Letters to my beloved [Comple...

By benasdasdorvien

182K 18K 2.8K

Arch enemies or secret confidants? ***All regular credits*** More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Too many thoughts!
Chapter 29
Flashback 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
The End

Chapter 11

5.3K 475 135
By benasdasdorvien

Kong's POV

P'Arthit had better be auditioning for sniper school or something cause goddammit he has been staring holes almost non-stop into my head. I can't even manage to swallow my food right cause my neck and face feel so hot with the constant scrutiny. I mean who exactly wants to uglily chomp down on their meal when someone is looking straight at you? Even if that someone is your arch enemy? And as if I wasn't ultra conscious already, what do you know, I find myself suddenly dropped right out of my chair. My butt firmly planted on the floor. My tailbone bone throbbing slightly as it suddenly slammed against the cemented floor. And then I steal a quick glance to see him standing on his feet, getting a perfectly bird's eye view of my entire embarrassment. Ok Lord, I am all ready to perish now. Thanks a lot for the good run.

And then it happened. As he walked right by my table I almost unconsciously turned towards him. Like he had some magnetic pull over me. My muscle automatically moving towards him as soon as he is close enough. Our eyes met and I swear my heart stopped.

Holy shit the intensity. It was like the world had stopped spinning. His gaze pierced right through me like he was physically keeping me rooted to my spot. The scowl on his face getting more and more pronounced as his stare pinned me motionless to my seat. The expression on his face completely unreadable and yet it sent a shiver down my spine like he was ready to eat me alive.


I mean I know the man disliked me, and might even have a justifiable reason for doing so, but I didn't think he hated me to this extent. I still have the hair standing on its ends on my arm while the entire night I kept imagining him walk past me in slow motion like he did in the cafeteria. His squinting eyes peering right into my soul while his evil mind kept running through different scenarios revolving around how he would thoroughly eviscerate me. I even shivered involuntarily while laying awake on my bed, thinking back to Turtle's offer.

I might perhaps be a teensy bit guilty of not having given Turtle the entirety of the truth. Just a small little case of a white-lie. Or rather lie by omission. Well, it was definitely true that P'Arthit had done a complete about turn as soon as he discovered I was gay. It was everything that followed that made it a fucked up mish mash of wounded egos, angry fights, and eventually leading to our string of ridiculously childish never ending pranks.

Which brings me to me current, very perplexing dilemma. I am not really sure I want to unload our entire backstory to Turtle just yet. What with him being a total, complete stranger even though I have come to really like chatting with him. And more importantly I have come to really like chatting with him. What if when I tell him everything and he turns out to be exactly like P'Arthit and ends up hating me too. I don't want to screw my very budding relationship just yet right?

And then there was obviously the very lucrative offer of using Turtule's devilish ideas to get back at P'Arthit before our temporary truce ends. But the god honest truth was I didn't really want to fight with P'Arthit anymore. I simply wanted to....I wanted to just...I don't even know what I wanted.

Maybe what I was doing was nothing more than throwing a childish tantrum. Perhaps I would rather he pay me some attention even if it was just because of our stupid games rather than ignore me completely. And perhaps I just wanted one last impression that I could leave on him before I would leave his life, and eventually his consciousness forever.

So with a thoroughly confused mind, and a rather restless night I walked up in a super lethargic manner to the library. I had nearly almost given up studying Economics for the time being. With my exams coming up soon there was only so much information my brain could hold at a time. Which pretty much means the sole reason I make this early morning trek is to read Turtle's messages. And ofcourse to unload my befuddled mind. Thankfully, the man is downright hilarious.

"I am a fucking moron.

The biggest idiot on the face of this planet.

Even ogres have more grey matter than me.

Apparently I am not the bad ass ninja turtle I claimed to be.

Also turns out you happened to be correct.

Cause holy fuck I am idiot.

Simba, you were right.

He doesn't just annoy me, he irritates the living daylights out of me.

And that's because I think I...



Arghhh....I can't even get myself to write it.

I think I love him.

There I said it.

I love him.

Holy fuck I love him.

How the hell did I not realize it until now?

I kept fighting with him, and arguing, and pushing all his buttons like a snot filled 5 year old trying to get close to his crush.

And now he fully, completely, unquestioningly hates me.

Hate isn't even a strong enough word.

He despises me. He abhors me.

What the hell do I do now?

I am assuming marching upto him and telling him, 'Oops! Sorry I behaved like a jerk. I love you now so we are all good' isn't going to cut it right?

How do I even begin to start winning him over?


Ok, enough of my tantrum.

Have you decided if you want to exact some sweet, sweet revenge on your senior yet?

Don't keep second guessing now.

Our evil syndicate needs a victim remember?

And your douchebag senior seems like the perfect target."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud at his antics, shaking my head as I mused to myself. How can someone not realize they are in love with a person they spend their entire life obsessing over? It's so freaking obvious.

I reread his note a few more times trying to formulate my own response, and I felt a tiny little pinch in my heart. Whoever Turtle's man was, he sure was a lucky guy. I wonder what it feels like to have someone so crazy about you. But as soon as that thought entered my brain I shook it off. No point getting all sappy about it. Right now we have some big things to get done. Although I did promise myself one thing. As soon as I transfer into Economics I am very seriously going to start looking into dating again.

Finishing my note I stood up. My fingers lingering on the words imprinted on the leather diary we had swapped out for the random sheets of paper sometime last week. I took a deep breath and shut the book. Sealing my decision firmly with the last few lines.



So it's decided then.

I will help you win over your man.

And you will help me exact revenge on mine."

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