Water and Iron {Book 2 of The...

Par BambooGreen

46.8K 2K 292

A new dragon slayer in the guild and the slayers reunited with their dragons, if only briefly. As things begi... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

2.9K 109 21
Par BambooGreen

{Last chapter was a complete train wreck. Gomen, gomen, a million times, gomen.}

Levy P.O.V

The entire guild spent the whole day trying to salvage things from the guild and began cleaning up. " Don't worry Levy-chan, we can replace them." Lucy tried to console me as I sat huddled in the remnants of my room. Out of the hundreds of books I had, only a had full of them were still in one piece. I sniffed as I stared at the tattered pages littering the ground around me. A large hand ruffled my hair and I turned my teary eyes up to my mate. " I know how you feel about books, but they are just paper. Easy to replace." I pouted and wanted to shout at him but I took a deep breath to calm myself.

Once I was done brooding I finished grabbing the clothes that were mostly undamaged, and as the sun set, we all headed for the guild. Living arrangements were being made for everyone, Wendy and Juvia would stay with Lucy, Laki and Kinana would stay with the Strauss' and Evergreen would be rooming with Freed. Theo and I, of course, would be temporarily moving in with Gajeel. We all in silence at the guild, thinking about the near miss that could have taken half of us out. I pushed away my half eaten food and laid my head on the table before closing my eyes. A soft paw pat my cheek and I peeked up at my orange exceed. The blue head band he always wore was dirty and tattered, and his staff was missing. I smiled a little at him before reaching up and scratching his ears.

He smiled before curling up by my head and nuzzling into my neck. " Sap." Gajeel huffed from beside me. " Your just jealous." Theo snorted and I felt my face heat up a little. " Perverts, the both of you."I said, sitting up as they chuckled. " Hey Levy,"Mira said as she walked up to us, a paper in her hand. " Hey Mira, what's up?" I asked as I shoved a snorting Gajeel of the bench. She giggled before waving the paper. " This came in while the dorm was being cleaned up. Freed has another job so i figured it would be the perfect job for you. Get your mind of things and what not."

I took the flyer and read it over. "Rail workers kidnapped, complex rune spell keeping them trapped in tunnel. Hmm it doesn't say who took them." I said with a frown. "It just sounds like a set up." Gajeel huffed as he pulled himself back onto the bench. " Well why don't you take a small group then? I'm sure Natsu, Lucy and Wendy would like to go." Mira said with a sweet smile. I nodded "Better safe than sorry with all the hell going on." I said.

I got up and went to said group, plus Juvia, and offered the job. " Juvia will stay here in case she is needed. We can not have everyone leaving with the dragons about." Juvia said and I smirked a little. " Levy thinks Juvia wants to welcome Gray-sama home."I said with a smirk. This caused the rain woman to turn a deep red that could put Erzas hair to shame and caused the rest of us to laugh. " Would you mind keeping an eye on my apartment then?" Lucy asked, offering her spare key. Juvia nodded and pocked the key. "Alright, then we will all met at the train station at 7 sharp. Don't be late."I said, pointing at Natsu. He gave me a hurt look but zi waved it off.

I went to get Gajeel as he started to doze off at the table with the two exceeds. I poked his forehead,  making him snort awake. " Let's go and get some sleep."He grumbled a little before standing, picking up his sleeping black exceed. I lifted Theo gently before following behind Gajeel. We had taken all my stuff to his house already, so when we go there I went straight to my bag, pulling out my pjs. Once I was dressed and came out of the bathroom, Gajeel was already curled up in bed, wearing nothing but some sleep shorts.

I blushed brightly, averting my eyes. I had seen him shirtless before, but somehow it was different from fighting. "Com on shrimp, I'm tired." He grumbled, opening his arms for me. I had only slept beside him once, the time I had fallen asleep on his shoulder. I was still a bit embarrassed,  but damn it he was my mate! Telling myself that, I climbed into the sheets beside him and curled into his chest, smiling happily.

I woke to a very annoying alarm and ground quietly. Not a morning person. I tried to sit up, but vice like arms kept me snuggly in place and I smiled lightly. I gently poked his face repeatedly until he groaned and peeked open a crimson eye at me. "What?" He growled. " We gotta go." Again he groaned, and I squeeked as he rolled over, taking me with him. " Gajeel come on!" He sighed but finally released me and I got to my feet. I dug in my bag before going to get dressed. Simple army green shorts, a teal tank top and a white headband. I was pulling on my tennis shoes when Gajeel finally made his way out of the bedroom, fully dressed.

I fetched Lily and Theo, handing Theo a new headband for him to wear. Finally set, we set out for the train station. I were five minutes early, and as 7 rolled around I started to get worried. I didn't need to though as the three plus exceed came running up. " Damn it Natsu," Lucy huffed as she tried to catch her breath. I rolled my eyes and headed for the train. I grinned inwardly, happy I had got some of Droys medicean this time, and took it before anyone saw. I wanted to have some fun with them.

" Do you want me to cast Troia on you?"Wendy asked us as we sat, the boys already looking green. " Please..."Natsu whined. " I'm fine Wendy." I said with a smile while I sat across from Gajeel, using his knees as a foot rest. He frowned slightly. "Dont need it."He grumbled, though he nearly hurled on me as the train lurched forward. He looked at me bewildered when I simply smiled at him and took out a pad and pen to write. " I thought you get motion sick too." He mumbled and I giggled. " I do." He frowned but had to lean against the window as we turned.

I giggled. " My secret. Just let Wendy help you." He shook.his head and I rolled my eyes. I began writing down the list of all the books that need to replaced from my dorm. When we arrived I had barely put a dent in it. I put my things in my bag and waiting for Gajeel to drag his sorry butt off the train. We waited, Natsu poking fun while he could at the iron dragon before a pillar was shot in to his face. We headed towards the tunnel where the workers were supposedly trapped,  I broke into a sprint as I heard their cries for help. I pulled out my pen as i reached the tunnel and began going through every code and rune I knew to break it. It was super complex, sometimes when one piece unlocked it locked two more and it only made me frustrated. The two bickering dragons behind me didn't help.

I growled in frustration before turning and weaving my pen through the air. Two small words, mute, slapped onto their mouths, effectively ending their arguing and earning laughs from the girls. I huffed and went back to the surprisingly difficult rune. The sun had began to set when I finally broke through, I used up more magic than I thought, as I stood and nearly fell over. A large hand caught me and I looked up, the mute still in place over Gajeels mouth. I smiled sheepishly and tapped it with my pen, dispelling it. " You alright shrimp?" I nodded. " Let's just get these guys out and go home."Muffled yelling turned my attention to the also still muted Natsu. I giggled and tapped the word, jumping as he shouted his freedom.

I rolled my eyes before setting off into the cave. The shouting for help picked up again as we walked through the dark cave, the only light was Natsus raised fist. I frowned as we walked deeper, but didn't seem to be getting closer. " Iv got a bad feeling." We all managed to say in unison. I snorted in laughter, almost missing a familiar feel as I walked. I gasped lightly and turned, right as the other ran into the rune I had activated. "The hell?!" Gajeel shouted as he pounded on the wall separating them from me. I pulled out my pen,"Relax, this one's easy." I said as I stepped closer.

" Levy-chan,  behind you!" I turned as Lucy shouted and had to roll away from a dark blade slicing through the shadows. I quickly wrote the word light and tossed it down the dark tunnel. Between it and Natsus fist it was relitivly well lit, and I could see the dark haired man with bottomless black eyes staring at me. I growled at the void dragon as i tossed my light pen to Lucy, thankful that it passed through the rune. " Just like I showed you Lu." She nodded and started working on the rune while I turned my attention back to the dragon, water working it's way down my arms.

He lunged at me and I lashed with my water whips, trying to keep him at a distance. I gasped as his blade cut through my water and black void started seeping into it. I quickly dropped the water before having to dodge another slash. As i dove, his knee came up and the air left my lungs as it made contact with my stomach. I was already low on magic from that damn rune he put up at the entrance. I should have known it was a trap, hindsight is 20/20 they say, and it was practically screaming me. I rolled into the cave wall from the force of the blow and struggled to sit up. I gasped as he lunged to run me through, there was no time to move, and he would only poison my water body. It was a pathetic attempt but I crossed my arms in front of my face, cringing as I waited for the blow with my eyes closed.

But it didn't come.

Instead I heard the slight screech of metal, something wet splattering on my arms and face lightly, followed lastly by a slight tinkling of metal. I peeked up and my eyes widened at the large long haired frame, a bloodied blade sticking out of his back.  Metal scales littered the ground below him, and he barely stayed on his feet. Lucy had broken the rune, and he saved me yet again " G-Gajeel..." I whispered, reaching a hand out to him. If my eyes could get any wider they would have, the wetness I had felt was covering my hand, his blood. I felt sick as I looked at it, and I could feel it on my face. The void dragon smirked, ripping his sword from Gajeel and he almost immediately collapsed backwards, and I had to stumble to catch him.

" GAJEEL!!!"

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