Letters to my beloved [Comple...

By benasdasdorvien

182K 18K 2.8K

Arch enemies or secret confidants? ***All regular credits*** More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Too many thoughts!
Chapter 29
Flashback 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
The End

Chapter 4

4.6K 472 60
By benasdasdorvien

Arthit's POV


The weird cheeky grin on his face was immediately wiped off as soon as he caught my eye upon entering the cafeteria. I don't know why it annoyed me to this extent watching him smile when he should be sweating buckets about how much torture I had still planned for him. He squinted his eyes and began walking over, and I could literally see the gears in his head turning. But before he throttled too far ahead we were going to put a hard break on that train of thought.


"Why so grumpy? Didn't sleep too well? You should get proper rest you know. Wouldn't want to scare away all your women with those ghastly dark circles."

"Awww, P'. I didn't know you were so worried about me. Don't worry though. I slept like a baby."

"Waking up every hour crying for your mommy?"

"But the only name I want to be crying out in the middle of the night is yours P'."

"Me? Living in your head rent free am I?"

"Of course P', although why limit it to my head. You are welcome to any part of my body you desire."

I snorted at his smug face. That cheeky fucker always found a way to finagle his way out of a tricky conversation. He had probably figured out ages ago that his half-teasing, half-flirting come backs could at times catch me off guard, and he had blatantly embraced that tactic. Thankfully, I finally have something to whip him into shape.

"Well, your body is definitely something I am interested in."

Man, these two days have been a gold mine in capturing Kong's surprised expressions. I think I may be getting good at this constant back and forth.

"What...does that mean?"

"And here I thought you were a smart man."

"What are you going to do with the pictures?"

"Nothing, ofcourse."


"Yup. Nothing. I mean why would I want to post them online making sure each and every person you remotely know sees you dressed in that adorable pink towel. Of course I wouldn't do anything so horrible. Not unless I was absolutely forced to."

"Are you blackmailing me?"


Am I proud of the way I am treating my junior? Hell yeah I am. This is not some ordinary kid after all. I need to make sure to keep him on his toes otherwise he is going to very definitely unleash some new devil on me. And trust me when I say very little else has given the pleasure as I was getting while he clenched his jaw and looked at me sternly. It didn't matter if he cared or not about the pictures, they very clearly contained his friends too. And the one thing I can unequivocally claim about Kongpob that he definitely was the ultra-loyal friend kind of a guy. So when he finally spat out his reluctant acceptance to my evil plan, it was almost music to my ears.

"Fine. What do you want in return?"

"What's the rush sweetheart? We have lots of time to figure out what you can do for me. How about we start with a cup of coffee for me and my mates."

Which turned into lunch, and then more coffee, and then dinner. In fact if I didn't have to head out for my job at the library soon, I am pretty sure I could have squeezed out a midnight snack from the man too. I almost feel bad for the poor kid, cause I am just getting started.

So I was in a beyond good mood when I sat on my chair in the library, with more than one person giving me annoyed looks with how loud I was chortling while looking at the pictures of Kong's stunned expression. This would probably qualify as a contender as the best day of my life.

And among all my uncontained glee, somehow it hadn't even hit me that I had been staring at the same picture of Kongpob for a while now. Zooming in to stare at his expressions a little more closely. It was almost even involuntary when I slowly scrolled lower in the image. Silently taking in his physique. It wasn't until I heard myself think about how stupid he was by not wanting to post these pictures online, that his popularity would only spike if all his fan girls got to see his near naked perfectly toned body did I snap back to attention.

What the fuck was that?

Did I just unconsciously ogle at my arch nemesis' abs? Hell no! Not happening.

I physically shook my head to clear the gross thought out of my head and jumped up from the seat. All this obsessing over Kongpob was putting crazy ideas in my head. I briskly walked away from my desk, determined to get my mind off him and onto some more pleasant thoughts.

Speaking of which, automatically a smile crept up on my face when I saw the same Economics book in my cart waiting to be replace on it's shelf. I hurriedly reached out and flipped its pages, wondering if the owner had somehow found their way back to their notes.

And I must admit I was very pleasantly surprised when I found all of them gone but the one sheet containing the doodles, a new note having neatly been added as a response.

Immediately I felt a jolt of excitement run through my spine. Did I just almost start a conversation with a complete stranger? It felt so strange. So unique. So adventurous that some person I had never met, never spoken to, didn't have any idea whatsoever had responded to me in a note in such a bizarre manner. My finger lightly brushed across today's date that he had jotted down before proceeding to read his comment.

"Oh man, that is brilliant.

Super villains are so much cooler.

Why did I not think of that?

See that's what I needed. A genius sidekick.

What do you say?

Want to be the Robin to my Batman?"

My smile had transformed into a full blown grin now as I kept re-reading the brief note. For some reason I found the author of this note quite humorous. I wonder who the person was? I replaced the book back on the shelf, still holding on the paper. Not really sure what I was planning on doing with it. As much as this brief exchange was entertaining, I am really not the type to engage a stranger in note writing. That to notes left in a library book. Whatever this back and forth was, it was fun for a one-time thing, but I guess it was time to throw out the piece of paper.

So then someone please explain to me why I power walked back to the library barely 5 minutes after I had left to put my reply back into the book. Now I got to figure out if I am more excited about making Kongpob run around at my beck and call tomorrow or to see if this stranger responds once again.

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