Attack On Titan: War of Titans

De _JaydenSky_

449 87 13

Jay and Jane are best friends in this crazy universe that Isayama makes us all suffer in. Though these girls... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

5 4 0
De _JaydenSky_

Well... This is something. (Editor~Chan: Isn't everyone in this story on drugs?) Shhhh you will spoil parts of the story. (Editor~Chan: Don't tell me Jay and the others have been drugging all the Scouts to keep them from understanding everything.) ...⚆ _ ⚆ (Editor~Chan: ಠ~ಠ)

"Well, I got news from the MP that were off duty on the 17th of August, Historia was gravely injured and over a hundred MP were dead or missing." Levi told his squad. Jane sat with Jace on her lap. He had been playing with Mikasa's scarf. "As we investigate the crime scene, remember, this could be the act of a titan shifter, so maybe Eren should stay here." Hanji suggested. "I have stayed here long enough, plus, if it is a titan shifter, I can fight it, save you guys." Jean stood up from his seat. "Remember last time Eren fought a titan shifter in Sina? It's better he stay human." Levi butt in again, "Jean's right, Eren you can go, just stay human as much as you can." The door to the house opened. Erwin Smith walked in. "Everyone, get ready to head into Sina. We must go and everyone has to come, including little Ackerman." Everyone got up and went to their horses. They grabbed supplies and their coats. When Jane got to her horse, Jace leaned forward and kissed it in between it's eyes. Jace turned to Jean and kissed him on the bridge of his nose and laughed saying, "Horsies." Jane awed and tried to hold back her laughter. Erwin stopped Hanji before she could leave the house, "Have a talk with me." Hanji and Erwin went to a separate room. An office of sorts. "Hanji, I want you to be the new Commander of the Scouting Regiment." Levi and Jane sat on their horses. Commander Erwin and Hanji walked out on their horses and set off. Once they made it to the castle, they could see dead bodies of the MP around the castle.(Editor~Chan: *Is dragging bodies into a huge hole I dug,* don't mind me) They put cloth over their mouths for protection from diseases. Jace wore one too, he was so adorable in his. They walked in past bodies. Jane leaned to Levi, "Could this be act of Jay?" Levi gave her a look, expressionless to any normal person, but Jane knew his eyes were saying "I don't know." They got to the throne room and looked inside. Jane gasped as she saw Historia, brutally attacked and getting severe medical attention. They walked to her, examining what was left. "Whoever hurt her," Levi said, "was angry." "That's not all." Jane said. She was staring at the wall. She pointed to it, arm fully extended, "Someone wrote that in her blood." Levi took a second to look at it and read it aloud, "Like the Jester said to the king, 'There is bad news that I bring'."

Jean nervously walked into Jay's room. "Wow, your place is way better than any of ours." Jean said in amazement looking around. Jay's room had color and decoration, pictures and more light that the other rooms. It may have been slightly smaller than the other rooms, but it was just Jay and Jane. It was Jay and Jane's till Jane married Levi and moved to his room. Jay still had the bunk beds and still slept on top. Jay took off her jacket and started to undo the straps of her gear. Jean's face turned red, "Wh-what you're just doing that right here." Jay looked at him with an annoyed look, "Jean, grow up." Jay took her shirt off to just a tank top. She had shorts on and she climbed to the top bunk. Jean laid on the bottom bunk. He couldn't sleep thinking about Jay. She was going through a lot, and she liked to keep everything to herself. Jay truly was a lone wolf at heart. Jean partially fell asleep, but was awakened by someone moving. Jean looked up as Jay creeped by the door. She opened it quickly, knife in hand. "Did you hear that?" Jay asked. "Ya, but I think it's just us." Jane responded in the hallway. Jane had one of her swords at the ready to attack an intruder. "I'm surprised Levi isn't out here with you." Jay said while closing the door ever so slightly so Jane wouldn't see Jean. "He is resting peacefully for once, I wasn't ruining that even if the intruder killed me.- and what are you hiding, Jay?" "Nothing." Jay responded. "Jay, what are you hiding in MY old room." "You'll be angry, Jane." Jane put her hand on her hip. Jay sighed, caving in she said, "I'm so sorry.... It's a mess in there." Jane's face was in shock, her heart sank, "How dare you." Jay closed the door with a quiet sorry. "Would Jane be angry if I'm sleeping in here?" Jean asked. "On the contrary, she would be too happy. She really wants me to get back in the dating world if it makes me happy. Farlan did stop me from dating for what, two years?" Jean gave a warm smile in the darkness. Jay walked over and laid in Jean's arm. She fell asleep, cuddled at his side. Jean slept more peaceful.

Jane looked at the crime scene more in depth. "If I were Jay, where would I go after the killing?" Jane thought. "I can tell she suspects me, she probably is planning about my movements." Jay thought from the ledge outside the castle looking in through a window at the throne room. It was dark outside now. Jay maneuvered down the building. Once she got to the bottom she went back and grabbed Ymir, "Alright, let's go complete the mission Zeke wants me to complete." "A mission?" Ymir asked, "I thought you kept me alive long enough to see Historia die? And she didn't, you kept her alive. That's all. My time to pass is too quick, you won't make it, especially in this state of depression." It was true. Ymir felt empty. "Ymir, your time isn't over for almost a year." Ymir looked up to Jay, "What?" "You're going to be eaten by a fellow Warrior, that way he has your powers. You're a pathetic lug and your one reason for living now is gone. Don't worry, Historia will read your stupid note." Jay grabbed the chains she had put Ymir in and walked her out of the city. "Get on we have a journey to far away to walk on foot." Jay turned to a horse and Ymir mounted her. She held onto the white horse as Jay took them miles out in the middle of nowhere inside Wall Rose. It took a long time, Ymir lost track, but the were near a cave. Jay turned back to human. And took Ymir inside. She took her upstairs and to the ledge. Jay took the chains off and cuffed ymir on both sides.

Jay walked up to a guy in the shadows. He stepped out. He had blonde hair and he smiled at her. Jay scoffed. "What? Miss me baby?" "Porco, shut up, I don't like you," He laughed. "One day, you will find out that I am your true love." "Never," Jay said under her breath. Porco turned directly facing her. He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side, "One day, we will have kids running around, I will come home from work, you will be at the door ready to kiss me and love me." "In your dreams." Jay grabbed his shirt and flipped him over her shoulder. "I'm about to tell Ymir to eat you." Jay kicked him in the nuts. "Ah- that's your future children-" "Over my dead body!" Jay waited for Porco to get up and she handed him the serum so he could transform, and left for safety.

Jay and Porco made it to the wall. Jay gave a call and a rope flew down. Jay was going to go first, the Porco looked down at her butt and said, "I'm gonna have a great view." Jay looked at him in anger, "You're going first." Porco tried to climb it. He couldn't get up and fell backwards, "I-uh-can't do it." Jay sighed, "get on my back." Reiner and Zeke waited at the top. They got excited when Jay's hand got up. It took a lot of strength to pull herself and Porco up. It took her breath away.

{This is the true backstory of how Jay had gotten her Titan powers.}

Zeke looked at the general of the Marley camp. He was big and tough looking. Zeke turned his head slightly to the right to see Jay. They had been friends for as long as Zeke could remember. For new cadets, you have to be in between five and seven years old. "Name, Cadet!" The general shouted at Zeke. "Zeke Yeager!" he answered firmly. He moved to Jay next. Zeke never really worried about her. Jay never talked much. Zeke had never seen her smile. She was monochrome. "Jayden Zoe." She spoke back to the general in her stabile tone. Zeke had a boy next to him. His name was Marcel Gilliard and had brown hair. Their close presence towards him showed that Jay was shorter but only for a small time. You see, Jay was lying her age. Typical. She really is too young. She would do training now and help train the next line of cadets. She was legal to be in it now, just because she was so talented. She was already tested on certain subjects and passed.

Zeke didn't get it. Jay killed him in the tests. Training was a breeze for her. Some of the other cadets talked about what titan they want if they get it, "I want to be the colossal titan!" One added. "No, the beast titan is the best titan." said a kid from a table away. Zeke only heard the excerpts of their conversations. "What's wrong, Zeke?" Jay asked. Zeke told her he just was tired from training, which wasn't all a lie. But he smiled, it made him feel more alive when she asked him if he was ok. He felt loved for once, not thinking his father and mother really loved him. Jay didn't have bangs then, and pink hair went to her waist. She always had it in a ponytail that ended at the bottom of her back. Her pink eyes, big and soft when she was happy. Hard like crystals when she was mad, and dull when she was dull. "I have a bad feeling about some of the things I overheard the soldiers saying. They mentioned a group of rebels trying to overthrow Marlean government. What if that's what my father and mother have been doing behind Marley's back?" "Don't fret. I guess if they are doing it they have a good reason, right?" Zeke nodded. "Plus, why are you so worried? It's not like it's ever going to happen." Zeke made a fist with his hand, "Marley are the only people who deserve to live. I want to wipe out all Eldians." Jay rolled her eyes, "Zeke, we are Eldians."

Zeke shrugged her comment off. "I will find out if my parents are the lead Rebels and if they are, I will tell Marley, and they will be sent to paradise." Jay stood up, it wasn't very noticeable because she was still so small, but Zeke could see her frustration. "You're willing to sacrifice your family to be loyal to Marley?!" Zeke stood up too, mimicking Jay's stance and fists-on-the-table move. "I will do whatever I must to eliminate all Eldians!" "Even me?!" Jay yelled back. Zeke froze. He didn't want to eliminate her. He had a connection to Jay that he couldn't explain. Their parents were friends. Grisha and Dr. Zoe had worked together. "You can live Jay. But all the other Eldians die." "What about my sister?" "Your sister doesn't love you, Jay. If she did, she would fight for you not to go through all of this. She would want you to be normal."

Jay could stare a hole into Zeke's face.

"Don't talk badly of Hanji." Zeke scoffed at Jay. Jay slapped him. "Zeke! It's rude." "You're rude!" Jay grabbed his collar and pulled him close to her face, "Don't forget, I can out beat you in all of these subjects and get a Titan while leaving you useless, unable to kill all Eldians."

(Some time passes)

The new Warrior cadets came in. Jay and Zeke watched them as they entered, standing on either side of the commander. It had been a few years. Not many, but Zeke had already given up his parents location, they were gone now. Jay's father was a rebel but was able to escape. The Commander introduced himself first then Zeke and Jay. "This is Zeke Jaeger, taking on the Beast Titan." He signaled to Zeke. Then he turned to Jay. "This is Jayden Zoe, taking on the Armored Titan." A kid in the crowd whispered to his friend, "Cool!" The commander stood up straight. "Zoe will be taking on a cadet to be her partner," A small blonde boy, Porco, looked to his older brother, Marcel, said, "I would love to be her partner." "Zoe is going to split her power, an armored titan ability, with one of you." murmurs could be heard in the crowd. Jay and Zeke left and went to the training field, "Do you really want someone else with your power?" "Yes, I need someone who has abilities I don't." "What abilities don't you have?" "Many, I just haven't learned them yet."

(More time passes)

Marcel Gilliard stopped Jay in the hallway leading to the balcony to look over the training field. "Jayden, I know you need to choose someone for your partner, and I already have been chosen for the Jawed titan, but can you please not choose my brother, Porco?" "That guy that sends me love letters every day and has asked me to marry him, like, 20 times?" Marcel nodded, looking at the floor, a bit embarrassed for his brother. Marcel looked back at her, "I have been talking up a kid named Reiner Braun to the higher-ups, he may be what you need." "I will check his stats," Jayden said. Marcel gave a sigh of relief, "Thanks." Jayden went over to a General, "Give me the file for Reiner Braun." The General gave a slight bow, "Sure, right away. Don't mind if I ask, but is he an option for the other Armored Titan?" "Yes." The general left and came back a minute later with the file on Braun. Jayden took it and walked back to the balcony. She opened the file and read. She looked out to the training field at the boy who matched the picture. He was with a slightly taller boy, dark brown hair, and a small girl, blonde hair. Jayden watched as Braun failed to defeat the little girl in hand to hand combat. Pathetic. How could Jayden choose this guy? She looked over to Porco, blowing her a kiss. She turned back to Reiner. "Braun will be a perfect partner."

The ceremony for the gifting of the titan title was this afternoon. Jayden had been watching Braun closely. He was loyal to the Marley rein, but not the best fighter. He can't shoot well, his hand to hand combat was terrible. Jayden would have to train him personally or he would be the worst fighter Marley has ever seen. She walked over to Braun with his friends on the training field. No one was training because they were all getting ready for the ceremony. They all looked at her when she approached. She looked at Reiner, "Your work over the season has been sloppy. If you are going to be a Warrior, you're going to have to shape up." The girl, Leonhart, stepped up to Jayden, "You have no right to crytek him!" Jayden looked down to her. "I am a Warrior, already set to a titan, and your hand to hand combat skills are alright, you just need to learn to finish them." Leonhart looked angered. She went to position. Jay didn't even move when Leonhart tried to kick her. Jayen quickly grabbed her leg and flipped her over. She landed on the ground and looked up at her in shock and amazement. Jay got her up, "Come on, the ceremony is right now."

Reiner, Annie, and Bertholt sat in the same row their parents behind them. A speaker spoke but they paid attention more to the fact that Marley and other countries came to see some Eldian kids get powers. Names were called, Titan powers are given. Reiner was left alone on the bench only with some other bad cadets and Porco Gilliard, the same guy who was obsessed with Jayden. Reiner didn't understand it, yes, Jayden was cute but her personality was horrible. The speaker got Reiner's attention when he said this, "Now, our Armored Titan has decided to use her power to share the Titan ability with one other cadet. Jayden Zoe, please choose your worthy candidate." Jayden stepped up and walked over to Reiner and Porco. She looked at both of them and knelt down. She reached her hand out to Reiner and for the first time, Reiner saw her smile. "Reiner Braun," she said, "Will you be my partner for the rest of our lives as Armored Titans?" He nodded quickly, taking her hand and got on the stage walking to the back and standing resolute with her. They were on equal terms. Not really, he still would follow her and Zeke's orders because they were the commanders of the Warriors. Reiner looked to Jayden as she looked on at the crowd, her face back to monochrome. Her smile stuck in his head better than anything he had ever learned. He wanted to see her smile again, that was his real mission.

Longer and longer the warriors trained. Jayden had been making him run for hours. He fell flat on his face, embraced by the soft grass. His whole body aching. It had been a while since the titan gift. It was a strange feel. He got the old carriers memories, but also some of Jayden's. They were dark, all torture and experimentation but he couldn't see much. Reiner didn't even remember getting the power, it was just dark and the only thing he could see was Jayden, eyes closed. They were connected by a red string attached at their napes. A hand appeared next to his face. He grabbed it and saw Jayden. She helped him up but didn't smile.

Reiner found Jayden on the balcony. It had been a few years, he was only ten and she had just turned thirteen. Jayden was getting ready to go inside the walls for the mission this time. He remembered the times when she would knock him down in hand to hand combat training. She would always give him a helping hand to get back up, but didn't smile like before. "Are you ready?" Reiner asked awkwardly, "What? Ready to put my family aside, go into the walls and become the 'enemy,' then destroy them even though I am from the walls. Yes." Jayden responded still monochrome. She didn't face him either. Her long hair lay down past her waist. "If you don't want to see yourself as a monster, just asked to be called Jay." "Jay?" Jayden asked as she turned her head to face Reiner. "Like a nickname sorta thing." Reiner shrugged. Her expression didn't change, but she said, "I like it." Reiner blushed and whispered to himself, "and I like you." Jay looked forward, "I can hear you, Braun," His face got even redder. "Your not like the other guys who tell me that," Jay added. Reiner looked up surprised, "really?!" "Well, yes, I'm actually stuck with you." Jay headed to walk out, but Reiner stopped her with a kiss. Their first kiss ever. Jay was shocked. Once he stepped away Jayden had an expression. Surprise and disgust. "Braun! Your a little kid!" "I'm ten!" "Ya! Little kid." Jay ran off.

Two days later Jay had her bags packed and was throwing them into the back of a wagon. A tall, rich looking man with silver glasses and white outfit. He had more class than any of the soldiers yet wore a Eldian armband. His cane/staff was sliver too and looked very expensive. His blonde hair was dull just like his eyes. He threw a knife to Jay and she held her low ponytail and slashed it. The hair fell onto the dirt and grass. Her hair now set at her chin. She brought a section in front. The section covered her whole left eye and half of her right she slashed at it too. The ends, only about half a centimeter, curved to the left. She looked back to the crowd of Warriors and and soldiers, "Thank you, I will make sure the walls will be destroyed precisely and Marley is proud as the Island is destroyed." Reiner ran up and gave her a hug and looked her in the eyes and said quietly, "I love you." Jay blankly stared at him. The rich man laughed. He laughed for almost a minute. He then spoke once he caught his breath, "No one loves Jayden, young boy." Jayden sighed and got into the back of the wagon and gave him a look and wave to say "I love you too."  

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