Californian Ghoul (A CrankGam...

By jackir30

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A young man, born as a Ghoul, must move to California in order to escape hunters that are after him. However... More



57 5 0
By jackir30

I quickly made my way off of my bed and towards the door. As I twisted the knob, I was surprised to find it unlocked. Did Dr. Morgan just forget to lock the door, or did he do this on purpose? I thought to myself. But I didn't have time to sit and ponder about a damn door, I had to find Ethan and the others and try and get them out of there. Even though I'm terrified of having to kill everyone to get us out of here, there was no other options. 
As I sprinted down the hallway, I could hear banging on the steel door, followed by yelling. It sounded like Mark! I quickly ran and unlocked the door and opened. All three of them were in the pitch black room. The only light coming from the hallway after opening up the door.
"Tyler, what the hell are you doing here?" Mark asked. 
"I'll explain later. Right now, we need to get Ethan and get out of here!" I remarked. 
The three of them immediately ran out of the room and ran down to the stairwell. We quickly ran up the couple flights of stairs before barging the door open before entering the hallway. We ran down to Ethan's room. The doors were locked and the blinds were drawn. 
Amy, Mark and Kathryn peeked through the blinds.
"Dr. Carson's in there!" Kathryn whispered. "Ethan's not awake!"
My heart pounded out of my chest, this wasn't good. God only knows what he's doing to Ethan before he makes a meal out of him. 
I quickly backed up to the wall, the farthest I could go to the other end of the hallway. I then ran across and slammed into the door. My strength was just enough to bring the door of its hinges without harming me and we broke in.
However, Dr. Carson didn't seem phased by anything at all. He continued putting some kind of serum into Ethan's body. He finally turned over to me and smiled.
"You're too late." Dr. Carson simply said.
Too late... what does that mean? I wanted to ask him. But I wasted no time in asking, I immediately tackled him to the ground.
As soon as Tyler broke into the room, he quickly went after Dr. Carson. We ran over to Ethan and quickly unhooked him from the machines. I then picked him up from off of the bed and we began running out of the door. 
"What about Tyler?" Amy asked.
"We need to get Ethan out!" Mark said. 
"We can't risk losing Tyler!" Kathryn said. 
We all looked over at Tyler, struggling to fight Dr. Carson. He looked over at us. 
"What the hell are you doing? GO!" Tyler shouted.
Without any hesitation, we quickly ran out of the room. 
"NO!" Dr. Carson shouted. He attempted to lunge forward towards us, but Tyler quickly shoved him onto the floor and pinned him to the ground. 
We ran down the stairs and headed down the hallway until we came across a waiting area, where a sofa and chairs were set up. I gently set Ethan down on the couch. I knelt down next to him and tried to shake him awake. 
"Ethan... Ethan wake up!" I said. There was no response. I tried again. "Ethan, Ethan wake up!"
"Dr. Carson told us it was too late..." Kathryn said. "What the hell does that mean?"
I looked back at Ethan and quickly put my fingers to his neck to check his pulse. It was slow... too slow...
Dr. Carson struggled to break free from the floor. I kept him pinned down the best I could. I was struggling, but tried not to show any sign of it. 
Dr. Carson simply laughed. "Dr. Morgan couldn't keep his damn mouth shut, could he?"
"Where is he?" I asked. 
"I did what I had to do to traitors like him." Dr. Carson responded. 
For some reason in that moment, I felt a rush of guilt overcome me. Dr. Morgan was killed because I had him spill his guts, and now they're literally spilled out somewhere by Dr. Carson. I guess I had released some of my grip on Dr. Carson during that moment because pretty soon, I felt myself being flung across the room, and crashing through the window, falling into the hallway on the other side of the window. 
I could feel the shards of glass piercing my skin as I just laid there, watching and waiting for Dr. Carson to come around from down the hall. I slowly began to stand up. I wasn't finished just yet. 
"You know, this may be the doctor in me talking, but I think I just found your weakness." Dr. Carson said. "You're guilty over every little thing that happens to you. From the moment you first attacked Ethan, you could never let that go. And now, here you are, feeling foolish over Dr. Morgan, a doctor who had one job really, and he blew it. That's not on you, so why do you feel guilty over it?"
"Because, if I hadn't had made him talk, none of this would have happened." I said. 
"Would it really?" Dr. Carson asked. "Because either way, I would have done what I had just did to Ethan, the only difference being it would have all happened later rather than now and Dr. Morgan would have still been alive."
"What did you to do Ethan?" I asked. 
"He just needed some rest." Dr. Carson said. "A long rest."
"What were you putting in his body?" I asked. 
"The same type of medicine used to inject prisoners for the death penalty." Dr. Carson explained. "Pretty soon, his heart will stop, and that will be it for him. Only this time, there's no way to bring him back, no doctors to switch organs and blood with, nothing."
No... no this can't be happening! Ethan can't be dying again!
"Now, now... it isn't that serious yet." Dr. Carson told me. "You still have time to go up there and figure out a way to save him."
"I'm not going anywhere until you're finished!" I told him. 
"Well, then... you can say goodbye to your friend..." Dr. Carson said before running over and attacking me once more. 

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