PREDESTINED [ Jin Centric ]

By AdorablyJinBiased

35.3K 2.1K 1.5K

Five years ago, awkward late bloomer Kim Seokjin was both overweight and unpresented. An unfortunate combinat... More



2.9K 187 158
By AdorablyJinBiased

.\~*❦ *~/.


.\~*❦ *~/.

A Kindred-Soul Found

.\~*❦ *~/.

Trudging down the stairs, Seokjin pretends he doesn't notice the non-pack gathering in the game room. The uncomfortable silence that replaces their noise as he walks by is pretty telling. Never one for confrontation, he'd gone to his bedroom after storming out, attempting to clear the jealousy that he felt to his very core. It wasn't long after that he felt a dire need for fresh air and he emerges; ignoring the eyes on him as he slips on his shoes at the entrance.

There isn't a particular destination in mind as he heads out the front door and sets out on a walk. Telling himself he'll never have to see them again as he lets his mind wander on what's to come while loosing himself in his thoughts. The sky has gradually darkened up above, only a few hours of daylight remaining when he comes to a stop sometime later on the playground of his old elementary building.

The playground is relatively empty. There are young children playing on the faded structure as their parents watch idly by. The track that circumference the playground is scattered with a few people that range in age getting in their workouts for the day. The miniature basketball court is entertaining a group of youths maybe a couple years younger than him and an old man is walking around collecting litter with a trash pick.

Seokjin's fully aware of the reasons he's wandered to this particular location, as he plops down on a low hanging swing and simply sways.

Allowing himself to reminisce for it was here at this very park where the trio had once ruled the playground. It was also here when the first of promises had been broken. This playground holds a lot of significance to Seokjin in a way that some of his best memories had taken place one this plot of land.

Back then, Seokjin had been a vivacious child; loud, friendly, outgoing, slightly self-centered, and oh so possessive. Like every human Seokjin was flawed, and even then, he'd struggled with sharing Jimin with everyone else;  selfishly keeping him secluded from making friends and only allowing the few he deemed worthy of to interact with the small boy, for there wasn't many he approved of.

There'd never been a time when Jimin wasn't the most important to him, and Seokjin remembers exactly when his feelings had begun to shift. It had been when Hoseok dragged his frumpy-grumpy new classmate Yoongi to play with them for the first time. An occurrence the shorter did not appreciate for Min Yoongi did not play, and instead spent the majority of recess boring holes into the trio as he more than likely plotted their downfall.

Then, awkward stuttering Kim Namjoon from his class somehow made unlikely friends with Min Yoongi and the rest was history as they hit it off. Hoseok's pestering had grown on Yoongi who'd come to accept the spastic kid as a friend although he'd claim that he only managed to tolerate the younger to a limited extent.

Seokjin was jealous of Hoseok's new friendships to say the least. It brought change, and Seokjin didn't like it, for he didn't know how to share his friends and couldn't help but feel threatened with Namjoon and Yoongi. Even more so, when Jimin began to express an intent of wanting to get to know them as well; for any friend of Hoseok's was a friend of his.

Seokjin may have been a kind friendly child, but he was also sometimes overbearing and insensitive. No one knew that better than Namjoon who'd gotten the brunt of most of Seokjin's ill-feelings which left him feeling a mutual dislike towards the boy he used to like.  In the beginning, it had been Seokjin who'd purposely started off on the wrong foot with the other two.

At the time it was childish rivalry, something overlooked quite easily, but unresolved feelings led to bigger complications. Seokjin lied, he had done something once upon a time...something he's  not proud of, because it was then that everything started to change. In truth, Seokjin played in active part in turning Namjoon and Yoongi against him. Although, it's been several years since then and Seokjin refuses to see any other way but his own, thus he places the blame solely on them.

It's stubborn denial that—

.\~*❦ *~/.

A cry brings Seokjin out of his reminiscing and to the group that had been playing basketball on the court a few yards from him. A frown forms as he observes the scene playing out before his eyes:

"See, you're getting in the way," A boy snidely alleges, an expression of obvious animosity as he addresses the smallest boy, who is sprawled on the rough surface of the concrete haphazardly. "If you can't keep up with the big boys then leave."

"No, you pushed me," The small boy imputes, picking himself up with a wince as he does his best to ignore the stinging of his palms and knees to stand his ground.  "You don't like that I'm better than you." The boy states matter-of-fact, his tone unwavering, as if used to saying that particular phrase.

  "Listen here, Golden Boy, this sport is ours, so stick to being a know-it-all little nerd and stay in your lane." The boy harshly advises, dropping all pretenses of playing nice, as he glowers down at the boy about two heads shorter than him.

"I like playing sports too." The small boy starts with a little pout, his big eyes expressing hurt as he reasons with a shrug. "I don't try to be good, I just am."

The boy snorts, looking around at his friends who all wear similar expressions of annoyance or poorly masked envy.  "Give it up, Runt! The coach may have let you on the team, but you'll never be one of us." The boy snarls, shoving the younger suddenly. The group of boys laughing aloud as the youngest of them cries out; finding twisted joy in seeing the boy like this, for they all resent and envy the boy everyone praises.

Seokjin tenses as he looks on as the boy pick himself up again, his stomach dropping when he sees blood trickling from a fresh abrasion on the once unblemished skin of the boy's left cheekbone. "I'm not going to listen to you, but I will tell coach about this. Then you'll be the one off the team for trying to bully me into quitting!" The boy fearlessly stands his ground, heeding no mind to his bleeding cheek or the slight hobble in his step as he bravely faces those who put him in this state.

Seokjin's filled with veneration for the small lone boy who confronts his bullies courageously; the actions of someone so young, so unlike his own. It's a sentiment not shared by the group as an ugly expression befalls the boy leading, his patience wearing thin, a clear sign that the escalation is about to reach its peak.

"Hey, Stop it!" Seokjin calls out, apprehension twisting in his gut the moment he sees the hand rising to strike the boy. Intervening at last, he bounds off the swing, hastening onto the court to place himself protectively in front of the boy. "How 'bout you pick on someone your own size or find another hobby aside from making little kids cry."

"Who the heck are you? This is between us and the runt, stay out of this!" The boy demands, practically fuming from being told off in front of his friends, as he steps into Seokjin's space cracking his knuckles in an attempt to be threatening.

"I'm someone who finds you pathetic," Seokjin retorts, his big mouth getting the better of him as he falls into a rant while glaring him down with a hand on one hip and the other jabbing at the air. "The bunch of you are nothing but sore losers, teaming up against a child, and going so far as to hurt him. That alone makes him far better than any of you could ever hope to be." 

The disdainful emphasis dripping in his tone is acerbic as he curls his lip and regards the  shorter boy with blatant disgust.

Humiliated, the boy makes to lunge at Seokjin, only seconds away from tackling him to the ground when his abrupt movement is intercepted by one of his friends.

"That's Kim Seokjin from 7th year dumbass," The other boy informs, dragging him back with unease in his tone at the realization as the others bristle around him. "It's getting late, I'm going home." The same boy says after a short silence, walking off the court as others follow his actions, dispersing in every direction.

The one who picked the fight grumbles incomprehensibly throwing one last scathing glance their way before collecting the forgotten basket ball and scampering off. There's a pained whimper from behind him and Seokjin looks away from the departing figures, switching his attention to the small boy who'd crumbled onto the rough concrete once they were out of sight.

By this time, the sky had darkened drastically and the dim light of the nearest lamppost had cast them in a gloomy ambience as Seokjin's taller stature seemingly looms over the hurt child. The small boy looks up at him with wide unblinking eyes, reminding him of a deer-caught-in-the-headlights, and Seokjin can't help but feel a kindred-ship for the boy as he crouches down in front of him.

The boy shrinks into himself, mistrustful of the unknown older boy, as a hand is offered to him. "I'm Seokjin." The older introduces simply, not making any other movement as he waits patiently for the younger to respond. It takes a couple of minutes before faith is given to the older as a small hand slips into the bigger one, tension easing from smaller as he timidly utters, "Jungkook."

"It's nice to meet you Jungkook," Seokjin greets again, wanting to reassure the smaller as his free hand comes up to cup the left-side of the small face, his thumb lightly brushing against the clotting cut on the apple of his chubby cheek. "Hyung's going to clean you up and take you home, okay?" Seokjin says, not exactly asking, for he won't leave the boy like this. For the second time in a long time a sincere smiles pulls at the ends of his plump lips as he gives the younger a bright toothy grin.

Tiny lips part, an audible gasp sounds, as round eyes widen further; for Jungkook is wholly captivated by the kind eyes and pretty smile directed at him. A feeling he doesn't understand flutters from within him as his little heart thumps quicker than it ever has with one thought emerging at the forefront of his mind.


.\~*❦ *~/.

"Is Seokjin back yet?"


"It kind of sucks being here again and remembering the many playdates we used to have. I...I haven't been much of a friend, apologizing won't change anything between us, and knowing Seokjin he wouldn't even hear me out anyway."


"I can't say I get it, I never had a connection, but I know if I hadn't presented the way I did...things would be much different."

"I've tried talking to him, tried repairing our relationship, but he's already cut me out and refuses to even look at me. I can't feel sorry for myself because I know I deserve some of the treatment for becoming friends with you all, but he doesn't understand and won't let me explain. He's the type to hold a grudge Namjoon."

"The blame lays with me, I'm the one that let it get this far. I should've stepped in when the comments started going too far."

"So what? I called him fat a few times. I may not hate him anymore, but I sure as hell won't apologize. Nothing I've done can compare to what he did to me when he opened that big mouth of his..."


"Whatever, I'm leaving, I have better things to do than to listen to you whine about that drama king."

.\~*❦ *~/.

"There you go," Seokjin says, blowing the scrapes on Jungkook's palms to ease the sting of the alcohol swab as he plasters on the last of the Band-Aids. "Mario will heal you up quickly!" Seokjin exclaims cheerily, using a happy-go-lucky tone, with the adorable kid.

Jungkook's bottom lip juts out as he takes in the amount of Mario-patent Band-Aids covering his skin for the older boy had used the entire box on him. "Mario's lame, over watch is much better." Jungkook utters, scrunching up his nose as he looks away with a pink tint on his chubby cheeks.

"Hey, Mario is the best, you know?" Seokjin says with a pout as he raises from his knees, to gather the smalls pile of discard plaster and the empty box as he momentarily leaves Jungkook to toss it in the trash.

He returns with disposable chopsticks and a gigantic steaming instant ramen that had been cooling in the microwave of the convenience store. Settling on a stool he breaks apart the wooden chopsticks, rolling the pair between his hands, before opening the lid of the ramen and gathering a reasonable amount with the utensil.

Seokjin blows on it until steam has evaporated from the dangling noodles, with one hand beneath the ends he brings the chopsticks up to the tiny mouth. Jungkook accepts the mouthful, enjoying the attention he's receiving as Seokjin continues to cool his portion down and hand feed him.

When Jungkook's had enough he closes his mouth and squirms away, swatting at the offending chopsticks, as Seokjin chuckles at the battiness. Turning to focus on the ramen cup Seokjin begins slurping down the remaining noodles, pleased sounds escaping his stuffed mouth, as wide eyes stare at him in awe.

"How old are you if you're in 7th year?" Jungkook asks when curiosity got the best of him, he's either timid around others or extremely blunt. Too intelligent and mature for his age, he's never been able to establish friendships with those his own age.

"I'm Thirteen, how 'bout you?"

"I turned Ten not too long ago." Jungkook says, and Seokjin pauses, turning to look at his with surprises in his eyes and noodles dangling from his mouth.

"Are you sure? You look Eight." Seokjin questions after he's swallowed, finding the pout and crossed arms adorable as Jungkook takes slight offense.

"I really am a runt, that's why I'm so small." Jungkook shares sadly, tears welling up as he recalls the mean words of the older boys.

"Hey, Kookie, you're not a runt, okay?" Seokjin reassures cupping the tiny face to brush away the escaping tears. "The majority of the population present between Eleven and Twelve you still have two years to grow into yourself. I'm sure you'll be tall, maybe even taller than me, if your dangly limbs are anything to go by."

"Have you presented yet?" Jungkook questions innocently, blinking up at Seokjin with equally pure eyes.

Seokjin's expression falters, "I haven't, I may not ever, but I'm sure that if I don't, there'll still be half of a soul out there to complete mine." The sentence hangs between them as Seokjin goes to throw the empty ramen away. The notion of lost souls finding one another had been at the fore front of his mind after having talked with the alpha. It's the only reason why he'd started to come to terms with the prospect of never presenting. Seokjin hopes, that everything turns out all right in the end.

"Come on, Kookie. It's late, I need to get you home." Seokjin says crouching down before the smaller with his back towards him. Jungkook slides off the stool his arms coming to wrap around the wide shoulders and his legs wraps around the softness of lovehandles.

Seokjin jostles the smaller higher up on his back, as grips the surprisingly solid thighs securely, all the while making sure to keep the wrapped sprained ankle from further injury. 

Jungkook leads the way with minimal verbalization and physical prompts as he points in the direction until they arrive at a quaint house. "This is it, thank you for bringing me home." Jungkook says and Seokjin lowers him to the ground, holding him steadily as he distributes his weight onto his good leg.

"Are you home alone?" Seokjin asks in worry, not liking the idea of the younger being left unsupervised.

"No, my foster brother should be home. Mom, Dad, and Junghyun won't be back till really late." Jungkook informs, hobbling up to his porch with assistance.

Jungkook pauses after he's unlocked the door, looking up at Seokjin he wonders aloud, "Will I see you again?"

"I'm sure we'll meet again Kookie," Seokjin answers insincerely for he knows, he'll probably never see the adorable child again, but he's more than grateful of having spent time with someone separate from all of his problems as he shares with the younger a new discovery. "Today, I realized that I'm not alone, and I want you to know that you're special. I hope you keep doing what you love and continue to be the brave boy I met today."

Jungkook' has his arms wrapped tightly around Seokjin's torso, squeezing teary eyes as he presses his face against the pudgy chest, while crooked fingers soothing caress the top of his head.

Moments pass before Jungkook gathers himself, pushing away from Seokjin with a narrowed gaze aimed at the taller as their eyes connect.

"I don't want to present anymore." Jungkook discloses irritably.

Seokjin can only raise an eyebrow at the change of the younger's mood, the brattish-ness from earlier reappearing as the younger scowls up at him.

"I don't want to present anymore, because when I grow up, I'm going to complete you." Jungkook proclaims matter-of-fact with determination, before crossing the threshold, and slamming the door shut in Seokjin's face.

Seokjin's left to blink vacantly as he turns on his heels and makes his way home all the while scratching his head as he ponders upon the youngers words. Surely the younger didn't understand the implications of his words. 'Right?' It didn't matter anyway, once he left, he'd never see the adorable bunny-like boy gain.

.\~*❦ *~/.

"Where have you been? I got back and you weren't here. You were supposed to stay inside."

"Well you were supposed to watch me. You went out, so I did too."

"Whatever brat, just get ready for bed."

"Whatever you say Yoongi..."

.\~*❦ *~/.

I scrapped this chapter a few times. I just gave up since I couldn't get it right. 

Anywho, what did y'll think of Jungkook?

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