Perfect In Every Way (SoRiku)...

By Rena_Blanc

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He knew damn well he was attractive. He noticed all the stares he got. He purposely did things that caught ot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A/N-Thank you!
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Quick Question
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Extra Chapter (w/ AkuRoku & HaruKei)
Please Read
Update on sequel
hello from the future
Hello, again (announcement: Rewrite)

Chapter 54

667 26 3
By Rena_Blanc

A/N: I got a bit of time and inspiration so I wrote this. Also, any mistakes are caused by my blurry vision as I listen to this song. The chapters might start to be longer than before too.

Riku was about to leave the house, hoping Axel and Roxas didn't miss him that much. Riku chuckled, and grabbed his phone off the table. He grabbed something quick to eat, while running his hands through his hair, a bit upset that it was still damp but he needed to leave. Before he even got to the door, he tripped over the bags from yesterday, and groaned as he got up and sat on his knees.

He took them out, and smiled. With a firm hold, he stood up and put them on the couch. He checked his appearance once more, feeling like he was dressed way too casual for a date at an expensive restaurant but he had never gone to one and never needed any more formal clothes. Then again, Sora just did this to mess with him, so Riku was sure Sora didn't care what he wore. Riku bet that even Sora himself was dressed casual, like a kid. He always wore expensive stuff--Riku didn't blame him since he was used to it--but they were never too noticable other than its price.

Riku shook his head, and headed to the library. He wasn't surprised Sora picked this place to wait. The brunet loved books and art as much as he loved Riku, which was saying something but Riku would always be more important to him. He would never trade Riku's love for anything, and Riku thought the same.

Riku walked in quietly, and looked for the very familiar spiky hair. He found him quick as the library was almost empty, and sat in front of him with Sora noticing. Riku rested his chin on his hand, and watched Sora with a soft smile. The other had his eyebrows furrowed, so into the book. He let out a frustrated sigh, and put it down. When he looked up, he almost let out a scream as he fell from the chair.

Riku stifled his laugh, and looked down. Sora rubbed his back, and stood up with a painful expression. He glared at him as he sat back down again, and closed his book.

"You're evil."

"Well, good morning to you too," Riku said, still smiling at him.

"I didn't hear you," Sora told him, the glanced at the book. "I was too busy reading. Sorry "

Riku shook his head, and pulled the book towards him. The cover was not wha Riku expected. It was sort of simple, not much. The name, though, sounded familiar.


Sora grinned, and nodded excitedly. "Yep. It's that book I left back at the bookshop."

"Really?" Riku asked, shocked Sora still felt like reading such a sad-ish book. "What's it about?"


Riku glanced at him, raising his eyebrow, making Sora shrug. He handed the book to the shorter teen, and he gladly took it.

"Anything else? Any more in depth explanation?"

"Okay." Sora rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms. "This guy finds his girlfriend cheating, but she did it to get popular."

"Does she really like her boyfriend?" Riku asked, already filled with questions and not liking the girl for what she did.

"No," Sora answered bluntly. "At first, she wanted to get with her boyfriend's friend, since he's more popular, but he didn't like her."

"Does the other guy likes her?"

"Yes. Well, kinda. He feels weird about his friend, not so much about her. It says he feels something stronger for him, but he's dumb," Sora explained, shrugging. (H: yes, he called himself dumb lol sorry)

"Oh. And I wonder, did he fight the guy he found her with?" Riku asked, very interested now.

"Nope. His friend threatened the guy though," Sora told him, let out a small soft laugh. "I honestly would've done the same."

"Right." Riku laughed. "Anyway, what else?"

Sora shook his head, giving him a grin. "You're going to have to read to know."

Riku frowned, and took the book. Sora pulled it back, glaring at him.

"I was reading it," he whined, tugging at it. "I'll let you borrow it when I finish. You can check it out after me."




"I love you."

Riku's eyes widened with surprise, and he loosened his hold on the book, making it easier for Sora to take. It took Riku a moment to figure it out, and laughed.


"Yeah, but it's still true," Sora responded, hugging the book.

"Of course, because it's too hard to resist me," Riku said confidently, even if inside he was an awkward mess since freshman year of high school. "There's no way no one wouldn't love me, friendship wise or relationship wise."

"I admit, you're good looking, but you have this aura around you that gives people the feeling that you're a cold person, you know?" Sora pointed out, not really trying to hurt him.

"And what of it?" Riku asked, trying to say it really innocently thought it didn't sound or looked right on him. "I may scare those who want to pick on my friends, right?"

"Not really. Well, yeah, kinda, but again it's not really that much," Sora answered truthfully. "It may also be that because you look so pretty that people are embarrassed to talk to you."

"And yet the weirdest things happen, so many shy people started talking to me after you left," Riku told him, then shrugged. "Not that I care. I only like you. And did you say I'm pretty?"

Sora blushed a bit, but didn't look away. He was already used to whatever Riku said. He wouldn't deny that it still made him shy, but he really liked Riku even if he sounded like a freaking narcissist. Then again, everyone needs self love.


Sora blinked when Riku waved a hand near his face. He looked up to see Riku confused.

"You okay?"

Sora nodded, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah. Anyway, I gotta show you more books."

"W-why?" Riku stuttered, making Sora wonder why he did. "Sora, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Am I really that great?" Riku asked, and Sora frowned. "No. I feel great about myself, but I've always wondered, why do people like me so much?"


"You're amazing. I'm guessing the reason no one approached me was because of you," Riku interrupted him. "I don't mean it in a bad way. It was either, the attention was on you or they always saw you talking to me and backed off."

"What's with this sudden serious talk?" Sora laughed nervously. "You're just...special, Riku. That's why."

"Thanks." Riku smiled brightly, then stood up to pull Sora to the bookshelves. "Come on. We only have a bit."

"We have the whole day, Riku."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

They said they would read. They said they would talk about books, but if you went to a bookshelves' corner near the door, you would find them asleep. The librarian, thinking that they needed to catch up on their sleep since they still looked like students, let them stay.

That is, until it was about an hour later, she wondered if they were okay. She went to check on them, and they were still sleeping peacefully with Riku holding onto Sora tightly. She couldn't leave them sleep there the whole day, so she gently woke Riku up first. When he started waking up, she moved onto waking Sora up.

"I'm sorry, but you two have been asleep for an hour and I was wondering if you were okay," she explained after getting a look from Sora.

"Oh," Sora mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah. I just...I felt sleepy."

"And I didn't sleep," Riku also told her.

She smiled, and handed them a water bottle that she had behind her desk.


With that, she left them to fully wake up. Riku scratched his neck lightly, and blew his now messy bangs from his face. His whole hair was a mess, actually. Sora found it cute.

"I need a hair tie, my hair is stupid," Riku mumbled, trying to fix it but to no avail.

He dug through his pockets, and took one out. Sora brought out his phone, checking for anything important. That's when Riku noticed how casual he was dressed. A thin sweater with a light blue t-shirt and jeans. A silver crown necklace Riku hadn't seen before was shining brightly and hanging around his neck.


"Yeah?" Sora furrowed his eyebrows as he looked up. "Okay. My phone's being stupid."

Riku chuckled, then reached for the necklace. Sora flinched at Riku's cold hands, but looked down.

"Oh, my necklace. Like it?" Sora gave him a grin. "I got it from my parents yesterday."

"I do like it, but I didn't know you liked them." Riku pulled back.

"I've been wearing a ring for almost two years."


"I'm just saying, I kinda like jewelry," Sora said, embarrassed. "Well, even if I didn't, I think I would still wear this ring."


"Off topic, but I didn't know Roxas liked jewelry?" Sora said, but it came out more like a question.

"Only piercings, though he didn't want his cartilage piercing," Riku told him, laughing. "He's stupid."

"He seems stubborn, but a nice guy," Sora told him, also joining in his laughter. "I'm glad he and Axel are back together."

"Honestly, same. I hate to see my friends suffering," Riku responded, shrugging. "I'm sure there's problems that won't be fixed, and I can't do anything except just be there with them."

"You're a nice person."

"When have I not been?"

"Riku, I'm going to need you to stop," Sora said, trying to stay serious but a smile still crept its way onto his face. "Enough."

"Fine, fine." Riku rolled his eyes.

They spent time actually reading after, they went to get lunch in a near by fast food restaurant, and just hanged out anywhere just to kill time. Currently, they were just walking around, playing a game of truth of dare, which Riku knew to be very dangerous.

"Let's see...truth or dare?"

"T-truth," Riku stuttered, then mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"Lame. Anyway, would you ever wear a dress?"

"Hell no."

"But you've been in a skirt before," Sora pointed out, laughing afterwards. "It scarred me, yeah, but it was funny."

"We shall not talk about that, midget," Riku placed his hand on Sora's head. "I still have nightmares about the other two doing that again."

Sora grinned, and Riku got a bad feeling. He took his hand off Sora's head, and started to play with his shirt.

"Your turn."

"Truth or dare?" Riku asked quietly.

"I'm not scared. I choose dare," Sora said confidently.

"I think you should think things through more," Riku told him in a low tone, a smirk on his face. "Since you're laughing at me about that skirt, I dare you to dress like a girl for a day."

Sora stopped, and turned to him with wide eyes. "W-why?!"

"You chose dare, my dear Sora," Riku replied with a shrug.

"You're a pervert."

"No. I just like to get revenge that amuses me in the process."

Sora crossed his arms, and talked under his breath.

"I don't even know anything about make up," he mumbled.

"That problem is easy to fix," Riku said, and grabbed his phone out of his sweater's pocket, and looked a number he was sure he now had again.

Once he sent that message, he deleted it, and he called someone else. They answered, and Riku talked in hushed voice so Sora wouldn't hear. Once he was done, he turned to Sora, who only glared at him.

"I'm scared," he said, sticking his tongue out. "I hate this."

"Don't be so sad," Riku told him, ruffling his hair. "No one would be able to tell. You're pretty feminine."

"Am not!" Sora exclaimed. "Stupid. I'm a guy, a hundred percent. Or else, you wouldn't have fallen for me."

Riku didn't response, then covered his face to hide his reddening his face.

"Don't know."

Sora smiled, and pulled him back to the library. Their whole day was almost gone, and the fun part was going to begin. Seeing Riku struggle with the many things a fancier restaurant had.

(Their restaurant date will go super fast)

The time for the date had come. Sora didn't care about appearances, but Riku left really uncomfortable with all the stares. They sat down, and immidieatly, Riku felt lost and confused. Sora grinned, and they ordered their food. When they came, Riku stared at the many rules.

"Relax. Any problems, I'll resolve," Sora told him, giving a different air around him. "Let's enjoy this amazing food! I've always loved this place! Well, besides actual places with more freedom, those are the best."

Riku nodded, and ate quietly. For once, there was nothing to say. Soon, they got to leave, and Riku was glad to be out of there.

"I hate you. I thought it would be better, but it was still really awkward. Everyone stared," Riku mumbled angrily.

"We're fine!" Sora slapped his back, surprising Riku. "We're never going back. I'm really not going to. Ever."


They walked back sit at a bench outside a store, where Riku just looked through his phone as he leaned on Sora while Sora looked at the sky.

"I wonder."



Riku sat straight then looked up.


"Nothing. I just...I wonder, how do we meet such great people? How do we meet the one we're always meant to be by?" Sora turned to him, staring into his turquoise eyes. "How did I meet you?"

"Let's school?" Riku asked playfully, earning a light punch from Sora. "I'm sorry! I'm kidding. I don't know. If you're mean to be, then you will be together."


"It's getting late, we should go," Riku said, standing up and stretching.

Sora did the same. Riku hugged Sora suddenly, but Sora returned the hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They both smiled, and Riku gave him a small kiss on the cheek. After that, he pulled him away from the store, going back to their houses. Riku just hoped his house was just as he had left it in the morning.


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