.

He takes a moment to look at me and then pushes me back onto the bed and part kissing every part of my chest and stomach. Leaving hickeys in random spots.

"You're beautiful." He says huskily.

Devan attempts to unhook my bra and fails. Or well, he's still struggling.
I laugh and help unhook it for him. He laughs a little bit and throws my bra across the room. Devan fondles my breasts and kisses one. Switching between both.

I let out many quiet moans through out this. Devan is surprisingly good at this for his first time. It's mine too though...

Devan moves down to just above the elastic of my panties.

"Wait. This isn't fair." I stop him before he goes any farther.

"Huh?" His eyes are filled with lust as he looks up at me.

"It's my turn now." I push him off me and flip us over so I'm on top.

He blushes as I take his shirt off and unbutton his jeans.

I'm sorry I can't write this lmao. Let's just say you gave him a blowjob and he E N J O Y E D it.

Devan is back on top and he's gotten a lot more aggressive. He quickly pulls off my panties which surprises me and I close my legs without thinking.

"Are you ready?" Devan grabs the condom and rips it open with his teeth.

"Y-yeah. Put it in." I whine.

He um you know. Does that and it feels good...? But first it hurts like hell.

The awkwardness is REAL, so I'm skipping this. Sorry! 😂


Devan and I lay down under the covers after we finish, feeling really tired. But not too tired.

"Wow." I say breathlessly.

"You can say that again." Devan chuckles.

"Wow..." I repeat.

We both laugh and Devan turns over to face me. "Round two?" He asks eagerly.

"Hell yeah."


We hear the front door open and then we hear a quiet voice saying, "Hey guys! I'm home early!"

"Collins!" Devan and I say in unison.

We both rush to get pjs on. Once we're done we both rush to greet Collins. And of course we don't fix our hair or my make up... or anything.

When we see Collins he looks at us confused.

"It's only 10:30, and you're already going to sleep soon? Or did I wake you up? Or... oh. My. God." Collins's eyes widen as much as they possibly can.

Devan and I stand there awkwardly looking down.

"AHHHHH! WOW. LITTLE BRO. YOU'RE NOT A VIRGIN! HAHAHA!!" Collins jumps around the kitchen laughing and fanboying.

"Collins..." Devan says quietly as I try to fix my hair.

"Yes baby bro?" Collins crosses his arms and calms down whilst looking us both up and down. He pauses at my neck and Devan's a few times.

"Calm down. Yeah, we may or may not have... 'done it.'" Devan starts walking back to his room leaving me alone with Collins.

Collins makes sure Devan is gone before whispering, "was he good?"

I blush and start walking away, then I stop and answer with a smirk, "Yeah."

And that's the end. HOLY CRAP THIS TOOK A WHILE. AND I'M SO SORRY ABOUT IT. I needed to take a break from the stress of uploading that much. Any ideas for the next chapter? Btw rn I'm in Portugal! Yay! I hope you enjoyed, and if you wished there was more smut then, I'm sorry but I just don't feel comfortable writing it. The weird part is I've actually read so much I'd probably be a pro if I tried 😂 bye bye~ ily guys

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